The strongest soldier

Chapter 1140 Enemy poisoning

After grasping the conspiracy of the Japanese country, the hospital's security quickly improved to a higher level. Shadow took full responsibility, a lot of cameras were added, and changes were made in manpower deployment. Of course, Luo Zheng didn't have to worry about these. After the interrogation incident, Luo Zheng Staying in the ward with Lan Xue to recuperate, he no longer has the mood to continue wandering around.

In the afternoon, Lan Xue's father came over, bringing two big bags of fruit, along with Blue Star and Red Plum Blossom. Lan Xue's father, Lan Bo, knew that it was not appropriate for him to stay, so he was relieved to see that Lan Xue was fine. He told Lanxing to take care of his sister, sat there for a while and then left.

As soon as Lan Bo left, Hong Meihua quickly called Guishou and Shandiao, closed the door and said: "The superiors are very satisfied with our mission. In other words, the first mission since the establishment of our squadron has been successfully completed. This is a good thing, but the price is a bit high, how do you feel?"

"This is good news." Luo Zheng said with a smile. With the above conclusion, this mission is over. Everyone's efforts have not been in vain. He did a chest expansion exercise, took a deep breath and said: "It's not bad. Doctor Wu specially asked us to lie down for a month. It is estimated that our bones will be rusty after a month. Is everything okay at home?"

"The family is fine. Everyone else has recovered from their injuries and returned to the team. They will start recovery training in three days. There is a snow leopard watching over the family. Don't worry." Hong Meihua replied, looking at Luo Zheng with a more worried look, and continued He said: "I have heard about the situation. Those Japanese pirates are not finished yet. What are your plans? If it doesn't work out, just go to the base. The base can also recuperate."

"Not yet, but the soldiers will cover up the water and the earth. The safety here will be taken care of by the shadows. Nothing will happen. Don't worry. I just wanted to settle a score with the Japanese pirates, but they took the initiative to come to the door. Leave at this time? That's not mine. Style." Luo Zheng said calmly, but with a sharp fighting spirit.

Everyone knows Luo Zheng's character. He would rather give in than give in. He didn't try to persuade him any more, and thought about how to help. As a comrade in the squadron, he would face any difficulty at any time without hesitation. No need to say anything more, Shan Diao. Seeing that everyone was silent, he suggested: "How about I bring in the team members?"

"Your team is mainly composed of snipers and is good at attack and positional warfare. My team is mainly composed of Zhongnanhai guards. They are good at defense. In my opinion, it is better to transfer my team. Besides, your team has just returned from meritorious service. You're all full, you have to leave some chance for me, right?" Guishou said quickly.

"Okay, then let the people from the Ghost Hand Team come over and be careful to hide their identity." Luo Zheng saw that the mountain eagle still wanted to argue, so he opened his mouth and said. When the mountain eagle heard this, he didn't say much, so Luo Zheng continued: "This time I'm afraid the scene won't be small. Let Snow Leopard also bring people over. There are two teams, twenty people, and there are still a few opponents. However, there are people with shadows on the surface, and our people are hiding in the dark. It's not a big problem. Let's turn around. Let me know so that the people in the shadows don’t misunderstand.”

"I'll coordinate this matter. You two have a good rest. It's rare for you to have some quiet time, so don't worry so much. I will stay and take charge of the work personally. I will be more familiar with this kind of espionage affairs. Blue Star will also stay. Come down and help." Hong Meihua said.

"Yes." Blue Star agreed.

Luo Zheng didn't stop him, and Hong Meihua also showed his kindness. After everyone chatted for a while, someone knocked on the door, and Shandiao opened the door. He found that it was a cleaner, so he let the door open. The other person came in and changed the garbage bag. He quickly saw the bottled water. When it was over, I changed things and left after seeing that there was nothing.

Lanxing went up to pour the water and asked, "Who do you want?"

"Don't worry, bring me a glass of water and let me take a look. Don't drink it yet." Luo Zheng said.

"What's wrong?" Lan Xing poured a glass of water over, handed it to Luo Zheng, and asked in surprise.

"Nothing, be careful." Luo Zheng took the water cup and took out a silver knife from his belt. The knife was very small, glowing with silver light, translucent, and very exquisite. It was the same hidden mountain village back then. Xiaolang's father gave it to him before he left, and he has always carried it with him.

Silver is relatively soft, but this silver knife is made of unknown substances and is very hard. It can cut meat and eat it, but it is not very handy as a weapon. Luo Zheng prefers the tiger fang saber, but this silver knife will also be carried with him. Carrying it, Luo Zheng put the silver knife in the water glass and said: "For safety reasons, all our food during this period will be tested with this knife before use."

"It's better to be careful. Does this knife work?" Hong Meihua looked at the silver knife in Luo Zheng's hand in surprise. Suddenly, she found that the translucent knife gradually changed color. She couldn't help being shocked. She immediately reacted and looked at Luo Zheng with a serious expression. Zheng.

"No, hurry up, catch that person just now." Luo Zheng also noticed something was wrong. He had never changed color when trying food in the past. This time he tried it out of caution, but he didn't expect that there was something wrong. He turned pale. Change.

Guishou and Shandiao rushed out. Luo Zheng and Lan Xue exchanged glances and pondered. The person who just cleaned the house had met more than once and was considered an acquaintance. Moreover, when he was cleaning just now, the other person acted very calmly. There is no forgeries or flaws at all.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng couldn't help but look at Hong Meihua. Even with Hong Meihua's ability, he couldn't find any flaw. There were only two explanations for the man just now. One was that the other party was smart when being fooled by Red Plum Blossom, and the other was that the other party didn't know about it at all and was being fooled. Luo Zheng was more willing to believe the latter, otherwise the other party would have been too terrifying. He had lurked for several days before taking action, and he was so discreet that he made the move in front of so many people.

Hong Meihua's face was very ugly. Just now she boasted that her espionage ability was better than everyone else's, but she didn't expect that the enemy would do something right under her nose. This made Hong Meihua very embarrassed and angry. She couldn't help clenching her fists and said coldly: "Blue Star, immediately After checking all the surveillance cameras and checking the identity of the other party, I'll go find Shadow." He said and rushed out.

"Our Sister Hua is really angry." Lan Xue smiled and looked at Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng knowingly handed the knife to Lan Xue. Lan Xue took it and said with a sigh: "One drink and one peck will determine the outcome. When you promised to take the little wolf out of the mountain, you received a gift from the little wolf's father. Now this gift saves the life of the little wolf." He saved everyone's life, so good deeds are rewarded with good deeds."

"This knife of yours is so magical. I'll go back to Xiaolang and see if I can get another one." Lan Xing looked at the silver knife with lingering fear and said. If it weren't for this knife, he would have drank the water in one gulp. Life is lost.

"By the way, how is Little Wolf?" Luo Zheng asked.

"That boy is in the limelight now and is very proud of himself. The instructors are vying to pass on their special skills to him. It is estimated that in less than two years he will be the second one. There is also the tiger girl. The two are natural enemies and fight every day. How can the little wolf beat the tiger girl? He was bullied badly." When Lanxing mentioned this, he couldn't help but laugh.

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