The strongest soldier

Chapter 102 Ambush the enemy soldiers

"No, do you think that since they already know our existence and have sent troops to hunt us down, they will give up if they don't find us? Instead of us making trouble for them, we might as well wait for them to chase us and take advantage of the opportunity to strike. In this way, Hurry and kill the enemy at the same time." Luo Zheng explained, his calm eyes dancing with the light of wisdom.

"That makes sense, but don't forget one thing. The number of enemies killed accounts for half of the score. If we follow this idea, the other participating teams will have a great time fighting the enemy. If we run away, we can break through the enemy's attack very quickly. Encirclement, when the time comes the enemy won't even bother chasing us, and if we don't kill enough enemies, we will definitely lose." The scholar reminded calmly, while looking at Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng thought for a while and said nothing more. These are two different fighting concepts. It is impossible to determine which one is good and which one is bad. It is meaningless to discuss right and wrong at this time. On the contrary, it will affect unity. Seeing Luo Zheng remain silent, the scholar also Not wanting to say anything else, he looked at the others. After thinking about it, they couldn't make a choice. The scholar knew that it was not easy to give strong orders before he had absolute authority, so he suggested: "Stay and see the situation first before making a decision. It won't take more than one day." how?"

"Okay." Before being able to determine which method was more appropriate, the discipline of the soldiers made everyone choose to obey, and they all agreed, while looking at Luo Zheng secretly. After all, they were a temporary team, and they were not very familiar with or convinced of each other. Seeing that Luo Zheng didn't object. Everyone smiled kindly and looked up to Luo Zheng.

"Thank you everyone for your trust, let's do this." The scholar motioned for everyone to gather together, and then he lay on the ground and said, "The enemy will definitely be on their way after eating, and there will be people to scout and intercept their rear. Let's pinch their heads and tails, and get some How about we go to the highest hillside in front of us after we have weapons and ammunition?"

Everyone turned around and looked over. There was a relatively high hillside about three kilometers to the east, with an altitude of nearly 100 meters. Everyone thought for a while and nodded one after another. The scholar waited for everyone to agree and continued: "In this way, the four of you will go in one direction. , is responsible for pinching the head. No matter where the enemies go, they will always encounter one. I will stay behind and follow them to cut off the tail. Everyone, please be careful."

"Yes." Everyone agreed in a low voice and each chose a direction. Luo Zheng was responsible for the direction he came from. He said hello to the scholar and hurriedly retreated. He chose a place to ambush near a canyon where the enemy might pass by. Without any disguise, Luo Zheng Zheng curled up into a ball and lay down in a depression, with only his head exposed and occasionally observing the direction of the canyon to ensure that he could grasp the enemy's whereabouts in time.

After waiting for a while, Luo Zheng found that the enemy was actually walking along the canyon. He was shocked. Is this group really coming? What are they going to do? Why not block the main thoroughfare and wait for work? A series of questions came to me. I saw two people exploring the road ahead vigilantly, getting closer and closer to me. I estimated that the search route of these two people would pass about two hundred meters in front of me, which was not conducive to a sneak attack. I had to move These two people were attracted.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng carefully observed the surrounding terrain again. The place where he was ambushing was slightly raised, like a convex platform. It was not easy for people on the mountainside and canyon to see. After waiting for a while, Luo Zheng saw that the two investigators were no closer than him. After about three hundred meters, he picked up a stone and threw it forward.

The stone made a slight rolling sound after it fell to the ground. The two searchers fell down as if they were facing a formidable enemy. After observing carefully for a while, after finding nothing, one stood up, hunched over, and searched vigilantly while the other continued to lie on the ground on guard. , the muzzle of the gun is aimed, and the finger is on the trigger, ready to fire.

Luo Zheng could see that these two men were very experienced in combat and had strong adaptability. They were not easy to deal with, but he didn't take it to heart yet. Under the inducement of the sound of stones, the enemy invisibly changed the search route and headed up the mountain. After walking a little longer, they followed the ridge and were about to approach. Luo Zheng lay down tightly in the depression and listened carefully to the footsteps of the enemy. In this quiet wilderness, the footsteps were very clear.

After waiting for a while, the enemy came to the ridge above the depression. Luo Zheng suddenly jumped out, grabbed the opponent's ankle bone, and then pulled the opponent down. His fist struck like lightning and hit the opponent's Adam's apple directly. The Adam's apple was shattered, and the enemy was overwhelmed and died on the spot.

Luo Zheng knew that this location was a blind spot, and the ambush enemy couldn't see it at all, but he quickly checked and found a gun, two magazines, and some scattered banknotes. Other than that, there was nothing else. Not giving up, Luo Zheng looked through the opponent's belt and found a short knife, no more than seven inches long. It was full of grease and should have been used to cut meat.

The Dong Yi Yun members like to eat meat, and they don’t like to use chopsticks. They cut it directly with a knife and eat it with their hands. Almost everyone has a knife. Luo Zheng took out the knife and looked at it. The quality was pretty good, and he sharpened it. It was said that the ancestors of the East Turkestan rebels were nomads and were good at making knives, cutting iron as well as clay. Luo Zheng saw that the knife in his hand really looked like that. He put it away with satisfaction and checked the weapon. He slowly Looking slowly, he found that the enemy was hiding behind a hillside and yelling something that he couldn't understand. After a while, the enemy quickly retreated, apparently discovering something.

"Quite alert." Luo Zheng couldn't help but look up again, loaded the bullet, looked at the terrain on the left and right, and quickly ran south. The terrain in the south was relatively complicated. He could go back to the east to join everyone. Thinking that the enemy was there Perhaps after catching up, Luo Zheng ran very fast, running about five hundred meters in one breath, and hid behind a hidden hillside. He slowly looked around and saw a large number of armed men in the original place.

Luo Zheng quickly lowered his head, waited for a while, and slowly looked around again. He found that the armed men were in small groups, scattered and searching. Luo Zheng looked around, not daring to stop, and ran quickly along the mountainside on the back, and then he was in charge. The terrain advanced rapidly, widening the distance from the enemy.

With a gun in hand, Luo Zheng's self-confidence greatly increased. He suddenly heard a burst of intensive gunshots. He couldn't help being shocked. He quickly climbed up a hillside and suddenly found a large number of armed men rushing back. Gunfire came from behind the armed men. , Luo Zheng was shocked, had the scholar been discovered?

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw a familiar figure running quickly, with a classic bullet avoidance step that always deflects bullets behind him. It was the scholar. Luo Zheng was shocked and thought to himself: "We must do something to resolve the crisis."

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