The strongest soldier

Chapter 101 The enemy suddenly appears

In the morning, when the first ray of sunlight tore through the darkness and fell on the earth, the wasteland that had been silent all night became lively, majestic, refreshing, and the morning glow spread across the sky. Luo Zheng, who had been hiding in the woods for a rest all night, looked up at the sky. In the distance, there is a vast expanse of mountains with no human habitation. The rolling hills are bare, with only a few valleys growing some trees, which are not very tall. However, this quiet and peaceful wilderness of mountains makes Luo Zheng It gave rise to an inexplicable uneasiness.

"Let's go and try to get some food along the way. Farmer, you'll do the scouting from the front. Gardener, you're familiar with plants. Look for anything edible. The monk and I will be responsible for finding animals to satisfy our hunger. Luo Zheng, you'll be responsible for the rear. , stay ten meters away from each other, do you have any questions?" The scholar said calmly, as a captain, he must be responsible for the next action plan and tactical goals.

"No." Everyone agreed in a low voice. This arrangement was reasonable and everyone took action.

Luo Zheng waited for everyone to leave before following him, keeping a certain distance and observing the surroundings vigilantly to see if he could find a place to hide and see if there was a tail behind him. He also needed to cover up the traces of everyone passing by as much as possible to avoid Discovered and pursued by the enemy.

After walking for about an hour, Luo Zheng saw the monk suddenly move, as fast as a speeding car, and with one leap he caught a fleeing rabbit. It looked quite fat. Luo Zheng was not interested in rabbits. What interests me is the monk's speed. When I saw the monk take action for the first time, I found that I still underestimated this guy's strength. I couldn't help but laugh. It's a good thing that my comrades are very strong. They have more confidence in survival.

After walking for a while, a small river appeared in front of them. Everyone found a sheltered and leeward place to stop and rest. They got some dry firewood, burned a bonfire by drilling wood, and set the rabbit on the fire to barbecue. It was not cooked yet, and suddenly a burst of fierce gunshots was faintly heard. Everyone was startled and exchanged looks with each other.

"Farmer, please accompany me to take a look, while the others stay where they are." The scholar said calmly.

"I'll go too." Luo Zheng requested.

"That's fine." The scholar thought for a moment and agreed.

The three people left quickly and rushed in the direction of the gunfire. They climbed up a hillside and slowly looked out. In front of them was a village with about twenty households. A dozen armed men were driving the villagers out of their rooms. , if he was slightly dissatisfied, he would shoot directly. The distance was too far and he could not see clearly.

After waiting for a while, all the villagers were driven out. The group of militants began to lecture. Someone came out from the villager's room with something. The villagers were agitated. The militants shot at the villagers' feet. The villagers became quiet. The militants brought things with them. Walk away.

"Looks like a robbery," the farmer whispered.

Luo Zheng looked like him, glanced at the scholar, and was about to ask the scholar what he thought, when he heard the scholar say: "These bastards, there are only a dozen of them, let's go to them, kill them, and get some weapons and equipment. "

"Yes, but I suggest you let them go further away before taking action. This group of armed men is brazenly robbing. They are definitely not just bandits. They might be people from the East Turkestan Islamic Movement. Once they know that one of their own is dead, they will definitely Come and investigate, if we do anything here, we will harm those villagers." Luo Zheng reminded him calmly.

The scholar glanced at Luo Zheng, thought for a while, did not object, turned to the farmer and said, "Follow you, we will be there shortly. Be careful not to expose yourself."

"Understood." The farmer nodded, glanced at Luo Zheng strangely, said nothing, hunched over and quickly walked up to the other side, and ran far away in the blink of an eye.

"Let's go back first." The scholar said to Luo Zheng, exited the bunker and returned as before. Luo Zheng took a look at the village and quickly followed.

After everyone gathered together, the scholar briefly explained what he had discovered. The rabbit meat had been roasted. The gardener divided the rabbit into five parts in twos and twos. Everyone was not polite and took them over to eat. While eating, they walked towards the village. On the way, The scholar was pondering something, and after a while he suddenly said: "When we came here, the captain reminded us that the competition organizing committee had informed the people of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement through other channels. It seems that those militants have They may be looking for us and take the opportunity to rob us, so we can’t let these guys go.”

"I think it's okay. Didn't the captain say that our mission is to kill, seize medals, and return quickly? These are the guys we're going to kill. Of course we can't avoid them if we encounter them. Otherwise, what's the point of competing? I remember the captain said that. , the number of people killed determines the score of the game." The gardener agreed.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let the Sa family save them." The monk said nonchalantly.

The scholar glanced at the silent Luo Zheng, thought for a while, and said, "Go around the village and quickly meet the farmers."

Everyone agreed, speeded up the march, and met the farmer on a hillside. The farmer pointed to the bottom of the hillside. Everyone carefully looked around and saw, good guys, there were nearly a hundred armed men gathered in the open space below the hillside. They were cooking and eating, and the people were scattered. There seems to be no order in the surroundings. If you look closely, it is not difficult to find that these people are guarding four directions respectively, with a certain distance from each other. The number of people in each direction is basically the same, which is conducive to defending against enemy attacks from four directions. And the firepower is the same in every direction.

Luo Zheng saw several leaders who looked like they were gathering together to discuss something. They were wearing white headscarves and big beards, holding AK47 assault rifles in their hands. There was a blanket in the middle with some food on it, not far away. Here, several packhorses were snoring and scratching the ground. They couldn't help but be surprised. Why are there so many people here? What are they discussing? Has it been discovered?

"There are so many people. Fortunately, we didn't take action just now. Once the fire breaks out, we will be in big trouble." The monk looked at the militants in front of him with a solemn face and said: "These people are obviously prepared. They have a wide field of vision around them. Once exposed, they will We are facing endless pursuit, but it is not appropriate to go around. Our mission is them. In my opinion, we can simply spread out and hide, look for opportunities to strike, and we can always wait until we are alone."

"I think it's okay. The top priority is to get some weapons as soon as possible." The farmer agreed.

"I'm afraid it's hard to find someone who is alone. Since they are prepared, for example, they also know our combat effectiveness. Otherwise, so many people wouldn't gather together. At most, they would separate when they are grabbing food, just like what we saw just now. , but the opportunity has been missed. If we want to get another opportunity, we can only wait until noon. How about we wait here until noon? Even if we wait until noon, who can guarantee that we will definitely find the opportunity?" Luo Zheng suddenly said.

"In your opinion, let's forget about this task and go back directly?" the monk asked in surprise.

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