The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4160: Powerful Fei Hepeng

Chapter 4160 Powerful Fei Hepeng

Dongyang Jie and others have all rushed out of the sandstorm.

They turned back and stared at the sandstorm.

Zheng Haitao's face is a bit ugly.

He just met Xu Feng and was ready to wait for Xu Feng to detoxify him?

Now, Xu Feng is swallowed up by sandstorms.

Do you really have to be controlled by people for a lifetime, and you have to live with your knees?

"Jie Ge, what should I do?"

Seeing that Xu Feng was swallowed up by the sandstorm, people who were next to Dongyang Jie couldn’t help but speak.

They are all very clear that the dust storm is too horrible, and Xu Feng is caught in it, fearing that it is fierce.

"What can we do? Our strength can't enter the people to save people. We can only pray. Xu brother can make people come out and live."

Dong Yang Jie said such a discourse, even he did not believe it.

It is really a dust storm that is gradually gone, and the power is too horrible.


Originally, Dongyang Jie and others have already felt that Xu Feng will die. ,

Not far from the void, bursts of cracks tear open.

Xu Feng with a small leopard suddenly appeared.


Xu Feng put the little leopard on the ground. The little guy went from the head to the half body. The fur was traces of blood. He was dying, his eyes were bloody, and he screamed at Xu Feng.

Xu Feng reached out and gently touched the head of the little leopard to appease the emotions of the other party.

"Nothing, rest assured, there is me, you will not have anything." Although the time to get along with the little leopard is not long, but the feelings of the beast is really simple, not like people will be three.

Since the beginning of Xu Feng, the little leopard has almost always been inseparable, taking Xu Feng as his closest person.

It can be said that for Xu Feng, even if the little leopard is going to die, he will not wrinkle.

The snoring of the little leopard disappeared.

Xu Feng took out five medicinal herbs from the storage ring, which are the sixth-order best of the Holy Spirit Dan, which has a great effect on the recovery of the wound.

The medicinal herbs were sent into the mouth of the little leopard, and the medicinal herbs were transformed into pure medicinal forces, and the fur of the small leopards began to be repaired.

Both Dongyang Jie and Zheng Haitao are wide-eyed and stunned.

The breath they just felt is the space.

They stared at Xu Feng like this, unable to return to God.

Is this Xu Feng really a human?

This is too abnormal, right?

They thought that Xu Feng was aware of the killing of the righteousness, the gravity of the righteousness, the knife of the righteousness, has been very horrible, and now Xu Feng actually has a fourth kind of ambiguity, but also the entire spiritual **** continent, the most terrible of the righteousness, space and meaning.

"What are you doing with me?"

Xu Feng stood up and looked at Dongyang Jie and Zheng Haitao.


Zheng Haitao and Dong Yang Jie, at the same time swearing.

Xu Feng heard the words and rolled his eyes.

Taking care of the little leopard, Xu Feng looked at Zheng Haitao and said: "I will give you the toxins of the body!"

Since the last time in Heluo City, Xu Feng used poison, and killed Chen Xianlong’s army and the waves.

Xu Feng deeply knows that the horror of toxins is just around the corner, refining a lot of detoxification.

In case you are being poisoned by yourself.

Now, take out two refining detoxifications and hand them to Zheng Haitao.

"Thank you, Master Xu."

Zheng Haitao knows that Xu Feng’s strength far exceeds that of his own, so he calls the other brother.

Xu Feng did not think that the name of the brothers, what is wrong, look indifferent, began to check the toxins of Zheng Haitao's body, and it is exactly the same as the toxins in the poems.

Xu Feng lightly cooked the road and began to remove the toxins from Zheng Haitao.


Not long after, Zheng Haitao's dark blood was filled with a pungent smell and spewed out of his mouth.

"You will quickly take my detoxification and give up the residual toxins."

Zheng Haitao is really admiring Xu Feng’s five-body cast, the martial arts talent is terrifying, and he knows how to detoxify. It is simply amazing.

"Thank you, Master Xu."

Zheng Haitao swallowed the detoxification, sitting cross-legged and began to resolve the body's toxins.

The small half hour passed.

The little leopard is not the same as the monster, the injury on the body, the recovery is almost the same. After the escape, plus Xu Feng's remedy, the little leopard's breath, but also improved a lot.


The little leopard came to Xu Feng's front, and the relatives used their heads and licked Xu Feng's arm.

Xu Feng knows that this little guy is thankful for his life-saving grace, smiled and patted his head: "We are partners, brothers, of course I want to save you..."

I don't know if the little leopard understood it.

The toxins of Zheng Haitao are almost the same.

"We are out of this desert as soon as possible. I feel that the tornado sandstorm just happened, I am afraid that it will come again."

Xu Feng could feel that the yellow sand under his feet was obviously a little swaying, and there was a gust of wind from time to time.


"Lei Dahua, I heard that you are very arrogant, I would like to compete with you." A young man in a light blue dress, pale, with large ears, small eyes, large mouth, looks really a bit strange, looks Oh, but the breath of the body, but not to be underestimated.

Fei Hepeng is one of the pride of the Feihe family. His talent is not as strong as Feiheyu.

However, his cultivation time is several years longer than that of Feiheyu, so his strength and cultivation are stronger than Feiheyu.

What's more, Fei Hepeng's cultivation is the eighth peak of Dan Yuanjing, and he can step into Danyuan's nine weights with only one step.

Li Dahua's face is a little dignified, and his body is flowing with power. He knows that Fei Hepeng's strength is very strong.

"I heard that you bullied the flying cranes. How do you want to tell me what is going on?"

Fei Hepeng’s voice is extremely arrogant. He feels that Lie Dahua is not his own opponent at all. He only has to admit one way to go.

"Do I use it to tell you?"

Lie Dahua's temper is very strong, naturally it is impossible to apologize to Fei Hepeng, the voice is powerful and questionable.

"Since you want to die, I will fulfill you."

Fei Hepeng stepped out in one step, and the repair of the eight-fold peak of Dan Yuanjing was erupted, and the wave of horrible spiritual power permeated him from his body, bringing a wave of terror.

A palm is filled with violent turbulence, spiritual power gathers, and the void makes a squeaky voice. The palm prints are struck toward the martyrdom, and become a shock wave of incomparable horror.

"Good to come!"

Lie Dahua screamed and displayed the Holy Spirit, and attacked Fei Hepeng.

The two spirits collided together and made a loud voice, making the voids tremble.

Immediately afterwards, Lie Dahua suddenly quit, and his blood was rolling, and a blood spilled from the corner of his mouth and his face was dignified.

Although I know that Fei Hepeng's strength is very strong, after all, the other party is almost ten years older than his age.

I did not expect it to be so powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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