The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4159: First wave of crisis

Chapter 4159 First Wave Crisis

Dongyang harsh and other people, also rushed out to the tomb of the infinite monk.

"Xu Big Brother, you are careful to enter the grave, many people are ready to deal with you!"

Dongyang Yunzhi said that she was worried about Xu Feng. She knows that Xu Feng’s strength is very powerful, but there are many people who deal with Xu Feng. It is inevitable that Xu Feng will meet the danger.

"Not much problem."

Xu Feng smiled and was indifferent.

With his current strength, it is hard to climb to heaven by trying to kill him with Dan Yuanjing.


Xu Feng took the little leopard and rushed out toward the place where the tomb was, the huge cracks on the two peaks.


As Xu Feng and the little leopard touched a huge barrier, one person and one beast disappeared outside the mountain.

When they landed on the ground, there was a gust of wind blowing in the ear, and there was a desolate place around them. There were yellow leaves everywhere, and the ground was dusty and there was no life.

"This... is it really the place where the green mountains and green waters I just saw?" Xu Feng's eyes widened and his face was wrong.

When they were outside the tomb, they saw a paradise, green mountains and green waters.


Not far away, several figures fell on the ground, and they all looked at Xu Feng.

When I saw Xu Feng and the little leopard, there was taboo between the eyes, but also with greed.

The aliens of the monsters are very precious. They naturally want to **** them with Xu Feng, but they are also very jealous of the strength of Xu Feng.

"Don't worry, this Xu Feng's strength is very strong, we are not his opponent."

Several people stood together and were disciples of the sixth-order forces in the Northern Territory. Some people warned the people around them.

He didn't want to just come to the grave. If the treasures were not found yet, they would be killed by Xu Feng.

At this time, not far from the footsteps, but also passed over here.

It turned out to be Dongyang Jie and others, his side, followed by several young people from the Dongyang family.

"Xu brother... I can't think of us so fast, I met." Dongyang Jie smiled and walked over to Xu Feng, his face full of smiles. He knew Xu Feng's strength and felt that in the tomb of the infinite monk, followed by Xu Feng. Very safe.

"You Dongyang family, how many of you? Others?" Xu Feng glanced around, seemingly in front of a deserted person, really quite a lot.

Dongyang Jiewen said: "Xu Big Brother, we are all sent immediately, I am afraid they go to other places."

Seeing that there are people here, gradually gathered more than a dozen people and walked toward the front of the desert.

"Hey...Xu Feng?"

When Zheng Haitao saw Xu Feng, his eyes were bright. He immediately walked over to Xu Feng and smiled. "Xu brother, I heard that you can detoxify. I don't know if you can help me toxins. I don't want to continue. I am staying in Zige."

Zheng Haitao may know the release of the toxins from Shi Yuyu and the news from there.

In this way, Xu Feng and Zheng Haitao and others walked forward, and those behind them followed closely.

Time passed by, the little leopard began to become a little arrogant, and did not know why.

Xu Feng did not think that Zheng Haitao was a disciple of the Ziyan Academy, and he did not want to stay in Zige.

There was something wrong with it immediately: "Are you not a disciple of Zheng Junzhi? Why don't you want to follow him in the Purple Pavilion?"

Zheng Haitao heard that the face of obesity, the flesh of the flesh, the biting teeth: "Xu Shixiong, I am indeed a disciple of Zheng Junzhi. However, I am a Purple Pavilion."

"I don't want to bow to the Chen family as a dog. I have been fed up in Zige. It is obvious that Chen Jia sent a garbage to come. Everyone has to go to the flattering, go to Bajie, and want to be the grandson of the other party. I don't like this. behavior."

Xu Feng looked out, Zheng Haitao said very sincere, presumably from the heart of disgust Zheng Zhengzhi.

Immediately said: "The poison in you is very simple, I will give you a few remedies, you can resolve."

"Go, let's go and see."

Xu Feng is very clear that it is imperative to leave the desert in front of him as soon as possible.

He always felt that this desert is very dangerous.


Sure enough, they just walked out of the distance, a loud bang, deafening.

I saw a few hundred meters away from the place, the yellow sand rolling, overwhelmingly all the yellow sand swept.

Some miserable buzzing sounds came from the rolling side of the yellow sand. Some of the young people with great enthusiasm in Danyuan were thus swallowed up by the yellow sand, and they could not die any more.

"Xu Xiong, what should I do now?"

Dong Yang Jie's face is a bit ugly, and several people around him are also looking very dignified.

The yellow sand that swept through it was spreading and spreading towards them.

"Hurry up and out of this area, avoid this huge yellow sand, or we will die."

Xu Feng is very clear that even if he is swept by the gradually spreading Yellow Salon, he may not be able to survive.

“Everyone is spreading and moving in different directions.”

Xu Feng said to Zheng Haitao and Dong Yang Jie.


In this way, the people who had gathered together have dispersed.

"Ah, save me..."

The tornado hit, the area is really too big.

A young man with a seven-year-old Danyuan sent a miserable snoring. The whole person was rolled up by a tornado and flew directly into the air. The body constantly turned over in the void.

Although close at hand, Xu Feng does not have any heart to save people.

He is very clear that he is very dangerous now.

If you rush to take it, you will find yourself dead.


The tornado violently rushed toward Xu Feng, bringing endless waves, and swallowing up the entire void.

"Little Leopard..."

Xu Feng’s eyes were condensed and suddenly found that the little leopard around him was swallowed up by the tornado, and only half of the body was left.


The little leopard snorted and struggled wildly.

"Second-order space esoteric!"

Although Xu Feng and the little leopard did not spend much time together, but the little leopard treated Xu Feng as the closest relative, very dependent.

Naturally, you can't watch the little leopard, so you are swept by a tornado.

Display space for the sake of the mystery and tear the void.

Xu Feng suddenly appeared on the edge of the body of the little leopard.

At the moment when one hand extended, grabbed the hind legs of the little leopard and pulled it out.

The little leopard is covered with dust, covered with traces of blood, and both eyes are blood.

Feeling the horror of the tornado, Xu Feng couldn't think too much, and displayed the second-order space, with a little leopard, madly going out.

"No, Xu brother was drowned by the sandstorm."

Dongyang Jie took a few people and just escaped a few tens of meters, he found the direction of Xu Feng, wrapped in sandstorms.

Xu Feng and the little leopard were swallowed up by the tornado, and there was a strong worry between the looks.

(End of this chapter)

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