The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4151: Rusty knife

Chapter 4151 The rusty knife

"I will give you a sixth-order best spirit, you will trade these three spiritual materials to me."

Xu Feng was facing the middle-aged man and had a straightforward opening.

These three spiritual materials may not be of much use to most people.

However, for Xu Feng, it is of great use.

That is the three kinds of spiritual materials, but the refining of the seventh-order lower-class holy spirit Dan, the South Fighting Spirit Ling Dan.

The role of Nandou Spirit Ling Dan is to enhance the holy soul lines and increase the intensity of the Holy Spirit.

However, the number of people who can refine the spirit of Nandou is very small, and most people do not know.

This is also the reason why middle-aged men were surprised when Xu Feng read three names of spiritual materials.

"Boy, are you really whimsical? A sixth-order superb holy spirit, for my three spiritual materials, and a seventh-order undergraduate spiritual material, do you think it is possible?" The middle-aged man looked at Xu Feng, very dissatisfied.

Xu Feng smiled and spread his hands: "If you don't sell it to me, I am afraid that I will not be able to sell it for a while. Since you are not willing to consider it, then forget it."

After that, turn around and move forward.

"Oh... don't worry about it... let's talk about it..."

The helpless middle-aged man's face is helpless. He can't think of Xu Feng's young age, but he is a veteran of the mall.

Indeed, as Xu Feng said, if you don’t sell these three spiritual materials to Xu Feng, it means that you are in your hands.

He has been setting up stalls here for almost two months, and other spiritual materials are sold almost the same, but these three spiritual materials are completely unattended.

"A sixth-order best of the Holy Spirit Dan, plus a sixth-order Shangpin Holy Spirit Dan, sell not to sell yourself to do?"

Xu Feng came to the front of the booth and added a sixth-order Shangpin Holy Spirit. He said: "I give you the sixth-order Holy Spirit Dan, and the quality is over 90%."

"Little brother, can I exchange for the remedy that can heal?" The middle-aged man switched to a few medicinal herbs before, all of which were improved and improved.

As a warrior, he is very clear that many times, a healing medicinal drug that can kill human beings and live bones is the most important thing.


Xu Feng immediately took out two medicinal herbs, one of which was the sixth-order Shangpin Shengling Dan, Qinghuo Yangling Dan, and another six-order best of the Holy Spirit Dan, the real Emperor Xuansha Dan.

The two medicinal herbs are all of the quality of the ninety-three, and they are all good remedies for healing.

Before Dongyang Yunzhi was injured, Xu Feng gave her a clear fire to raise the spirit Dan, and the effect was very good.

The middle-aged man looked at the medicinal herbs that Xu Feng handed over, his eyes burning, and he took it directly.

Xu Feng put away the three kinds of spiritual materials, and took the little leopard and walked toward the front of the square.

"The high quality of the Holy Spirit Dan, this young man is afraid of the extraordinary." The middle-aged man carefully put the medicinal herbs together, the spirits he sold are sold clean, naturally satisfied, ready to leave the city of Cliff City.


The big square is full of stalls.

There are crowds around, and everyone is walking around to watch the various treasures of the booth.

"Through passing by, don't miss it, the ancestral treasure knife, the era of the crown, the power is endless, the blade is infinite."

A white-haired old man, standing in a place not far away, yelling at the scorpion.

The people around me heard the old man’s screams, and they were a little impatient. “Liu old man, can you not make such a big noise, it’s just a shame. You look at the so-called sword in front of you, it’s rusty. I also call the ancestral knives every day, and I am not afraid of shame."

"Those who can come to Cliff City, who is not human, how could be fooled by you."

"Yes, screaming every day, it really affects the mood. No wonder others don't want you to set up stalls."

The screams of Liu Laotou made the surrounding stall owners screaming, but they couldn’t help it. Liu’s cultivation was strong, but people’s half-step method existed, and they did not dare to provoke.

Otherwise, I am afraid that it will be done long ago, and Liu Laotou will be directly unloaded.

"Shut know a fart, my ancestral sword, but the strongman of the ancestors, once found in a very powerful grave. The eight generations of our ancestors are very clear, this knives, although rusty, One day, you can reproduce the day and show your power."

The voice of Liu Laotou is very simple.

"You have been selling in Cliff City for three years. If it is a real knife, it has already been bought."

Not far from a man with gray hair, wrinkled, ironic.

"That's what they don't know."

Liu old man opened his mouth.

Xu Feng stood not far away, and the depths of his eyes filled the light.

The second-order mid-knife of the body shows the truth. From the front of Liu Laotou, among the rusty knives, he feels the horror to the knife.

Xu Feng walked without a trace, seemingly looking at the treasures of the surrounding booths, but his eyes were on the knife.

"Little brother, what do you want to buy, my medicinal herbs are all worth a lot, don't touch them..."

A man in a booth swept Xu Feng and took a disdain.

From the point of view of wearing, Xu Feng is an ordinary youth.

Not a child of a wealthy family.

"Oh... a bunch of rubbish..."

Xu Feng turned around and raised his mouth and opened his mouth.

"Kid, do you believe it or not, I am slaughtering you now, dare to be in front of my booth, what is your mouth?"

The middle-aged man was furious. The medicinal herbs he sold were all the sixth-order Shangpin, and the sixth-order genius, the Holy Spirit, which turned into a pile of **** in Xu Fengkou. How he was not angry.

"These medicinal herbs are indeed garbage, the quality is too low, most of the quality of medicinal herbs is 60%, less than 70%, even if you buy it back, it is not much use." Xu Feng said.

"you wanna die!"

The middle-aged man was said by Xu Feng, his face was gloomy.

However, Xu Feng is too lazy to take care of.

Walking, I came to the front of Liu Laotou.

Glanced at Liu’s old stall, rusty knife, and his face was disgusted. “The old man, don’t bring you such a pit person? Your knife is a piece of scrap iron. Do you still want to exchange the eighth-order Holy Spirit Dan? Dreaming of you?"


The people around who heard Xu Feng’s words couldn’t help but laugh and laughed one by one.

Liu Laotou suddenly blows his beard and blinks his eyes. He waved his hand: "Go and go... the little boy who has no long hair, who knows the value of the old ancestral knives. If the old man is in desperate need of eight spirits, I will not take it. Come out and trade."

"I really want to buy you scrap iron, but it seems that you are not willing to give in, then forget it."

Xu Feng shook his head, his face was regrettable, and he showed a little interest in the knife, but he was interested in nothing.

Liu Laotou heard the words, his eyes suddenly brightened: "Hey... little brother, you are talking about it, my knife, what can you exchange?"

Liu Laotou is very clear that this knife is not an ancestral sword, that is, he accidentally went out when he went out.

At the beginning, he thought it was scrap iron, but found that the knife was heavy, but it could not be distinguished from what was forged. He felt that the knife was very unusual and wanted to flicker.

As for the ancestral knives, there is an urgent need for the eighth-order Holy Spirit Dan, which is a fabricated rumor.

(End of this chapter)

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