The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4150: Underground trade fair

Chapter 4150 Underground Trade Fair

The shop buddy said to Xu Feng, reaching out and rubbing his fingers.

The meaning is obvious, that is to ask for money.

Xu Feng took out 50 pieces of Zhongpin Lingjing and handed it directly to the store buddy. "Tell it..."

"Hey, the little brother is really refreshing."

After the store buddy finished, he slowly said: "If you want an alchemy furnace with a seventh-order or more, or an eight-piece alchemy furnace, you can go to the underground trade fair."

"Underground trade fair?"

Xu Feng knows that the business of Cliff City is very prosperous. It is said that here, you can buy anything that you can't buy in Dongyang.

However, before he came to Cliff City, he did not know the existence of the underground trade fair.

The store's second child is also a sincere person. After receiving the spirit of Xu Feng, there is no concealment.

"I don't want you to say, I see you are also the first time to come to Cliff City. Many strong people come to the city of Cliff City, they are all going to the underground trade fair. However, the entrance ticket to the underground trade fair is special, you If you want to enter it, you must come up with a valuable transaction and be eligible to enter."

"For example, you can take out 10,000 Chinese spirits, or take out the seventh-order Chinese spirit and the like."

The shop buddy has not finished talking, Xu Feng took out a seventh-order lower product, the Holy Spirit Dan, filled with the smell of medicinal herbs.

The shop guy’s eyes suddenly filled with light, and Xu Feng’s seven-step scent of the Holy Spirit Dan was really terrifying.

“Is this a holy spirit of 90%?”

The shop buddy is very clear, the value of the seven-step quality of the 90-year-old Shengling Dan, in the end.

"Nine out of five."

Xu Feng replied directly.

"This master, if you want to participate in the underground trade fair, I will take you there now."

The shop buddy is very clear. He only needs to introduce people to participate in the underground trade fair, and he will be rewarded with 50 Chinese spirits. It is naturally very happy.

"Yes, take the lead!"

Xu Feng took the little leopard and stood up.

"this way please!"

The shop buddy made a gesture of asking for Xu Feng, and the two men walked toward the outside.

Not long after, the shopkeeper took Xu Feng to a place where there was a small number of people, but there were several people.

However, the cultivation of these people is at least the re-construction of Dan Yuanjing and even the existence of the law.

"Miss Zhou, I brought a customer to the underground trade fair." The shopkeeper came to the counter of the main hall and spoke to a woman who was handsome.

The Qing Xiu woman slowly said: "You should know the rules of the underground trade fair, so as to avoid some people who have no value to mix in."


The shop guy nodded at the clear woman.

"This master, you took out the previous remedy and gave it to the lady to verify."

Xu Feng walked toward the counter, and the little leopard around him followed, but the woman at the counter, the eyes were slightly flashing.

Everyone can see that the little leopard around Xu Feng is a strange animal with a lot of value.

"Please look over!"

Xu Feng took out the seventh-order product of the store before the store, and it was the quality of 95%.

The beautiful woman’s eyes were full of horror. One hand gently touched Xu Feng’s medicinal herbs, and his face was astonished. “The quality of this medicinal drug is actually 95%, so good to be horrible?”

The beautiful woman looked at Xu Feng and asked: "I don't know this little man, you want to get a treasure in the underground trade fair, I can ask you in advance."

"I want an alchemy furnace, preferably an eighth-order alchemy furnace." Xu Feng said to the Qingxiu woman.

The Qingxiu woman frowned slightly and said: "The eight-stage alchemy furnace is very precious. Many people are not willing to trade it. But I know that there is an underground trade fair. It seems that there will be a seventh-order best alchemy furnace."

"Can I participate?"

Xu Feng immediately asked.

"Nature can!"

The beautiful woman opened her mouth directly.

"This is the identity token of the underground trade fair. You can enter the underground trade fair when you come here tomorrow morning."

Xu Feng nodded and smiled: "Thank you."

The shop buddy took Xu Feng and walked out of the hall.

Under the introduction of the shop buddy, Xu Feng lived in the city of Moya and spent ten Chinese spirits.

early morning.

The shop buddy came to the outside of the inn early and greeted Xu Feng to attend the underground trade fair.

The same came to the main hall, still the delicate woman, under the guidance of the other side, Xu Feng followed a passage and walked toward the basement.

About half an hour.

Xu Feng came to a place like a square and found that there were stalls on the square.

The Qingxiu woman handed Xu Feng a ticket and smiled: "When you take the ticket, you will go to the end of the square, which is the scene of the underground trade fair."

"Thank you!"

Xu Feng took the little leopard and walked toward the square in front.

All the way, the stalls have a lot of treasures.

Some of the stalls above, there is a seven-order best spirit material.

However, such a seven-order best spirit material, for Xu Feng, does not have much effect.

Although Xu Feng was able to refine the seventh-order Holy Spirit, his refining medicinal herbs were all useful to himself.

"Through passing by, don't miss it. The little brothers can come and see, I have some of the things I sell here, I can improve the spirituality of cultivation, and the virginity."

Not far away, a man with a gray hair, when his eyes swept over the little leopard around Xu Feng, the light shone and shone to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng heard that he walked over to the side of the stall and smiled: "What can improve the spirituality of cultivation?"

The man pointed to several kinds of spiritual materials in front of him and introduced them to Xu Feng.

"If you take these spiritual materials and you can improve your cultivation, I will pay you according to the price. How?"

Xu Feng’s eyes narrowed slightly, and the other party really thought that he was young and looked like a girl’s head?

The white-haired man heard the words, some awkward, but hardened his scalp, saying: "Kid, don't mess around here. I don't want to be fooled by these spiritual materials. If you are willing to buy, buy it. If you don't buy it, hurry. Get out of the way, don't hinder me from doing business."

The man is very clear that his spiritual materials are all incomparable spiritual materials. All he wants is to come to the underground trade fairs and do not know these spiritual materials.

However, he did not know that the three spiritual materials he sold had a great effect on Xu Feng.

"The one on your left, the barbed grass on the leaf, should be the sixth-order superb spirit, a thousand thorns?"

"The middle of this spiritual material should be the sixth-order supernatural spirits, the Nandou rhyme flower."

I heard that Xu Feng successively said two kinds of spiritual materials, and the men with gray hair were all stunned.

However, the shock did not end, Xu Feng smiled and said: "This third kind of spiritual material should be the seventh-order lower spirit, the thunder snake."

"Boy, what do you want to do?"

The middle-aged man changed his face and asked Xu Feng low.

He relies on unpopular materials for many years to survive in underground trade fairs.

Now, several kinds of spiritual materials that he thought were the most difficult to be identified were identified by Xu Feng. If Xu Feng said it, he would still be in the underground trade fair. How to survive?

(End of this chapter)

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