Seeing Giratina being beaten, Palkia had to use the power of space again to create a small space to temporarily trap Arceus, but it didn't last long.

Arceus immediately condensed energy to break the small space, and the powerful impact directly shook Palkia to the ground, creating a huge pit.

Giratina took the opportunity to sneak through with a shadow attack, but Arceus used the Clearance Slate to change its own attributes to the general system, thus immune to this move, and then Arceus spit out a jet of flames to hit Giratina.

Despite the cooperation of Palkia and Giratina, two first-level gods, they were still suppressed by Arceus and were at a disadvantage.

On the other side, Xiaozhi and others successfully returned to Midina hundreds of years ago.

"What happened? Have we successfully traveled through?" Xiaogang asked.

Just now, he only remembered that Dialga looked at him and his group, and then a flash of light flashed in front of his eyes, so bright that he couldn't open his eyes. When the light faded, he came to this strange place.

"Yes, this is the past Mitina." Xiaozhi said.

"It seems that Dialga has successfully brought us back to the past Mitina." Hina said happily.

As they were talking, suddenly, a Sidoran crawled in front of them and spit out a jet of flame without saying a word.

Xiaozhi quickly raised his hand and fired a wave missile to offset the attack of the jet of flame, and waved his hand to signal everyone to retreat.

Xiaozhi was surprised.

Damn, isn't this the Fire Steel Sidoran? This is a second-level god.

Although there are many, I didn't expect that the ancients in the Mitina ruins also had one.

At the same time, a dense group of ancient soldiers also rushed towards them and surrounded Xiaozhi and the other four.

Xiaozhi really couldn't bear to look at the costumes of these ancient soldiers.

For example, in China, iron armor had already appeared in the Warring States Period.

And in the Qin and Han Dynasties, iron armor had already become popular in the army.

And this group of people wore armor similar to copper armor.

There were copper helmets and copper armor, and although they were copper armor, their copper armor did not cover the whole body. Instead, it looked like a vest, only protecting the chest, back and shoulders.

Their hands were empty, and there were no protective equipment such as wrist guards and elbow guards.

As for the lower body, not only was there no armor covering it, but each person also wore a pair of blue shorts!

As for the upper body, it was also a blue short-sleeved top with a layer of copper armor on the outside.

It was really eye-catching.

Have you ever seen an army wearing shorts and shorts in a war?

Then the armor is not good, what about the weapons?

What they hold in their hands is neither swords, spears, halberds, axes, hooks, forks, but one for each person, and the attacking end is something like a U-shaped pipe clamp.

Those who know know that they are a group of soldiers, and those who don’t know think that this group of people are here to unclog the sewer pipes.

Moreover, this group of people looks lazy and untrained. At first glance, they are a group of untrained shrimp soldiers and crab generals, crooked melons and cracked dates, cats and dogs, and rotten fish and shrimps, and they don’t have Pokémon with them.

Some people even trembled with fear when they saw Pikachu following Xiaozhi, and they trembled so much that they couldn’t even hold the weapons in their hands.

In their era, Pokémon was called magic beasts.

Xiaozhi is not afraid of this kind of cannon fodder no matter how many come.

"Oh, our treatment is good. There are so many people coming out to welcome us as soon as we arrive. It seems that I can get a lot of experience points today." Xiaozhi laughed.

At this time, a voice sounded from behind Xiaozhi and others.

"What happened?"

"Lord Qixin, we found a group of suspicious people."

The leading soldier commander immediately bowed his head respectfully, and bent down 90 degrees to report to the man named Qixin.

Xiaozhi turned his head and saw a man with anti-gravity red hair, whose hairstyle was like a big red sun,

Wearing a red robe, a golden ornament on his forehead, and bandages on his arms,

A man holding a cane and carrying a bronze bell came over. This person was Qixin.

When Xiaozhi saw this person, his first reaction was that this person's dress was too much like the nine-headed insect, the son-in-law of the Wansheng Dragon King in the Bibotan of the Luanshi Mountain near the Jisai Kingdom in Journey to the West.

And Xiaozhi noticed that whether it was the previous fire steel or the bronze bell, they were wearing a heavy shackle. It seems that the ancient people used this method to enslave Pokémon.

It seems that the Poké Ball, a device for catching Pokémon, had not yet been invented in this era.

Xiaozhi said,It's too backward. They are both in ancient times, but the Xicui region invented the ancient Poké Ball.

Hey, that's not right. We are in the ancient Midina, and Midina is in the Sinnoh region. The Xicui region is the ancient Sinnoh region.

In other words, Xiaozhi and his friends are in the Xicui region now.

Then why are there no ancient Poké Balls here? Maybe the current era is earlier than the era of the Xicui region, so the technology is relatively backward.

"You guys are not from this place, I have never seen you." Qi Xin said.

"We are from the future to stop the war with Arceus." Hina explained hurriedly.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi shook his head helplessly. As a time traveler, Xiaozhi knew that the Qi Xin in front of him was the initiator of this incident.

In the original animation, Hina didn't know the identity of this person, so she directly leaked all her information.

It's like you share confidential files with your teammates, but find out that this teammate is actually an undercover.

"You're just talking about weird things." Qi Xin frowned and said.

"We know what's going to happen next, please trust us." Xina said.

"Okay, I'm willing to listen.

Come on, leave this woman here, and take those three kids over there to the dungeon and treat them well.

Bronze Bell, use hypnosis." Qi Xin waved his hand and said.

"Come out if you want to die, Charizard, use jet flame."

Xiaozhi had been staring at this Qi Xin for a long time, and as soon as he heard Qi Xin's words, he immediately released Charizard.

"What, you can actually conjure up a monster out of thin air!" Qi Xin said in shock.


Charizard directly spit out the scorching jet flame, and hit the slow Bronze Bell before he used hypnosis, with excellent results, directly repelling Bronze Bell.

"What, the attack power of this monster is so strong,

Sidolan, use jet flame."

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