
Xiao Guang was so scared that he covered his eyes with his hands and dared not look.

Xiao Zhi was about to attack, but suddenly, two space channels were opened, and Dialga and Palkia rushed out at the same time, working together to block the attack for everyone.

"Dialga, Palkia!" Hina said in surprise.

"You, want to help humans!"

After that, Arceus angrily spit out jet flames, knocking Dialga and Palkia down, and they fell heavily on the mountain, and smashed a large area of ​​ruins.

Palkia stood up, raised his hand and fired a wave of missiles,

Dialga also stood up with difficulty, spitting out a destructive ray from his mouth to counterattack.

Arzeus directly activated the monster slate, changed his own attributes to ghost type, and was immune to the attacks of these two moves.

"Dialga and Palkia's attacks are actually ineffective!" Xiao Gang said in surprise.

"Arzeus can use its source of life to resist the opponent's attack." Kebin said.

"Don't get in the way."

After saying that, Arceus used a tornado, and a huge purple storm instantly swept the entire town, knocking Dialga and Palkia away.

Palkia only had two legs and could barely fly, but Dialga had four legs, but he looked like he was dying and couldn't even stand steadily.

"Even if it's a monster, if it wants to help humans, I will show no mercy."

After saying that, Arceus fired another jet of flame at Dialga, hitting Dialga head-on, and Dialga was almost hit and sunk into the ground.

Then Arceus fired another jet of flame at Palkia next to him, and the two brothers lay neatly on the ground.

"Accept the punishment!"

Arzeus roared and used a jet of flame, attacking the people at the Mitina ruins.

At the critical moment, a space ripple appeared, and Giratina came out of it, using his body to block the jet of flames for everyone.

"Giratina is here too, it seems that it did understand before." Hina said happily.

Giratina roared, flew towards Arceus, and spit out a ball of will-o'-the-wisp attack from his mouth.

Arceus immediately used the Fireball Slate to change his own attributes to the fire system, immune to the will-o'-the-wisp attack.

Then Arceus used the Ice Pillar Slate to change his own attributes to the ice system, and then spit out a fierce blizzard from his mouth to counterattack.

Blizzard is an AoE skill with a very wide attack range. Giratina, Dialga, and Palkia were all affected.

Dialga and Palkia were fine, but Giratina screamed in pain.

"Go, Pikachu, use 100,000 volts." Xiaozhi shouted.


Pikachu attacked with all his strength, and the golden electric current shot towards Arceus, hitting Arceus head-on.


Arceus screamed in pain, looking at the electric rats in front of him, which were as numerous as wild dogs on the roadside, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

For Lao Chuang, who possessed eighteen kinds of stone tablets, it had not been attacked for a long time.

The last time it was attacked was because the people of ancient Mitina attacked it because they refused to return the life gem.

And for such a long time, the three great dragons of Sinnoh in front of him could not do anything to it.

The first one to hurt it was actually an electric rat!

This made Arceus very angry. It was not very harmful, but it was extremely insulting.

The blizzard stopped as Arceus was attacked, and Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina were all saved.

"Pikachu's attack actually worked!" Xiaogang said in surprise.

"That's because the source of life that Arceus lost contains something that can defend against electric attacks." Cobin said.

"Arceus, stop it!" Xiaozhi shouted.

But Arceus, whose reason had been covered by anger, could not listen to Xiaozhi's words at all, and did not recognize Xiaozhi. He directly spit out jets of flames and tornado attacks. Fortunately, Giratina helped to resist.

"Dialga, Palkia, I need your help. Palkia, please find a way to temporarily trap Arceus, and join forces with Giratina to temporarily delay Arceus as long as possible.

Dialga, please take us back to the past time and space to resolve Arceus' anger. Remember, the sooner we go back to the time and space, the better, so that we have more time to investigate."

Palkia nodded, and shot a space wave with his backhand, creating a small space, temporarily trapping Arceus inside.

"Palkia is distorting space, thus temporarily stopping Arceus." Hina was shocked.Happy.

She didn't expect that Palkia would actually obey Xiaozhi's orders.

Dialga nodded and looked at everyone, with a huge amount of time energy shining from his eyes.

Dialga's red eyes turned white, and the ability to reverse time was activated.

Xiaozhi and Hina's figures suddenly disappeared from the spot, leaving only Kebin next to him, turning his head and looking at the ruins with a blank face.

Kebin: Don't leave yet, wait for me, I haven't got on the car yet! ! !

In order to maintain Xiaozhi and others to travel back hundreds of years to change history, Dialga forced his body, consumed a lot of time energy, and fainted on the ground, temporarily losing his attack power.

Seeing this, Palkia and Giratina didn't know whether Dialga was lying there pretending to be dead or was really burdened.

There was no other way. They couldn't help others travel through time and space, so they had to do the hard work, heavy work and tiring work.

They went forward at the same time and tried to delay Arceus as much as possible to buy as much time as possible for Xiaozhi and his friends.

Now they could only put all their hopes on Xiaozhi.

If Xiaozhi and his friends failed or didn't come back in time, it would not only be Mitina's problem.

Once the God of Creation gets angry, the entire Pokémon world will be on the verge of extinction.

As soon as Giratina rushed over, Arceus directly hit Giratina in the face with a tornado.

Giratina pulled the wings behind him to the front to resist, but it couldn't stop it at all and was knocked into the lake by this move.

Such a behemoth fell into the lake, and instantly set off a huge wave in the lake.

Giratina just poked his head out of the water and had no time to breathe a breath of fresh air before Arceus caught up with him and spit out a jet of flame, knocking Giratina away again.

Giratina spit out a wave missile to counterattack, but Arceus used the Yokai Slate to change his own attributes to ghost type, making him immune to this move.

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