38 episodes

As we were talking, announcements came from the speakers.

[The villain has regained his memory]

[The villain’s victory is approaching]

“Uh, what?”

Hwang Sae-byeok murmured unconsciously. The rest of the members were also greatly perplexed.

[Before the villain wins, if you find out the abilities of all members, including the villain, First Lights can save the planet]

[Currently revealed hero’s ability is 1]

He was referring to Ahn Joo-won, who turned out to be a ‘good scientist’.

As soon as the broadcast began, Min Ji-ho rushed to the ‘science club’ box with a box.

“Tell me any number, I’ll solve it quickly.”



“Jiho, have you already tried 0920?”

Everyone talked about their birthdays. By the way, these guys seem to hate each other and memorize the rest of the members’ birthdays. As much as everyone hates that others forget their birthdays, they are also the type to remember other people’s birthdays. Looking at this, it seems like they have a lot in common… … .

read at https://readwn.com

Of course I do remember.

Min Ji-ho put the seven birthdays in order, but it didn’t open. Shin Ji-woon said hastily at that time.

“Minjo, try 2043.”

It was the beginning of First Light Company. As soon as he heard that, he exclaimed, ‘Ah,’ whether the members agree with him, and Min Ji-ho hastily entered the password 2043.

As soon as I put in the password, the lock was unlocked.

And Min Ji-ho took out various scientific experiment tools from the box. Min Ji-ho opened the envelope that was on it.

“June 30, 2023. to Joo Won. Joo Won-ah, I’m Jiho. I am writing this letter because I have some experimental results that you must know. Of course, I still believe in science, but these days I think that Seon-jae’s words may be right. That the earth will be destroyed in 20 years. More than anything else, wasn’t that really strange today? Is there really such a thing as a prophet in the world? What do you think?”

After reading it all the way, Seonjae Park, who was clinging to my arm, asked me.

“Am I prophesying?”

“Did you see that?”

“Is it too cowardly if I’m scared of even having foresight?”

“No, even if it’s not like that, you’re already too cowardly.”

“okay? Then I’m happy.”

At that, Shin Ji-woon, who was watching from behind, said.

“The content is not warm, but it sounds very warm.”

“not really? Is my brother warm?”

Big, as expected, I raised it… … . Park Seon-jae’s parents would be shocked when they said that they only looked at it for a while when they were Guk Seon-ah.

[Currently, there are 2 abilities of the hero revealed]

Then the broadcast came out through the speaker, and I pat Sunjae Park on the back.

“Hey, there’s no way the youngest can be a villain.”

At my words, Shin Ji-woon smirked.

“Hae-won hyung, if that’s the case, just adopt him.”

“I want to do it too. But the youngest’s parents are sad. Anyway, I don’t have much time.”

Ahn Joo-won agreed with my words and said.

“Let’s find a place we haven’t been to. A place I haven’t been to… … The infirmary and the bad band.”

Stork Dawn heard this and opened his mouth.

“Then the hyungs go to the band room, and the rest go to the infirmary.”

Hwang Sae-byeok beckoned Ahn Joo-won to go with me. And I told Min Ji-ho.

“You go too. At least you’re not afraid of manikins.”


After Min Ji-ho came towards us, I glanced at the rest.

“Ah, strangely, I feel bad for Han Hyo-seok… … do.”

Han Hyo-seok was taken aback by my words and asked.

“Why me?”

“no… … . just feel. You’re the most meticulous of us, but you didn’t hear about the plaster statues while you were looking for art rooms… … .”

“It’s too harsh.”

“Is not it?”

I think so.

“Would you like to go together first?”

Han Hyo-seok nodded his head even though it was ridiculous at my words.

“That’s right, what.”

At my words, Hwang Sae-byeok gestured to Shin Ji-woon.

“Then come here Jiwoon. There should be someone who can understand the situation.”

We were divided into two teams and headed to the infirmary and the bad band.

There was nothing special about the band room. And luckily, it was one of the scariest places I’ve ever been.

In the meantime, Park Seon-jae was excited and ran to the microphone stand. The mic wasn’t really coming out, so I listened to a walkie-talkie.

“Even if the earth perishes, we must sing. Do you have a song request?”

“I have. Call me ‘I know’.”

“Oh right. I am a fan of Haewon hyung and Junhee.”

The first idol group I admired while playing classical music was ‘Big Blue’, which debuted in 2012. It’s not Big Blue’s signature song, but my favorite song was the debut song ‘I Know’.

Ahn Joo-won said from over the walkie-talkie.

– Yes, sir. sing a song I’m a little scared here.

-I’m very scared too… … .

Shin Ji-woon’s voice was heard next to him. The infirmary looks really scary.

While me and Han Hyo-seok were rummaging through the band, Seon-jae Park started singing ‘I Know’. Big Blue sang so many summer songs that they called it a boy group with a summer concept. ‘I Know’ was not only a song about first love, but also a song about summer.

“Love began in my perfect life, where my summer, when all I had to do was jump into the sea! I know this is my first love I know, this is the beginning of an ordeal!”

The power of music is amazing.

The rain and thunder and lightning that had made me cringe all day turned into summer rain just to cool the heat at the refreshing voice of Park Seon-jae.

The reason the scary dark spaces have turned into places to visit is probably because the boy who used to play in the sea in the lyrics is coloring the people who are listening to the song.

While Park Seon-jae was singing, Han Hyo-seok asked me.

“Hyung, have you ever met Big Blue seniors at a broadcasting station?”

“No, not yet.”

Big Blue’s members were discharged last year and last year, but they have never met Big Blue at a broadcasting station. Han Hyo-seok continued.

“We met a few times.”

“okay? What do you think?”

“Something about that relaxation is so wonderful. We are still in a hurry.”


Someday I’ll see you too Thinking about it makes me nervous

I was talking with Hyo-Seok Han, and as soon as I thought of it, I checked the remaining life of my life with a barcode reader again.

[15 years 124 days 17 hours 43 minutes 01 seconds]

I keep getting smaller, but the rest of the members don’t shrink… … .

I received a walkie-talkie from Park Seon-jae after the song was over. And he spoke so softly that Han Hyo-seok couldn’t hear him.

“Because I’m a healer, or an ability such as disabling abilities, it seems like the lifespan of the villain decreases every time she uses it?”

Then the broadcast came out again through the speakerphone.

[Currently, there are 3 abilities of the hero revealed]

Then Shin Ji-woon said.

-Wait a minute… … I think Dawn is a time traveler. Not the same, for sure!

-me? why?

– You seem to be listening to the villain, so I’ll tell you later.

[Currently, there are 4 abilities of the hero revealed]

As soon as the broadcast came out, Shin Ji-woon said.

– Paddy, I’m sorry. I actually filmed it. No evidence.

– Oh, is that so? Wow, cheater… … .

When I deceived the production crew by filming like that because I didn’t have time, Joo Won Ahn said.

– Here’s another lock.

-Joowon hyung, I’ll start with 0000 again, so I’m looking for more!

When Min Ji-ho said that, Han Hyo-seok suddenly ran out of the band and started running. Park Seon-jae and I ran along.

“Brothers! Hyo-seok runs away!”

-uh? Where, what direction!

“uh… … uh! Science Lab! We’ll go catch it!”

While Park Seon-jae was talking, I ran to the place where Han Hyo-seok was. And, when I followed the annex, Han Hyo-seok turned around and left the annex and closed the door.

“Uh, what are you doing?”

“I’m sorry. It’s a broadcast.”

And the door wouldn’t open because it was latched from outside.

“Wow, that… … .”

So now, because of me, my abilities aren’t being used, so I’m locked up. It was an act that Han Hyo-seok would never have imagined he would do.

“Wow… … . The show is going to be fun.”

I murmured and looked out through the glass on the door. Park Seon-jae was calling the members in a hurry.

“Brothers! It’s a big deal! Han Hyo-seok locked Hae-won in hyung’s annex!”

-uh? Is it Hyo-seok?

– Wow, I thought Han Hyo-seok would be like this… … .

Then, the members rushed to the infirmary on the first floor and grabbed Han Hyo-seok. And even if you don’t know what it is, you cover your mouth with force so that you can’t use your abilities. Hey, in the end, the end of every game is a battle of strength, it’s like these members.

Meanwhile, Park Seon-jae opened the latch and opened the annex door.

As soon as I came out, I counted the number of members and asked Hwang Sae-byeok.

“Where is Min Ji-ho?”

“uh? good room… … ah.”

I didn’t say there was only one villain.

Before my question was finished, Shin Ji-woon ran back to the infirmary. And Shin Ji-woon’s voice was heard through the walkie-talkie.

-Wow… … Min Ji-ho.


-I opened the lock while we went to catch Han Hyo-seok.


– Look at the window.

At those words, the members looked out the window of the infirmary and saw Min Ji-ho’s torn stationery scattering in the rain. And, hahahaahaha, the smile was really, like a madman.

“Jiho… … You’re a mad scientist.”

Hwang Sae-byeok responded to Ahn Ju-won’s words.

“That’s right. The madman of the science club… … .”

[Currently revealed villain has 1 ability]

[The ability of one hero can no longer be checked, so the villains win]

[Thanks to all First Lights]

[Earth is destroyed]

“… … Han Hyo-seok and Min Ji-ho were a team.”

The members next to Ahn Ju-won nodded their heads. Whether you ask how the two of them came to know their abilities and discovered that they were villains, I think you will know exactly when you watch the show.

Then Shin Ji-woon, who came back to us, said:

“By the way, can you time travel one more time?”

To that, the Stork replied.

“You can only do it twice. Once you travel in time, you can’t come back.”

“No, but… … . Maybe my abilities are also time-related.”

“Oh, is that so?”

“yes… … But why is Haewon hyung being so curious like everyone else?”

“no… … This is how it goes I didn’t know either.”

I only made the opinion that I was traveling in time one more time, I didn’t know it would continue like this.

Then the filming ended, and Han Hyo-seok asked.

“What about the worldview of the next regular album?”



I answered.

“Have you heard that I am preparing an arrangement for ‘The King’ in case you guys stand at the VMC Awards?”

Seon-ah Guk’s original song. The first song that all the performers sang, and the song that the debut group performed only once.

‘The King’.

Park Seon-jae asked my words.

“Oh, is that an arrangement with a medieval background fantasy feel? Oh, is that the concept for the next album?”

“… … .”

What, I can’t even get it right because I’m so embarrassed I can’t even get it right.

Since I couldn’t answer right away, the members guessed and nodded their heads. I asked.

“how did you know?”

Then Park Seon-jae said.

“Lee hyung hyung… … . In fact, in a place without him, he compliments me a lot. I felt that way because I heard him praising ‘The King’ arrangement storm and talking about it.”

No, why did he give a spoiler as a compliment… … .

Anyway, I was going to introduce the concept to the members today.

The main content was that the six kingdoms with six members as kings would unite and confront the enemy. If I were there then there would be seven kingdoms… … .

Well, I don’t think there’s any need to worry about next year’s activities already. Now, I need to focus on this regular.

“Of course, all the members have to agree… … .”

While saying that, the members already raised their hands because they wanted to express their opinions.

“Let’s go home and talk about the rest. It’s raining a bit right now, so we might catch a cold.”

Stork said and beckoned.

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