37 episodes

– What did you find?

When Hwang Sae-byeok asked, Park Seon-jae answered.

“Is there a name tag on the plaster floor? Uh, Joo Won-hyung is here.”

At that time, Joo-won Ahn and Ji-woon Shin, who had been searching for a while, arrived at the art room. Joo-won Ahn looked at the name tag on the plaster floor and said:

“Has your name changed? This is Agrippa, and this is Julien.”


Min Ji-ho came and looked around curiously, then immediately took off the name tag on the plaster floor and changed it as Ahn Joo-won said.

Then the monitor in the art room, which had been turned off, turned on.

“Ugh, what is it?”

While the members hesitated, writing was written on the monitor.

Shin Ji-woon said with a walkie-talkie.

“Hae-won hyung, ‘Only a good scientist will know this’ is written. Joo-won Ahn is a good scientist.”

-Is that right? Then Joo-won Ahn is not a villain.

At that, Min Ji-ho nodded and said.

“I don’t think anyone in the world would trust Joo Won if he was a villain.”

At that, Ahn Joo-won put on an embarrassed expression.

“It’s not like that.”

At that moment, I heard the voice of Hwang Sae-byeok from the walkie-talkie.

-Guys, but if it’s a good scientist, isn’t there a bad scientist too? no… … mad scientist?

As soon as those words were finished, the eyes of all the members in the art room turned to Min Ji-ho. Min Ji-ho asked with a sad expression.

“Tell me honestly. Are you looking at me because of ‘crazy’ and not ‘scientist’?”

“Even if you don’t have to be honest, it’s just that.”

Min Ji-ho laughed at Han Hyo-seok’s words.

“Are you arguing again, Hyoshik?”

“… … .”

“We will fight less now. Is not it?”

Min Ji-ho laughed. Then the Stork Dawn said.

– But I guess… … Should you come here? If you’re a scientist, you should go to the science lab. Are you a science club or something?

“I don’t think I’m a scientist… … .”

Park Seon-jae protested, but looking at the situation, he had to go to the science room.

* * *

A break was given before reuniting in the science lab.

Me and Hwang Sae-byeok left the annex and headed towards the main building. On the way we heard thunder and both of us stopped.

“Why is the weather like this today? awfully.”

Thousand Dawn-byeok murmured in surprise, so I nodded my head. Stork Dawn glanced at me and asked.

“But are you okay? I have a bad expression.”

“I think it’s because of motion sickness. It’ll be fine if you rest for a while.”

“So a little… … .”

Hwang Sae-byeok didn’t want to nagging, but I got a cell phone from my manager hyung.

“I’ll call Lee hyung hyung and come. I’m curious about the fan song.”

“No, you should rest during your break.”

“okay okay.”

After I spoke, I parted with Hwang Sae-byeok and entered an empty classroom without a camera.

I thought I was getting used to being in front of the camera to some extent, but with the inclement weather like today, it wasn’t. Every time I am startled by the sound of thunder, my heart is pounding, and I never return to a state of calm again.

“Ah, why am I mentally like this?”

I feel like I’m going to go down if I smoke just one cigarette, but I can’t do that because I need to take care of my throat.

I sat under the window and took a deep breath. My hands were shaking and numb, so I rubbed my hands alternately. The weather at the end of June feels cold. I thought I should get a coat from the stylist.

I leaned my head against the wall and decided to imagine for a moment that this was my studio.

Maybe I feel a sense of security after I get out of my room and this time I’m stuck in someone else’s studio.

The 27-inch monitor has full Logic Pro and Focal speakers, and Yang Yi-hyung’s English name is hung on the wall in neon.

It’s not particularly comfortable or inconvenient, but a sofa that allows you to fall asleep quickly, a folding bed leaning against the wall, and a chair that cost quite a bit of money.

I thought of a place where, even though we were chatting about what we ate yesterday, we quickly fell into music talk.

The two years of worrying about why people hate me, when I couldn’t find an answer, ended up thinking about music when I entered the studio. What a cozy space this is.

I picked up my cell phone and called Yang Yi-hyung. And as soon as Yang Yi-hyung received it, he asked.

“Is your studio okay?”

– Yai-san, you’re a bastard who doesn’t say hello to his older brother. But the one you sent, the pre-chorus, don’t you feel a little tired?

“Oh, I’m thinking right now.”

-But when did you make this? When you left the studio yesterday, you didn’t talk like this.

“When you come to the set from the shop.”

– Have you been to Jinhae?

“It’s Gayang-dong.”

-Then you said you made it and sent it from Cheongdam-dong to Gayang-dong?


Yang Yi-hyung swears at my answer and hangs up the phone.

“No, this hyung has no affection for people.”

I grunted and put my phone in my pocket.

Still, after hearing Yang Yi-hyung’s own compliments, I felt better. I got up from my seat and was about to leave, but there was Min Ji-ho in front of the door.

“what are you doing?”

“I’ve been waiting for you.”


“Uh, it’s a habit.”

Min Ji-ho said and beckoned to go quickly.

The members were listening to a fan song in the 3rd grade class 1 classroom where the filming started. Shin Ji-woon said.

“How about a pre-release before the regular release?”

Then Min Ji-ho said with a round of applause.

“Ah, I did something like this a while ago, and that was it. It feels like a pre-release.”

but. Pre-release of a fan song… … is not the problem.

“Is the song okay?”

When I asked, Min Ji-ho said.

“yes. It’s like your brother’s song, and it’s like my heart.”

“… … Do you feel super power? here?”

When I asked, Min Ji-ho laughed.

“Of course. It’s like the eternal sunshine. When I meet you, the world is a clear day. That’s super power.”

At the same time, I think he’s a simple guy, but at the same time, it sounds like he’s right. Hwang Sae-byeok, who had already used up his stamina, looked at me and said,

“Why do you feel so burdened when you ask to write your own fan song?”

“How can you not be burdened with fan songs? It’s a gift. The recipient has to like it.”

“Haewon, do we have one fan song for the rest of our lives? We will continue to thank our fans, and we will make fan songs with that in mind. It’s one of many fan songs. It doesn’t have to be 100 percent representation of our hearts.”

He’s a little smart today. Is it with your head?

While I was thinking, Ahn Joo-won added from the side.

“It’s the first thought I’m going to convey, so it’s a bit burdensome. I love that this is the first fan song I give as a gift.”

Then the other members next to him say they like him too. thank god.

While we were talking, Han Hyo-seok, who was listening to a fan song, took off his earphones and opened his mouth.

“I think it would be good to pre-release it as a special video.”

Min Ji-ho responded to that.

“Is the special video good? I’m suddenly uploading it on a rainy day!”

“The work of the company was so sudden… … . This is not a fuss.”

“Do you care? yes?”

Min Ji-ho giggled as he tickled. I said to Min Ji-ho.

“Don’t be too harsh on yourself.”

“Okay, ah, I think the sunshine will like it. What do we do? I’m going crazy because I want to hear it sooner.”

“Then let me give you my opinion on the special video… … . Shall we take a break?”

When I asked if it was a bit like working until the break, all the members shook their heads.

“This is a break.”

“I have an opinion.”

Shin Ji-woon raised his hand. Then he spoke.

“How about singing in a theater without an audience?”

Then Park Seon-jae answered right away.

“Wow. great. i love it.”

At that moment, Min Ji-ho quickly knelt down and put his hands together.

“Please give me a message at the end. please.”

“What do you want to do?”

When I asked, Min Ji-ho said.

“I have two, I want to see the sunshine. Otherwise, let’s meet the sunshine soon!”

“Minjo knelt down to his knees, should I do it?”

When I asked, Shin Ji-woon answered cynically.

“You can’t get into a habit of doing everything by kneeling.”

“You’re cute.”

“Look closely at him. not cute at all I am cute.”

“No. Your standards of cuteness are wrong.”

“Do you hate me?”

“I don’t hate it. It is objective.”

“Wow, I’d rather hate it, just.”

We got together and talked like that, and then filming started again. The rain seemed to have stopped.

I pressed my palms against my beating chest again. The filming took place quite a bit, so I thought I would have to wait a little bit.

* * *

All seven members gathered in the science lab. There were seven flashlights, so it was a little brighter, but the timid members were frozen in place.

And the cowardly members were all except me and Hwang Sae-byeok. Stork Dawn said to me.

“Seeing them, we were on the fearless side, man.”

“So. Fools.”

I had no choice but to ask PD Kim Jae-seong.

“PD, I’m sorry, but can’t we just turn on the lights? It can’t go on at all.”

“Wait a minute, I’ll talk to you.”

The production team also got together and started discussing whether the members knew they were so scared. And after a while, the light in the science room finally came on.

Unlike the classroom, there were four lab tables that looked like they could seat six. And there were several cabinets, and above them was a laboratory toolbox. Shin Ji-woon looked at the cabinet, covered his face with both hands, stepped back and sat down.

When the members went to look, there was also a human body model placed between the cabinet and the wall.

“I’m really going crazy.”

“Brother, how did you not swear when you saw this? Idol.”

Min Ji-ho spoke and pulled out a human body model. Still, it seems that Min Ji-ho is the most fearless among cowards.

After taking out the manikin, I looked through the crack in the wall and there was a box with a lock. Min Ji-ho put the box on the table.

[Science club only]

Park Seon-jae asked.

“Joo Won is the older scientist. Isn’t it like Joo Won’s birthday?”

After that, Min Ji-ho sat down, tried 0206, and said.

“0206 No. Hyungs, I’m not very good at finding things, so I’ll try putting in the number 0000 first, look for it.”

Then he grabbed the box, made the manikin his friend, sat down next to him, and began to press the numbers. Looking back, I don’t know if I’m afraid or not. Is he just a weirdo… … .

Anyway, while Min Ji-ho was doing this, Park Seon-jae, who was terrified, thought he had to do something too, so he went around scanning the members’ barcodes with a barcode reader.

[19 years 364 days 20 hours 0 minutes 15 seconds]

Park Seon-jae, who was checking the number like that, also came to me and said.

“Brother, don’t be surprised. I’ll try.”

“I took a picture before.”

However, I have always been weak to the youngest child since I was a young girl, so I turned my head and showed my left face. Park Seon-jae took a barcode and said, ‘Huh?’ All the members came rushing out and shouting.

[19 years 363 days 19 hours 56 minutes 09 seconds]

“Why did you only lose one day?”

At Hwang Sae-byeok’s words, I tilted my head to one side.

“I don’t know at all… … .”

If someone’s lifespan suddenly decreased in this situation, it must be because of the villain.

I alternately looked at Shin Ji-woon and Ahn Ju-won, and Min Ji-ho and Han Hyo-seok.

“You, but didn’t you find anything earlier?”


Shin Ji-woon and Ahn Ju-won answered almost at the same time. Joo-won Ahn continued.

“We opened all the lockers together, but there was nothing.”

Min Ji-ho was completely absorbed in opening the lock, and Han Hyo-seok blinked.

“Hyoshik, are you?”


“Did you find anything else in the art room earlier?”

When I asked, Han Hyo-seok, who had always stood up straight like a ballet dancer, with a face that looked like it was painted with a brush, answered honestly.

“Is there nothing?”

It’s unlikely, but if he’s already aware that he’s a villain, I thought that that expression would be the highlight for this episode. And he must be acting… … .

As I was thinking about it, strangely, I remembered a part of the rap part of ‘Turn on the Light’ written by Shin Ji-woon.

[It’s a white night, and the night doesn’t come to us anymore. Darkness can’t catch us running now]

And I thought about the villain’s answer to that.

[Night is our time. The sun no longer rises.]

“Hey, Jung Hae-won.”


When I turned around, the Hwang Sae-byeok who called me said,

“What else did you get inspired by?”

… … How did know?

“Does your expression look like you’re going to work again soon? Whatever it is, forget it quickly. I’ll see if I can go back to work.”

uh huh, that’s right. I quickly cleared my mind.

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