But the next second, something strange happened.

At that moment, Tohka only felt a blur in front of her eyes. She didn't know when she actually appeared farther away from the Holy Lord of Truth.

Before she could react, Tohka only felt a pain in her back. She staggered forward a few steps and looked back. She saw a black-haired lady with a dignified smile holding a jet-black sacred weapon with blue stripes that she had never seen before. The sword appeared behind her.

The pain in her back told Tohka that she had just been chopped.


Why didn't I notice the other person's approach?

Although very angry, Tohka's skills as a swordsman did not make Tohka lose his mind. It was a prudent choice to use the strongest "Lion King War" from the beginning. When attacking, he was always on guard against the possible existence of the Holy Lord of Truth. backhand.

But even so, Tohka was not able to detect Hengjian's approach. 】

The audience was also confused about this. Only a certain pink moldy octopus head in the Jojo world felt a faint sense of déjà vu.

"This ability? Could it be?"

["What a bad boy, Miss Tohka, this is inside the sacred Sword of Truth meeting hall. It is not okay to draw the sword here!"

The black-haired eldest lady covered her mouth and chuckled, but there was still no smile in her eyes.

"Bad boys will be punished, Lord Truth, okay?"

"Ah, although I originally wanted to stretch my muscles myself, since you are here, I leave it to you, Hengjian."

"As commanded."

Hengjian took out a fantasy driving book with a black background and white edges from his pocket. The cover was painted with countless sea creatures playing and playing.

Heng Jian flicked her wrist, the book opened with her movement, and a long roll call sounded.

"Ocean History! The lives hidden under the ultramarine are still weaving history today!"

Put the book elegantly into the slot of the sword grid, and an echo like a submarine's sonar echoes here.

For a moment, Tohka felt that the surrounding atmosphere had changed, as if she was in the deep sea. The unpredictable ocean currents blew Hengjian's bangs, exposing the left eye that had been hidden to Tohka.

It was a strange golden eye engraved with a clock-like pattern, exuding a mysterious and dangerous aura.

"Speaking of which, I have never reported my name to other swordsmen. I am very sorry, but please understand that my job is to eradicate the traitors of the organization. Due to the nature of the work, I feel that reporting my name may make The relationship became close, which made my job a little more difficult.”

With Toki Koku Sword Kaishi held across his chest, Tokisaki Kurumi's expression turned cold.

"But it won't happen now. My name is Tokisaki Kurumi, and I am the one who will defeat you here to recover the Water Sword Ryushui. Transformed."

Under Tohka's shocked gaze, Kurumi's right hand was wrapped with aqua-blue energy, and he directly grasped the separated blade of Toki Kuni Sword World, and then pulled the entire blade to the hilt. separate.

After Kurumi rotated the blade once, it was reconnected to the hilt. The two-handed sword, which was originally only about one meter long, lengthened and became thinner the moment he completed this action, and turned into a trident-shaped weapon the next moment.

She wields the trident to stir up the ocean currents brought by "Ocean History" and turns it into an armor to protect herself. Holding the trident, Kamen Rider Hengjian, which at first glance has more features of the water element than the blade, makes a majestic appearance.

"Reverse time! Time, time, time, time, time, time! It's all in my hands! Ocean history! Ocean waves! Giant waves~!"

An invisible sense of oppression emanated from this black-armored knight with shark-like elements. His red compound eyes, like diving equipment, stared in Tohka's direction, letting her know that a battle was unavoidable. 】

153: Time erased

[The black swordsman approached slowly. Tohka was tense and did not dare to be careless at all.

She had already heard about the famous name of Hengjian, Tokisaki Kurumi. This woman was a foreign swordsman poached from the outside world by the Holy Lord of Truth.

After joining the Sword of Truth organization, her main job was to eliminate villains who violated the organization's ideals, and there has never been a record of failure in an operation. Because of this, few people have ever seen her fighting.

Tohka only once heard Nanise and Miku say that the other party's battle was very strange, and she couldn't understand what happened at that time.

Now all Tohka can do is pay attention to every move of the opponent and always be prepared for defense and counterattack...

"Time erasure!"

"Re-Border Time!"


Thinking was in progress, but the scenery in front of Tohka changed drastically in the next second. At some point, she had arrived at the square in the center of the southern base from the magnificent meeting hall, and Kurumi in front of her was nowhere to be seen. figure.


In the midst of the lightning and flint, Tohka could only make this judgment, and use all her strength to slash behind her. This is the best solution she can make at present. If the enemy disappears from the field of vision, then there is a high probability that it will appear. The blind spot behind him.

It's a pity that her enemy this time cannot be recognized by common sense. Tohka's attack completely missed, while Kurumi stood to her left without saying a word until Tohka's attack The end has not moved even a step.

It was very incredible. It was clear that Tohka would see this position if she turned her head slightly, but Kurumi stood there confidently as if she was sure that the other party would not turn his head, and then waved the trident in his hand.

The sound of metal friction sounded, and three shocking scratches were left on the high-tech armor of the Lion King War Chronicle. Tohka's entire body was shot away along with the sparks.

The severe pain could not suppress Tohka's shock. She never expected that the other party would launch an attack from this position.

I can see that position just by moving my field of vision a little bit. How dare he?

Getting up from the ground at a steady speed, Tohka put her sword into the driver, intending to use an AOE to block the opponent's "teleportation". Seeing this, Kurumi just slightly raised the Toki Koku Sword Kaikai Toki Halberd in his hand, which looked familiar. The sound effect sounded again.

"Time erasure!"

"Re-Border Time!"

At the same time as the sound effect sounded, Tohka was shocked to find that she was dozens of meters ahead. The holy sword that had been stored in the drive was actually held in her hand, and she made a chopping action. .


Doubts filled Tohka's brain. At this moment, she finally understood why the Seven Sins seniors said that Kurumi's battle was very strange.

Naturally, Kurumi would not give her time to think. He thrust out the weapon in his hand and hit Tohka Kongmen's back directly. He lifted her whole body into the sky and fell heavily to the ground.

"Ah! Ahem!"

Tohka landed on the ground and kept rolling around. The accumulated damage from two Kurumi attacks had already affected her body.

"What's going on?"

Propping up her body and looking at Kurumi, who was walking toward her with Yuya Yuya, Tohka became more and more anxious. 】

In the video, Tohka was being beaten in a daze, and the viewers outside the video were also confused. Only a few viewers with the power of time vaguely noticed something was wrong, among which the boss of the Italian yangko troupe reacted the most intensely.

"It can't be wrong! It's time deletion! The ability of this Hengjian is time deletion!"

Hiding in the dark room, a tall man with long pink hair bit his nails irritably.

"I didn't expect that the Holy Sword of Time has the same type of abilities as me. Damn it!"

Diavolo was in a very irritable mood. In the words of one of his Araki Village neighbors, there were suddenly other vehicles inexplicably appearing on the road that he thought he could only enter, and he realized that he was no longer the only owner here. That feeling of irritability.

"With these two holy swords, the Dark Sword Yue Yami can foresee the future and the Time Kingdom Sword World can delete time. Anyone can become another me. No! I must confirm immediately whether this world also exists. Holy Sword, otherwise Diavolo’s way of being an emperor will become unstable, and we don’t need two people to stand at the top!”

Thinking of his next course of action, he turned his attention back to the video. He no longer thought that Tohka could leave the southern base. After all, time deletion was invincible!

[While Tohka was being violently beaten by Kuangsan, the perspective of the video came to the ice and snow outside the southern base. Shiori, holding the light steel sword, landed smoothly. The severe cold of Antarctica made the fire swordsman immediately He hugged his shoulders and his teeth chattered.

"Cold, cold! It's so cold! Why didn't you remind me to wear more clothes fufufu..."

"Sister-in-law, please bear with me, you will be warm when you go in."

"Nana, hurry up, hurry up..."

"Let me know, OK! Found it!"

The eyes of the little face on the brightest sword grid of the Guanggang Sword flashed, and a tunnel the size of a person appeared on the boundary of the southern base. Shizhi couldn't wait to run in, and then...

"Time erasure!"

"Re-Border Time!"


When he came back to his senses, Shizhi found that the chill on his body had completely disappeared, and he was already walking in the corridor of the southern base.

She looked around inexplicably, and touched her smooth chin strangely.

"Is the quality of the air conditioning here so good? Your body will be completely warm as soon as you come in. And why is Uncle Liusu's passage opening in a place like this? Isn't it usually at the front entrance or directly to the destination?"

"I think it's quite strange too, onee-sama, but I still want to find Tohka here."

"Well, what you said..."

"Time erasure!"

"Re-Border Time!"

"...That's right, huh?"

Before Shizhi could finish her words, she stared blankly at the last staircase at her feet, and then immediately looked back. A dozen meters away should be the corridor where she was standing a second ago. Such an abnormal situation made Shizhi Both Ori and Mana realized the seriousness of the problem.

Their time seemed to have been stolen from them, and neither of them felt the process.

"It feels very bad! Onee-sama!"

With a flash of golden light, Mana returned from the sword form to the human form, and let go of Shiori's hand.

"This place is so evil, we should split up and find Tohka as soon as possible and escape."

"Okay, then I'll look over there."

Shiori pointed in the direction of the hall, Mana nodded and pointed in the opposite direction, and the two separated.

In the process of searching, Shizhi experienced the same wonderful phenomenon several times, and she had some guesses in her mind. However, before she could catch the inspiration, she saw the person she was looking for when she entered the hall. .

It's just that the situation is very bad and the battle is over. 】

154: Forced escape (two-in-one)

[It’s more of a one-sided killing than a battle.

Tohka had no idea what the opponent's ability was. Whenever he wanted to fight back, his body would appear in another position in the next second, and his previous power-charging movements had also quietly changed. Then you will be attacked by Kurumi from the perspective.

Moreover, the opponent's attack was powerful and heavy. Tohka was certain that her physical ability was not inferior to her own Lion King's Battle Form. She could survive one or two attacks with perseverance, but this was not an option in the long run.

Sure enough, after being hit for the 10th time, Tohka's consciousness could no longer hold on, and her transformation was lifted and she fainted.

"Purge completed."

Kurumi stood next to Tohka who fainted on the ground, and there was a hint of appreciation in his eyes under the mask.

The water swordsman has managed to hold on until now with perseverance. Although Kurumi did not use his special kill, he almost got up again after taking 10 of his full-force attacks. This alone can Let Kuang San look at her with admiration.

"It's such a pity that such a talented person actually betrayed the Sword of Truth, Wuhe Shizhi, what a terrible guy. Sure enough, I should have let me get rid of her directly in the first place. What on earth was the Holy Lord of Truth thinking? ?”

Kuang San shook her head and threw away her inappropriate thoughts. As long as she could fulfill her tragic wish and wipe out all Megiddos for this world, she could tolerate whatever the Holy Lord of Truth did.

This is also the reason why she turned a blind eye to the behavior of the Holy Lord of Truth imprisoning the four wise gods. The four old people's approach was too conservative. If this continues, even after she dies, Miji may Duosan cadres are still active outside.

The recent news of Woodman's death convinced her that what the Holy Lord of Truth was doing was right.

"If you want to complain, just complain about your lack of loyalty to the organization."

"Fire draws the sword! The dragon of elements! The elements are overflowing! The bond is strengthened!"


Raising the trident in his hand, just when Kurumi was about to give the opponent the final blow, the exciting sound of transformation sounded. Kurumi's pupils suddenly shrank, and his finger quickly pressed the trigger of the Tokoku Sword World.

"Time erasure!"

"Re-Border Time!"


When she came back to her senses, Shizhi found that she had protected Tohka on the ground behind her, but a sharp thrust struck her the next second, shattering her body into several flying flames and regrouping not far away. .

"Did I just get hit?"

Shizhi, who had regrouped, touched his body and looked at the black knight who kept thrusting at the position where he was standing in confusion.

The black knight also glanced at the tip of his trident that had been stabbed empty, and slowly turned his gaze.

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