"Please wait for me for a while. I want to end my relationship with the Sword of Truth first. After I finish what I want to do, I will definitely return to everyone."

Tohka squatted down slightly and looked parallel to Yoshino. Yoshino looked at the other person's serious eyes and felt that the other person's temperament had become somewhat similar to Shiori's without even realizing it.

"Yeah! It's agreed, we must come back early!"

Yoshino smiled and stretched out her little finger to hook up with the other person. Tohka also smiled and hooked the other person's little finger.

"Hang yourself with a hook and you won't be allowed to change for a hundred years. Those who lie will be stabbed with a hundred swords by the holy sword!"

"Wow, what kind of subtle, realistic and terrifying hook is this!"

Tohka complained, while Yoshino slapped his head and said "Hey".

"This is the Sword of Truth version of Lagou from Yoshinoit. I thought you would like it."

"No way, Miss Yoshino.\

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