The School Sweetheart’s Soft Green Plum is Sweet and Wild!

Chapter 179: Being sentimental can lead to misunderstandings

Chapter 179 Being sentimental can lead to misunderstandings

“Bah, you scumbag!” Jian Nian gave him a look of contempt.

 Shen Yu:…

Lu Ning: “It’s not all about losing weight. I think it tastes pretty good, and it’s nutritious and convenient. It’s perfect for breakfast.”

Everyone knew that they had misunderstood. Fortunately, everyone was familiar with each other, so they would not feel embarrassed.

 “Then let me have a taste too.”

Shen Yu took the opportunity to change the subject, threw the things in his hand to Lu Shi'an and said, "Third brother, hold it for me first."

Before Lu Shian could react, something was stuffed into his hand. However, his eyes were always looking in Lu Ning's direction.

Lu Ning also felt it, but she didn’t even look at him from beginning to end.

Lu Shian was very depressed, especially because the girl was going out last night and went back to the tent when she saw him. He was so uncomfortable that he couldn't sleep well all night.

He felt that he was not angry with her, but simply at odds with himself.

But the girl looked like she was fine. She was chatting and laughing with other people early in the morning, but she didn't talk to him.

At this moment, two girls came to Lu Shian holding hands.

 The same two girls from last night.

“Hello handsome guy, um, do you remember us? I came to see you and add WeChat last night. We just want to ask you, did you delete our WeChat messages by mistake last night?”

The two of them successfully added each other's WeChat account last night and went back happily. However, when they turned around, they found that they had been blocked.

Mingming had a very good attitude towards the two of them before, but couldn't figure out what was going on, so they came over again early this morning to find out more about each other.

Want to know if there is any misunderstanding here?

"No." Lu Shi'an said.

The two girls couldn't help but feel happy: "Didn't you say it wasn't deleted? We knew it must have been accidental."

 Lu Shian glanced at the two of them: "What I mean is, there is no misunderstanding, it was just deleted on purpose."

"Why?" The expressions on the two girls' faces froze for a moment, showing confusion.

 Lu Shian: "There is no reason, just delete it if you want."

"So you did it on purpose?" The two girls finally came to their senses, and their expressions became a little ugly.

"So be it!" Lu Shi'an was in a bad mood, and he was a little less patient with the two of them.

One of the girls stared at him and said: "You, how can you do this? If you don't want to add people, you don't have to add them. After adding them, you delete them. You are clearly playing tricks on others on purpose. I don't think so." Is it too much?"

 It is more hateful to give people hope and then deliberately break it than to give no hope.

Lu Shi'an: "I didn't refuse on the spot, I was just afraid that you two would be embarrassed. I deleted you two afterwards just to save face for you two. I thought I had made my meaning very clear, but who knew you were actually doing this? I can't ignore it, and I came here to ask. Let me tell you clearly, and you think I'm playing tricks on you. So according to your wishes, I should reject you directly, so that you would feel better?"

 They certainly don’t want to be rejected directly in person.

 But it’s better than being played like this.

God knows how happy they were when they left, and how disappointed they were when they found out they were blocked.

How much courage did it take to stand in front of him again and ask him for clarification? However, the other party said that they were stupid, that they were too sentimental, and that they had mistaken their intentions...

 (End of this chapter)

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