The School Sweetheart’s Soft Green Plum is Sweet and Wild!

Chapter 178: I like girls who are a little bit fleshy

Chapter 178 I like girls who are a little bit fleshy


 On the other side, Jian Nian accompanied her out of the toilet.

The two of them were walking back and talking.

"No!" Lu Ning admitted that she felt a little uncomfortable, but she wasn't angry about it.

Jian Nian glanced at her. She didn't know whether she believed it or not, but she probably didn't believe it. "I think the third brother just wanted to use those two people to make you angry on purpose. He probably didn't even remember their appearance."

Of course, Lu Ning didn't think that Lu Shian really fell in love with them, but the other party's behavior and approach were quite childish.

Because of what happened just now, Lu Ning lost interest in continuing to chat around the campfire. She returned to the camp and said hello to everyone before going back to the tent to rest.

Everyone also felt that it was almost time to get ready for rest. Only Lu Shian was not sleepy and continued to sit by the bonfire without moving.

Lu Ning lay in the sleeping bag for a while, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, so she opened the tent door and prepared to go out for some fresh air. Who knew that as soon as the tent door was halfway open, she saw someone who was still sitting by the fire and raised his head when he heard the movement. Lu Shian.

The two looked at each other for five seconds. The latter was about to speak, but saw the other person pulling the tent door back directly.

 Lu Shian froze on the spot for a moment.

When we woke up the next day, everyone put away their sleeping bags, washed themselves briefly with the mineral water they brought, and then took out the biscuits and snacks they had prepared for breakfast.

Lu Shian has been lazily since he got up. Everyone took out food to eat, but he didn't move.

Shen Yu handed over the beef jerky and biscuits he had prepared: "Third brother, why don't you eat? Are you not prepared? Come on, come on, I'll give you half of mine."

 “Thanks, I have no appetite!” Lu Shian refused.

"What's going on?" Shen Yu raised his eyebrows, and his eyes immediately fell on Lu Ning opposite him. Thinking of what happened last night, a hint of understanding flashed in his eyes, and then he smiled and moved closer to Lu Ning, " Sister Ning, what are you eating? It looks delicious. Let me share it!"

"You want yogurt cereal?" Lu Ning said, taking an unopened box from her bag and handing it to him, "Pour the cereal directly into the yogurt, stir it and eat it."

After Shen Yu took it, he looked at it in his hand and said, "I heard that you girls all like to eat this to lose weight. Is it true?"

Hearing the word "lose weight", everyone's eyes fell on Lu Ning.

She was the first to shout: "Sister Ning, with your figure, do you still need to lose weight?"

"Yes, Sister Ning, you already have a good figure, there is no need to lose weight. Girls who are too thin will look like bamboo poles." Chu Nan said with a smile.

"Yes, yes," Shen Yu nodded in agreement, "I like girls who are a little bit fleshy. They are very cute, and they are easy to short, you are good like this. Don't lose weight any more. ”

Hearing this, Jian Nian glanced at him and said, "Looking at your understanding, you probably hug other girls a lot, right?"

"Ahem!" A trace of embarrassment flashed across Shen Yu's face, "It's not bad, not many."

Jian Nian: "How many are there?"

Shen Yu: "I don't remember this either."

He has dated so many girls, how can he remember them clearly? If you tell me one or two things, they won't believe it. If he talks too much, he seems to take advantage of girls.

Besides, one lie must be fulfilled by another lie, trouble!

 (End of this chapter)

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