"You don't have healing powers, Metatron."

Roy suppressed the rush of blood. He didn't like the beast-like fighting method of the God Slayer when facing the disobedient God. On the contrary, Roy was a person who believed in wisdom and knowledge. Just as humans evolved from eating raw meat and drinking blood to having civilization, in Roy's view, people who fought with beast-like instincts were just transforming into beasts.

Roy didn't want to transform into a beast. On the contrary, he wanted to subdue the beast.

"You are right, Son of Fool, I do not have any healing powers. That fake Michael has damaged my core, and now I am just a crippled god of disobedience."

Metatron's severed left arm and the big hole on his chest have not recovered, which shows that Metatron does not possess powerful immortality or healing powers.

Although Metatron is called the angel closest to God in the Book of Enoch, the apocryphal book is the apocryphal book. Metatron actually has no achievements, and it is impossible to transform myths and legends into powers. In addition, he was originally a civil servant and had almost no combat powers.

It can be said that Metatron is an irresistible god that ordinary magicians cannot resist, but for any godslayer, he is very easy to deal with.

Compared with Metatron, Roy knew how powerful Michael, who was once killed by him, was from the power he possessed. He was able to kill Michael in one fell swoop. Wisdom and decisiveness were one of the reasons, but the bigger reason was luck - luck was Aiwass.

"Return to your apocryphal mythology, Metatron! Your time of wandering on earth has come to an end!"

Roy took a deep breath and raised his right hand high.

He had already used the most practical of his seven powers,"Jacob's Hands and Feet", and also used the"Eye of Sodom", a subsidiary power of the"Sin of Sodom". Now, Roy was about to use his third power, which was called——

『"Blow the Seven Trumpets"!

This is a chapter in the Book of Revelation in the New Testament of the Bible. It is also the origin of Michael's title as the archangel and the supreme commander of thousands of angels. It is the doomsday legend that He will be the first to blow the trumpet of the end of the world in the name of the seven archangels at the time of the final judgment, leading the army of angels to fight against the beast!

"Angel, blow the trumpet of doomsday!!"

Roy sang the Word of God loudly, and then a door to heaven opened in the sky above his head, and the sound of seven trumpets came from it. If there was a devout Christian here, he would definitely recognize that this was the coming of the Day of Judgment!

"The Last Judgment?!"

Erica is an Italian and a Christian. Although as a Grand Knight of the Copper and Black Cross, she is not firm in her belief in Christianity, she has faith and has read the Bible. After seeing the door to heaven opened and hearing the trumpets blown by the seven guardian angels, she knew that Roy's power was a reappearance of the scene recorded in the Book of Revelation!

Behind the door to heaven, hundreds of angels flew out. These angels were the condensation of magic power, with basic human shapes, and it was impossible to distinguish between men and women. They had wings on their backs, and their bodies were like etheric bodies emitting sacred light.

Erica was also horrified when she saw these angels. These days... Each of them was extremely powerful. They flew in the air and deployed their troops like an army that followed orders. Erica had no doubt that this angel army could kill all the divine beasts. Even if the God of Disobedience wanted to destroy these angels, it would consume a lot of mana. If a great knight like her was surrounded by the angel army, she would surely die.

Roy could not really summon tens of millions of angels, but these hundreds of angels were powerful enough. Under the leadership of this"Archangel", any God of Disobedience would be in great trouble.

But Metatron was not surprised but delighted when he saw these angels. He shouted loudly:"……I am God's agent. I will record all the deeds in heaven and on earth."

After hearing Metatron chanting the Word Spirit, Roy became alert. The reason why he used this power to summon the angels was that he saw that Metatron was already at the end of his strength, so he decided to let the angel army destroy him.

Any disobedient god should not be underestimated. Roy did not know what powers Metatron had, and was afraid that he had some powerful powers that could only be activated when he was dying. Roy had already taken the advantage and was only one step away from victory, so he naturally did not want to take risks. Now Metatron was no match for the angel army, so Roy was ready to kill him by beating him up.

When Metatron activated his power, a book and a pen appeared in his hand. The book was transformed by power. When it appeared, the feather pen automatically wrote on it. Then Roy realized that the effect of the power he had just activated,"Blow the Seventh Trumpet", disappeared, and the angels in the sky turned their weapons and aimed them at Roy.

"Is it a usurpation of power? Has one of my powers been usurped? What are the conditions for activation? Why can they usurp my angel army but not my Jacob brothers?』"

Just as Roy was thinking about the limitations and effects of Metatron's power, Erica exclaimed from behind him:"……『"Oh, King, please be careful!"

The angels in the sky charged at Roy. Seeing this, Roy frowned. He moved in a very small area and dodged the angel's thrust in front of him. Then he punched out and beat the angel into a basic ether particle.

At this time, Roy was completely surrounded by these angels. Each of them was like a powerful knight and the best soldier, and their cooperation was extremely perfect.

Roy kept moving his feet, punching, chopping, or kicking, blocking all the angels' attacks. At the same time, every time A counterattack can kill an angel.

However, these hundreds of angels are still a bit too many. It is not difficult to kill these angels with Roy's power as a God Slayer, but it will waste a lot of physical strength, energy and spell power. This is the purpose of this power, to consume the opponent through large-scale group combat and look for opportunities to kill.

Roy glanced and saw that after Metatron usurped his angel army, He did not cooperate with the angel army to launch an attack, but turned around and waved his thirty-six pairs of wings, and the posture was actually to escape.

Seeing this, Roy was shocked and angry:"……Metatron, you actually chose to continue to run away!!"

But Roy soon calmed down and felt that it was not surprising that Metatron would make this choice, because even in all the records of the true and false scriptures, Metatron was the only one who became an angel from a human, which means that his humanity was very strong, and it was reasonable for him to make human choices.


After seeing Metatron preparing to escape, Erica had clearly witnessed the horror of the God of Disobedience and the God Slayer, and knew that she could not fight against them, but at this time she still raised her sword sternly, mustering her courage and pride. Even in the face of an unbeatable enemy, she did not flinch, chanting a spell, and actually wanted to use her own power to keep Metatron:

"Wedge of the Red Cross……"

However, Erica had just finished reciting the spell when she was interrupted by Roy:"……Stop, Erica! I order you to run now!"

"『"King", what are you talking about?"

Erica, who was holding the 'Heart of the Lion King' in front of her, stopped the spell and asked loudly in astonishment.

"I won't say it a third time. Now, immediately, flee from here, or you may die next!"

Seeing the serious expression on Roy's face, Erica hesitated for a moment and obeyed:"……Yes,"King"! As your knight, Erica will give top priority to your orders."

If Roy was facing desperate danger, Erica would probably choose not to listen to his orders and bravely fight the enemy, but after seeing that Roy was not in any danger now, she chose to obey without hesitation.

Although this woman is quick-witted and sometimes too opinionated and self-righteous, as long as she gets her loyalty, she will really bet her life as a knight.

"Fly, Boots of Hermes!"

Erica activated the magic that allowed her to fly, and her body quickly retreated lightly.

At the same time, Roy chanted a new word while fighting the angel army:

"Your sins will be heard by the Lord, and sulfur and fire from heaven will burn everything!"

This is the complete form of Roy's second power,"Sin of Soma".

It is a city-level power that can only be used once every three days and can destroy the City of Sin in one blow!

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