Saint Martha is one of the twelve saints of Christianity and a famous Christian saint. In the legend, Martha has a younger brother and a younger sister, both of whom are famous legendary figures, one is Lazarus and the other is Mary Magdalene.

There are not many records about Martha. In the records of legend, in addition to being a devout Christian, her greatest achievement was that she encountered monsters rampant in Tarascon and subdued the dragon Tarascon at the request of the residents. From then on, Saint Martha settled in Tarascon, and the residents here also converted to the new religion of Christianity at the time under her inspiration.

Roy's"Jacob's Hands and Brothers" is the strongest fighting technique in the Bible. According to Roy's own research and understanding, it is divided into seven styles. Each move and each style has the power of the Bible and can reproduce legends and myths.

‘The Saint Fulong's punch was powerful enough to subdue dragons and tigers. Even the legendary dragons would be knocked down by this punch.

No matter how Saint Martha summoned the dragon to subdue it in the legend, in Jacob's Brothers』���In the first battle, it was misinterpreted as a surrender with fists.

Metatron was as tall as a giant, just like the legendary dragon. The punch of the"Saint Fulong" was absolutely powerful, enough to surpass the dragon's strength.


Roy's seemingly small fist collided with Metatron's arm, and a terrifying shock wave exploded. The rock wall under Metatron's feet instantly shattered into pieces, and the heretic angel also cried out in pain. Roy's punch actually smashed his huge body into the ground. The rock got stuck in his waist, making this"Secretary of Heaven" unable to even stand up for a while.

"The second form, 'Moses parted the sea’!"

At this moment, Roy seemed to have turned into a warrior knight in an ancient oriental story, having reached the 'ultimate martial arts'.

Roy's right hand, which had been in his pocket, suddenly stretched out, and a mosaic-like pattern appeared above his right shoulder, distorting everything. This was the vision of Roy's right hand. He raised his right hand high, and his fist turned into a palm knife, and swung it down at Metatron's left arm.

His palm knife was sharper than any blade, and the sword energy overflowed and cut Metatron's arm. The arm of the God of Disobedience was directly broken, and the blood of the god spurted out, and the remaining blade was so powerful that it directly split the only small town on Ponza Island in the middle, tore the Crescent Beach, and divided the Tyrrhenian Sea into two halves, reaching the distant horizon.

The magnificent scene was like the sea god Poseidon splitting the sea with his trident.


After the sea was split apart, when the force of"Moses split the sea" dissipated, the sea closed again, and hundreds of millions of tons of seawater collided with each other, causing a huge wave that completely submerged the Crescent Beach and the city on the island.

《In the Book of Exodus, Moses led God's chosen people out of Egypt and no longer be slaves. He split the Red Sea so that the chosen people could cross the sea to the land of Canaan.

Roy reproduced the legend of Moses splitting the sea with"Jacob's Hands and Feet", distorting the"record" so that Moses split the sea with his palm instead of with his staff!

"The third method is to kill the son as a sacrifice to the gods.’!"

After two moves, Roy did not give Metatron any chance to react. He changed his right hand into a finger and pointed it at the angel's chest.

This move reproduced Abraham's intention to kill his own child Isaac to prove his pious finger strength.

According to the Bible, Abraham was determined to kill his son as a sacrifice to God with a knife in hand. This legend was distorted by Roy and turned into Abraham's intention to pierce Isaac with his finger to take his life.

This move embodies the piety of faith and the ruthlessness of murderous intent. For the sake of God, even one's own child can be killed. Thousands of murderous intent are concentrated on one finger. Nothing can resist this finger and will be pierced by it.

『Jacob's Hands and Feet is not the strongest one among Roy's powers, but it is the most practical and suitable one for fighting.

Roy gave Jacob's Hands and Feet various biblical myths and legends, and fought heartily with fists, expressing a man's heart and soul, and was full of vigor.

Now Roy just wanted to compete with the leader of the demon cult, to see whether her"Flying Phoenix Twelve Palms" containing the theory of yin and yang is more powerful, or his"Jacob's Hands and Feet" containing the theory of biblical legends is better.

Jacob's other name is"Israel", the ancestor of the Israelis. It is not an exaggeration to say that Roy is the"Israeli Boxing Champion" now.

His fingers pierced through his chest, and before Metatron counterattacked, Roy used the cursed power under his legs to quickly jump away. Since Jacob's Hands and Feet is called"Hands and Feet", it is a set of fighting skills that use both hands and feet, but Roy put all the attacks on his hands, and the skills of his legs were completely used for transfer.

Metatron's left arm was cut off, revealing a huge hole in his chest. If it were a mortal, he would have died by now, but the God of Disobedience had extremely strong vitality, and human weakness could not affect the God of Disobedience.

Roy's series of punches made Metatron's head dazed. When he reacted, he roared in pain and waved his thirty-six wings to completely smash the cliff. Roy was already far away from his attack range at this time, standing in a rocky ruin and confronting this huge angel again.

Erica, who was not far behind Roy before, had already run away. She was panting, and her red dress was torn into many holes, revealing her delicate skin under the dress.

The Italian girl held the"Heart of the Lion King" and used her swordsmanship and magic to block the rubble and the aftermath of the roar. When everything stopped temporarily, she looked at the scene in front of her and felt a chill in her heart. Her scalp was numb, and her right hand holding the sword was trembling. Her beautiful blue eyes were full of disbelief.

Roy completely tore apart the Ponza Island, a tourist attraction in Italy, with just one punch, one palm, and one finger. The only city has become history under the falling rubble and the waves, and one-third of the entire island has completely sunk into the sea.

Is this the power of the God Slayer? It's not that a magician can't do this kind of destructive power, but that requires the union of many magicians and the use of rituals to perform great magic. However, the God Slayer only used three punches and two moves to flatten an island marked on the map.

The God of Disobedience is a moving natural disaster, and the God Slayer is the devil on earth. At this moment, Erica finally understood the meaning of it, and was ashamed of her previous boldness and unwillingness to accept it.

Erica believed that she might be able to block Roy's punch with all her strength, but she would definitely not be able to block the second punch or the third punch!

"Metatron, it seems that the injury Michael brought to you was quite serious. You haven't recovered yet."

Roy put his right hand in his pocket again. The mosaic-like vision on his right shoulder disappeared. He looked at the badly injured 'Clerk of Heaven' in front of him. His blood was still boiling, but his tone was relaxed.

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