The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 926 Caught off guard

Yoona vaguely heard the sound of knocking on the door, and her poor brain made her unable to react for a moment. You must know that her bedroom door is never locked, and the girls entered each other's rooms without knocking. habit, so what is the situation now? Did Li Menglong run to the second floor again?

Subconsciously, she covered her chest with one hand and her lower body with the other. Through the touch, she found that she seemed to be well dressed. At this time, the knocking on the door outside became louder and louder. Yoona didn't expect Jessica to go over and open the door, so she just I can rely on myself.

Squinting her eyes, she rolled to the side. According to the width of her bed, she should be able to roll to the edge of the bed. However, there was obviously something unexpected today. She didn't even roll half a circle, and she fell directly to the floor.

Maybe it was because her head hurt from the fall, but Yoona finally regained some consciousness. She sat on the floor and looked at the strange "bed" beside her. This was not in her dormitory. Where did it come from?

But you can think about where exactly it is. The person knocking on the door was already eager to come and break down the door. Yoona straightened her hair a little, opened the door and walked out. Fortunately, this kind of door was opened in variety shows before, but this time. Where are the seed gates usually placed?

"Do you know that you can't park for long periods of time here? Do you have any sense of ethics? Your driver's license..." The little security guard couldn't speak in the middle of his words. Yoona was always ignored by Li Menglong, it was definitely because Li Menglong was blind. Eyes, you must know that Yoona is still worthy of the title of goddess.

So when the little security guard saw the goddess suddenly walking out, his brain obviously went crazy, and he was even speechless with excitement. Yoona was very used to this kind of situation, but Li Menglong's indifferent attitude made her Not good at handling it.

Signing to the security guard to calm down, Yoona walked down on her own, and began to use some clues to try to find the memories she had lost due to sleep. First of all, she looked at her clothes, which seemed to be ordinary daily wear, and there was no makeup or hair at all. It should be ok if you change your clothes in the morning so that you can show off your body.

She took two steps back and looked at the door opposite. This was obviously not their dormitory. This was a bus, a very luxurious one. Yoona was sleeping on the seat just now, so when she rolled will fall off.

"But why are we on the bus? It's not a ghost!" Yoona trembled all over, then pressed her temples to remember, and finally remembered a little bit.

It seems that when Park Xiangmin came back from the trip last night, he informed them that there was a government event in Busan the next day and they couldn't avoid it. It was early in the morning. The girls didn't think too much. It wasn't the first time. It was probably some kind of festival held by the local government.

The money given out on the spot for such activities is usually not much, but the corresponding benefits are many. Usually they will be given the title of promotion ambassador symbolically. This is where the money comes from, and it not only enhances their local popularity. , the money earned through endorsements in one year is quite a lot.

So although they complained, it was mainly because it was early in the morning and they had to leave early almost in the middle of the night. So after three o'clock, everyone was woken up by Li Menglong, changed their clothes, and continued to run to the bus to sleep. .

After smoothing out the cause and effect, Yoona immediately felt a lot more relaxed. However, looking at the excited security guard on the side, she seemed to have something else to do: "Hello, I'm Lin Yoona. What's the matter?"

"Ah? Ah, that's it. Your bus is parked in the wrong seat. You need to move closer to the inside!"

"That's really embarrassing. Maybe our driver just stopped temporarily. I'll ask them to move away!" Yoona said very politely. These are all qualities!

"It's more than that. Your car has been parked here for almost two hours, otherwise I wouldn't have come here!" The little security guard was a little shy when he spoke. After all, he came here with a lot of anger. You can hear it from the force of the knocking.

"Two hours?" Yoona repeated incredulously. She already had some very bad premonitions: "Excuse me, what time is it now?"

"It's past ten in the morning! Do you have any activities in Jingshan? But there are no activities in a small place like ours that are worthy of your visit!" The security guard was finally able to speak fluently: "Is it possible that we have three meals a day? Meal? But that village is still some way away from ours in Jeongseon, why are you stopping here?"

Yoona covered her mouth and didn't want to speak anymore. In fact, when she heard the time, she knew there was something going on. When she heard that it was Jingshan, she understood everything. Damn the early morning activities in Busan!

I have to say that Lee Menglong’s pranks should not be too simple. First of all, he can directly let the girls move through the company without any suspicion. Secondly, he also has extremely high credibility among the girls. To put it simply, Yoona had no idea a minute ago. Never doubted him.

Instructing the security guard to wait for a while, Yoona walked into the car and looked at the sleeping sisters. She let out a wail. Silly girls like them might not even know it after being tricked to death by Li Menglong. .

The nine heads came together and began to communicate about the current situation. Of course, they first despised Li Menglong. This bitch would later settle accounts with him slowly, and then analyzed the current situation.

There seemed to be no problem recording three meals a day, but it seemed that they didn’t know the location, and moving was also a problem. After thinking about it more, they found that except for Xu Xian’s backpack, all the other people’s luggage was also missing. .

To put it simply, they are penniless now, and Xu Xian's bag only contains dried sweet potatoes and yam juice that Xu Xian likes to eat. You don't need to ask to know that it is Li Menglong's special care for Xiao Xian.

At this time, the door was knocked again, and Yoona invited the little security guard to come up. The guy who had finally gotten used to the goddess Yoona was nervous again, because nine goddesses were looking at him: "Sorry , the car should move, otherwise it will block the road..."

"Guilty? OK!" Kim Taeyeon came out as the eldest sister to take control of the situation: "Um, is there anyone in the team who can drive a bus?"

After Kim Taeyeon asked, she knew that there was a problem. Some of the nine of them could not even drive by themselves, let alone take a bus. The first problem appeared like this?

Fortunately, the little security guard slowly raised his hand, and Kim Taeyeon shouted bingo. Sure enough, the sky is the limit, and their luck as a girl was invincible. But could Li Menglong's elaborate prank be so simple?

When the security guard tried to start the car, he found that not only the battery was out of power, but also the gasoline was out. They didn't know how they controlled it, but based on their understanding of Li Menglong, they probably drove it wherever they went.

Now the nine girls were completely dumbfounded. What could they use to buy gasoline? Could it be possible that Xu Xian’s dried sweet potatoes were sold? Fortunately, Xu Xian calmly discovered the presence of a camera in the car, which meant that someone should be filming around him.

So the nine girls started to get out of the car to arrest people, and soon a large group of acquaintances were caught from the side. They were all the people in the company who had been working for two days and one night, except that the core Director Luo was missing.

Afterwards, everyone exchanged information with each other. They simply said that Director Luo and Li Menglong should be waiting for them in the countryside. These people from the company who were temporarily called to help were also here for the first time. They were filming Reply 1988 some time ago. Woolen cloth.

Fortunately, these people are all instinctive when it comes to filming variety shows, so even though they didn't know anything after being fooled by Director Luo, they just started filming in a daze. But then a worse scene happened, when Kim Taeyeon asked them for money. At that time, these dozen people said matter-of-factly: "We are here to shoot you. Of course, you have to pay for food and accommodation. We didn't bring any money!"

Kim Taeyeon quickly grasped the current situation. In other words, the twenty or so of them were left behind by Jingshan without any money? Isn't this a bit too much, or maybe I don't even know what they are going to do next!

The problem of the bus was temporarily solved. There was no money, but they had people. If the 20th person pushed together, the bus started to move slowly, but then they were covered in hot sweat and lingering hunger.

Since they had a long enough break today, the girls are still energetic, and besides, they are filming a program here. And even if it's just to slap them in the face, they have to live their true selves and let Li Menglong see their terrifying survival ability as a girl!

But I have to say that the taller the devil, the taller the devil. According to the imagination of the girls, as long as they stand on the street, they will be surrounded in no time. Then they can act coquettishly, tell a joke, etc. Food and drinks are pouring in.

It’s just that that was a scene in Seoul, but what can I say in a small and relatively isolated place like Jeongseon? First of all, it is a weekday morning, so students and young people are all at work, so you can’t count on the uncles and aunts on the street. Admire them more!

Secondly, because everyone in a small place is more pragmatic, even though the little security guard also admires them, his monthly salary is only so much, so he can't just throw money to the girls, so the plan for the girls to eat and drink for free will go bankrupt in minutes. .

Even the staff who were filming on the side were very dissatisfied. You must know that Director Luo deceived them when they came over, saying that they would be provided with delicious food and drinks, as well as an outing in the countryside, and of course they could be with the girls.

Now I'm with the girls, but we're all starving together! The best person living here is Seohyun. After all, with the gift from Li Menglong, Kim Taeyeon reluctantly drank the yam juice. She felt that she would rather drink sea water!

Several girls felt that it was not possible to continue like this. The chance of being laughed at was too high, so making money became the top priority now. Li Shunkyu glanced around, and soon his eyes lit up: "How about we go get that Is the bus sold?"

"Are you stupid? Do you think that bus belongs to our company?" Kim Taeyeon said with disdain, but then she changed sides: "But the cameras always belong to the company, right?"

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