The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 925 Treating guests to dinner

The simplest, most affordable, and most common takeout in South Korea is Jajangmyeon. It’s normal to have two portions if you have something to do, so girls are not exempt from this custom. Although they are all rich women with a net worth of over 100 million, they should There is still some hardship and simplicity.

It's not that they don't want to order something expensive, but that they occasionally think of fried noodles, a food they've grown up with since they were snacks, and there's no price difference between them. The price difference of a few hundred yuan is considered too much.

Generally, people who have some spare money will order an extra serving of sweet and sour pork or fried dumplings. Sweet and sour pork is just dry-fried tenderloin, meat segments, and small crispy pork with some sweet and sour sauce. I can’t say how delicious it is. , but it still tastes better when paired with fried noodles.

A large order for ten people is something that needs to be taken seriously in any noodle restaurant, so Yoona skillfully asked the boss to add a bunch of side dishes and fried dumplings without even reporting her identity, and then nodded with satisfaction. , and even patted his chest and said: Yoona is great!

"Can you have any lower expectations for yourself?" Li Menglong said angrily while spitting out the tea leaves in his mouth: "Let's not talk about how much dividends you get every year. You are the only star in this movie. How much money did you make? Just use a bowl of noodles to repay your director's kindness, right? How can you stay in the industry in the future?"

Yoona felt very unsure of herself after grabbing the white spot. After all, what Li Menglong said made sense. But then she realized, how long had Li Menglong been threatening her with this matter? And today we are just ordering takeout, who said we would invite him?

"Didn't you order two more portions of sweet and sour pork? Don't be dissatisfied!" Yoona rolled her eyes very nicely.

"Do you think I'm the kind of lady who never leaves home? How much does a serving of sweet and sour pork cost? Five thousand? Eight thousand? Or ten thousand?" Li Menglong balled up the paper in his hand and threw it over: "How much do I pay you for one episode? How much are you worth for a commercial now? You make hundreds of millions there, and treat me to sweet and sour pork worth 10,000 yuan? Where's your conscience?"

"What are you doing? I heard you cursing here from upstairs. Why did Yoona offend you?" Several girls upstairs slowly walked down. They are so sensitive about eating. Of course I don’t rule out coming over to see the excitement.

"Ask her yourself! I'm so disappointed in my sister!" Li Menglong pouted and walked to the bathroom, while Yoona outside began to complain to the Ernies very aggrievedly.

I just didn't expect that this time the girls would all side with Yoona, and the reason was not complicated, because if Yoona had to spend a lot of money to repay Li Menglong, no one else present would be able to escape.

It’s not that the girls feel sorry for the money, but how can they hold their heads high in front of Li Menglong in the future? How can I just criticize him? Therefore, this account cannot be acknowledged even to death. Even Yoona was told by them that she felt that she had done nothing, it was perfect!

"What does this confident attitude mean? Could it be that the world has changed since I went to the bathroom? Is it possible that you still feel that Yoona did the right thing?" Li Menglong looked at the group of people who nodded and was speechless: "I don't To say how much it will help Yoona’s future is false! For this TV series alone, the pre- and post-film remuneration plus advertising, Yoona’s money will definitely be no less than 500 million! Treat me to a meal for less than 10,000 yuan Sweet and sour pork makes sense, right?”

"Hey Yi Gu, you also have noodles with fried bean paste and seafood noodles! They are extra! The total is more than 20,000 yuan!" Yoona looked like Li Menglong was difficult to serve.

"Then I would like to thank our Miss Lin Yuner in advance for the gift. I am so touched by your return that I don't even know what to say. Xiaoxian, go get my meat-cutting knife!"

"What are you going to do? A quarrel is a quarrel!" Li Shungui jumped out and pointed at Li Menglong, but he was a little arrogant and respectful: "If you are really angry, just hit him twice, how can you use the knife!"

"Onie, what do you mean? You're selling me now, right? At least you can hold on for a while!" Yoona felt that her whole life was tragic.

"What are you insisting on? We don't have the shame to speak for you. We have earned so much money and just treat Li Menglong to eat this kind of food. We, Unnies, also eat noodles with soybean paste? It's so heartless. We also contributed to your ratings. Right!" Kim Taeyeon's words were unanimously recognized by the girls. Indeed, they were also watching it at home at the time.

But according to this logic, Yoona can probably pay to death. Anyone who sees Starry Night wants Yoona to treat him to dinner? Just inviting Jajangmyeon Yoona would almost go bankrupt! So facing the demands of these unscrupulous people, Yoona bravely chose to say no.

Although she was physically tortured to a certain extent, she managed to keep her wallet. Yoona was still very satisfied with this. At the same time, she was also thinking silently that when the singing period was over, she would be alone. You don't need to take anyone with you, so you go have a big meal by yourself. The kind that is super expensive, preferably an eight-figure meal, the kind that makes you feel bad.

Just when everyone wanted to train Yoona in depth, the noodles had also arrived, which saved Yoona's life in disguise. They had fried noodles plus two bowls of seafood noodles, and fried dumplings with sweet and sour pork. some type of.

I have to say that it looked quite grand after it was put on the table, which made Yoona feel aggrieved. She was treating nine people to dinner by herself, what else did she want?

Everyone had nothing to say about what they ate, and everyone had sauce on the corner of their mouths. After all, there were no cameras around, so they could eat a little less ladylike. As for Yoona's little proud girls, they naturally gave the most severe criticism: the quantity. It's quite a lot, but if you add it all up, it's a hundred thousand yuan, right? This is not fooling people.

Yoona couldn't say anything more to these people. I remember when I was a trainee, not to mention treating guests to fried noodles, even if everyone pooled their money together, they still couldn't afford it. At that time, Yoon's family was relatively wealthy. The son always gets extra, but now she has forgotten about Yoona’s contribution, right?

To say that she felt a little sorry for Li Menglong. It was really too much to ask a director who helped her to eat this as a thank you. At worst, she could take Li Menglong with her when having a big meal, Yoona thought.

There wasn’t much sweet and sour pork in one portion, so Li Menglong didn’t eat more than a few pieces before finishing it: “I said it’s okay to treat me to such a cheap meal, why don’t you give me more? That’s not how you save money. ah!"

"Ah! Oppa, you have gone too far! Why do you keep talking about me!" Yoona jumped up excitedly: "Besides, what qualifications do you have to talk about me? Have you ever treated us to anything expensive?"

I don’t know who started to applaud first, but the living room was immediately filled with applause from the girls admiring Yoona. These words are so powerful. Didn’t you see that Li Menglong had nothing to say? This is how she should be criticized, so as not to bully them if nothing happens!

"Okay, treat me to dinner, right? Just for these two days, I'll look for a place and see what else you guys will say about me in the future!" Li Menglong said angrily, and at the same time pulled Xu Xian's dinner plate over: "Xiao Xian doesn't Have you eaten, right? Oppa will eat it for you. I don’t know what to say when I meet someone like this who treats guests to fried noodles and doesn’t care if they are full!”

"You've said everything you need to say! Next time I order you noodles with soybean paste, I will definitely order ten portions for you. I'll kill you!" Yoona muttered, "I'm going to catch up on my schedule! I'm not going to go with you." ?”

"Why not! In this life, you have to earn money after eating!" Li Shunkyu hammered his legs, as if he had been greatly wronged: "It's not like a certain uncle who idles around day after day, and doesn't even have a formal meeting all year round. There’s no job!”

Li Menglong almost choked on his mouth. The complaints from these girls were getting more and more sharp. Li Menglong felt that he could no longer train the girls in this direction, otherwise how would he live his life in the future.

There were quite a few people with schedules in the evening. Yoona and Seohyun were going to shoot a pictorial, and Lee Soon Kyu and Kim Taeyeon had a radio show. By the way, they also pulled Panina over, calling them guests. As for Panina, The pitiful performance fee will probably be enough for tonight's supper.

He had just been accused of being idle, so Li Menglong simply became a full-time driver tonight, delivering this and that. Fortunately, the two maknae who shot the pictorial, Meimeita, were able to cleanse the eyes.

As for the idle Li Menglong, he has also begun to plan where to treat the girls to dinner. The plan will probably be released soon. As for some details, it is easy to add in his identity. After all, if he is serious, even if he gives the girls Maybe they would pay Li Menglong even if he sold it.

"Why is Oppa's smile so obscene?" Yoona asked very sensitively from behind.

"Because you are so beautiful in the photo shoot, I feel like you are not the same person as you are in normal times!"

"Why am I not alone? I am as beautiful in private as in the pictorial!" Yoona defended her beauty straightforwardly.

Li Menglong obviously didn't want to dwell too much on this issue, because Yoona would not change his mind no matter what: "Are you tired recently, Xiaoxian? Do you want Oppa to help you find an excuse to take a rest for two days!"

"Oh! There's a living person here! Is it appropriate to have such a naked transaction?" Yoona said to herself: "I think it's quite suitable. Why don't you take me with you?"

The three of them were chatting and laughing, and after picking up Kim Taeyeon and others, the car was extremely lively. Even after returning home, these girls were still tossing around in the living room for a while before going up. Before leaving, they reminded Li Menglong not to forget that. meal.

Although it is said that they are losing weight, the girls all have the awareness that this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity must completely make Li Menglong heartbroken, poor, and empty. Anyway, none of them have any oil or water in their stomachs recently, so they don't need it. I deliberately had an empty stomach, just waiting for a big meal.

But will Li Menglong let them get their wish? Maybe……

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