Fortunately, the dj hurriedly borrowed several mobile phones, and after repeated downloads, it was barely enough. After nobady, the girls finally brought their own divine comedy, a gee that could be sung for an era appeared on the stage .

As for the formation, who will sing the parts with fewer people and more people, these are all non-negotiable. Just like at the beginning, Pani directly took over Jung Soo-yeon's rap, while Seohyun sang Soo-young's part before leaving.

Although there were not many audiences below, they were neat. Dozens of people broke out into a momentum of nearly a hundred people, calling the girls' names frantically between songs.

The composition of people in the audience is also quite complicated, there are Xiaoyuan's friends and younger brothers, there are those who have just helped the girls resist the crowd for a long time, and there are Fatty and his employees who are facing huge losses today.

So although the performance was very tiring, they still sang three songs in a row before stopping to take a break. This time, what was left on their heads was real sweat.

During the performance, I don't know if it was because of the clothes, but in Li Menglong's opinion, the best performer was Hyoyeon, whom he was least familiar with. Just after the song ended, she even performed a solo dance with the explosive drumbeat from the DJ.

Although I don't know how to judge the quality of the dance, but in Li Menglong's opinion, it is enough to make people enjoy. Simply put, it is the stretch of the dance. As a woman, she can pick out the strong feeling of a man.

"Okay, now it's time for everyone to have a carnival, let's dance together—" With the roar of the dj, the lights on the scene dimmed again, only the stage was slightly brighter.

At this time, the scene turned into a small club again, only Hyoyeon was left to dance on the stage among the girls, and they scattered among the crowd.

Everyone was very polite to them. Although they were very excited to go along with their dance, they all left about half a meter of space. The girls who rarely enjoyed this kind of treatment gradually relaxed, shaking their heads and shaking their heads.

After completely returning the stage to the dj, standing on the stage and seeing the harmony below, Li Menglong also got off the stage and shook a few times, but it didn't take long before he sat back at the bar and played the role of the bartender.

Li Shungui had already searched for Li Menglong, and finally saw him at the bar, so he pretended not to know and sat over: "Thank you for a bottle of beer!"


"This is a club, who are you lying to?"

"Not for sale!"

"Please, you won't make any money, will you?"

"Then you take the money!" Li Menglong was chatting with Lee Soon Kyu while enjoying Kim Hyo Yeon's performance on stage.

And Li Shungui has already got the beer prepared in advance on the table, drank half a bottle, and burped lightly. She can't remember how long it has been since she was able to be so indulgent in the crowd: "Don't you guys go down and dance?" It's easy to dance."

"I'm tired! But it's time for you to dance. You've gained a lot of weight in the next year, right? You'll be on TV soon, so you have to prepare yourself!" Li Menglong said.

"Uh, can you not bring up such a cruel topic of weight loss at such a beautiful moment, anyway, let's talk about it tomorrow." Leaving the back of Li Menglong's head, she carried a small bottle of beer and broke into the crowd without looking.

The atmosphere in the crowd was really good, and without worrying about the image, the girls quickly went crazy, and somehow the audience was divided into several groups and began to encourage the girls to fight and dance, which is also the repertoire of the club. Except that the people fighting dance are more famous now.

Taeyeon was the first to be pushed up. Just now, Hyoyeon conquered the audience with a difficult big windmill. After Taeyeon took the stage, her little head immediately started to move. Hard work is definitely not enough. Now it’s not about singing, who can Fight Kim Hyo-yeon.

So after thinking about it, Kim Taeyeon suddenly covered her face with her hands. Although her hands were not big, her face was even smaller, so it was completely covered. Then stepping on the rhythm of the music, he opened his hands naturally, with a bright smiling face.

With the continuous opening and closing of her hands, Kim Taeyeon successfully drove Kim Hyoyeon away with more than a dozen facial expressions, facing Kim Hyoyeon who was shouting about the shady scene, she made up the knife with a smile: "She said I was disgusting, but do you think it's cute? "

"Cute!" "Disgusting!"

In the tidy cuteness, there was a disgusting sound mixed in, the voice was not so small, Kim Taeyeon didn't have to look around, she could guess it was Li Menglong's voice even with her toes.

Next, Xu Xian and Pani played one after another, and there was not much competition. Occasionally, everyone cheered for the funny. Of course, Xu Xian's serious dance also received a lot of praise.

Now Li Shungui on the stage is dancing a more sexy dance. Although the clothes don't add points, they can't stop her youthful charm. At this moment, the fat man is inexplicably pushed up by Li Menglong.

But instead of booing, the audience in the audience encouraged him to come forward, when will he have the opportunity to dance with Sunny from Girls' Generation on the same stage. Sunny also had a good sense of him, and approached him proactively.

Seeing that he was shy, I took the initiative to do a breast-expanding movement, and then the chest, waist, and buttocks squirmed in sequence. It is a standard and simple dance movement, and it is always used in variety shows.

The fat man pursed his lips and moved shyly, but the moment he saw the fat man dancing, at least one word came to Li Shungui's mind: meat wave!

It was a lump of trembling flesh, from the face to the belly, it had more waves than Li Shungui, Li Shungui suppressed a smile, knelt down on one knee, clasped his fists with both hands and held them high above his head, A posture of complete admiration.

So Fatty got another one today. He actually beat five Girls' Generation and won the first place in the dance dance session. Under the leadership of Li Menglong, everyone started to applaud crazily, and the dj also released gee's music in cooperation , the fat man jumped up in style.

Seeing that the time was almost up, the girls came to the stage one after another and automatically adjusted their formation behind the fat man. After a crazy gee, everyone raised their hands high and shouted together under the lead of the fat man: "Now is— - Girls' Generation!"

A Korean Hyundai worth less than 10 million, carrying five girls whose commercial value is hundreds of times faster, is speeding on the empty streets of Seoul. The four people behind the car have already collapsed on the chairs, tired. Some of them were drunk, and they were unwilling to talk anyway.

Li Menglong sat on the co-pilot and enjoyed the driver's service. He found that good people are rewarded. At the beginning, Xu Xian was given non-alcoholic drinks. At that time, she felt that she was too young, but now someone is driving.

Although there was a burst of yelling in the back row after a sudden brake, Li Menglong said to Xu Xian calmly: "Don't pay attention to the drunkard's words, and concentrate on driving."

Xu Xian turned aside Li Menglong who was next to him, it seemed that he was drinking too, should we pay attention to him? Burying the complaints in his heart, Xu Xian successfully brought a few O'Neills to the dormitory.

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