The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 85 Familiar Songs

(You must have never read this chapter, what you have read is an illusion... Spare my life, young heroes...)

There were already four people standing on the stage, and it was only then that everyone realized that they were wearing suits. Although it is a bit weird to say that they are wearing song suits, the key points are correct.

First of all, the style is the same, the colors are different, and standing together is very imposing, but the only difference may be that the occasion is wrong, because this kind of solid-color sportswear is also very popular in the world, and in distant China, it is usually printed with China on the chest. Or the two characters of youth, and the color is generally pure blue or pure red.

In short, it is more and more like a sports meeting. Now the girls hate themselves to death. At that time, they believed Li Menglong's slander in order to go to the club. Anyway, it is good to wear something comfortable, but now it is not the case at all.

It was another ridiculous introduction, and Taeyeon found out that Li Menglong's words were poor when he introduced Pani. He obviously didn't know their nicknames, and he didn't even know the characteristics of the stage very well.

Li Menglong mostly came into contact with them in private, and she was looking forward to Li Menglong's introduction: Li Shungui who loves to lie on the sofa; game king Li Shungui; Li Shungui who doesn't take a bath and so on.

Fortunately, Li Menglong gave a big shot at the critical moment: "Let's welcome the little prince of variety shows, Lee Soon Kyu, and her little friend Kim Hyo Yeon!" Wiping the cold sweat from his head, Li Menglong felt even more tired than just pushing out from the crowd.

On the stage, she was wearing a solid-color sportswear with three stripes, one red and one blue on one side, and Hyoyeon in the middle was wearing a midriff-baring outfit that showed a small waist. It was very symmetrical and harmonious, and there was no need to line up.

"Okay, now I would like to ask Kim Taeyeon to say a few words to everyone, welcome!" Li Menglong threw the mark wind to Kim Taeyeon as if throwing a pot, and immediately flashed out of the stage.

I don’t know how many times I took a deep breath today, I feel that my vital capacity has increased a lot because of this, Kim Taeyeon still maintains years of professionalism in this extreme situation, while maintaining a smile, she also told Li Menglong what a professional host is .

"Everyone is wondering why our hair is all wet, right?" Kim Taeyeon slowly pressed her hand down to signal to everyone below to be calm: "We will have fun with everyone today, so don't worry. And let the hair go Wet was Pani's idea because our styling was so bad."

As Taeyeon clenched her small fists and turned her face while making a whining sound, the audience in the audience instantly aged twenty years and turned into good fathers one after another: "Don't cry, it's okay..."

"She rubbed those cheekbones, your cheekbones will cry? It's like blind!" Li Menglong complained to himself, but he didn't expect it to come out through the DJ's microphone. In an instant, the expressions on and off the stage were so consistent , The temperature is so low!

Fortunately, don't look at Pani's stupid and stupid appearance that only squints and smiles, but she is the official host bean trained by Girls' Generation or **, not to mention any music programs, and she doesn't even have a big party. less hosted.

So she took over Kim Taeyeon's Mike and saw Lee Soon Kyu walking to the side at the same time, and then she interacted with everyone with peace of mind. First, she apologized for the inconvenience caused to everyone, and then thanked the fat man for his tolerance to them alone, happy Fatty's place was about to close, but he was as happy as winning 50 billion.

"Finally, I hope everyone enjoys this unforgettable night. We will create a good memory with you, music!" Just after she finished chanting the final slogan, she immediately backed away in small steps, and sure enough, she had already stood in the V-shape behind her. She also lowered her head to make up for the formation.

The basic lighting effects of the nightclub are still available. All kinds of lights on the stage began to flicker wildly. The appearance of a few girls is very similar to the real stage, and the girls have regained their senses and started to do the final stage. Prepare.

It's just that after waiting and waiting, the music still didn't come out, and an air called embarrassment began to linger around slowly, and Li Menglong and the DJ were completely anxious.

The Dj didn’t have Girls’ Generation’s pure accompaniment music in his hand, so he downloaded it temporarily from his mobile phone, but the mobile phone he had just prepared ran out of battery. .

"Do you have any accompaniment music from other girl groups? Play any one first, if you don't want the people in the audience to tear you apart." DJ swallowed, he didn't even need to look down, he could guess up.

After searching for a long time, there is indeed a song. The moment the girls heard the music, they all squirmed freely, and the stage lit up again. Lee Soon Kyu even decided to use a 100% perfect stage to pay homage to this legendary singer. Their embarrassing stage.

What gee, oh...theboys, all kinds of dances flashed in her mind, but they couldn't match this song, but at the same time, Li Shungui was too familiar with this song, she suddenly felt that she would not Amnesia too.

Forgetting to dance and watching Seo Hyun is definitely a must-have rule for those who often make mistakes in Girls’ Generation, but this time it is obvious that the youngest has also forgotten, but it does not seem to be the same. So familiar, but just can't remember.

When Kim Taeyeon's voice came, although Lee Soon Kyu often felt that Kim Taeyeon was great, but this time it was even more great, and it could be said to have saved Girls' Generation's career.

"I want nobodynobodybutYou——" Upon hearing the lyrics, Lee Soon Kyu understood everything, and at the same time, the classic bullet-shooting action was perfectly restored by Kim Taeyeon.

Seriously speaking, nobody is definitely WG's hottest song, and it is more influential than girls' gee, at least in the mainstream music of the American West.

And when there was no gee during that time, the girls were still playing the role of looking up and chasing. Wondergirls deserved to be the first day girl group.

But as the saying goes, Xiao He loses Xiao He, this song is so popular that even the mainstream music media in the United States gave positive comments, so Park Zhenying, the boss of jyp, the songwriter of this song, and the cultivator of wg, brought Five girls took the American dream to overseas markets.

In October 2008, I started playing songs in Korea, and basically started to focus on the United States by the end of November. And on January 7th, 2009, the girls brought gee to the sky, and after the unprecedented nine consecutive championships in the music bank, they completely secured the throne of the first girl group, and they sat for many, many years.

In short, as a hit song that is the enemy of life, how could Girls' Generation not know this song, as if all debut girl groups must know gee, it is uncertain when they will use it, such as now.

It just so happened that Girls' Generation was also five people, and even the formation was perfectly copied. Although there were smiles on their faces, who knew if they were bleeding in their hearts, or were killing someone crazily.

It's not a girl's song, and the people in the audience don't care. It's a national song, and it was sung by Girls' Generation. It's very commemorative. The fat man clapped his hands and told him from time to time: "No photos and recordings are allowed. , I’ll be content to sing for you guys, you can’t even afford the tickets in front of the concert, so be grateful!”

Successfully used a noboty sizzling atmosphere, the girls were wiping sweat stains and water stains on their hair from time to time. His eyes were mainly on Li Menglong who was on the small stage next to him, while from the corner of his eye he was staring at Pani, this is also a person who came up with a bad idea.

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