The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 607 Director Luo’s heart

Even such a clever person as Lee Mong-ryong was manipulated by Xu Xian. Can Yoo Jae-seok and Kim Jong-kook be spared? Liu Zaishi was teasing his son at home, and the two of them were watching the animal world in Africa.

As for Kim Jong Kook, he put a tablet in front of him when he was working out. It was probably Yoon Eun Hye who made it. What's even more outrageous is that he was watching a program about the Arctic.

Considering the difference in the programs the three of them watched, everyone realized that it seemed that Director Luo had not thought about where to go at first. But it seems that Africa and the Arctic are more beautiful than Europe.

Unlike these people who were watching the fun, Li Menglong really had a cold breath coming out of his tailbone. If he went to the North Pole to play, Li Menglong could really kill Director Luo and silence him.

No wonder Li Menglong was always the main complainer when he arrived in Paris. It turned out that both of them were a little scared. They felt that Director Luo's not going to the Arctic and Africa was already a more humane behavior.

Director Luo seemed to know that it would not be easy to get through this today, so he sat very far away from Li Menglong and the others, and could not see his expression clearly. Anyway, Li Menglong waved his fist, and as for what it meant, he just let him go slowly. Go slowly.

There is nothing to say about the rhythm of the show. After the three candid shots, it is the classic scene of getting on the plane. Even if Li Menglong and others are participants, they know the plot behind it, but after watching it, I still can’t help but laugh. I have to say that Director Luo is creative. Really good.

There were no pranks or deliberate jokes by the guests. It just relied on the true feelings of a few people and Director Luo's creativity and editing. The effect achieved was very good. Many viewers in the cinema were already holding their stomachs with laughter.

When the three of them woke up and stared eye to eye with Director Luo, at least the laughter had reached a climax so far. The three of them, Li Menglong, were really stupid, but they had something to do with the person who deceived them.

Although Director Luo's variety show seems to be straightforward, he has an extremely accurate grasp of the laughter. Everyone watched a short introduction to Paris to ease their tense emotions, but they had to cover their stomachs again soon. Many people The smile on his face didn't have time to dissipate yet.

Li Menglong covered his forehead. This scene was the scene of seeing a bicycle at the airport, especially with the barrel of fake gasoline and Li Menglong's furious look, it looked like a comedy movie together.

The laughter almost never stopped throughout the whole process. Even if the three of them were cooking in the hotel, everyone was still watching with gusto. Li Menglong himself didn’t even remember that what he said was so funny. This is the charm of program editing!

The broadcasting time of variety shows is limited by the time of the TV station, which is usually about an hour. However, on the one hand, TVN’s time is not very valuable, and on the other hand, Director Luo produced it after the filming, so it is very convenient to control the time. If not, Just divide the next part into one more section.

Therefore, one episode of "Youth Over Flowers" lasts for one and a half hours. It is definitely an extended version. It is no different from an ordinary movie. And to be honest, the laughter of "Youth Over Flowers" is denser than most comedy movies.

In the first episode, the money given by advertisers was not satisfactory, so Director Luo simply did not add a single advertisement in the middle. This way, on the one hand, the effect of the girls' advertisements can be highlighted, and on the other hand, they can be sold at a price. If nothing else, the advertisement in the middle will also have to be sold at a higher price.

The variety show that was full of laughs throughout the show finally came to an end. Just like the movie, Youth Over Flowers also knew how to include an Easter egg, but of course it was actually an advertisement for girls.

"Well, Tusai, we are Girls' Generation. Isn't the show with Oppa Seok particularly exciting? He is indeed a national MC. I really want to do a show with Oppa and give Kim Jong Kook opppa..."

"That's not right." Jessica stopped the sisters from talking: "We are advertising sponsors, we are not here to record their friends' VCRs!"

"Oh, if you don't tell us, we will all forget. Come on, the commercial time is about to end again!" Lee Soon Kyu urged from the side.

"Have you ever gone to our store? From the initial clothing design to the decoration of the store to the sales price, the nine of us are involved in the whole process! We are really attentive and hope everyone will support us!" Yoona clasped her hands together. He kept making pleading gestures.

"However, fans should still choose according to their own needs. Don't spend money randomly, and don't buy it because of our fame. I hope you can buy this dress just because you like it..." Kim Taeyeon said to the camera sincerely, But he was quickly pulled away by the girls.

The camera went dark again, but there was still a sentence that seemed to have been secretly recorded: "How can we tell the truth? Even if we let the fans buy one first, we can give them the money later to boost sales!"

It was a perfect variety show, even the advertisements before and after were so exciting. When the screen was completely closed, everyone stood up and applauded vigorously.

It would be false to say he wasn't excited, but Li Menglong knew that this was Director Luo's moment. Although this bitch tried to escape several times, he was pushed forward by Li Menglong and others.

Standing alone in front, Director Luo stared at the faces full of recognition. Listening to the endless applause, he couldn't hold back his tears. He wiped them away casually. Director Luo knelt on the ground and gave everyone a speech. He made a big salute, but he never got up. He put his head on the ground and started sobbing.

Few people can understand how difficult it is for Director Luo to persist to this day. Director Luo achieved his initial success in KBS Two Days and One Night. Year-on-year, he is definitely more popular than Kim Tae-ho of Infinite Challenge because he traveled abroad more frequently. During that time The ratings for two days and one night were also phenomenal.

But after five years of filming, Director Luo lost his way. He felt that he was just repeating it. Two days and one night were no longer enough to fulfill his demands for a variety show, so he didn't know how much perseverance he spent to complete his most successful work.

Then he parted ways with KBS. In fact, at that time, he had already planned to make a variety show that he wanted by selling the iron pot. Fortunately, Li Menglong picked him up.

He has gradually become an excellent TV drama director, but his heart is still in variety shows. Although filming variety shows may be more tiring, gain less, and have a lower status, he is really happy. During this time, he It feels like it has come alive again, especially today when it is recognized by so many viewers.

Director Luo's thoughts are actually very humble. He just feels that people who do variety shows can have a bit of dignity, can bring everyone joy in a less deliberate performance, and can bring joy while also giving the audience something to gain.

Director Luo does not expect that through his efforts, variety shows can reach the heights of movies and TV series, but as long as people can think about it for a moment: why do variety artists do the same or even more work and bring more to everyone? laughter, but in the end he can only become the lowest existence in the circle.

Although I don’t know what will happen to other people in the future, at least there are more than 500 people here who sincerely recognize Director Luo’s work. This is Director Luo’s first step to become a respectable variety show PD-Luo Yingshi!

He asked the audience to go outside to have something to eat first, while Li Menglong and the other men stayed to support Director Luo. The one who felt the deepest emotion was Liu Zaishi, who hugged Director Luo and said, "From now on in your variety shows, as long as you are called I, I come here unconditionally!”

Jin Zhongguo didn't want to say this, but the atmosphere was so bad that he could only say so. But there was no sound from behind. There were obviously four people here, so why were only three talking?

Even Director Luo stared at Li Menglong with red eyes. Wasn't this guy not moved at all? Doesn't this guy know what it means to be a brother in trouble?

"Don't engage in moral kidnapping. If you are willing to go and take pictures of the three of you, I won't go anyway. I will take care of your family from behind. Don't you feel a lot more at ease inexplicably?" Li Menglong's words are definitely true. It's just that the occasion wasn't quite right, and people didn't accept it very well.

After three against one, Li Menglong could only agree against his will. Thinking about the possibility of going to the North Pole one day, Li Menglong swore that he would not care about anything by then, and it would be best for a group of people to starve to death together. In the Arctic!

Today's organization is very complete. The staff in the hall are hired by Li Menglong from several nearby restaurants, so everything is very harmonious. More than 500 dishes of various kinds are placed there, especially Everyone’s favorite dish makes me drool just thinking about it.

The taste of food at home can never be compared to that of a restaurant, so in addition to asking the hotel to get some wine and rice, the dishes are brought by everyone. The name of the dish and who made it are also written below. I don’t know. Whose idea was it? If any of the dishes are left out in the end, it will definitely be embarrassing.

More than five hundred people gathered together, including celebrities like the girls, but the scene was surprisingly harmonious, and there was not even anyone around the girls.

It’s not that the fans have suddenly changed, they just feel that since Li Menglong entertains them as friends, it’s hard to bring back the usual routine, so they are semi-restraining their hearts. Of course, the delicious food is also attractive. Another magic weapon for their energy.

Yoona feels that in terms of food alone, today is really the peak of her life of more than 20 years. Have you ever seen a buffet with more than 500 dishes? Each dish is made by surprise by each chef. Is this possible in a restaurant?

Yoona has been hungry since last night, and she ate very little pig trotters in the morning just for tonight. Fortunately, she was not disappointed at all. The mixed vegetables were based on Yoona’s years of experience as a foodie. Look, those dishes are definitely the freshest. The soup inside seems to be chicken soup. This is not mixed vegetables. It is probably more expensive than beef.

I only dare to eat a little bit of each dish, no matter how much I love to eat, I have to exercise restraint, especially when I see the ring-shaped table top. How many dishes can Yoona eat just now? Rubbing her already slightly full belly, Yoona was very disappointed. Why was her belly so unsatisfactory today? She didn’t know when she would have such an opportunity next time.

"Even if I die, I will die on the way to eat!" Yoona encouraged herself secretly, and at the same time, she used the god of food Xiuying in front of her as an example!

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