The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 606 What about the promised trust?

The screening room with more than 500 people was already full. The staff and fans who were invited later had no choice but to go to the screening room next door. What they saw was the same, but there were no people like Li Menglong there to accompany them. That’s all.

Li Menglong has always made a clear distinction between closeness and distance. Of course, the first thing he cares about is the group of fans who come for the three of them. As for the composition of the people inside, it is also very complicated. There are fans of each of the three, and fans of the girls. Yes, even Yoon Eun Hye met a fan of hers, and I don’t know if that person was a temporary change.

This time I didn't make a copy of the master tape, I just released the TV station's signal. What I was pursuing was synchronization, so there were still ten minutes before nine o'clock, and TVN advertisements couldn't be released, so Li Menglong and the other two took it. Come up with a microphone and stall for time.

"Um, good evening everyone!" Li Menglong then said something and the scene actually recalled a lot of responses. He was very surprised. I have to say that the fans are cute.

"Let's not be like this. We are all on our own. We can laugh as much as we want while watching the show. You don't have to give us face." Yoo Jae Suk followed from the side.

It's just that the three of them didn't have any arrangements. Li Menglong wanted the girls to come over and sing a song. I have to say that these talents are real artists, the kind who can save the scene, but it just doesn't feel right.

"While I have time, let me tell you about the arrangements for the next meeting. The food you brought and some we prepared will be there. After the variety show is over, there will be a buffet outside. You can eat some food before leaving!" Li Menglong motioned to everyone first Don't get excited: "And in order to thank everyone for supporting us, we have a second wave of activities in the evening. If you have no place to go at night, you can come with us, and then go back to your home the next morning!"

He raised his hands to everyone, indicating that they could cheer. The sound from the scene almost raised the ceiling, which means that the sound insulation of the cinema is relatively good.

At this time, Kim Taeyeon walked up with a cat-like waist and hooked her hand at Li Menglong to signal him to come to the side. However, how could the two of them hide this action from so many eyes at the scene, so they didn't even need to organize everyone to start making noises.

Among them were some who screamed at the top of their lungs: "Let go, my goddess, Li Menglong, you beast!" Come to me if you can!

Kim Taeyeon didn't expect that everyone was in such high spirits. They were just whispering a few words. They didn't want to do anything. Or if they really wanted to do something, they couldn't do it in front of so many people.

Fortunately, Li Menglong could still hold his nerve, and when he walked to the middle again, he was still able to tilt his head and signal everyone to speak louder. Liu Zaishi, a crazy person, naturally liked this kind of scene, and unexpectedly came up with an interactive idea.

There was no communication in advance. Yoo Jae Suk just yelled Taeyeon and then extended the microphone to the audience. The fans understood: "Taeyeon, Taeyeon, Taeyeon!"

"Jessica!" This time it was Kim Jong Kook who answered, but he was obviously here to cause trouble. How about as long as Jessica just calls her Jessica? Fortunately, the fans were pretty awesome, and after being stunned for a moment, they still roared hard.

As for Lee Menglong and Lee Soonkyu, they looked at each other strangely and immediately gave up on those threats. They just want to be happy today, although Lee Soonkyu may not necessarily say: "Keep up with my pace! Lee Soonkyu

Lee Soon Kyu..."

It stands to reason that such a level of roaring would be a huge disadvantage later on, but when it was Seohyun's turn, everyone broke into the same tone again, including their love for the maknae. It must be said that Seohyun's recent popularity is really not Kidding.

"Okay, didn't you come with many long-cherished wishes? Why are you still so enthusiastic?" Li Menglong laughed and teased: "Just now, Kim Taeyeon said that they were very grateful for everyone's love for them, so the nine girls prepared some small gifts together. Don’t forget to pick it up after watching the movie!”

The girls really prepared this temporarily, and they didn't think too much. Although the gifts were all clothes from their own store, they just wanted to express their gratitude to the fans and learn from Li Menglong!

Kim Jong Kook was also called over there, and Yoon Eun Hye was also a senior and a rich woman. She couldn't be compared with these girls, so she had to increase the amount.

Jin Jongguo really wanted to persuade him. People over there have their own brand clothes that they can give away. What should you give? Spend money to buy it?

However, she didn’t dare to offend Yoon Eun Hye. She was the eldest child when she gave birth. As for what she would give her, she had already thought about what to give her. So Kim Jong Kook could only walk up and said, “Eun Hye also wants to give you some small gifts. Each of Girls’ Generation and Exid’s latest albums. Zhang, this is not inventory, we are looking for someone to buy it in the store!"

Yoo Jae Suk was very lucky that his wife was not feeling well today and did not come. Otherwise, with his status as the eldest brother, how could he say that everyone should receive a Hanyu suit.

After this small episode, it was finally time for the program to be broadcast. As the lights in the screening room were dimmed, Li Menglong and others breathed a sigh of relief. They couldn't hold it any longer, and their bodies instantly softened on the chairs.

It’s just that everything is worth it. It’s good if everyone can live a more fulfilling life. As for watching variety shows in the cinema, it is really a very novel experience. At least this is the first time for this group of people, and everyone has great expectations. expect.

At this time, Director Luo became nervous. In the past, he only watched the premiere with a few colleagues. This time, he could receive the audience's reactions in real time during the broadcast. This was a great test for him.

Different people have different mentality, and a trailer for Youth Over Flowers also appeared on TV, but when the main text was supposed to be coming, a video that seemed to have been shot suddenly popped up, and it was none other than Li Menglong and the three of them.

"Because the program just confirmed its sponsors a few days ago, there is no way to insert advertisements invisibly during the program, so we can only broadcast them at the beginning and end of the program. Understand the helplessness of a group of poor people facing the wealthy!" Li Menglongsan They bowed affectionately to the camera together, but when they stood up again, they already had three T-shirts in their hands.

"This time the sponsor is a newly created brand - Girls' Dream!" Yoo Jae Suk pointed at the logo of the clothes and handed it to the camera: "The brand logo is a blank nine-square grid. It is said that there is a lot of meaning in it. Everyone can understand it by yourself."

"I won't introduce it in detail due to time constraints, and besides, they didn't give me that much money! In short, at this moment, the fourth-floor women's clothing boutique store in Myeongdong No. xx and the original clothing brand Girl's Dream are officially opened for working-class consumption and at affordable prices... …”

Li Menglong directly knocked Jin Jongguo aside and turned into a TV shopper: "Can you tell me the important point? In short, we have the best quality at the same price, and the best-looking style at the same quality. If they have the same style, they must have copied us! Anyway, go check it out if you don’t want to buy it, it’s open 24 hours a day today and all prices are off the charts!”

The three of them were noisily introducing this advertisement, but not many people were interested. It wasn't until the camera turned dark that Li Menglong's voice came again: "Damn, there's another advertisement slogan. Don't close it! This store is opened by Girls' Generation, and the clothes are designed by them themselves. If there are quality problems, they can be asked to quit the entertainment industry..."

"Wow!" The audience at the scene expressed the reaction of countless viewers in front of the TV very well. The last sentence was the finishing touch, a store opened by girls! Celebrity store! It shouldn't be much different. Besides, what Li Menglong said makes sense. It's not like the ordinary boss's store that just runs away. Girls have their own feet. If there is a quality problem, they really don't even need to be in the entertainment industry. .

The above are just the considerations of rational fans. As for the long-cherished fans, you don’t need to think so much. Many people are already getting ready to wear clothes. How could there be no one in the girls’ store? The show is about to start, otherwise, why not watch it for two minutes first? Go there again?

The audience's emotions were quickly attracted by the big screen. The girls could go to the store later, but it was more important to watch the variety show. Besides, Li Menglong was out of the country.

The camera was shaky and the picture quality was not good, but the audience was very excited because it was a candid shot. Li Menglong himself didn't know it was happening, so he was curious about who was so bold.

On the screen, he was being forced by the girls to watch various European travel programs. Li Menglong had an impression of this scene. According to the direction of the camera and the previous seats of the girls, the criminal was quickly guessed by him at the scene.

"Xiao Xian!" Li Menglong suddenly shouted in the camera. The camera was shaking unbelievably for an instant, and then Xu Xian's guilty reply was rarely heard: "Guilty——"

"Go and get me two packs of your unnies' snacks, the ones they like the most!"

"Okay!" Xu Xian immediately ran out after agreeing. It wasn't until he reached the second floor that the camera was illuminated again: "It's too scary to secretly take pictures of Menglong Oppa. Why don't I take everyone to visit the Ernies' room?"

The girls don't know this part either. There shouldn't be too many panicked girls at the scene. After all, their rooms cannot be seen by outsiders. At least they have to wait for them to tidy up a little.

The audience's emotions were also aroused. Was the show going to be so exciting just after it started? But don’t underestimate Director Luo’s moral integrity. The screen went black, and then typed out lines of text: “In view of the fact that the owner of the room did not agree to show the following scene no matter how much performance fee was paid, and threatened the program team that they have lawyers, Therefore, in order to produce more and better programs for everyone, the program team can only reluctantly delete relevant scenes. Please understand the helplessness of a group of people without lawyers!"

"Eh...shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" The scene was filled with boos, making Girls' Generation seem to have done something outrageous. Fortunately, the effect was absolutely perfect, but Seohyun was the only one who was frightened.

She feels that this society is really too complicated, and you can’t be such a bad person! What about the promised trust?

It's not her first day as Seohyun, so how could she actually film Lee Soon Kyu and the others in their room? So that sentence was just a joke, and there was no content behind it.

But if Director Luo does this, will anyone believe Seohyun’s explanation to Lee Soon Kyu and the others? Absolutely not, Xu Xian still understands her unnies after all these years.

Xu Xian subconsciously wanted to stand up and change seats, but his arms on both sides were tightly hugged by the Ernies. From the back, it was called sisterly love, but from the front, this wording was not so appropriate!

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