The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 559 The excitement

(It’s really not that good recently. Thank you all for your continued tolerance. Thank you for giving me the third update! I will reward you for an additional update starting tomorrow. Thank you again!)

Li Menglong was pushed and dragged into the living room by the two of them. Jessica was particularly irritable. She didn't have her usual aloof attitude at all, and went straight to her feet with a red face.

The girls on the side were very surprised. It seemed that these two people were not like this, and Jessica was notoriously lazy, and she evolved into being reserved!

"Did you molest Jessica?" Kim Taeyeon on the side asked proactively after ruling out all the possibilities. The girls next to her nodded convincingly, as if this was the only way to explain it.

Seeing that the trouble could be diverted eastward, how could Li Menglong let it go: "Ah, they are slandering you, I can't stand it anymore!"

Although the strategy was obvious and old-fashioned, it was effective enough. Jessica pounced on her spouses like a baboon in heat.

When all kinds of heartfelt calls for help kept coming from the living room, when the girls' clothes were being taken off one by one, when more than one person turned into a female beast, Li Menglong was ordering takeout!

Although the excuse of ordering a takeaway for half an hour was a poor one, and although there was a gap next to the closed kitchen door, Li Menglong bit him to death without even peeking.

The girls had just gone through strenuous exercise and did not want to start fighting again, so they could only write it down this time. However, they did not know how much they had memorized. It seemed that Li Menglong was making them angry every day.

Li Menglong was also very discerning and directly threw out the project he had prepared, which was a forced change of the topic. Listening to Li Menglong's explanation of the future, the girls really felt that this idea was a good one.

"But isn't this still selling clothes? Is there any difference from that fashion brand?" Kim Taeyeon asked in confusion.

"Isn't the difference obvious enough? A set of clothes from top designers costs at least hundreds of thousands, right? But if your clothes designed by no-ones cost more than 100,000 yuan, I will sue you as profiteers!"

"What do you mean? The clothes designed by me, Kim Taeyeon..." Kim Taeyeon only said half of what she said, and then asked incredulously: "You mean we can design our own clothes? The kind that are sold in shopping malls?"

Looking at the hopeful eyes of the girls, Li Menglong nodded heavily. This was the selling point, but they didn't realize it yet.

After getting the affirmation, the girls went crazy. Just like almost every boy dreams of owning a sports car, it is every girl's dream to design her own clothes, and Jessica is definitely not the only one like this.

But just when everyone was excited, Jessica caught the loophole in Li Menglong's words: "What does one hundred thousand yuan mean? Our designs can only sell for one hundred thousand? Let me tell you, if it's less than one million, that's The insult to us, we are also designers!" Jessica decided to fight to the end.

The girls also mean the same thing. In fact, fashion design is not as difficult as imagined. It is as if anyone can create a melody. It is just the difference between good and bad.

And girls have a natural advantage. They are at the forefront of fashion every day and go to many fashion shows a year. Have you never eaten pork and seen a pig running? Girls are almost immersed in the women's clothing industry, and every year the clothes they wear are overwhelming.

Objectively speaking, the designs of girls should be good, at least above the horizontal line. Coupled with their own status bonus and fans who admire their bad feet, it is not impossible to sell a single product at a high price such as a limited edition.

But this is contrary to Li Menglong's original intention. He wants to leave a way out for the girls that is not based on their fame, or that even when they are fifty years old, they can still get a lot of income here.

So the route that Li Menglong wants them to take is the civilian route. The girls or some other designers will be hired later. The styles should be novel and diverse, not to mention the workmanship and materials. The key is that the price must be controlled, and the most expensive one must be controlled. Around 100,000 yuan.

In South Korea, this is considered a mid- to low-end price, but this market is the most complex and the customer base it faces is also the largest. As long as they can stand firm, they will be left with an iron rice bowl.

The girls naturally accepted Li Menglong's statement, but they still struggled with the fact that the most expensive one could only be sold for 100,000 yuan. Li Menglong could only ask: "Do you want your design to be worn by only ten people, or by ten thousand people?" ?”

Li Menglong doesn't need to explain too much about which one has more sense of accomplishment. It can be said that at least so far, girls are not short of money, so they can accept small profits but quick turnover or even low prices. What they want is a sense of accomplishment.

Now that the tone is established, the girls seem to be playing a nurturing game. Various details have been added to the point where Li Menglong is overwhelmed. Now it is time to determine the main color of the store's decoration? Where is your store?

Not wanting to disturb their mood, Li Menglong could only order food silently. As for what he did during the half hour of ordering food, he was not going to tell them.

Even when it was time to eat, the girls were thinking excitedly, even Seohyun. This enthusiasm was comparable to that of the trainees when they were trying to debut. Both of them were also pursuing dreams.

Li Menglong already felt that these people were completely crazy, especially when he got up the next day, the living room was still the same as when he went to bed last night, and there still seemed to be a hundred ducks noisy.

It's just that Duck's voice is hoarse now, and Xu Xian already has a dozen papers in front of him, full of Xu Xian's notes, and he knows what he remembers without asking.

Li Menglong originally planned to go to the bathroom, so he wore some thin clothes. When these female perverts stared at him, he actually had the urge to turn around and run away.

I have to say how scary women are when they have dreams. Women are actually more persistent than men in many behaviors, such as losing weight, saving money to buy clothes...

When Li Menglong was squatting in the bathroom, the gang stuffed a few pieces of paper through the crack in the door. The above were the results of their night's discussion, and there were even many examples of similar shops at home and abroad.

Originally, Li Menglong just had this idea, and thought that he would have to fill in the details himself. However, looking at the plan with a non-standard format, Li Menglong felt that except for a few details that needed to be adjusted, there were basically no mistakes or omissions.

So facing Li Menglong who had finished squatting, the girls rarely showed any disgusting expressions. They looked at him seriously, looking forward to his answer.

"Do it well, I will be supported by you when I grow old!" Li Menglong gave them a positive reply, and the girls in the living room immediately hugged each other excitedly, as if they had won one for the first time.

Although they only had one idea, once they got Li Menglong's approval, they believed that this idea would definitely become a reality, because this was what Li Menglong promised them.

As for the idea itself, after a night of supplements, it already has a very complete definition: relying on the fame of Girls' Generation to create a mid-to-low-end women's clothing store, covering clothing, pants, shoes and hats.

As for the corresponding national template, the corresponding reference targets of China are clearly marked: Uniqlo, Daphne...

The girls were finally willing to rest peacefully and stopped clamoring to go out to play. What was left to Li Menglong was a mess and a thick plan.

There are so many things to worry about, including stores, factories, managers, and the design itself. Li Menglong doesn't worry too much. The girls' designs are just gimmicks. It's good to be popular. It doesn't matter if they're not popular.

After all, design, especially for mid- to low-end brands, is all about copying. Big brands can just modify and launch whatever is popular. This is called learning from others.

If it was a year ago, Li Menglong would probably have run from the factory, the market or even the store one by one, but now he has no such energy, so he can only take opportunistic measures.

There are many clothing companies in South Korea, and the smallest of them are often specialized in producing school uniforms. Many celebrities are also doing this side business, so Li Menglong directly asked Li Eunxi to help contact them to see if there are any better companies and just buy them directly.

Although it may cost a little more money, it is impossible for Li Menglong and the girls to directly manage the company, so it is relatively worry-free to merge the entire company. And the main reason is that the time will be shortened a lot, and he can already feel the urgency of the girls.

Li Menglong has been dealing with this matter in the past two days. The girls also have many friends in the fashion industry. Although they don't have such big names, it is enough to give them advice.

Whether they want money or fame, the girls' clothing journey is relatively smooth at least in the beginning. Today, a few people went shopping together in the market and bought a bunch of clothes. This is called market research. Tomorrow, a few people will go to see two fashion shows. This is called learning business.

The girls are indeed quite excited and are making some preparations of their own. To be honest, they are quite reliable. But Li Menglong wanted to remind them that February was almost over, shouldn't they prepare to attend some events?

Park Xiangmin has countless itineraries in his hands, and they are all money. However, these young ladies seem to have ignored their celebrity status, and now they prefer to call themselves boss ladies! Nine proprietresses of clothing stores!

There is no good way to deal with the company's urging Li Menglong, because the girls are obviously not thinking about it, making him look quite inhumane inside and out.

Therefore, Li Menglong could only speed up the contacts with small clothing companies on the one hand, and on the other hand, start with the girls in fashion-related activities to continue their itinerary. They can earn money and learn business, and the girls are naturally happy.

The busy time passes very quickly, but they are not the only ones who are busy. There are definitely many people working hard for their dreams, and among them there are inevitably some familiar existences to the girls, and things suddenly come to light like this.

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