(I should still be able to code out one chapter, probably around nine o'clock)

When girls are more excited, Li Menglong is usually more timid, and the reason is quite timid, it's just that he can't beat him!

Originally, he thought they were acting like this just because they had no food to eat, but Li Menglong realized that he was wrong when he faced the girls' questioning. The key point was that he did not expect that what he casually said to Li Shungui would cause her to report it to all the girls so quickly.

It's just that although the time is tight, it is still part of the future plan, so it is understandable if it is done in advance. Since they are asking for it, Li Menglong can naturally control it a little bit.

He walked slowly towards the sofa. Although sitting there was not that comfortable and it was filled with all kinds of food waste, it represented status. Li Menglong was a little worried when he sat on it. If the girls made a move, he would run away immediately.

Fortunately, the girls are still sensible, and they have to rely on Li Menglong for this matter, so it is appropriate to give him some preferential treatment temporarily, although the revenge afterward will definitely be very fierce.

"Tell me, what do you want to do?" Just joking casually, Li Menglong still got down to business.

Although they had been discussing it for a whole afternoon, when Li Menglong asked, the girls still had no idea and looked at each other with a headache.

Fortunately, the base of girls was relatively large. Although the other eight people had no idea, Jessica had already had her dream, so she said cautiously: "How about we make a fashion brand?"

Before Li Menglong could speak, the girls had already started chattering about the prospect of doing this. It turned out that Li Menglong's call in the morning meant that Li Shunkyu could consider the girls' collective side business.

This was originally part of Li Menglong's plan when he signed the contract. No matter how favorably SW treats the girls, it still can't get rid of the relationship between the artist and the company.

Moreover, as an idol group, the girls are more constrained and have almost no ability to resist risks. If Li Menglong was not there during the last contract signing, they would have almost no means of counterattack.

As an idol group, personal development, age growth, and even the risk of the group disbanding once the popularity drops slightly, are not something that can be resolved by relying on the friendship between sisters.

In other words, if the personal benefit is 10 million, girls don't care, but what if it reaches 100 million or one billion? In fact, the time they can squander is not as long as they imagined. They understand these principles, but fans may not understand.

Therefore, Li Menglong discussed this issue with the girls from the very beginning of signing the contract, and used Girls' Generation's brand popularity to get them a side job so that they can live a cool life without being a star. It can be regarded as a pension insurance.

I originally thought it was just a joke made by Li Menglong, but I didn't expect that he would still remember it in his heart and it would come so quickly. When they heard the news this afternoon, the girls were moved by Li Menglong's efforts on the one hand, and also thought about it seriously on the other. about this matter.

At a big level, it is a matter of happiness for the rest of their lives, but at a small level, it is also about being worthy of Li Menglong's friendship, so the girls are rarely cautious.

So lunch was changed to snacks, and nap was changed to brainstorming, which continued until Li Menglong came back. As for the ways they could think of to make money, there were actually very few ways to make money, mainly because they had no access to some common industries.

So the suggestions they gave were nothing more than supermarkets, restaurants, etc., and the most favorite one was Jessica's dream that she had always dreamed of, which was the luxury brand or fashion brand that they were most exposed to!

Just like people who read too many novels want to write novels, girls who have been exposed to these fashion brands for many years naturally feel that they have an advantage in this regard!

But among the thousands of book lovers who are interested in writing, how many of them actually take up writing, and how many of them can persevere after taking up writing? It's similar to writing a book. In fact, girls don't have as many advantages as they think when it comes to fashion brands, at least.

"What a top fashion brand sells is its ancillary value. This part relies not on quality, but on creativity and brand!" Li Menglong organized his own words: "And a top brand comes from scratch, without mentioning those ideas. It mostly depends on time, and the only way to shorten this process is to throw money at it!”

Li Menglong's analysis left the girls stunned. Some were reflective, while others were arguing: "But we have Girls' Generation's signature!"

"I still know your core selling points! It's just that you have replaced the concept and replaced customers' recognition of the brand with recognition of Girls' Generation. Don't you feel that this is consuming your fans?" Li Menglong's counterattack It is very sharp, and almost every sentence can poke into the hearts of girls.

Unlike other girls, Li Shunkyu didn't worry too much throughout the whole process, especially when he saw that Li Menglong knew so much about fashion brands. It was obvious that he had put in the effort, which meant that he already had an idea.

The girls' reactions are not slow either. Since there are smart people around, why do they have to use their own brains? So one by one they either threatened or begged, but Li Menglong remained unmoved. He had been tired for a long time in order to find some side jobs for them, so he had to be careful no matter what.

Once you understand Li Menglong's thoughts, it will be easier to deal with it. Isn't it just asking for help? Girls don't have the baggage of so-called idols. They have all kinds of cuteness, such as coy hair, cuteness, and pouting.

With a slap on Yoona's butt, and with a crisp sound, Yoona rushed directly into Li Monglong's arms without warning. Kim Taeyeon said proudly: "I make the decision and give our favorite second maknae to her." It’s okay for you now, right?”

Li Menglong planned to give whatever he wanted today. Besides, Yoona should resist, but he obviously underestimated Yoona's determination. He saw her hands clasped together on her delicate chin, her big eyes widened to the extreme, as if at any moment It's like crying, with that deliberate child-like voice: "Oppa, teach me a lesson, okay..."

Holding back his nausea, he aimed his foot at Yoona's belly, then slowly pushed Yoona out with force, and then rubbed the goosebumps on his body furiously.

Seeing that this trick worked, the girls immediately gathered around her. She was just acting coquettishly, and she was not the only one who could do it. Li Menglong was almost disgusted to death by these people.

After being freed from the smell of various perfumes, Li Menglong almost begged for mercy, especially since Li Soonkyu was sitting in the distance, looking at him with a smile, but the focus of his eyes seemed to be on his crotch, and a cold current suddenly surged up.

Li Menglong could only throw out the results of his recent research to change the topic: "Your core selling point is the Girls' Generation brand, and what this brand can guarantee is that a large base of fans and people will patronize your store. , and what your store needs to do is to retain these customers with high-quality products. When they come for the second time, it’s best not because of you!”

Everyone understands what Li Menglong means. It is simply that quality is what retains customers in the end, not so-called other things. However, this is no different from normal business. What about making money easily as promised? What about the Girls' Generation brand you've agreed on?

Li Menglong had nothing to say to these women who were dissatisfied with their desires. If other merchants knew about this scene, they would definitely die with them. After all, there are many good-quality products, but the initial promotion is the most difficult step.

The girls simply skip this step. Even as soon as they launch a product, foreign fans may come to buy it. All they need is a good product with high cost performance. Isn't this satisfied? Isn’t this easy?

While the girls were thinking, Li Menglong got into the kitchen. These girls hadn't eaten for a day. Although they said they had snacks, they still had to cook something for them.

The sober Lee Soon Kyu naturally followed in Li Meng Yong's footsteps. Because he was in the dilemma of being bumped into by Xu Xian last time, Lee Soon Kyu did not dare to make any intimate moves and just kicked him lightly: "I asked you, do you have anything specific?" I have an idea, please tell me for reference!"

"Stay there for once, I'm going to cook!"

"What else are you going to cook? Order takeout, I'll take it!" Li Shunkyu said decisively as there was no time for such trivial matters at such a critical moment.

Just when the two were entangled, Jessica came over and turned a blind eye to the slightly intimate behavior of the two. She just looked directly at Li Menglong: "What if I insist on being a fashion brand?"

Li Menglong has always respected people who have dreams. It’s not that Jessica can’t do this, but it’s more difficult. Li Menglong didn’t want to lie to her: “I mean it’s possible. I might quit the team, lose money, or have fans switch sides. Of course It’s also possible to become Mr. Zheng, the fashion queen!”

There is no need for Li Menglong to say which one is more likely. Being able to say this already shows that Li Menglong is responsible for her. It’s not that Jessica can’t tell who treats her well, but she just doesn’t accept it. She works really hard for this dream. A lot.

Li Shunkyu naturally saw everything in his eyes, slowly hugged Jessica, and used her not-so-high shoulders to comfort this aloof girl: "You don't have to rely on him, at worst I will accompany you!"

Lee Soon Kyu, who hated the sisters being wronged the most, stood up decisively. After all, he is also the richest woman in the group. Lee Soon Kyu is qualified to lose money with Jessica, and it is better than her alone.

Jessica was naturally very moved. Although feelings cannot be measured by money, they can at least represent something, especially when they are willing to lose money together.

Seeing the two of them quarreling with each other, Li Menglong really didn't want to disturb him, but he felt that if he didn't say anything now, the two of them would be very likely to break out after the meeting, especially for someone like Jessica who was relatively thin-skinned.

"Ahem, I didn't say I wouldn't be a fashion brand!" Li Menglong said slowly while stepping back.

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