(Thanks to "Blue Ghost" for the 10,000 reward, more will be added!)

Li Menglong blinked and looked at the weather outside the window. It was another sunny day, even though it was a sunny day in winter.

There were originally no plans for today, but now an idea suddenly came to Li Menglong's mind, and he must do it - take the girls out for a day.

The one-week vacation is almost over, and seeing that after returning to Japan, it will be a time of hard work and hard work, these girls may be very depressed, and they should not bear these burdens.

What should normal young people in their early 20s be doing now? You should be worrying about credits or make-up exams; worrying about an unanswered text message from your boyfriend or girlfriend; worrying about the living expenses that have just passed half a month but are gone...

But the girls seem to never be able to enjoy these. Their thoughts are more complicated than a bunch of so-called business executives. Fortunately, Li Menglong has come over and he is already trying his best to help the girls return to a normal life.

For example, today, even if it is a vacation trip for college students, in the future there will be a chance to do something similar to a long-term graduation trip: "Yeah, yeah! There's a fire, come down and put out the fire!"

Li Menglong's rude voice echoed in the room at six o'clock. Xu Xian was naturally sent down to see if Li Menglong was crazy? If so, call an ambulance for him!

"Let your two Ernies get up! Otherwise, tell them, the consequences will be serious!"

"Onies, let me tell you - for example..."

Lee Mong-ryong put the meat in the microwave to defrost it quickly while talking randomly: "For example, I will delete Lee Soon-gyu's LoL account and all PSP records; as for Kim Taeyeon, I will mess up all her puzzle pieces and return them to She’s mixed up!”

Of course, Lee Mong-yong and Lee Soon-gyu couldn't bear such a shameless threat. If this really happened, there might be news in Seoul the next day - Girls' Generation and their assistant fell to their deaths together!

"Why are you doing this? Eating barbecue so early in the morning?"

"Does that mean you don't know how to eat? If you don't eat, can I spit it out in your mouth?"

"I didn't say I won't eat, I'm just asking!" Li Shungui curled his lips. It could be seen that Li Menglong was in a good mood today, and she also felt that he was doing well today.

"Go wash up and change clothes! I'll take you on an outing today!"

"Nani? Outing? So good?" Lee Soon Kyu asked Kim Taeyeon in the living room three times in a row.

"What's going on? I heard I'm going on an outing? I'm going too!"

"Then go and clean up! We'll go straight to dinner after a while!" Following Li Menglong's words, the three little girls ran upstairs in a hurry.

You can't blame them for being too excited. When was the last time you went on an outing? Anyway, Kim Taeyeon can't remember clearly, but it must have been at least seven or eight years ago. After becoming a star, no one took them out to play.

That is to say, people like Li Menglong still have the mind, ability and responsibility to take them out. Li Menglong listened to the chirping sounds upstairs. Although he felt that his ears might suffer today, it was all worth it.

"Maknae! You're not a college student. What do you need to bring with you when you go out for an outing?" Kim Taeyeon asked suspiciously. She had zero experience in this area. The key is that Xu Xian didn't know either.

But even though he didn't understand, Xu Xian dared to say: "Bring some books, snacks, and clothes?"

"You're not staying overnight? What clothes should you bring!" Kim Taeyeon's ability to comprehend is very high: "Lee Soonkyu, bring the game console and extra power banks. Just let me bring snacks!"

After speaking, Kim Taeyeon pulled out two large plastic bags half a person's height from the gap between the bed and the window sill. They were full of the inventory Kim Taeyeon had accumulated over time: "You're welcome to take it yourself, maknae!"

"When did you hide so much?" As her roommate, Li Shunkyu didn't know about this. It really felt a bit strange. But if you think about it carefully, isn't Kim Taeyeon afraid that she will eat it secretly?

The more he thought about it, the more likely it was. Lee Soon Kyu couldn't just pounce on him, but after a while he decided to torture Kim Taeyeon to the point of death on the PSP.

Ten minutes later, Li Menglong looked at the three exaggerated people in front of him. Not to mention the thick clothes they wore, but the backpacks behind them that seemed to be escaping were a bit too much.

"I mean, it's winter. We're not camping in a wilderness like that, so just bring whatever you want. Bring more money and buy whatever you want to eat when the time comes!"

"Can you buy it? You didn't tell me earlier!" Li Shungui looked at Li Menglong with disdain. They really thought they were wandering outside.

While several people were eating, Li Menglong was still checking places near Seoul. The popular ones were not suitable, and the ones that were too remote were not suitable. After searching around, he really saw a good one.

"Xiaoxian, help me fill up that lunch box! I'm going to take a bath!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't need to wash it, let's go!"

"Then you go first, Xiaoxian can accompany me!"

"How can that be done? We don't trust the maknae to you!" Li Shunkyu said proudly that he had found a perfect excuse for himself, and at the same time, he and Kim Taeyeon swept away the remaining pots.

Li Menglong has even fewer things. A notebook, a wallet, and a change of clothes are all he needs: "Go, go!"

Sitting in the car, Li Shunkyu and Li Shunkyu rarely slept. They were really excited. Although they had passed these highways countless times, they had never taken a serious look at them, and today's destination was different.

The whole car was filled with a sense of relaxation. Li Menglong kept a slight smile on his lips, interjecting words from time to time, and mostly listened to the chattering discussions of the three girls.

Such girls have the feeling of girls in their early 20s, but Li Menglong was relaxed and silently turned up the volume of some speakers. After all, listening to music is better than listening to a bunch of women chatting.

Even if it is Girls' Generation's internal chat, it is essentially the same as the conversation between the aunt at the market. Anyway, to Li Menglong's ears, at least it is not a kind of enjoyment.

"Where are we going? Are you going to sell us?" Li Shungui wiped the moisture on the window and asked, looking at the somewhat remote road.

"Do you know how much a pound of pork costs?"

"I do not know?"

"Forget it, I just want to tell you that in fact you are not that valuable!" Li Shunkyu reacted to Li Menglong's cryptic expression for a long time, and then he understood that Li Menglong meant that pork was more expensive than her!

After laughing for a while in the car, everyone calmed down, and Li Menglong had already driven into the mountainous area. There was nothing we could do about it. After all, girls couldn't go to such public places.

Although there are ordinary people here, even if it is exposed, reporters will not be able to get over for a while. This is what Li Menglong thinks. Of course, the scenery of the farm itself is also very beautiful.

The travel location that Li Menglong selected for the girls was a leisure farm in the mountains on the outskirts of Seoul. It was equipped with all kinds of modern facilities and also had charming scenery. It was a good place.

When Li Menglong went to park the car, the three tightly wrapped girls stepped on the snow under their feet and felt a little unreal for a moment.

They actually have time and actually travel. This is simply a dream. Just like ordinary fans thinking about having a meal with Kim Taeyeon one day, it is the kind of dream that they know is impossible to achieve.

However, the three of them knew that the most important reason for coming out was the man trotting over from a distance. With him by their side, they could become normal girls of this age.

"Yeah! It's just this set of clothes, don't make trouble! I'm giving you face, right?" Li Menglong patted the snow off his hat, and then threw his schoolbag aside. Today, he must teach these people a lesson and let them know what it means. Parents.

"Li Menglong! It's cold!" Li Shungui's scream was unknown. Who made Li Menglong put the snow on her neck? The sour feeling in that moment made Li Shungui wish to die with him.

When Kim Taeyeon saw that something was not going well, she immediately threw up her short legs and ran forward desperately, turning around from time to time to make a provocative face.

"Why don't you run?"

"I didn't play tricks on you with the Ernies just now, why did I run away?" Xu Xian said calmly.

"Really? I didn't see it! Oppa will teach you an idiom today - if the city gate is on fire, the fish in the pond will be affected!" After speaking, Li Menglong rushed to Xu Xian's side in a few steps, and then put Xu Xian down in the snow with a kick.

In Xu Xian's surprised eyes, he started to use his feet to throw snow on Xu Xian's body crazily. When Li Soonkyu saw someone taking advantage, he naturally ran over and Xu Xian was almost buried alive by the snow.

The four of them walked awkwardly into the warm farmhouse together. After Li Menglong finished communicating with the boss, he was very fortunate that there were almost no people around these days. The boss was also doing business. After Li Menglong agreed, he would leave a photo for him when he arrived. , treated several people more enthusiastically.

"You two bullied Xiaoxian again? That's too much! Xiaoxian, come here, oppa will help you!" Li Menglong said deliberately.

But doesn’t he still know who provoked Xu Xian? Looking at Xu Xian's pursed lips and determined not to look in his direction, Li Menglong felt that this little girl was too cute. She was clearly saying to Li Menglong - I'm angry, come over and comfort me!

"Go and clean up the room first!" Li Menglong led the three of them to the room. It was a so-called suite, which could also be said to be an independent house.

After entering, there was a burning fireplace, followed by several rooms and bathrooms. After Li Shungui and others had packed up, he and Li Menglong sat in front of the fireplace to warm up, and the wet clothes they took off were held by Li Menglong. Bake dry.

Holding the hot coffee delivered by Xu Xian, looking at the white snow scene outside the window, and feeling the relaxation of the people around them, everyone was extremely satisfied.

But there is still a little flaw: "Hey, what's in this coffee?" Li Menglong felt that he was not picky about coffee, but this was too much. There seemed to be mustard and chili powder in it...

Both Li Soonkyu suppressed their laughter. Of course they would not help Li Menglong. Otherwise, what would happen if the maknae got angry again? Girls’ Generation’s Internal Rule No. 17 - After teasing the maknae, be sure to coax her before teasing her again! Avoid continuous teasing!

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