The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 388 To be continued

Yoo Jae Suk sang the last song "It's a Destiny". At least Li Mengli sounded the same as many of the classmates opposite her. It was pretty bad.

This song is about feelings. Both the lyrics and the melody can impress those middle-aged people, but it happens to be college students and middle-aged men with no memories like Li Menglong.

Not even halfway through the song, he was coaxed by Li Menglong and coaxed him down. The students below also cooperated, which made Liu Zaishi, the national MC, quite embarrassed.

It's already past 12 o'clock when we get here. Both the concert and the special episode of Infinite Challenge have reached the final stage, and Liu Zaishi also began to explain the rules of the game for this special episode.

When they saw that Li Menglong earned more than 70 million in 24 hours, even Li Soonkyu and others who were together almost the whole time couldn't help but exclaimed. It was really a bit legendary.

If it weren't for Li Menglong, Liu Zaishi's almost 40 million amount would be enough to surprise everyone, but who would let Zhuyu come first? A group of Wuchao brothers can't hold their heads high.

After pushing Liu Zaishi up, Li Menglong took a microphone and talked: "I personally am not a fan of Wuchao. What I like is the patriarch and the law of the jungle!"

Speaking of MBC's flagship program and SBS's flagship program, only Li Menglong could do it. Fortunately, everyone didn't care too much because they knew he had more to come.

"So after Yoo Jae Suk's shameless threats, I was forcibly given the title of director, screenwriter and guest of this special series. I am really embarrassed!" Li Menglong expressed his sincerity in low words.

"I know that many people have their own definition of Infinite Challenge. I don't want to disappoint everyone in this special episode of mine, so I watched a lot of past programs in the past few days, and I was thinking about the essence of Infinite Challenge. What is it?"

Li Menglong paused, looked around, and said in a sincere tone: "It's a challenge and gratitude!"

"The program has been making various attempts and challenges from the beginning to the present, otherwise it would not have persisted for so many years and still brought laughter to everyone; and gratitude is the eternal theme of the program. All those involved in the production of the program Everyone knows that Wuchao’s brilliance is because of your existence!”

"Of course I don't mean you here, but the audience who pays for the TV. Do you guys watch it on a regular basis?" Li Menglong's answer was a neat "Guilty!"

As South Korea’s well-deserved national variety show, the number of viewers is naturally terrifying. Li Menglong did not take it seriously: “So I chose to do this show. The first thing is to challenge everyone to make money through their own efforts. Of course, I didn’t To think that we did so much in the end!”

"Isn't it your bad idea?" Liu Zaishi and several members of Wuchao came out. What Li Menglong said was not what they felt, but he didn't expect that it would be said through Li Menglong's mouth.

"I just got the first 1 million, okay, who did the second wave of 5 million?" Li Menglong's words directly provoked mutual accusations within Infinite Challenge.

Li Menglong didn't like such a messy rhythm, so he shouted: "What did I just say? Don't interrupt!"

"The first is the challenge. Are you finished with that? The second is the second, and the second is gratitude!" Li Menglong revealed the hidden event of this special episode: that is, the total amount of funds raised by this group of people, MBC and the Infinite Challenge crew will be doubled. Donate to charity and use the space to deliver coal to all poor residents in the winter!

Li Menglong also wanted to pay attention to this, because he used to make fires by himself and knew the pain of not being able to afford coal. As for this time, the total money of everyone reached 150 million.

Eight men earned so much money through their own efforts in 24 hours. Relatively speaking, the Infinite Challenge program team also donated 150 million.

Although Li Menglong and others took out real money, they also earned it themselves and considered it their own money. However, Kim Tae-ho is in a miserable situation. His upper limit budget is only 20 million, which is too much overspending. Fortunately, his reputation is big enough.

In any case, this Infinite Challenge special episode has its own theme. Although the process may be a bit bad, the ending is warm, especially in this bitter winter.

Li Menglong did not get involved, leaving space to these seven men who had been running around on Thursday without any regrets. Everything they had put in was best comforted in laughter.

And it's still the same this time. With the slogan "Infinite - Challenge!", everyone received a lot of laughter and deep feelings. It is really not easy for a variety show to achieve this step. At least Li Menglong is still I admire them very much.

The Infinite Trading Company special series brought by Li Menglong has officially ended. In fact, Li Menglong's special series has no effect on the plot of Wireless Trading Company at all, but it is good enough, right?

But Li Menglong ignored Kim Taeho or the shamelessness of the Infinite Challenge program. When the program was aired, after the program ended, another behind-the-scenes clip suddenly appeared.

"When will your script be filmed for us?" This was Kim Tae-ho's voice.

"Are you crazy? That script is almost like a real drama. Are you going to film it? Who will play the leading role? Who can play it?" Although Li Menglong did not show up, everyone could hear the anger in his voice.

"If you don't know how to act, you can learn it. Anyway, your script was inspired by the process of writing Infinite Trading Company. Isn't Infinite Trading Company also a plot about the workplace? It's just right!"

"Kim Taeho, don't be so shameless just because you are older than me, okay? This script..."

"It's called Wei Sheng, right? OK, I'll let them practice their acting skills first. Do you think it's better to call it a TV series special this time or TVB's Misheng special?"

"Yeah, don't stop me. Keeping people like this is a disaster!"

At this time, a line of subtitles appeared on the screen: Misheng! To be continued…

Everyone had been running around for 24 hours straight, and it was already two o'clock in the evening after the concert was completely over, but these people still wanted to go drink.

This kind of thing is very common in Korea, and even Liu Zaishi can't shirk it many times, but Li Menglong just said directly: "I'm not going, I'm exhausted, go back to sleep!"

"Do you have a girlfriend? Did you just talk about it?" Seeing that Li Menglong didn't refute, Haha came over and patted Li Menglong on the shoulder: "Enjoy it while it's sweet. At our stage, we know that we only drink when we are tired. It’s a harbor, but it’s hell at home!”

The sincere advice of a married man fell on deaf ears by Li Menglong. He was not the kind of person who was soft-hearted. Besides, he was really tired. They had just shot for a day and a night. Li Menglong even discussed it with Director Luo. It's been so long.

Sitting in the passenger seat, Li Shungui and the two people in the back have fallen asleep long ago. It's hard for them to stay with Li Menglong until now: "Aren't you sleepy?"

"Fortunately, the feeling has passed!"

"Thank you for your hard work. You have to come and take care of us after class!"

"Huh, that's good if you know!" Xu Xian shook his head proudly, always feeling good when being praised.

"How are your sisters these days?" Li Menglong tightened his collar, turned up the air conditioner, and then leaned aside with his eyes closed.

"I have called Taeyeon and Unnie, but I can't confirm anything. It seems that the company has been contacting the Unnies recently!"

"Really? Didn't I contact you? Our nation's first love!" Li Menglong lowered his tone: "Let me tell you secretly, if s*m promises to give you the resources of a movie heroine every year, you will agree to them! "

"No, I stand with my sisters!" Xu Xian has her own persistence. Just like Li Menglong said, how could s*m not come to her, but she directly put those so-called personal conditions Put off.

"I don't want your personal resources, just transfer them to the Ernies and the group!" The upright Xu Xian also knew that it was unlikely that the company would comply, but she could only do this, even if it allowed her to It would be nice for the company to know that she stands with Girls' Generation as a whole.

In the past two days, Kim Taeyeon has been listening to various inquiries from girls and the company's so-called personal seductions. However, as the price is somewhat tempting, Kim Taeyeon is not sure whether she knows everything.

Fortunately, Li Shunkyu saw it, mainly because s*m didn't call her at all. As Li Menglong's die-hard fan, what could he have to talk about.

So Lee Soon Kyu just had nothing to do with teasing Kim Taeyeon to lighten the atmosphere. Xu Xian saw all this, at least these two Unnies had the same heart as him, but what about the other Unnies?

Xu Xian, who had always believed in other girls, was a little shaken. The human heart is really too complicated. Fortunately, she still had her own helper.

But listening to the small snores from the side, Xu Xian knew that her helper seemed to be asleep, and it seemed that she had to wait for him to wake up before she could continue to help. But waiting one more night shouldn't be a big deal, right?

Looking at the three sleeping people in the car, Xu Xian didn't know who to call first. She wanted to pinch the soft ones, so she shook Li Menglong's shoulders directly.

"Huh? Running? I'm not going today!" Li Menglong closed his eyes again after saying that.

"Oppa! We're home!" Xu Xian explained in a dumbfounded way.

Li Menglong rubbed his eyes and calmed down. But looking at Xu Xian's longing eyes, Li Menglong realized that he had been awakened with a mission.

People who are woken up are always a little resentful. Xu Xian had a shadow when he woke up these people in the dormitory before, so if you can ask Li Menglong to do it, let him do it.

How could Li Menglong be afraid of this? He didn't even look at the car tires with his feet at all: "It's thundering, it's raining, go home and collect your clothes!"

All the way home, Li Menglong was still being beaten by Li Shunkyu and the two of them, but fortunately he didn't have much energy anymore. But when they got home, all three of them acted in the same way, and they just fell asleep in various places.

But how could Xu Xian watch them be so irresponsible about their bodies? You must know that everyone's clothes are covered in sweat and although the floor is heated, sleeping for a long time is not good for the body.

"I said you go call them first!" Li Menglong complained, but Xu Xian was sure that Li Menglong would not be angry with her anyway, and that was the case.

Li Menglong was forced to wash his face, brush his teeth and change into pajamas. He also got some cold water and sprinkled it on the other two corpses, creating the effect of pretending to be corpses.

Xu Xian's plan was successful, and the key was that the war did not affect her. As expected, she was really smart.

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