The scene was extremely awkward for a while, and the sound of each other swallowing saliva could be heard.

Of course, the most irritating sound was the sound of Li Menglong chewing food. He never gave up taking advantage.

After all, it was a big deal. What's wrong with eating the other party's fruit?

"Is there any problem? Otherwise, I will pay for the fruit separately?"

Li Menglong reflected on himself for a while. Maybe the problem lies with him?

He only guessed half right. He did have a problem, but it was definitely not these plates of fruit. Who would buy gold by kilogram?

At least the manager opposite had never seen this kind of person, so he couldn't help but confirm repeatedly. Maybe he heard it wrong?

"Why, can't you buy so much? I don't quite understand. This is my first time buying this thing."

Li Menglong said it quite politely, but this kind of politeness is more like showing off.

The first time he came to buy gold, he directly bought a few kilograms. Does he dare to post this conversation online to see what the public will say?

Li Menglong would probably be drowned by his saliva. Showing off wealth also requires means and methods, and he undoubtedly chose the worst one.

Fortunately, Xu Xian was still by his side, and she couldn't let Li Menglong really take action.

Although she was the ultimate beneficiary, she couldn't accept such a gift, even if it was from Li Menglong's kindness!

This is a matter of principle, and there can be no change!

Besides, receiving gifts also requires a give-and-take. Now that she has received Li Menglong's gold, what will Xu Xian give him next time? Directly give him real estate?

This scale of gift is far beyond her tolerance, so Li Menglong should stop joking here.

"Huh? Why are you joking? Are you questioning my sincerity?" Li Menglong shook off Xu Xian's hand: "Just buy ten kilograms and pay now!"

Seeing that Li Menglong was going to do it for real, Xu Xian didn't know how to stop him for a while. After all, the mouth was on Li Menglong's head. Could she speak for him?

However, the argument between the two was interrupted by the manager on the other side, because now it was not a question of whether Li Menglong could pay, but that there was no such amount of gold here.

And let alone today, it might not be possible to collect it in a short period of time, of course, the premise is that Li Menglong has to take it out in kind.

"Such a big bank, can't even collect ten kilograms? Are you kidding me?" Li Menglong had enough reasons to express doubt.

But the other party was also speechless, just like a company's liquidity, the gap with real assets is far greater than ordinary people imagine.

Moreover, the main function of the bank is not to buy and sell gold, and Li Menglong is an individual, in short, his request is difficult to meet.

At this time, it was Xu Xian's turn to come out, signaling Li Menglong to go to the side and eat fruit quietly, and she would be responsible for the next negotiation.

In the end, Xu Xian chose a 100-gram gold bar, and bought ten at a time.

To be honest, the price added together was far less terrifying than Xu Xian imagined. Maybe it was because she had too little contact with it on weekdays, or because her own income was too high?

However, when the gold bars were taken out, Xu Xian soon became addicted to them. No wonder so many people like this thing from ancient times to the present. It really has a different kind of beauty.

Xu Xian has bought gold before. She has collected a lot of related jewelry, and each piece is particularly exquisite and complicated.

But the gold bars in front of her, although dull and simple, have a kind of beauty that touches the heart.

Even when Xu Xian really touched the real thing, her hands couldn't help shaking. Shouldn't she be too embarrassed?

Because it is a cooperative bank, the payment is relatively simple. Li Menglong just needs to call the company's finance department.

Overall, it is a very pleasant shopping experience, whether it is Li Menglong who treats guests or Xu Xian who receives gifts.

Li Menglong has given Xu Xian a lot of gifts, but he never thought that the little girl's aesthetics are so direct.

This is to point out the direction for him. In the future, whenever there is a need to give gifts, just buy gold directly.

It's simple and hassle-free, and the key is that it can maintain its value. To put it bluntly, if Xu Xian goes bankrupt in the future, hiding these gold bars secretly will be enough for her to live for a while.

Xu Xian doesn't know Li Menglong's simple and crude idea yet. If she knew, she would definitely smile happily and encourage Li Menglong to give more gifts.

She is now playing with the gold bars in her hands. It is said that metal can only bring a cold touch, but Xu Xian always feels warm in her hands and heart.

She even has the urge to monopolize these golds, even if it's just for safekeeping for a few days.

Xu Xian is "thinking about" the girls, and the girls haven't forgotten her!

It is said that the girls did specify a series of plans under Yoona's strong pleading, and the core purpose is to make Li Menglong die more thoroughly.

Of course, these are all words to Yoona, and they don't plan to take it seriously. After all, it's tiring to move.

So they waited for the end of the get off work day, and dealt with it in front of Yoona, which was considered to be fulfilling their responsibilities as sisters.

However, while they were waiting, they actually received some gossip, that is, the second floor was already empty.

The specific source of the news was what Tiffany heard on the way to the bathroom, which was just a chat between colleagues.

But Panny didn't take it as a joke. Besides, it was just one floor away. She could just run down and take a look.

The result naturally surprised her. How could she see anyone on the second floor? So did she remember the time wrong?

After repeated confirmation several times, Panny finally made a judgment that it was Li Menglong who led the escape.

In order to make it easier for him to leave quickly, he even let the entire second floor go off work together. Wasn't his investment too much?

Panny even felt that there was no need for this. They were not so scary, right? Or did Li Menglong overestimate Yoona's status in their minds?

In short, Panny quickly shared this news with the sisters upstairs. Everyone couldn't come up with an idea for a while, and always felt that this escape was extremely ridiculous.

They decided to find out the specific details first, such as when Li Menglong left and whether there was any hidden secrets.

In the end, they didn't ask, but they soon learned that Li Menglong asked the company to pay, and the amount was not low.

Considering Li Menglong's past spending habits, this money was probably not spent on himself, so he left early just to choose gifts for them?

It has to be said that this conclusion is still in line with the girls' expectations. They were even reserved for a while:

"It's completely unnecessary. We are so familiar with each other, why spend money indiscriminately?"

"It's good to have this thought. It's enough to treat us to a meal. Why buy gifts?"

"Is it inappropriate if we don't want it? Otherwise, give Li Menglong some face?"

The girls' performance is not all for themselves. After saying this, the colleagues around them are quite envious.

Although they don't know what Li Menglong bought, and they don't even think highly of his vision, at least the price is here.

If someone spends so much money to prepare a surprise for them, they will really be moved to tears.

Fortunately, the girls' tear threshold is still relatively high. They are just a little polite and don't think of refusing.

At most, it will exempt him from possible punishment. I believe Yoona can't find any fault with it, right?

The group of people rushed back home happily with the joy of signing for the gifts, but it seemed that they were still a little slow.

Li Menglong and Xu Xian have been back for a while. To be honest, the girls were still a little surprised to see them at home.

After all, Li Menglong was going to take refuge in theory. Even if there were gifts as a buffer, wouldn’t he be a little nervous?

Now he was lying on the sofa quite comfortably. What did he want to express? Did he decide that the gifts he chose were enough to deal with them?

They were well-informed after all. It was difficult for ordinary gifts to satisfy them. Li Menglong had better have this expectation.

In fact, Li Menglong didn’t want to come back, but he couldn’t beat Xu Xian. The little girl insisted that it was not safe to take the gold outside and she had to go back home to feel at ease.

Li Menglong persuaded Xu Xian for a long time, but Xu Xian remained unmoved.

What else could he do now? Send Xu Xian back to Canada and then go out to wander by himself?

If this is the final result, why did he spend so much money to buy Xu Xian a gift, because she is pretty?

In Li Menglong's cognition, the gold belongs to Xu Xian, even if he bought nine, but is there any reason to share it with the rest of the girls?

So he is now in a broken pot mentality, anyway, he has more than 100 pounds here, and the girls can do whatever they want.

Originally thought that they would be impatient to take action, but they are much more rational than Li Menglong imagined.

"Don't rush to get up, continue to stay relaxed, let's go upstairs and change clothes first, it will take at least ten minutes, it should be enough, right?"

Jin Taeyeon took the initiative to reveal their arrangements to Li Menglong, but why did she say this? Did she want him to use his brain before taking action?

But Li Menglong couldn't figure it out anyway, where did their inexplicable kindness come from, could it be that they appreciated his early escape?

This is the information asymmetry. The girls thought he was going to prepare a surprise downstairs. After all, the gift cost so much money, and Li Menglong's emotional value must be satisfied.

Even when they were changing clothes upstairs, they kept reminding each other that even if they were not particularly satisfied with the gift, they should try to be happy.

This is what smart women should do. After all, they are still looking forward to the next similar event. Don't let Li Menglong get discouraged.

It took almost 20 minutes of hesitation before the girls came down, but it seemed that there was no change on the first floor, including the position where Li Menglong was lying.

But the girls quickly convinced themselves: This must be Li Menglong's intention. Does he want them to find the gift by themselves?

This way of giving gifts is really ingenious, and the girls are already eager to try.

But before looking for it, they still need to confirm Xu Xian's location. Why didn't they see the little girl since they came in?

"Who knows where she is hiding? Go under the bed, look in the closet, and maybe in the refrigerator?" Li Menglong answered irresponsibly.

These words were a clear hint to the girls. He had indeed hidden the gift, and even Xu Xian was an "accomplice".

Fortunately, the room was only this big, and they were confident that they could find the gift.

Then there was a carpet search. They either lay on the ground and looked around, or wrinkled their noses and kept sniffing the air. Some even took out thermal imagers...

In short, the girls showed their skills, but the results were not satisfactory. They did find some things, but they didn't look like gifts.

"Did you buy this imported milk powder? It's expired..."

The girls looked at the pile of rags on the ground and always felt that it was their work, but it was just forgotten in some corner.

It seems that there is another possibility, that is, Li Menglong was completely unprepared, and everything was their wishful thinking.

Although this result is not what they want to see, they have to face reality now. Is Li Menglong sure he is not looking for death?

Just when the girls were hesitating whether to fight to the death, Xu Xian, who was addicted to the impact of gold, finally sobered up a little.

She didn't hide deliberately. She squatted in the bathroom the whole time. She always felt that it was safest to watch the treasure in such a place.

As a result, I just came out and saw this tense scene. What's going on?

"Ask him, we are blind to believe that he prepared gifts for us. It's better to believe that tomorrow is the end of the world!" The girls said angrily.

A simple sentence made Xu Xian understand the current problem. It is also easy to solve it. Just divide the gold, but why is she so hesitant?

Xu Xian thinks that she is not a stingy person. It is not that she has not given expensive gifts to girls in the past. So it seems that the problem lies in gold. This thing is poisonous and can alienate the feelings of people!

It should not be difficult to choose between gold and girls, but Xu Xian is inexplicably hesitant.

Xu Xian's "constipated" look aroused the interest of the girls. This little girl has a secret, why doesn't she share it with the sisters? Do you think they are not worthy?

As the girls approached, Xu Xian subconsciously put her hands behind her back, but this action was more like a hint to the girls, pointing out the problem for them.

So they all came over tacitly, some spoke directly to distract Xu Xian, and some moved quietly from the side. With this coordination, Xu Xian's little action was soon exposed in front of everyone.

"What is this? Why is it so dazzling..."

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