The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3495 Value-preserving Items

"Cash? I might as well work for you. Do you want to consider hiring me? My price is not high!"

Li Menglong said rather speechlessly that these people's demands were really too direct.

It is no exaggeration to say that at least one-third of their salary is paid by him, and they still ask him for money?

As for hiring Li Menglong to work in turn, everyone at the scene was quite moved.

How much does Li Menglong ask for? If it is within everyone's tolerance, then it is not impossible.

After all, Li Menglong can still create value, whether as a director or an agent, even if he is treated simply as an artist, he can at least make money.

But what should I say? From these aspects, it seems that Li Menglong is not reduced to working for others?

To be precise, there are only a handful of companies that can afford him. Only artists of the level of girls can afford him.

You have to know that the girls are no longer paying. They have invested a member in it. This cost investment is enough to put the others to shame!

As for the specific sequence here, that is their secret, and it is best for outsiders not to explore too much.

In short, under Li Menglong's driving, the group of people were driven out one after another to inquire about the news, and the result was that there was no one outside at all.

Li Menglong thought he was lying to him at first. After all, there was a possibility that these people could be bribed by Yoona.

But after waiting for a long time, when he actually walked out in person, he found that there was really no one at the scene.

Li Menglong once thought that Yoona was hiding in a corner waiting for a sneak attack, so he had to take two steps back every three steps, but at least he finally reached his seat.

Regarding his defensive state, Xu Xian didn't even bother to look at him, otherwise she would have wanted to call the police and arrest him. Isn't this what a thief would do?

But Xu Xian's indifference did not prevent Li Menglong from taking the initiative to talk to her. He also wanted to ask Yoona about the situation there.

Most people around him only know the result, but Seohyun, as a member of the girls, should know some inside information, such as Yoona's subsequent revenge plan.

Don't let it be said that Yoona has given up on pursuing the case. It's just a matter of deceiving children. Li Menglong has long passed the age of dreaming.

"I don't know anything. I didn't see anyone when I came up. How could I know what Yoona was thinking." Xu Xian continued to stare at his computer and answered the question in a cold voice.

It's just that her rudeness is too deliberate. Do you dare to look into Li Menglong's eyes before speaking?

Facts have proved that Li Menglong still understands Xu Xian, but he just didn't force the little girl.

From Xu Xian's words, we can preliminarily infer that Yoona probably has a plan, and even took care of Xu Xian in advance. This seems to be a dangerous fight.

But he hasn't reached complete despair yet, and he still has the possibility of struggling.

And if you think about it seriously, it seems like he didn’t do anything, and it was even Yoona who came to provoke him first. He is the victim!

As for the subsequent interactions, it further highlighted his noble sentiments!

Not everyone can refuse Yoona's kiss. Although there is only the possibility of artificial respiration, Li Menglong still didn't try it.

Is it possible that Yoona is unhappy because of this? Is Yoona satisfied if the two of them kiss together?

Anyway, Li Menglong had a clear conscience. He even felt that it was unnecessary for him to hide, so he should confront Yoona face to face when there were many people.

But it's not too late to wake up now, at least he can still tell this truth to the girls.

As long as they don't stand on Yoona's side, Li Menglong has nothing to fear. He just wants to cope with Yoona's collision alone.

Li Menglong can guarantee that he will not make the first move. Isn't this a gentleman?

Although he didn't know what Li Menglong was thinking, Xu Xian could indeed feel the other person's relief. Did he think of a way to solve the problem?

Xu Xian is not very optimistic about this. Even if Li Menglong has countless excuses, he still can't prevent Yoona from making trouble unreasonably.

But this is not something she should consider. I believe the women upstairs should have a complete plan.

All she can do is work hard and try not to let the dispute between them affect her work.

And Xu Xian's efforts were not without effect. Although it was not what she expected, it did solve some of the problems.

"What happened? Has no one sent me an email? Is the work completed?" Li Menglong asked slightly incredulously.

It's just that no one at the scene answered him, because how could a bunch of workers respond to such words?

To be precise, there is never enough work to be done, but it is true that at a certain moment, everyone’s short-term work was cleared.

Of course, you can still find something to do again, but will this be too hard?

It stands to reason that everyone will allocate their time reasonably. After all, they are all here to work, and they will never work so hard unless necessary.

Xu Xian worked extra hard today, and there was not much resistance from everyone, so the speed was forced to go faster.

Now everyone is even a little bit confused. Did they do something wrong? Isn’t this just making yourself unhappy?

Just when everyone was feeling sorry for themselves, Li Menglong gave a new possibility: "Since today's work has been completed ahead of schedule, let's get off work. See you all tomorrow!"

When they heard this, everyone thought they had heard it wrong. Was Li Menglong going to take them to work overtime?

Or was this a test for them? Whoever dared to leave first would be fired tomorrow because of his left foot entering the company first?

For a moment, no one could understand what Li Menglong was thinking. Everyone looked at each other and finally looked at Li Menglong.

Li Menglong saw the hesitation of these people, and he did not reiterate it again, because no matter how many times he said this, it would not be as direct as taking the lead himself.

There was nothing to organize on his side, so he went over to help Xu Xian throw all the small items on the desk into his backpack, and then forcibly pulled the little girl up from her seat.

Xu Xian did not resist this, but she did not mean to cooperate.

Because she herself was a little confused now, what was going on? Was Li Menglong testing her?

As a result, the two had already walked out of the company, and Xu Xian finally asked this question, but she did not get an answer from Li Menglong.

He was totally on impulse. He originally wanted to lead everyone to work overtime. In the end, the overtime pay was doubled. It was a small surprise that was bitter first and sweet later.

But he thought of the women upstairs in an instant. Although he was not afraid, why should he give them the opportunity to cause trouble?

So he just left work early, which was also a complete surprise!

In fact, this kind of occasional small changes in work can really greatly improve everyone's sense of happiness.

Xu Xian felt like she had won a big prize at this moment. She felt that she had two more hours in her life out of thin air, and she didn't know what to do for a while.

"It's up to you. If I say I can cover all the expenses in these two hours, will it make you more excited?" Li Menglong added again.

To be precise, he is not a particularly disappointing person in life. At least when others are happy, he rarely steps forward to pour cold water.

Xu Xian also felt Li Menglong's sincerity. She hugged Li Menglong and kept shouting in his ear: "Thank you, Oppa!"

Li Menglong was happy, but he was also a little nervous. How much money would the little girl spend? Why did he feel that he might not be able to hold on?

If Xu Xian wanted to buy a house now, should he agree?

To Li Menglong's surprise, he almost gave a positive answer the moment this question came up.

Since the little girl wanted it, what's the problem with giving Xu Xian a house?

And once there is this answer, you can let yourself go, because in a short period of time, apart from the house, Li Menglong really can't think of a bigger expense.

Xu Xian naturally didn't know that Li Menglong had made such a huge decision, otherwise she would definitely regret it. How many billions did she miss?

In fact, Xu Xian was just happy at the moment. As for what she wanted to do, she had no inspiration at all. Otherwise, Li Menglong would give some advice?

Li Menglong subconsciously wanted to take Xu Xian to see the house, but fortunately he held back in time, so as not to make himself unhappy.

Seeing that Li Menglong had no idea, Xu Xian could only rely on herself passively. What should she buy?

Xu Xian had indeed chosen the general direction, otherwise she would be sorry for Li Menglong's sudden generosity.

She even planned to bring some to the girls, which could alleviate their inexplicable jealousy and ease the relationship between Li Menglong and them.

It can only be said that Xu Xian was thinking about Li Menglong even when spending money, and his money was worth it!

"Let's take action first, maybe I will feel it on the way."

Accompanied by Xu Xian's urging, the two embarked on a shopping trip, but were they sure not to ask for the girls' opinions?

The momentary recklessness at this moment was regarded as the root of the future pain for the two, but they were not aware of it at the moment.

Xu Xian thought for a long time in the car, but she couldn't think of a place to spend money, which made her quite frustrated.

After all, she is also a top female artist, don't she even have a channel to spend crazy money?

The main reason is that Xu Xian has no similar experience in the past. Now a big dog owner suddenly appeared, Xu Xian didn't know where to start for a while.

If you have to say, there are some luxury stores that have cooperated or heard of, but you can't really take Li Menglong to buy those flashy things, right?

Maybe in the eyes of ordinary people, these so-called luxury goods are symbols of identity and status.

But how to say it, at least in their circle, they still have to see it more clearly.

If these luxury goods are really worth the money, why do brands spend so much money every year to invite artists to endorse them? Why not keep this money for something else?

The reason for inviting artists is because they want these items to sell at sky-high prices, at least far beyond their actual value.

So although celebrities are often wearing various brands, 90% of them are sponsored. If they really have to pay for it themselves, they are smarter than anyone else.

In this case, let Xu Xian take Li Menglong to be the scapegoat? Not to mention whether she can convince herself, even if she really buys it, she will probably be scolded by the girls.

Of course, there are luxury goods that can maintain their value, but those require internal channels and even need to cooperate with hype and other means.

Even girls wouldn't put too much money into it, maybe it will suddenly become worthless one day.

So it seems that traditional choices are more reliable, such as gold?

Xu Xian was really just spreading her thoughts, but she found a good direction inexplicably. She couldn't wait to share with Li Menglong: "Oppa, let's go buy gold!"

This sentence almost made Li Menglong step on the brakes to the bottom. Just now, he thought that Xu Xian would not make more excessive demands than buying a house, but Xu Xian turned around and let him know what it means to have a higher sky.

Gold is sold by gram. If Xu Xian wants to buy more than ten kilograms, can the company's account book take out so much cash?

Li Menglong was indeed hesitant, but once he said something, it would be spilled, especially in front of Xu Xian. How could he go back on his word?

So let's not say anything. Even if he sold the company today, he would let Xu Xian go home with gold!

But where to buy gold seems to be another very realistic problem.

Li Menglong meant to go to the jewelry store, but Xu Xian gave a more rational response: "The processing fee of jewelry is very expensive, it is better to go directly to the bank to buy gold bars, which is more valuable!"

This answer is too realistic, but it can be seen that Xu Xian is still thinking for him, so should he be happier now?

Because it was not early when the two set out, and the bank closed earlier than normal, the two came in at the tail end of the bank's work.

Luckily, Xu Xian's face is really face, of course it has something to do with Li Menglong. The company's main accounts are all in this bank, so the company's legal person card here is quite high.

The two were invited to the small room next door without any surprise. Looking at the fruit provided on the table, Li Menglong was not polite. While he was not so heartbroken now, he ate more, otherwise he might not be in this mood later.

Since Li Menglong didn't speak, Xu Xian must have been watching from the side, which was quite embarrassing.

So Xu Xian took the initiative to put forward her request, but when the other party asked about the specific quantity, she subconsciously looked at Li Menglong.

As a result, Li Menglong instantly understood what the other party meant, and knew that it was his turn to come out, and he directly stretched out a fist.

Is he going to ask for 10 grams? Or 100 grams?

But Li Menglong's answer made the scene completely quiet: "How much does it cost for 10 kilograms..."

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