Finally they were able to get off the car, but it was Li Menglong who got off first.

He knew too well what the women were going to say, so he simply took the lead: "Oh, sitting with you is too torturous, please don't do it again, otherwise I would rather walk back!"

The girls looked at Li Menglong in the distance with surprise. This man must be sick, why did he say what they really thought?

And it was natural for them to say this, but was Li Menglong qualified to say so?

They were able to bring him back together, which was enough to show that they were kind-hearted, but Li Menglong not only did not appreciate it, but also blamed them?

If possible, they really hoped to take Li Menglong back to the company gate, and then they would make a new choice.

Unfortunately, Li Menglong was not stupid, and Xu Xian, who was driving, did not have the energy, so no one cooperated with them.

Seeing that they were still stranded in the car and refused to get out, Xu Xian simply threw the keys to them, anyway, she had fulfilled her obligations.

If they have other plans, then they can do it themselves. Xu Xian will not accompany them.

"Let's go. What are you still standing here for? Do you want to have a fight here?"

Xu Xian pushed Li Menglong from behind. This man is not a good guy. He always stirs up the girls' resentment from time to time.

Although it is indeed the girls' problem in many cases, he should not always think about pretending to be innocent. Xu Xian saw it very clearly.

With Xu Xian's urging, Li Menglong naturally couldn't stay here.

And with the departure of Li Menglong and Xu Xian, the girls didn't even have anyone to complain about. They couldn't stay in the car overnight, right?

Their physical condition is not very good now. Why did Li Menglong have such a big grudge before? This is not entirely his problem.

They could have simply washed up in the company, but they stubbornly sat in the car with a sweaty smell.

Their reason is that the company does not have the necessary toiletries, and they have to wash again after returning. Why bother?

A reasonable reason, but it made Li Menglong suffer. He was breathing through his mouth the whole time, and his nose was just ignored.

Although they wanted to retaliate against him, they were dissatisfied when Li Menglong really showed pain.

Is it that smelly? Why didn't they smell it? Li Menglong must have exaggerated it!

In short, the girls chased him in with their sweaty clothes. They hadn't figured out how to retaliate yet, but they realized that they had miscalculated.

The sound of washing could be heard in the bathrooms upstairs and downstairs. These two people were really rude. So they had discussed this in advance?

Didn't Li Menglong start planning this scene in the car? Everyone was a loved one. Wouldn't he feel guilty for calculating his own people like this?

They kicked the bathroom door a few times, mainly to scare Li Menglong.

In fact, they didn't dare to use all their strength. If they kicked the door open directly, they would really have no way to defend themselves.

Fortunately, in addition to "breaking in", they have other means to retaliate.

After Li Menglong washed off his fatigue, he also specially checked his clothes, especially the pants, to make sure they were firmly locked around his waist.

This is to prevent the revenge of the women. In Li Menglong's guess, there is probably someone waiting outside the door at this moment.

He thought about whether to stay in the bathroom for a while, but it was too cowardly to do so. He would rather go out and confront the girls head-on.

He opened the door carefully, and he was ready to close it at any time.

But after fighting wits and courage with the air for a long time, he finally realized that he had become a clown. How could he see the girls on the first floor?

This is in line with the positioning of ordinary people. It is not so easy to see artists.

Li Menglong laughed at himself, but he soon stopped laughing. He trembled and stretched out his finger, pointing to the messy room in front of him: "Is this my room?"

As an "ordinary person", it is difficult for Li Menglong to see artists, but he can easily get the clothes worn by artists.

And it's not the kind that has been washed, but it has the smell of the artist's body, or more accurately, it was soaked with the artist's sweat.

This kind of clothes is of great collection value to many fans, especially in the hands of some perverted fans, and can be sold at a sky-high price.

But Li Menglong is not a pervert, and he is not even a fan of girls.

So when he saw the coats and pants of those women scattered on his bed, he really blacked out and almost fainted.

This room is completely ruined. Not to mention the contaminated sheets, the smell itself is not something that can be dissipated in a short time.

"Well, what's wrong?" Xu Xian walked over from a distance, wiping her hair with a towel, and asked curiously.

Normally, Xu Xian can't wash as fast as Li Menglong, this is a privilege unique to girls.

But Xu Xian is worried that those women can't help it. They dare not open the door of the bathroom downstairs, but they don't have so many concerns about the upstairs.

If she delayed too long, Xu Xian was afraid that a group of hooligans would suddenly break in, so she finished washing up in a hurry.

She was planning to try her luck downstairs. If Li Menglong didn't use the bathroom, she wanted to rinse her hair again, as she felt that there was still a lot of shampoo residue on it.

As a result, she saw Li Menglong standing at the door in a daze when she came downstairs. Naturally, she came up curiously and saw the mess in the room.

Xu Xian really didn't know what to say, so she could only express her condolences.

"These are the clothes that the unnies just wore. Many people can't ask for them. You have to cherish them..."

Xu Xian still couldn't help but tease quietly, but looking at Li Menglong's resentful eyes, she still laughed.

It can only be said that her sisters are really creative. They can think of such a means of revenge. Xu Xian expressed admiration.

After all, if she came here, she would probably just surrender without any resistance.

Li Menglong can either let the scene continue and wait for the girls to clean up the next day; or take the initiative to help the girls wash clothes.

Which one will he choose?

Li Menglong made a choice quickly, he didn't choose any of them!

Because the scene was too shocking before, Li Menglong didn't react for a while, but now looking carefully, he can clearly see that the sheets and quilt covers are not the colors he would use.

If he remembered correctly, how long would Yoona sleep here?

The deadline is not important, as long as Yoona is willing to come and rest, he urgently needs a human air purifier to work.

Xu Xian also realized this quickly, so Yoona is the one who is unlucky in the end?

This whole process seems quite familiar, will Yoona have a similar sense of déjà vu?

Xu Xian can't continue to speculate, otherwise it always feels a bit of gloating.

She even couldn't bear to see the scene after Yoona learned the truth, it must be quite miserable, right?

For this reason, she also specially reminded Li Menglong not to laugh too much, be careful that Yoona will fight with him, after all, Yoona doesn't seem to have anything to lose.

But Yoona obviously has a way out. She has her own room. She can just rest upstairs.

This is what Li Menglong thought, but Xu Xian shook her head. It can only be said that he still doesn't understand women.

Since Yoona has chosen to stay here and said that she will stay for a full week, she will definitely not go up during this period, even if the living environment is so bad.

So Li Menglong is still waiting for Yoona's arrival here. As for Xu Xian, she went to the bathroom. It is very troublesome for them to wash their hair once.

Li Menglong has sorted out his mood at this moment. He is leaning against the door and chatting with Xu Xian. He holds the conditioner in his hand and squeezes a little on Xu Xian's head from time to time.

"Aren't you famous for being able to control various hairstyles? Why don't you try my hairstyle? Apart from anything else, it's so refreshing to wash it. It doesn't take a minute!"

Li Menglong actually encouraged Xu Xian to cut his hair short. He is really looking for death.

You know, as a standard beauty, Xu Xian's long black and smooth hair adds a lot of points.

Many fans can't even accept Seohyun cutting her hair short, but Lee Moon-ryong wants to go a step further. Why doesn't he just let Seohyun change her hair to a bald head?

Fortunately, Seohyun really didn't take it seriously, and she didn't even have the desire to reply.

To be honest, she does feel that long hair is a hindrance, but there is no way. She is an artist, and she always has to consider her appearance.

The more important factor is the fans' perception, which is quite complicated.

Fans like an artist in an all-round way, including the artist's personality and image. To put it simply, it is the persona created by the artist to the outside world.

Among them, the image is relatively easy to maintain, and most artists will not confront fans in this regard.

Even if they want to make some changes many times, they really don't dare.

This includes not only Seohyun, but also Lee Sun-kyu, who has kept short hair for many years. Doesn't she want to change her hair style?

These questions may not be clear to people outside the circle, but Lee Moon-ryong is obviously pretending to be confused.

Just when Xu Xian was thinking about how to send Li Menglong away, someone came down from upstairs.

The girls were still queuing up to wash, but the rest were a little bored, so they went downstairs in a group to watch the fun.

In their guess, Li Menglong should be cleaning the room with a sad face at this moment, and maybe he was squatting in the bathroom to wash their clothes. Just thinking about this scene made them feel relieved.

Among them, Yoona walked at the end. It was not that she didn't want to join in the fun, but her sixth sense told her that she would be unlucky tonight.

Don't care where this feeling came from, but Yoona believed it, so she kept trying to lower her joystick.

At present, the effect is pretty good. She just followed down to make up a head, and she shouldn't let her come forward to say anything.

After all, the opportunity to mock Li Menglong was rushed by those sisters, and it was not her turn for Lin Yuner to come forward.

Sure enough, she saw Li Menglong at the door of the bathroom, and it seemed that he was holding laundry detergent in his hand?

But his expression seemed relatively relaxed, what was going on?

Before they could ask questions, they heard Xu Xian's voice inside. Now the truth was revealed. The bastard Li Menglong actually let Xu Xian wash clothes in there!

They can even come up with Li Menglong's excuses, saying that these problems were caused by the girls, and Xu Xian, as a member of the girls, should come to clean up for them.

Considering Xu Xian's kind nature and her trust in Li Menglong, the little girl might have been deceived.

This is unacceptable to them. They raised their youngest with great effort, but he came to work for him, Li Menglong? Or do manual labor?

The people around them immediately surrounded him and kept pushing Li Menglong, and the meaning of provocation was too obvious.

Being inexplicably blocked here by a group of crazy women, as a normal person, Li Menglong naturally would not choose to fight back, because he was afraid that he could not afford to pay.

So he could only retreat to the bathroom, and even subconsciously closed the door.

This action made the girls even more angry. Let Xu Xian stay in the same room with a man at this time. Does Xu Xian still have a reputation?

Hearing the door being knocked non-stop, Xu Xian reluctantly opened her eyes: "What's going on? How did you offend them again?"

Faced with Xu Xian's question, Li Menglong didn't want to answer, but he didn't know either. These women were like crazy people, how could he understand?

So he just silently picked up the shower head, quickly helped Xu Xian clean up, and let Xu Xian go out to communicate with those women.

After all, she is also a member of the team. Even if Xu Xian is relatively normal, she can more or less understand the brain circuits of those crazy people?

After the attack failed, the girls could only temporarily give up the idea of ​​rescuing Xu Xian. Anyway, Li Menglong would not dare to do anything to Xu Xian, so they had nothing to worry about.

Since Li Menglong forced Xu Xian to wash clothes, they couldn't let Li Menglong do what he wanted.

They had a lot of clothes. Although the rest of the clothes were much cleaner, it was still okay to disgust Li Menglong.

So they came to Li Menglong's room again, but the scene in front of them surprised them. Was there any change in this room?

There is no need to get close to confirm, the smell is enough to tell everything, so what did Xu Xian wash in there before?

The girls were quite puzzled, especially Li Menglong's behavior, which always seemed too relaxed.

They went over and picked up two pieces of clothing, trying to find out the truth, and this action actually worked.

"Li Menglong always dislikes pink, when did he change his aesthetics..."

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