The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3484 Separation

It is impossible to let Li Menglong go. They made such a big scene, and it may not be without revenge on him.

If he leaves now, won’t all their previous hard work be in vain?

So he and Li Shungyu should not think about leaving, just dance here for an hour.

When to let them go depends on the mood of the girls.

But whether they have considered the physical strength of the others, although the dance moves have been simplified as much as possible, they can’t stand singing and dancing for several hours.

Even if they are in the entertainment company, their understanding of singing and dancing is still on paper.

For example, they have no specific concept of the physical strength required for singing and dancing.

They know that singing and dancing is difficult, requiring strong talent and repeated practice, but what they didn’t expect is that they also need abundant physical strength?

No wonder artists often have to do physical exercises before holding concerts. If they don’t deliberately strengthen it, they probably won’t be able to make it to the second half.

And compared with the high standards of the girls, their requirements can only be regarded as kindergarten level.

Let’s not talk about those simple movements. The only requirement for their singing is to shout loudly. As for the pitch and timbre, what are those?

The girls learned all this from TV. In similar occasions, the coaches are often passionate. It seems that this can make everyone persist longer?

The girls are not sure about the principle, but the effect is quite significant. For a while, the practice room was filled with a passionate atmosphere that should not be there at this time.

Even Lee Sunkyu in front was slightly affected, and the rhythm of the dance became more and more crazy. Isn’t this her disguise?

Compared with Lee Sunkyu’s wildness, Lee Moon-ryong is much more "restrained". It’s not wrong to say that he is just paddling.

It’s really a fool’s dream to want to influence him with this external atmosphere.

Instead of integrating into it, he wanted to escape more and more. He always felt that dancing here was very shameful.

To be precise, it was not only because of his own movements, but more because of the people around him.

He can guarantee with all his wealth that these people don't have to wait until tomorrow morning. There will be more than one person who hits his head against the headboard before going to bed tonight.

As for being so ashamed that he can't sleep, don't think you can get away with it.

If you have to say, Li Enxi may be an exception. Anyone who can sit in a high position must have his talent.

And one of Li Enxi's talents should be thick-skinned, or even if it is equally embarrassing, she is not afraid of being teased in person. Who would have such courage? Don't want to mix in the company?

Maybe Li Menglong will choose to make trouble, so just avoid him, and there should be no problem.

When he thought that the entire senior management of the company would be out of shape tomorrow, Li Menglong felt distressed, and the salary for this day would be wasted.

But he could also change his mind. These people completed tomorrow's work in advance, or in the form of temporary overtime.

He was not sure if there was extra overtime pay this time. Normally, there should be no, because it was too temporary.

Unless Lee Sun-kyu gave these people red envelopes on the spot, it can only be considered that they contributed to the company.

However, judging from their current expressions of enjoyment, they should not be dissatisfied, and they may even think that they have earned something.

It is indeed right to take the girls to act. They can always express their gratitude in this way without spending any money, and the other party will often be particularly satisfied.

This is the charm of artists. Every move will make ordinary people feel very honored, even if it is just a word or a smile.

But Li Menglong is definitely not among them, because he has seen through these women a long time ago.

"Hey, Li Menglong, are you here to learn swimming? Do you want me to buy you a swimming ring?"

"Be serious, you have been jumping for so long, and you don't sweat a drop of sweat. You are embarrassed?"

"Don't let yourself implicate everyone. If you always have this attitude, then we will jump all night."

It has to be said that the girls' threats are becoming more and more sophisticated. It's okay to just ridicule, but they also know how to bully others?

It was clearly a conflict between them, but they dragged everyone around them into it, trying to get everyone to follow them to put pressure on them.

If this trick was used on someone else, even if it was Li Enxi, they would probably have to admit defeat.

But would Li Menglong be afraid of these? He just hated that the time was too short, otherwise how about dancing for three days and three nights?

For this reason, he took out his mobile phone very directly: "Send a few fried chickens to the third floor in two hours, they probably need to replenish some energy by then!"

Li Menglong thought he had done his best to take care of the health of these people, so why are they still standing there, just keep playing music and dancing!

Even though everyone knew Li Menglong's face and had experienced similar incidents to a greater or lesser extent, they were still pushed to the limit by Li Menglong from time to time.

How could he have the nerve to say these words? Were the resentful looks of everyone fake? Did he not feel anything at all?

Even if you can't see these, you can always see their sweat-soaked clothes and trembling legs, right?

If Li Menglong doesn't want to recruit a new batch of executives for the company, then it's best to stop at the right time, otherwise he should prepare to take over the company's big and small matters in the next month!

Sure enough, when it comes to threats, these guys are more sharp.

Although Li Menglong can still ignore everything and even let the entire company take a month off, this behavior is irresponsible.

The company can grow to its current size, which is definitely not the credit of Li Menglong alone. Everyone present has contributed a lot.

So he can't easily use this kind of thing as a bargaining chip, even if the other party speaks first.

"Forget about the fried chicken, let's dance for another half an hour, that's okay, right?" Li Menglong first calmed everyone's emotions, and then looked at the girls provocatively: "Everyone try their best, whoever saves will be..."

"Your granddaughter! I will call you grandpa from now on!" The girls responded quite strongly, without any self-awareness of being deceived.

In fact, they saw through Li Menglong's little thoughts, which was nothing more than the so-called provocation method, and they were almost worn out.

But whether the strategy is ancient is not the point, the point is whether it works.

Li Menglong has undoubtedly succeeded now, but in a way that hurts both sides.

If they don't do this, the girls will not agree, but no one asked the opinions of the people around them?

Fortunately, there is still a final time, which at least gives everyone some hope.

In order to save some money for the company, each of them set an alarm clock and must stop this kind of physical torture of their own employees in time.

Other companies are at most working overtime. Although it is still hard, at least they will not be too tired.

They are about to fall down at any time now. If there is really a problem, it can be regarded as a work injury to some extent, and the company will pay for medical expenses.

As the timer started, the scene fell into a frenzy again...

Half an hour later, everyone stopped all actions instantly as if the power was turned off. If it weren't for the breathing that couldn't stop, they would have wanted to stop.

And after another half an hour, some people finally began to leave one after another. As for the actions, some supported each other, some held the wall, and even climbed out.

The reason why they would rather crawl out than stay is naturally because they heard the latest bickering between the girls and Li Menglong:

"Hmph, are you honest now? You still brag about going to the gym, with dead muscles all over your body!"

"I was just warming up just now, do you dare to jump for a few more hours?"

When gods fight, mortals suffer, and they really don't want to be involved again.

If they were just watching the fun, it would be fine, but this time there is a possibility that they will be affected, so what else is there to say, even if their legs have no feeling, they have to leave this room.

But Xu Xian really wants to persuade everyone, there is really no need to be so embarrassed, just rest here peacefully.

Based on her understanding of these people, they should not fight again in the short term.

After all, compared with simple quarrels, this kind of physical interaction is too physically exhausting.

Li Menglong is fine, he still feels embarrassed, but the girls have been practicing intensively for a long time before, this has to be taken into consideration.

Although they do have some energy left, they can't waste that precious energy on Li Menglong. Is he worthy?

So they are just talking nonsense, and everyone really doesn't need to be afraid!

It's a pity that Xu Xian can't say it clearly, otherwise the two groups will probably be embarrassed, and even take action to prove themselves.

In that case, wouldn't she, Xu Xian, become a sinner? The key is that these women will definitely retaliate later.

So Xu Xian can only apologize silently in her heart and see if there is a chance to show goodwill tomorrow morning.

In fact, Xu Xian has already made a plan. As a person who has been practicing dancing for many years, she has a clear understanding of many related sequelae.

If nothing unexpected happens, these people will not be too relaxed tomorrow.

Soreness is just the basics. If there is no basic exercise on weekdays, it is likely that walking and bending will become a problem.

What is needed at this time is care, such as some potions, plasters, hot compresses, and massages.

So Xu Xian plans to invite a doctor tomorrow, preferably a private clinic, so that they can bring all the staff and medicines.

The specific cost should not be very cheap, but considering that there are enough people paying here, the company may also express some opinions, so the pressure is not very great.

With a plan to deal with it, Xu Xian will feel much more relaxed, but she will soon face reality: "Are we going to stay here tonight? If so, I will go home first."

Xu Xian's reminder interrupted the enthusiastic communication over there, and they had to return to reality after all.

As for Xu Xian's so-called question, there is only one answer, they must go back home.

They were already quite tired. If they couldn't take a hot bath and sleep in a familiar bed, they might not be able to get up tomorrow.

So they stood up one after another without even answering.

Compared with the weakness of the previous group of people, they looked much more normal, especially after seeing that Li Menglong had no intention of getting up, they still had the urge to take action.

It was Xu Xian who took the initiative to kick Li Menglong on the buttocks, which made him sit up.

Because Li Menglong had been talking before, the girls didn't even notice that this man was still dozing off?

This is simply an insult to them. Shouldn't he be more energetic when chatting with them? Or is it too easy to deal with them?

"Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to look down on you!"

It would be fine if Li Menglong didn't explain, but now he is trying to cover up the truth, or is he doing it on purpose?

After successfully provoking the girls' dissatisfaction, Li Menglong hid behind Xu Xian and didn't speak, which made the girls more certain that he had no good intentions.

But Xu Xian was blocking them in front, and they were really a little tired, so they didn't really embarrass him in the end, at least there was no physical conflict.

However, the verbal confrontation was always there, especially when Li Menglong sat in the back seat again, he was almost surrounded by the girls.

Xu Xian couldn't help him this time, after all, she was still responsible for driving.

But what made her happy was that these women finally became mature and knew that it was not appropriate to play in the car. This is a sign of growth!

This is not something Xu Xian said casually, but it was admitted by the girls themselves. Of course, it sounds more like an excuse they made for themselves.

The girls are not stupid at all. They are not exhausted, but at least 70% of their physical strength is gone.

It is not realistic to rely on the remaining 30% of physical strength to interact with Li Menglong.

Although they kept questioning that Li Menglong's muscles were all fake, they knew it very well in their hearts.

The previous intensity may not be much stronger than warm-up for him, at least it will not make him lose basic combat effectiveness.

If a fight breaks out at this time, it is not a joke to hit a kid with one punch.

In order to avoid humiliating themselves, the girls naturally restrained themselves a lot, even in their words.

After all, everyone is so close. Once Li Menglong gets angry, unless they jump off the car, where can they run to? Can they hide under the chair?

So the so-called "no fighting in the car" before was actually said to Li Menglong, reminding this man to be calm.

Otherwise, if something unexpected happened, he might not be able to bear it, and he would be responsible for it!

I don’t know if Li Menglong understood the girls’ deep meaning, but he was honest throughout the whole process, which made them feel relieved.

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