The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3454 Approaching

Facing the questions from the girls, Li Menglong still pretended to be confused: "What do you mean? Who are you? Why do you want to inquire about my location? You..."

Li Menglong's series of rhetorical questions made the girls very confused, because he meant that he did not intend to tell the truth.

He even sarcastically mocked them, saying they didn't have that much time to spare.

Originally they just planned to scare Li Menglong, but now they really plan to take action and must give Li Menglong some color.

Did he think he had already won? After all, the initiative is in his hands. As long as he doesn't speak, they can't drive around in the car, right?

If they could really use this stupid method to find him, Li Menglong would probably admit defeat, but is this possible?

The girls are no longer planning to talk nonsense with him. They can meet up later and talk about it anyway. Li Menglong must wait for them!

However, the girls were not stupid enough to say these words. Didn't they remind Li Menglong to take precautions? They needed to carry Li Menglong behind his back.

As for the specific process, the focus lies on the owner of the phone!

This phone does not belong to Li Menglong. Although the girls were regarded as liars by the other party, this was all a misunderstanding.

They are real people and there is absolutely no deception involved.

As the saying goes, it cannot be true or false. Even if the other party is full of doubts, there is always a way to prove it, but the premise is that Li Menglong is not aware of this.

So the girls took action one after another. Logically speaking, the most direct way was to call again.

However, considering that Li Menglong was sitting opposite, the girls could only choose a roundabout route if they did not want to alarm him.

They didn't seem to have the corresponding experience, but they wanted to do similar things and vaguely had done something similar. Anyway, they started searching online based on this number.

And there is another clue that can be used. Through the previous conversations, they can probably determine what Li Menglong is doing.

Although I don’t know the specific location, there is always no doubt about taking photos of others, and these photos are often posted online by their owners.

But just knowing this is not enough. They also need more detailed identification, at least to be able to distinguish those photos taken by Li Menglong.

In theory, trying to achieve this would be like finding a needle in a haystack, but Yoona gave us brand new information.

She later taught Li Menglong some uncommon techniques, which gave them new clues.

In short, the girls worked together and through various comparisons, searches, and of course a bit of luck, they finally found some people they could contact.

The social account of this person is locked at the number, and through the interactive list in the account, you can theoretically contact this real friend.

As for the photos, something was gained. Through repeated comparisons, Yoona vaguely identified a few suspicious photos, and then locked in a few popular places.

What else is there to say now? They took action immediately. While changing their clothes, they didn't forget to grab some weapons: "Forget about the stun gun, just bring the pepper spray!"

After hearing Kim Taeyeon's instructions, Xu Xian could only silently pray for Li Menglong. He must move to a place farther away, otherwise he would be in trouble.

But Seohyun's expectations are likely to be dashed, because the girls really contacted that real-life friend.

The process of proving one's identity this time was quite smooth. After having an internal agent, it is not easy to get a position, and it can even be specific to the food on their table.

Maybe it was because the road was too smooth at night, or maybe the girls were eager for revenge, but in short, they were already nearby within half an hour.

They didn't choose to rush over openly, so how could they have a surprise effect? They came all the way here and couldn't show up in the usual way.

After they locked the specific stall, they parked the car very far away, not daring to let Li Menglong discover it.

As for how they want to observe, they naturally have their own methods.

At this time, you can see the benefits of being an artist. Who said that being an artist will lack life experience? It's just that their experience is not useful in many normal situations.

For example, techniques for taking candid photos and preventing candid photos seem to have no meaning in the lives of ordinary people.

Girls thought so at one time, but they found out they were wrong because they are using it now.

Since the glass of the nanny car was one-way, they picked up the camera and set it up by the window openly, aiming at Li Menglong's position from a distance.

As for the source of the camera, please, they have been secretly photographed for so long. Isn’t it difficult to understand that they should buy some equipment and study how to prevent it?

Even the machine is a high-end one. A single lens is as long as your forearm, so it is very difficult to hold it.

However, the size, price and shooting quality must be directly proportional. Li Menglong clearly appeared on the screen, seemingly drinking very happily?

The emotions of the girls at the moment are very complicated. Logically speaking, they should be angry at Li Menglong, but why do they feel a little irritated?

No wonder those fans always like to take pictures with various cameras. Is this feeling so addictive?

Fortunately, they can still control their emotions. The main reason is that Li Menglong is eating and drinking there, but they can only swallow their saliva here. This is unfair!

In this case, let's start taking action, but they don't mind adding a little suspense to Li Menglong before meeting him in person.

I saw them move the camera, and the stall number appeared on the screen...

Li Menglong was indeed in a good mood. Firstly, he had made a lot of money through his own ability, and secondly, he was helpless to those women. No matter what he thought, it was worth having two more drinks.

It can be seen that the person opposite is already a little drunk, but it doesn't matter, he can drink alone.

At this time, he vaguely missed Li Shungui. Although she had many advantages, being able to drink was definitely at the top of her list.

Li Shunkyu's drinking capacity is really quite high. Anyway, if the purpose of getting drunk is not the purpose, Li Menglong can barely drink with her.

"How about calling Li Soonkyu over?" Li Menglong muttered to himself, but did not take any actual action.

He himself knows how unreliable this idea is. It's not that Li Shungui is unwilling, but what about the rest of the girls? It's impossible to just ask her to come out alone, right?

But drinking alone is not without its benefits. At least you can eat more dishes. But why are there more and more dishes on the table, and the ingredients and tastes are becoming more and more strange.

Li Menglong thought it was his imagination at first, but the boss did bring another casserole. Is this what he ordered before?

Rubbing his eyes, Li Menglong wondered if he had drunk too much. Otherwise, why didn't he have any impression at all?

Moreover, the presentation of this casserole is also quite strange, with a pile of eggplants as the base, a layer of green onions on top, and sauce drizzled on top.

Li Menglong tasted it carefully with chopsticks, and immediately frowned. How much vinegar was added? Why is it so salty?

Even if you really drank too much, you can't possibly have a taste problem, right?

Li Menglong called the boss over: "Don't fool me just because I'm here first. Try these things and see for yourself!"

His tone was quite direct. He was really angry and not bullying others.

But the boss was also quite aggrieved: "I've also said that it won't be delicious if you do this, but you insist on saying that this is the way to eat in my hometown. What can I do? I'm all following your requirements. !”

After hearing the boss's response, Li Menglong immediately picked up the bottle and looked at it. There was something wrong with the wine. How could he drink it to pieces? This is not normal!

Every move of Li Menglong was watched by the girls. They were already laughing together in the car. This was the effect they wanted to see.

But I guess they won’t be able to hide it for too long. They need to take action: “Wear masks and masks. Isn’t there a mask in the car that only exposes two eyes?”

"I remember there should be a few baseball bats under the trunk, remember to bring them all!"

"Don't say anything when we meet for a while. Just take action when you get up. Then look at my gestures and be ready to run away at any time. Don't get caught by him. Be smart!"

In just a few words, the girls' plan was completely exposed. They planned to learn the gangster's routine in the movie, hit them when they got there, and run away after the fight!

With Li Menglong's current state, the success rate should still be high, but Xu Xian is still worried.

The main reason is that the girls don't want Li Menglong to recognize them, which is more dangerous.

Because when he recognized them, Li Menglong would subconsciously hold back, otherwise if he really let his firepower go full blast, some of the girls here would really be maimed.

Even if it is just a possibility, it is still too dangerous, so Xu Xian plans to "add drama" to himself!

The girls had already picked up various weapons and ran towards the stall. They should have said some swear words, but even with masks and hats, they still couldn't break through their lower limits.

So it’s better to hurry over and get started, finish the treatment early and go home early. It’s already very late, and it will be time to delay cell regeneration in a while.

When the girls gathered around, the diners and the boss at the stall were stunned. There was some fear, but more of them were curious. Is this a movie?

It’s true that girls have no experience in lower-class life, so it’s not their fault. Even if they don’t work as artists, they probably won’t be exposed to this.

There are not so many so-called gangs in reality. Most of them are just gangsters. And gangsters must be particularly showy when seeking revenge, otherwise wouldn't this fight be in vain?

This kind of hidden-faced look can only appear in movies, so are you still filming a movie?

As for Li Menglong, who was surrounded by girls, he felt increasingly that there was something wrong with the wine.

He was not only fragmented, but also had hallucinations. Otherwise, why would he see such a false scene?

This suspicious look surprised the girls. They thought Li Menglong would be so frightened that he would lie under the table. What's going on now?

Because they had all been told before, the girls could not communicate. They were all looking at Kim Taeyeon from the corner of their eyes, waiting for her command.

Kim Taeyeon was also in quite a dilemma at the moment. She was not crazy and had no intention of actually beating Li Menglong. The most she could do was scare him.

So what should I do now, or what should I do to create some tension?

Kim Taeyeon naturally focused her eyes on the table. The dishes on it were all targets.

But at this time Li Menglong spoke: "Don't waste food. If anything happens, come to me. By the way, do we have any festivals?"

After hearing Li Menglong's words, Kim Taeyeon subconsciously took two steps back, which made Seohyun beside him breath a sigh of relief.

If there were no accidents, Li Menglong should have recognized them at this moment. After all, people who seek revenge generally would not consider details such as wasting food.

Now that they can recognize each other, she doesn't have to take action. She is finally in the mood to watch the excitement. How will Kim Taeyeon respond at this moment? She is also very curious!

Realizing that everyone's eyes were focused on her, Kim Taeyeon was actually a little nervous.

This is too inappropriate. She is the captain of the girls. She has never seen any big scenes. How can she be timid in front of such a few people?

"I just don't like you, what do you think? Are you not convinced?"

Kim Taeyeon's voice is very hoarse. It is said that this is the talent of a singer. Changing her voice is as simple as eating and drinking.

The voice is only part of the judgment of identity. Of course she can be perfect in her voice, but what about the other aspects? For example, height...

Li Menglong looked at it vaguely, but did not dare to look more, for fear of causing Kim Taeyeon's stress reaction.

He was currently outlining the entire process, including how the girls found this place, how long they waited aside, and what the previous unpalatable food had to do with them.

Although there are still many details that have not been clarified, Li Menglong can be sure of one thing, he can be "drunk" with confidence at this moment!

"There's no problem at all. It's fate that you can dislike me!" Li Menglong said boldly: "Since we are all friends, let's sit down and have a drink together. Brother, where are you from?"

While Li Menglong was speaking, he naturally put his arms around Kim Taeyeon's shoulders, not giving her a chance to refuse, and pressed her down on the seat next to her.

Kim Taeyeon was really panicking at this moment. She came to threaten Li Menglong, so why was she hijacked by him in turn?

The key is that there are so many of their own people around, and they just watch helplessly and don't know how to come and save themselves?

Little did they know that the girls were just following her instructions, and they thought it was part of Kim Taeyeon's plan.

As for how they will humiliate Li Menglong, isn't this just the beginning? They are all waiting for their captain's performance!

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