The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3453 Fraud Gang

Xu Xian originally intended to remind Yoona, but it seemed too late, the door handle was already shaking.

These women were really bold. Theoretically, the two of them should be naked at the moment, but they just came in like this?

Of course, everyone was familiar with each other, and they were all good sisters, the kind who would go to the bathroom together on weekdays.

But the action at this moment was still too abrupt, and everyone didn't need to be honest, right?

But now Xu Xian didn't mean to blame them, because if she didn't do it well, her secret contact with Li Menglong would be exposed.

This kind of private contact was still quite fatal, and Xu Xian was not sure how these women would deal with it, and she didn't want to take a gamble.

So she had to let herself and Yoona have a reasonable interaction now, such as wrestling together?

When the women outside the door broke in, they saw this rather tempting scene.

The two little girls were not only entangled with each other, and no one knew who touched the switch of the shower. In short, both of them were wet at this moment.

This wet and seductive scene is really too shocking, especially with the slightly flushed faces of the two little girls, they are all drooling.

That is to say, Li Menglong is not here, otherwise he might have a nosebleed.

The girls really didn't expect to see this scene. They really came to catch her as Xu Xian guessed.

Even though Xu Xian had been very careful before, she couldn't stand the girls' attention to her and never relaxed.

Because from their perspective, if Li Menglong wants to ask for help, Xu Xian is definitely the first choice.

In this case, as long as they keep an eye on Xu Xian, they can further grasp Li Menglong, and they will naturally invest their energy.

But what should they do now? Even though they know that this is Xu Xian acting, it seems that they have no substantial evidence.

"You two better not play too much. Our team is still relatively pure. Don't bring some evil spirits in. Do you understand?"

Kim Taeyeon said this in a calm manner, but is she sure that this is evil spirit?

If the fans knew about this news, they might be very happy, after all, one of their ultimate wishes is to let the girls digest it internally.

As for the specific permutations and combinations, they can list many combinations, among which Yoona and Seohyun's youngest CP is one of the most popular groups.

Of course, forget about Lee Sunkyu, she has been abandoned by the fans, and she is not worthy of "getting involved" with the other girls.

But this is all for the fans, the girls themselves don't really have too many similar ideas, or that sentence, it's really too familiar.

Maybe in the eyes of fans, they are the embodiment of perfection, but in their eyes, it's just so-so, there are too many shortcomings.

As for the biggest advantage, that is, their appearance, it is not a plus point, because no matter how good-looking the other person is, it will not be more beautiful than yourself, so why care?

So after hearing Kim Taeyeon's ridicule, Yoona and Seohyun blushed, and at the same time complained to their captain, how dare he say anything?

In fact, Kim Taeyeon is not only daring to say, she also dares to do it!

But it really can't be blamed entirely on Kim Taeyeon. The two delicate girls hugged each other, their bodies were still wet, and their faces were full of shyness.

Who can hold back in this situation? Anyway, Kim Taeyeon can't!

But she didn't reach the point of animalism. She just took a bottle of water from outside the door and then threw it at the two people without any hesitation.

The other girls also followed suit, and the small bathroom was so lively for a while.

As for Li Menglong on the other side of the phone, he had already hung up the phone on his own initiative, because the following content was not suitable for him to listen to. After all, the picture was a crime.

Besides, he still had to work now, and the stall owner also provided him with a job. Although he made money by his skills, he had to live up to his trust.

At least he learned a few tricks from Yoona before. Although it was not an immediate improvement, it was still no problem to bluff people.

In fact, for such roadside mobile vendors, being eloquent is the key point, and the skills in hand are just icing on the cake.

Relying on his eloquence, Li Menglong worked here until midnight. Only when there were no more tourists did he finally have a chance to breathe.

However, his efforts were worth it, especially when he was sharing the money, he felt so happy!

As for the other party's invitation to cooperate, Li Menglong really wanted to agree, but he had to go back to communicate and ask the "parents" for their opinions.

But the result was already here, and the girls would never agree to let him come here to do odd jobs.

Let's not talk about the shame first. Their agent actually fell to taking pictures for people on the street, which was a humiliation to them.

Just talking about the cost-effectiveness, Li Menglong had this time to do something else, even if he went to talk to them about some activities, the money he earned would be much more than taking pictures for others.

Even if he was interested in taking pictures, they could be models. As for how to monetize the photos taken, is it difficult for them?

If nothing unexpected happens, he will not come again. It's a pity for the tacit cooperation between the two.

In order to commemorate this encounter, the two decided to find a place to have a drink. Of course, this is more like a random reason. Obviously, the latter is the key point.

Li Menglong didn't know at this moment that the women at home were already a little bit unable to sit.

They changed into pajamas early at this moment. After all, they played too crazy in the bathroom before, and now they were yawning.

They should have gone back to their rooms to rest, but they insisted on staying. They had to stay here. They had to deter Li Menglong as soon as possible!

But Li Menglong couldn't even see his shadow, and so much time had passed. Even if he crawled, he should have crawled home, so what was he doing?

Although the possibility was extremely small, it could not be ruled out that he had an accident, so the girls were still a little worried in their hearts, but they couldn't express it.

They really didn't have the patience to wait any longer, so Xu Xian and Yoona became the key to breaking the situation.

"Tell me, where is he now? If he doesn't come back, we will lock the door!"

"Don't say you don't know, we heard it before."

"Don't worry, we won't do anything to him, we just want to know his whereabouts."

The girls advised gently, but Xu Xian didn't dare to take it seriously. They could get angry at any time.

But why do they think they should know everything? They recalled their previous madness. How could Xu Xian dare to admit it in this situation?

Who knows if these women are fishing, and Xu Xian really doesn't know the specific location of Li Menglong.

If Xu Xian was alone, she might have fooled her, but there is still Yoona.

This little girl doesn't have such a firm belief. Besides, she still keeps Li Menglong secret. Does Lin Yoona owe him?

So the girls don't need to do anything. Yoona told everything she knew in detail.

It was just too detailed, with a lot of Yoona's personal speculations in the middle, such as there were girls' voices around Li Menglong, and he might be taking pictures for people in a nightclub.

The girls would naturally filter what Yoona said, otherwise they would have been deceived by Yoona.

So Li Menglong should have earned the fare to go home a long time ago, why hasn't he come back yet? It's impossible that he is addicted to working there, right?

When there was this speculation, the girls looked at each other at the same time, because based on their understanding of Li Menglong, this is indeed very likely to be the final answer.

They couldn't help but want to laugh. Li Menglong is really sick. He doesn't go home with so many beautiful women, but has to work hard outside. What is he thinking?

Since it is confirmed that Li Menglong is still alive, they can theoretically go to rest, but they are really unwilling to accept it. They really want to hear Li Menglong's explanation.

So the number that had been called before had meaning, and there was no chance for Xu Xian to refuse. These women went up and forcibly snatched the phone. As for the password, is it still a secret?

"Hello, I am Jin Taeyeon, may I ask Li Menglong..."

Jin Taeyeon asked very politely. After all, she was not sure who the other party was. It was always good to leave a good impression first.

But her performance was really for the blind. For a half-drunk person, his ability to understand was quite limited.

"You? Jin Taeyeon?" There was a burst of laughter from the other side: "Have the scammers now started to pretend to be celebrities? Am I going to give you money next?"

Looking at the hung up phone, Jin Taeyeon didn't know what to say for a while.

She rarely had the experience of being treated so rudely, but she couldn't blame the other party completely. After all, she suddenly received a strange call at midnight, and the person inside said that she was Jin Taeyeon. Anyone who saw it should be a scammer.

The other girls naturally heard the conversation, and they laughed too happily for a while, mainly because they could see Jin Taeyeon's absurd expression.

In order to further stimulate Kim Taeyeon, they immediately snatched the phone and tried to prove Kim Taeyeon's failure with their own performance.

However, their next move can be summarized as a miserable failure. They took turns to call, but without exception, they all received sarcasm from the other party.

After hanging up Yoona's latest call, this person was eager to share it with others. Li Menglong happened to come back from the bathroom at this moment: "Ah, you don't know how dedicated the scammers are now. They disguised the people of Girls' Generation..."

Li Menglong just listened to the beginning and could probably guess what was going on.

In fact, the person on the other side could also use his brain. Who would come to cheat money at midnight? Even if the call was connected, it is estimated that he would inevitably curse.

So from this point of view, it is more likely to be a prank to receive a call claiming to be from the girls at this time.

As for the smaller probability, it is undoubtedly that all the other parties are real people, but instead of imagining this, it is better to say that the other party is a scammer.

Li Menglong expressed his idea, but the other party sneered at him. In the end, the two of them simply made a bet. If one of them guessed correctly, he would not have to pay for the meal.

Although he had no intention of taking advantage at first, what else could Li Menglong do since the other party had said so? It was not his character to not take advantage.

Besides, he did need to contact the girls. He knew them well. If they didn't know his whereabouts, they might be very anxious.

The phone rang again, and Li Menglong took the initiative to answer it. He wanted to make the other party admit defeat.

"Hello, we are not playing a prank. Please don't hang up the phone in a hurry. I can explain. I am really a member of Girls' Generation..."

Xu Xian didn't want to get involved, but the other girls had already embarrassed themselves. If she stayed out of it, it would seem that she would not be sociable.

So she had to bite the bullet and make the call, and was prepared to be humiliated or even abused by the other party.

After all, Xu Xian was still able to think from the other person's perspective. If she received so many "harassment calls" in one breath, she would also be unable to help but curse.

But the other party seemed quite calm this time, and even listened to her self-introduction. What happened? Did you press the wrong button?

"Ahem, I have heard it, but how do you prove your identity? Otherwise, sing a song for me!"

Li Menglong deliberately pinched his throat. He couldn't be recognized by the girls, otherwise they would not have the heart to continue explaining, and most of them would spray all kinds of dirty words.

But this sentence itself was a little strange. Xu Xian already had a little feeling, but she was still steady: "Sorry, my throat is not very comfortable, otherwise let's video call, which should be more intuitive?"

After hearing Xu Xian's proposal, the girls on the other side kept shaking their hands. How could they have a video call in their current state? It's better to sing!

But Xu Xian was very calm. If nothing unexpected happened, the other party should refuse, right?

As for the reason, Li Menglong dared to see the light? He is not really afraid of death!

As expected, Li Menglong rejected this reliable proposal and insisted that Xu Xian use her singing to prove herself.

Now the girls also reacted. It was obvious that the person on the other side had changed. And judging from the artificial voice, who else could it be but Li Menglong?

However, they did not rush to attack. What's the point of scolding each other over the phone? Does Li Menglong dare to tell us the address? Everyone is communicating face to face...

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