The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3415 Adaptation

Xu Xian finally managed to sit down at the table and was given a small bowl of white porridge.

Although the process is not so beautiful, the result is good after all, and that is enough.

However, Xu Xian was not in a hurry to drink the porridge. It was too hot. She was still looking at the portions in the bowls of the other girls.

Although she doesn't mind eating less, she thinks fairness is a good prerequisite.

Besides, she can be wronged, but the other girls may not accept it, so are you sure there are no tricks in the middle?

The reason why Xu Xian thought this way was mainly because there was too little porridge in the bowl. It was no exaggeration to say that she could drink it all in two mouthfuls.

This amount seems to be the result of being deducted, and the person most likely to take action is Kim Taeyeon.

After all, in theory, the other girls were all in her favour. Without her grievance, would Li Menglong cook extra porridge for them?

So it seems reasonable for her to eat half of the portion herself?

But this view requires mutual understanding and generosity, but this premise is a false proposition.

If Kim Taeyeon had such a big heart, she would not do anything like this, and naturally there would be no need to consider the reactions of other girls.

Therefore, most people will express dissatisfaction, and the facts are also developing as Xu Xian guessed.

"Is this all gone? If this is all, why did you ask me to come down? Do I lack this mouthful of white porridge in my stomach?"

As Kim Taeyeon's roommate and a member of the team's powerful faction, Lee Soon-gyu is indeed one of the best people to express dissatisfaction.

However, she rarely speaks on weekdays. Firstly, it is because of her personality, and secondly, because of her status. If she talks too much, it will easily make girls think too much.

But this time Lee Soon Kyu really couldn't hold it back. Isn't this blatant bullying? You can't be so unloyal!

But in the face of Lee Soon Kyu's accusation, Kim Taeyeon was very calm here. It seemed that she had foreseen this?

"First of all, I didn't ask you to come down, you came here on your own; secondly, I can give you some, which is enough to show my goodwill. As for the specific number, this is not the reason for you to blame me!"

Kim Taeyeon's words were unusually calm, and it didn't seem like something that could come out of her mouth.

This was enough to support her previous guess. She must have thought about these words a long time ago, but how did she make the corresponding judgment? Is it just a matter of blindness?

Here we have to talk about Kim Taeyeon’s understanding of this group of women. She is really not the captain for nothing.

Not to mention those external communications and negotiations, just within the team, do you really think that Kim Taeyeon's entire job is to bully a few maknae?

If this was the captain's job, then there wouldn't be so many groups that would engage in internal strife. They would just risk their lives to bully the maknae.

The most intuitive reflection is the characters of Seohyun and Yoona. Forget about Seohyun's integrity, but Yoona's naughty look. Is this something that can be cultivated after being bullied for many years?

If they were in another team, Yoona's character would not be beaten to death, but at least they would be isolated for a few days without any problem.

However, there is no such option in the girls' team, because Kim Taeyeon has zero tolerance for cold violence.

She stubbornly believes that this kind of approach is damaging to the foundation of the team, so whenever any signs of conflict arise, she will immediately find an opportunity for a showdown between the two parties.

As long as you can say a lot of things, even if it may be embarrassing at the moment, it is better than keeping it in your heart and causing bigger problems.

This is only part of Kim Taeyeon's job. Her understanding of these women is more comprehensive than ordinary people imagine.

So when Kim Taeyeon saw the amount in the pot, the words they might say popped into her ears almost immediately.

Since she has the gift of "foreseeing", wouldn't it be a waste of Kim Taeyeon's gift if she doesn't come up with some countermeasures in advance?

In just two sentences, Lee Soon Kyu was speechless. Kim Taeyeon couldn't be too proud.

She now wants to yell at these women: Who else is there!

In fact, she really hopes that someone will continue to stand up. She has prepared more than just one paragraph.

And even if someone can gain the upper hand in words, Kim Taeyeon still has the means to suppress the situation, as long as she shows her own situation.

Kim Taeyeon didn't lie during the whole process, nor did she take advantage of her own advantages to gain benefits. She was very fair this time.

Of course, she had not been shaken before, and she also felt that she could eat half of it by herself.

But when she thought of the opportunity to dig holes for these women, Kim Taeyeon couldn't help it.

Sure enough, spiritual pursuit is more important than physical satisfaction, but now this spiritual feast is obviously not enough.

No one from the girls jumped out again, even Lee Soon Kyu, who was targeted by Kim Taeyeon, had no intention of refuting.

Just as Kim Taeyeon knows them well, is Kim Taeyeon just a stranger in their eyes?

Although they still don't know the whole story, they are sure that Kim Taeyeon has a back-up plan and are eagerly waiting for their counterattack.

If anyone dares to jump out in this situation, he will really be despised by everyone. Is this because he does not have enough brain capacity? Do you want to go to the hospital for a checkup?

This feeling of neither getting better nor getting better really made Kim Taeyeon very depressed. Even the white porridge at the bottom of the bowl no longer tasted sweet.

After having the contrast, the other girls felt more at ease. There was more or less white porridge in the bowl to drink. Although there were no side dishes, the rich rice fragrance still satisfied them.

Some people even count the rice grains to drink, and the cautious look makes people feel a little distressed. Is it too unfair to them?

Of course, this is all fan psychology. Are there any fans of theirs at the scene?

At least Li Menglong has publicly responded to this question. He personally resists becoming a fan of girls, but he is willing to become a personal fan of Xu Xian!

This response caused some trouble at first.

As an agent, Li Menglong could refuse to come forward, but as artists, the girls could not avoid it. In the end, they finally "misinterpreted" Li Menglong's meaning by saying a lot of good things.

But this is not because Li Menglong hates girls. If he were asked to choose from an ordinary person's perspective, he would probably choose girls.

After all, from an artist's point of view, the nine of them have vividly demonstrated almost all the beautiful aspects of women.

To put it a bit exaggerated, unless you don’t like women at all, no matter which one you like, girls can choose the corresponding one.

In this case, the lethality of the girls is undoubtedly huge, but the premise is that a certain distance must be maintained.

Only distance can produce beauty, allowing fans to ignore the shortcomings of the artist!

And Li Menglong was undoubtedly too close to the girls. Compared with looking at these girls with a magnifying glass, he would be damned if he could see the joy.

The girls were similar, even though their reason kept reminding them that as an agent, Li Menglong already belonged to the category of super-class, and there was nothing worth criticizing, especially when compared with his.

But the girls usually complained about him the most instead of praising him.

At the moment, Li Menglong didn't feel sorry for them at all. After all, from an energy point of view, they had eaten enough tonight.

If you can cook them some porridge, it's all because they are pitiful enough. With their emotional intelligence, they shouldn't make more excessive demands, right?

"Oppa, there's no taste at all. Can you give me some side dishes?"

Thick-skinned people still exist. To be precise, it doesn't cost anything to try. What if Li Menglong relents?

And Li Menglong did not refuse immediately: "Side dishes? What do you want to eat? Do you want me to stew a pot of ribs for you?"

Anyone with a non-negative emotional intelligence should be able to hear Li Menglong's ridicule in his words, but the man opposite him still pretended to be confused: "Pork ribs? Is the calorie too high? How about replacing it with beef?"

Li Menglong had been doing some sorting inside before and didn't take this conversation too seriously, but now he wants to see who this greedy person is. Eat beef at this time?

When Li Menglong walked out, there was no surprise. No one looked up at him.

Although girls have a tradition of trying to undermine each other, they do not mind helping each other cover up in areas that do not affect their personal safety.

Just lowering your head can solve the problem? Do you really think that Li Menglong can't hear this specific sound?

"Lin Yuner, don't be stunned, come over and eat beef!" Li Menglong directly named her.

Such a decisive tone made Yoona stunned for a moment. She even briefly thought about it. Was it really her who spoke just now? Why doesn't she remember it?

She has been wronged! This is not the truth!

Can Li Menglong have some basic discernment skills, so as not to subconsciously look for Lin Yuner's head every time he encounters this kind of thing.

Although she herself admits that at least 50% of similar things are directly related to her, and another 30% are indirectly related to her, but this time she is really innocent!

However, it is difficult for oneself to explain whether she is innocent or not. When everyone around her thinks that she is the "bastard", Yoona's words become very pale.

She looked at these women in disbelief, how could they do this? Are they just going to watch themselves being wronged?

At this moment, Yoona was completely desperate. She thought life was boring and she had no courage to continue living!

Of course, these are the emotions Yoona tried to express through her expressions and movements, but certain details revealed her true thoughts, such as the fact that she didn't forget to lick the porridge in the bowl before leaving.

The fact that she can still remember to eat proves that Yoona is mentally healthy, so what do they have to worry about?

Instead of worrying about Yoona's heart, it's better to think about how to deal with Kim Taeyeon. She is still waiting for everyone's flattery.

These two people, the older one and the younger one, are really in trouble, and they, the group of people caught in the middle, are also in a very difficult position.

Yoona naturally no longer cares about what these people think. Now she has to face Li Menglong's questioning. How can she convince this damn man?

Before meeting Li Menglong, Yoona was really invincible when it came to men. After all, with her good looks, who could be so cruel as to refuse her?

Just Li Menglong! And it has frustrated Yoona’s confidence more than once!

So Yoona has given up. No matter what Li Menglong says, his opinion won't make her lose anything anyway. She should just be attacked by black fans.

This kind of lying down mentality will undoubtedly reduce Yoona's emotional ups and downs. She has no so-called expectations anymore.

But her eyes soon widened, looking at Li Menglong with eyes full of love!

Of course, this kind of love is different from the relationship between men and women. It is more about recognition of Li Menglong. Why is he so considerate?

But she can't say any words of thanks to Li Menglong now because she is too busy refusing the beef jerky in her mouth!

To be precise, Yoona wasn't sure what was in her mouth, but the smell of meat was quite obvious. In this case, what else could she be picky about?

Even if it was so-called rat meat, as long as Li Menglong didn't say it clearly, she would have the right to eat it as beef.

As for why Li Menglong did this, he couldn't possibly want to please her, right?

Yoona ruled out this option almost immediately, mainly because it was unnecessary!

Considering the relationship between Yoona and Li Menglong, unless they want to pursue her, Lin Yoona, is there room for improvement in their relationship?

Even if Li Menglong called her over and scolded her, there was no apology in the end. What could Yoona do to him? It’s not like I forgot about it after sleeping.

So what is he doing this for? It's best to state the conditions, otherwise she won't feel so at ease while eating.

Seemingly sensing Yoona's anxiety, Li Menglong tapped her forehead: "This is a reward for good children!"

It seemed like a joke, but Yoona felt that it was probably the truth.

Li Menglong called her out before, which was undoubtedly a test for those women, and she, Lin Yuner, has passed the test?

But aren’t the rewards for clearing this level too meager?

Since it's a reward for her honesty, then be generous and don't be so stingy!

Seeing that Li Menglong was unmoved, Yoona simply took action and rummaged through Li Menglong's pockets.

It's just that she didn't even find a packaging bag. This must have been handled in advance for fear of being discovered by the other girls.

This kind of cautious character is worthy of acting, but why can't he get two more? Isn't it because you are worried about money?

She, Lin Yoona, is famous for her loyalty. Anyone who treats her well, she, Lin Yoona, will definitely repay him many times over!

Li Menglong only needs to give her another piece of beef jerky today, and she will buy Li Menglong a cart of leather tomorrow. Whoever lies is a puppy!

Yoona kept adding to her vows, but it was all in vain.

Did Li Menglong ever say that he didn't believe it? The reason why he didn't act was because he didn't have any more at hand. This is the embarrassing part, otherwise wouldn't he want to make money?

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