Kim Taeyeon really hesitated for a long time, but in the end she didn't choose to go and have a big meal alone.

She was not stingy with her own physical strength and time, but simply couldn't bear to watch her remaining sister suffer silently at home.

As the captain of Girls' Generation, even if Kim Taeyeon can't lead everyone towards a better tomorrow, she can still share the difficulties with everyone. This is her promise as the captain!

"What's the use of saying these things to me? Do you expect me to compliment you? Go upstairs and talk to them!"

Li Menglong looked at Kim Taeyeon speechlessly. Did this woman have the instinct to maintain her image engraved in her bones?

After she says this, will she believe it herself?

Let's be realistic. It's not just her who doesn't believe it, most people who hear this are also indifferent.

Maybe the women upstairs would be more indifferent than Li Menglong. After all, they were the parties involved and knew more details.

But this answer was obviously not what Kim Taeyeon expected. Fortunately, she didn't expect Li Menglong. She was always looking at Xu Xian.

When he noticed Kim Taeyeon's gaze, Xu Xian suddenly felt a burst of pressure.

Didn't you agree to do it for your sister? Why do you treat Xu Xian specially to her? What do you want her to say?

Li Menglong couldn't go upstairs to speak, but Xu Xian didn't seem to have such a taboo, so she had to repeat Kim Taeyeon's words to the other girls in full?

Let's not talk about whether she would do this. Kim Taeyeon said so much before, but Seohyun doesn't have the ability to remember everything, so she can't remember it at all.

Otherwise, forget it, we are all sisters anyway, and they will definitely understand Kim Taeyeon's feelings.

"How can that be done? You have to express your feelings clearly. Didn't you remember? I'll say it again, you have to listen carefully this time!"

Kim Taeyeon didn't seem to notice Seohyun's reluctance, and instead continued to put pressure on Seohyun.

Even Li Menglong can't stand this excessive behavior. If she insists on doing these things, then she can go upstairs and talk about it herself. Why must it be relayed by Xu Xian?

"What do you know? This is all the wisdom of my management team! Can it be the same thing if you speak it yourself and repeat it to others?"

Kim Taeyeon spoke with great assurance, without any stuttering at all. It was obvious that this was what she was thinking in her heart.

There is no need to communicate now, because if you want to reverse Kim Taeyeon's deep-rooted habits, this cannot be achieved with just a few words.

Li Menglong just feels sorry for the girls now. Faced with an unreliable captain like Kim Taeyeon, how did they grow up to today?

If he could go upstairs to chat with the girls about this issue, he would definitely get a warm reception from the girls. They have too much to say on this issue.

Kim Taeyeon has always thought that her captain did a good job, but that was all the result of everyone's deliberate cooperation.

At least half of her captain's so-called success is due to them, but Kim Taeyeon didn't appreciate it at all!

And Kim Taeyeon's usual rhetoric is that they have never been captains, and they don't know the hardships involved, so there is no need to continue talking.

Now when facing Li Menglong, he said the same thing: "You have never led a team, am I telling you this? Hurry up and find me something to eat, I'm still hungry!"

Li Menglong was successfully driven away by Kim Taeyeon. Before leaving, he looked at Xu Xian pitifully. He was really helpless.

However, Xu Xian was far stronger than he thought. Not only did he not give up on himself, he even gave him an encouraging smile.

Just looking at this response is enough to prove the girls' point of view. Their cooperation has indeed made Kim Taeyeon's captaincy career more successful!

When he returned to the kitchen again, the tabletop had been cleaned by the girls, saving him the need for subsequent cleaning.

Although this is their daily division of labor, the girls are not so diligent. They will always find various reasons to delay for a while.

So why is it so neat this time? Where is the problem?

Li Menglong quickly found the source of the problem. Compared with the kitchen garbage he produced, the height of this trash can was obviously not suitable.

Some people even covered it with other garbage in order to cover their ears. Do you think they will dig through the trash can?

There's no need to look at it, there's probably some leftover bread from the girls inside.

Although he is more resistant to food waste, instead of letting the girls spit it out after eating, it is better to throw it away from the beginning and save the step of chewing.

It seems that the women upstairs didn't eat much, and they didn't even feel that comfortable in their stomachs.

Although he didn't think it was his responsibility, Li Menglong didn't mind making amends to a certain extent, such as getting some more food.

Considering the relationship between ingredients and time, Li Menglong chose the simplest white porridge. If each person has a small bowl, there will not be too much caloric burden.

While Li Menglong was preparing, Kim Taeyeon finally taught Xu Xian step by step what to say. She even asked Xu Xian to recite it in front of her.

I have to say that Seohyun still needs to improve in terms of acting skills. He is so dry. Can he put some emotion into it?

But it’s not good to ask for too much. In order to prevent Xu Xian from forgetting, Kim Taeyeon immediately pushed her forward: "Remember to tell me their reactions!"

Facing Kim Taeyeon's instructions, Xu Xian showed a wry smile. How would the people upstairs react? Isn't this obvious?

Only Kim Taeyeon still had some unrealistic expectations. Xu Xian was very calm in his heart: "Don't worry, everyone will be grateful to you!"

Looking at Xu Xian's retreating back, Kim Taeyeon was still a little moved. Sure enough, there are still people who remember her efforts!

They had just sent Xu Xian away, and Kim Taeyeon rushed to the kitchen the next second: "Are you washing rice? What time is it? If you cook or stir-fry, how long will it take before you can eat it? Are you stupid... …”

Kim Taeyeon subconsciously wanted to complain, but considering that Li Menglong was cooking for her, regardless of the other party's choice, she still had to appreciate her kindness.

And what should I say, if he really decides to stir-fry, even if he has to wait for an hour or two, Kim Taeyeon won't be able to accept it.

It's just about eating more. It's not that scary. Just use up all the calories you eat.

She could stay up all night for this, and she could even eat another meal after staying up all night!

But there is no need to let Li Menglong know these thoughts. She, Kim Taeyeon, also wants to lose face. Besides, she is also afraid that Li Menglong will be proud.

"There's something wrong with your choice. I won't eat it. You also know how strict I am with myself. really stopped?"

Kim Taeyeon vividly displays the complex contradictions in her heart. Can she stop saying two sentences together, especially the contradictory ones, which can easily cause people to schizophrenia.

Fortunately, Li Menglong knew who she was so well that he was not disturbed by her at all and was still preparing according to his own steps.

When she saw Li Menglong adding too much water to the pot, even Kim Taeyeon, who is a kitchen idiot, knew that this was not making rice.

"You want to cook porridge? I want to eat meat. I, Kim Taeyeon, am a carnivore. Don't you know that?"

Is Kim Taeyeon trying to find a place for herself, or trying to create trouble for Li Menglong?

Whenever Li Menglong can talk to her, there is something wrong with him!

The best response now is to turn a blind eye to Kim Taeyeon. She is not tall anyway. Just moving his gaze upwards slightly is enough to make her disappear before his eyes.

As for whether Kim Taeyeon will eat porridge in the end, isn't the answer obvious? Not only can she eat it, but she must eat more than the rest.

The only thing that made Li Menglong a little curious was what kind of excuse she would come up with. She couldn't say that because she was the captain, she had to occupy more weight, right? The other girls may not agree!

Once they had a dispute over this, could Li Menglong deliberately destroy the friendly relationship within their team?

If this causes a scandal among the girls, Li Menglong will be held responsible. Can he bear the responsibility?

It's just that there are a lot of prerequisites for this extreme situation to happen. The most likely thing is that there is an internal problem within them, not because of a man!

They have gone through so many ups and downs together, and their relationship has gone through countless tests. Li Menglong should just give up on this, even if he just wants to watch the fun.

At this moment, the girls upstairs are listening to Kim Taeyeon's inner analysis, which of course was relayed by Seohyun.

Seohyun is already trying to restore all the details as much as possible, including Kim Taeyeon's tone and expression.

But all these little actions are obviously playing the piano to others. The women either cover their heads or play with their mobile phones. The most respectful attitude is to turn down the music around them.

It would be fine if Kim Taeyeon came in person. Is it possible that Seohyun, a small maknae, also wants to ride on everyone's head?

Moreover, Seohyun's exclusive content is also lackluster. They can almost guess what they are going to say next. After all, Kim Taeyeon always says these words over and over again once she is wronged.

The reason why Xu Xian was able to recite these words in a short time was not because he had heard them too many times in the past.

When Xu Xian was listening, these women were often with him: "So you can just assume that you said it yourself. If the woman asks, I can prove it to you by paraphrasing it. Is that okay?"

This suggestion sounds quite reliable, because it is not just about putting pressure on Xu Xian, but also taking into account the subsequent finishing issues.

Xu Xian didn't have any need to refuse. He didn't think she was really willing to come over and say this, right? She was also forced!

After finishing the work assigned by Kim Taeyeon, it stands to reason that Xu Xian should go down and give a reply, but instead she hid in her room and stalled for time.

She knew Kim Taeyeon too well. Once she went down too fast, this woman would probably be suspicious, and even worse, she would accuse her of not having good intentions.

But delaying time is also a skill. If it takes too long, problems will still occur. What if Kim Taeyeon can't wait any longer? If she came up on her own, wouldn't everything be ruined?

The scale here needs to be extremely precise. Xu Xian also suffered countless times in the past few years and finally managed to survive.

This kind of experience can only be gained through personal experience. It is undoubtedly foolish to rely on outsiders for guidance.

So whenever someone proposed to add a new member to their group for various reasons, Xu Xian was always the first to refuse, and his attitude was quite serious.

This is really not that Xu Xian is narrow-minded. If someone new comes in, she should feel relaxed. After all, she is no longer the youngest one.

But she can't just think about herself. What kind of life will the newcomer need to experience after joining? Xu Xian didn't dare to think about it, just like the current experience, how can the other party learn from it?

She could even cite similar examples. Why do various combinations only see people exiting, but not new ones being added? Did the company not take it into consideration?

The answer is that all the combinations that added new members were left alone, without exception!

So the company learned to be smart. Even if the group quits and only one person is left, it is still better to let the person who bears the name of the group stick to it. This is better than letting the group be completely destroyed.

Xu Xian thought wildly for a while, and the alarm she set in advance reminded her that it was time to go down. But as soon as she walked out of the door, she smelled a strong fragrance of rice.

Although the taste is not strong, it is extremely tempting, especially when the girls are generally not full.

Although he still didn't know what happened, Xu Xian felt that he should call the rest of the people to go down together? Otherwise, she might not be able to explain it alone.

But this idea was obviously too late. Where else could I see a living person besides her on the entire second floor?

So she was the one left behind? The Joker becomes herself?

Xu Xian couldn't help but laugh. She was not disgusted with the girls' behavior at all, and even hoped that they could continue to do so.

If she would not be blamed for all the big and small things in the team, then Xu Xian would really thank them, the kind of gratitude that would come with real money.

It's a pity that this is a luxury hope after all, and she doesn't even have a direction to work towards.

She was still thinking about her next step when someone was already calling her name downstairs.

Because there are too many people in the team, they place special emphasis on fairness in certain things.

So even if Xu Xian was not here at the moment, they had not realized it before, but when there was an extra bowl on the table, they finally remembered this forgotten maknae.

They were not too ashamed about this. It was enough that they did not forget Xu Xian while eating. Before, it was just to let their maknae get more rest. They are such caring Unnies.

"Why are you still lingering on it? The porridge will get cold if you don't get it off. Is your butt itchy again..."

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