The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3376 It’s all a misunderstanding

Xu Xian was very irritated by Yoona's entanglement. He had touched her just now, but then he turned around and came to beg for mercy?

No one can bear the change in attitude before and after. Xu Xian can't understand it anyway.

She didn't know how to face this situation. With so many "elders" around, could she give a young person like her some tips?

Looking at Xu Xian's eyes asking for help, the girls really couldn't pretend not to see it, but what could they say?

Scenes that Xu Xian had never seen before were equally strange in their eyes.

After all, they have lived together since they were very young. Although their experiences are roughly the same, there is indeed not much difference.

If anything, it seems that Li Menglong should have more experience in this area, after all, his past is so bizarre.

"I've actually seen people who drink too much and act crazy like this." Li Menglong admitted it at first, and then gave a solution: "And when I face such people, I always beat them hard. Go back, otherwise would you have to kneel down and beg the other party?"

The answer Li Menglong gave was quite violent and untenable.

At that time, he was running a store and was not even the boss. How could he fight back when facing customers? I'm afraid his salary is not even enough to compensate.

He must not lie. The witness is downstairs. If they go ask the landlady, his lies will be ruthlessly exposed. So are you sure he won't change his story?

"Isn't this what you asked me? I just introduced the cases I have heard to you. If you don't agree, forget it."

Li Menglong changed his tune much faster than the girls imagined. There was no need to confront him at all. It had become something he had heard about.

As expected, you can't count on such a person. The girls still have to rely on themselves. Although they don't know how to teach Xu Xian, they do know how to persuade Yoona.

"If there is any misunderstanding, just admit it openly. We have been sisters for so many years, what else can Xu Xian do to you?"

"We are still here and will make the decision for you. Be good and don't be afraid!"

"If you continue to cover up like this, we will start to suspect that you have a conspiracy. Isn't it a means to target us?"

The girls either comforted or threatened, and finally made Yoona let go successfully, but which words had the effect?

If it was the latter, then this matter would be much more interesting and completely worth digging into.

But after seeing Yoona's madness, they didn't want to feel like Seohyun's character, so they still had to pay attention to methods.

The first thing they did was to keep quiet, pretend that nothing had happened, and prepare to get off work step by step.

They even asked the proprietress when they passed by the first floor, which was what Li Menglong had been bragging about before.

Naturally, the landlady would not cover up for Li Menglong, and besides, this bragging part was too unrealistic.

I have never heard of a store owner with such a majestic style. If Li Menglong really dared to do this back then, he would have probably starved to death on the streets. Who would dare to use him?

Even if the current Li Menglong were to visit the store, he would not be able to do such a crazy thing. After all, he had to pay for the loss himself. What could he do with this money?

With ridicule for Li Menglong, the girls were extremely happy on the way home, and the laughter in the car never stopped.

This pleasant atmosphere will undoubtedly touch many people, and it is easy for people to overlook some hidden details. For example, when they arrived at the garage, several people led by Kim Taeyeon did not catch the same elevator and were forced to stay downstairs for a while. .

There are actually many details worth exploring here. For example, the intervals between elevators are often significantly longer, and the few people left behind are the most combat-effective ones...

With the combination of various factors, it was clear what they wanted to do, and they blocked Li Menglong in the corner of the stairwell.

This bullying-like scene is undoubtedly quite uncomfortable, but when Kim Taeyeon and others are standing in front of them, the scene suddenly becomes much better.

And even if it's really bullying, there might be some perverted fans who are willing to accept it. This is the caress from the Queen!

However, Li Menglong does not have such a strong ability to comfort himself. He is just curious about what these women want to do. Doesn't he really want to do it?

On weekdays, that's all they let them do, but there must be some reason, otherwise he wouldn't mind occasionally showing off his ability to beat "children"!

The girls who make temporary guest appearances as "bad girls" have no experience in this area, and have even seen very few similar film and television works.

Therefore, they can only use very limited memories to restore the appearance of the "eldest sister" in their imagination as much as possible.

"Hmph, I advise you to be more sensible, otherwise our sisters will make you look good!"

As the eldest sister taking the lead, Kim Taeyeon naturally took on the responsibility of speaking harshly. Perhaps she felt that words were not a deterrent, so she nodded to the people behind her and motioned for them to show off to Li Menglong!

As expected of sisters who have been together for many years, they actually understood what Kim Taeyeon meant through a simple look.

But what are the standards for "showing off one's hands"? They know they need to show off their brutality as much as possible, but how do they do it specifically?

Lee Soon Kyu chose to roar, and even used the angry part of his singing technique, but to Lee Mong Ryong it sounded more like a mouthful of old phlegm stuck in his throat that he couldn't spit out.

Jessica was relatively straightforward, punching the wall on the side, but she didn't know if she felt sorry for that wall, but a lot of tears slowly accumulated in her eyes.

At first, Li Menglong really didn't understand what these people meant, and even thought they were deliberately teasing him, until the most important one came on the stage.

As the final character, Pani naturally has to bring some "hard work" to everyone, and this is indeed her plan.

In Pani's expectation, she should stand handsomely in front of Li Menglong, and then do the splits without saying a word.

Her split was very particular, it wasn't the kind where she was sitting on the ground, but she had to put one leg on Li Menglong's shoulder.

This action is more like a high kick, but Pani is pursuing a split-like effect, that is, the angle of the legs must be like a straight line, otherwise it will not be enough to shock Li Menglong.

The picture had been designed in her mind, but when it came time to implement it, some problems arose. Pani ignored her physical condition.

Since Pani dares to plan like this, it naturally means that she has this ability, or at least once had this ability.

It can be said that the split is indeed a basic skill for the members of the girl group, it is just whether it is up to standard or not.

And Pani has a certain talent in this area, especially with her two straight and slender legs. She once planned to add them to the dance moves of the song and appear as a highlight.

But in the end, due to comprehensive considerations, the plan failed to take shape, but it left a strong mark on Pani's mind.

So much so that she still feels that she can do the same thing. She doesn't look at how many years have passed. Is she still young? Is she still the same weight? she……

Because no one knew Pani's specific thoughts, no corresponding complaints or obstructions were made until she kicked Li Menglong in the chest.

To be honest, this action was quite sudden. Even though the speed was not that fast, Li Menglong was still hit, mainly because he had no precautions.

The girls around were also dumbfounded, especially Kim Taeyeon as the "eldest sister". She did ask Pani to do it, but wasn't it too direct?

They were just pretending to be bad girls, but they didn't expect that Pani actually had experience. With such strength, speed, and suddenness, he looked like a ruthless character at first glance.

We have been sisters for so many years, and Pani is still hiding this from them?

But it is understandable, after all, this kind of thing is not honorable, and it is even a bomb that can be detonated at any time for artists.

In order to continue his career as an artist, Pani made the ultimate disguise. From the past, a ruthless character who could use his hands but kept his mouth shut, he became a doormat who could be bullied even if he was a person.

This experience sounds inspiring to everyone, but Kim Taeyeon is a little scared. She won't be retaliated by Pani later, right?

Once Pani regains her true nature, she is probably the first person to be hacked to death, Kim Taeyeon!

But unlike the girls' various magical guesses, Pani was really panicked at the moment, especially after seeing Li Menglong's incredible look, she almost cried.

The handsome guy who originally spoke did the splits, but because her body didn't cooperate, she didn't kick her legs to Li Menglong's shoulders at all, and it was already the limit when she reached his chest.

In addition, Pani put in a lot of effort for this, so it is understandable that Li Menglong was out of breath after being kicked. He wouldn't just die, right?

Fortunately, this was just a panicked guess by Pani. She had overestimated her own strength. If she wanted to kick someone to death, she would probably have to practice for several years.

The reason why Li Menglong didn't move was because he didn't know what action to take. He felt a little embarrassed that he was unexpectedly attacked by this little girl with such an ordinary move. How could he frighten these women in the future?

The three parties were all immersed in their own thoughts at this moment, and the situation was embarrassing for a while.

In the end, it was Yoona who took the initiative to find her. Although the little girl was a little slow to react, she was still a smart child after all. Especially for this kind of conspiracy, she had extra bonuses.

Thinking of these women talking to each other downstairs, Yoona wanted to jump down the elevator shaft.

While waiting for the elevator, she kept praying. It was best for Li Menglong to hold on longer, but don't be afraid. She, Lin Yuner, had already rushed over to save him.

When Yoona arrived out of breath, what she saw was this scene. She was desperate for a moment, because it was too much like the effect of "torture". Li Menglong should have confessed everything, right?

So should she leave silently now? Or should he go over and give Li Menglong a hard punch while he was still free?

Yoona chose the latter because Li Menglong not only took her money but also betrayed her. Shouldn't he be beaten?

I thought that Li Menglong would choose to accept the attack honestly out of shame, but he didn't expect that he would fight back.

And instead of simply slapping Yoona's fist away, she grabbed Yoona's wrist and used a grabbing technique to pin her arm behind her back.

When had Yoon'er suffered such a big loss, especially when she was already wronged enough, but Li Menglong was still so arrogant?

She wanted to turn around and bite him to death, but the pain on her arm was no joke. She felt that if she continued to struggle, it might break.

So she could only attack with words: "Li Menglong, you bastard, I've been so good to you and given you so much money. Is this how you repay me?"

Yoona is not satisfied with just attacking Li Menglong. She is about to be beaten to death by these women anyway, so she might as well break the pot. She, Lin Yoona, doesn't care!

"You just watch him bully me? You are still not my sister. Even if I did plot against you, is this the reason why you don't help me?"

Yoona's input not only eased the awkward atmosphere, but also pushed the atmosphere to the other extreme. Their original guesses seemed to understand the answer.

And it wasn’t through Li Menglong’s narration, but Yoona, the person involved, admitted it personally in front of them, so what should we do now?

Regardless of what the girls were thinking, Li Menglong was already considering whether to apologize to Yoona.

He really didn't think much about it before. Seeing Yoona coming over and taking action without saying a word, he was already embarrassed enough before and naturally wanted to move back.

As a result, his methods became relatively tough, but now it seems that it was all a misunderstanding, and what Yoona said made sense. At least today, Yoona paid him.

For the "boss" who gives money, basic respect must still be given, even if it is for the sake of money.

But before Li Menglong could speak, Pani on the side had already stepped forward to help, but she did not choose to help Yuner, but stood on Li Menglong's side: "Hey, Lin Yuner, how do you talk to your elders? How about politeness? "

Yoona is really going crazy, she thinks everyone is abnormal.

Whether it was Li Menglong who fought back rudely, or the girls who were watching forcefully, including Pani who was now in the right and wrong section, it seemed that there was no normal person at the scene.

But everyone seems to have their own reasons. For example, Pani is showing favor to Li Menglong. She has betrayed her "class", so can Li Menglong temporarily forgive him?

The misunderstanding among a group of people did not last long. This is probably the habit of the girls in the team. It is best to say something clearly in person, rather than hiding in a corner and making repeated guesses.

As everyone spoke one after another, Yoona's face became increasingly ugly.

In total, she ran here risking her life just to kill these women?

Especially Li Menglong, since he didn't say anything, he should have stopped Lin Yoona from talking nonsense just now!

What should we do now? Or do it all over again? This time she, Lin Yoona, would never say a word...

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