The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3375 An unintentional act

Li Menglong had to admit that Xu Xian's move was quite beautiful. She not only kept her own bottom line, but also made Li Menglong, the client, full of joy.

Being able to do things to this extent can only be said that Xu Xian has grown up.

However, this scene can also illustrate one thing, that is, Xu Xian is really rich, and if he doubles the money, he will not lose a penny.

Logically speaking, Xu Xian didn't need to pay for this money at all, but for the so-called inner peace, the little girl gave it without any hesitation.

What else could Li Menglong say? It was the uncle who gave the money. Does he want to make Xu Xian smile now?

"Don't look at me with such a flattering expression. I won't give you another penny. You'd better know this!"

Xu Xian immediately threw out his bottom line, mainly because he was afraid that Li Menglong would take advantage of it.

Besides, it's not that she really doesn't care about the money. Even though it's just a drop in the bucket compared to her income, it's not a reason to spend it carelessly.

Xu Xian still has a sense of crisis, or this is a common problem that artists face.

An artist's active period is actually not long, and the days during which he can really make money are few and far between.

For idols, no matter whether they are popular or not, there is almost no money to be made during the first seven years of the rookie contract period.

So if I have to say it, it is often their second contract after their debut that is the key to making money. But at that time, how many people do they still have who can maintain their popularity?

And this income is not only to support their current life, but also to prepare for the next few decades.

There are too many negative examples in this regard. As you get older, your popularity declines, and you become penniless due to experiences such as investing and being defrauded, the end will be too miserable.

This kind of people don't live in legends. They can meet them at variety shows and events. How can they not be afraid of them?

So let’s not talk about whether girls are saving enough, but they are indeed quite conservative in investment.

Before Li Menglong appeared, the money they earned was either used to buy a house or kept in the bank. At most, it was used to support their parents to open some family shops.

Although it is difficult to make money with this method of financial management, as long as they are not deceived, they will be very satisfied.

Among the more conservative girls, Seohyun is quite the "radical" one.

There are many reasons for this. For example, Xu Xian's family background is quite good, and there is no need for her to support the family's expenses.

But the real reason is that Xu Xian is willing to try. The little girl does not have to make money, but wants to have more possibilities and experience more lifestyles.

Originally, there were certain risks in these actions, but since Li Menglong was escorted, the girls were too lazy to talk about her and just let the two of them do what they wanted.

Anyway, if Xu Xian really loses all his wealth, Li Menglong will be responsible for making up for it!

This is no joke. Although no one has given such a guarantee, they can confirm that it will definitely happen.

Even if Xu Xian doesn't want it, Li Menglong will definitely have a similar expression here. Even if he doesn't want to, Li Soonkyu will force him to do it.

Therefore, Xu Xian is relatively more mature in her concept of money, which also means that she needs to be more cautious in her spending.

But there are always exceptions, and Li Menglong is her "weak spot" in this regard.

Although the whole team of girls is spending money on Li Menglong, they will never pay lip service to support him with food, clothing, housing and transportation.

But as long as money is involved, there is bound to be a distinction between superior and inferior, which is beyond subjective control.

Li Menglong's "biggest sister" has always been firmly occupied by Xu Xian. Even if she is occasionally surpassed by other girls, Xu Xian will find opportunities to win back as soon as possible.

This really isn't what Xu Xian wants to fight for. She doesn't have this kind of personality. Besides, what's there to argue about? Isn't it very honorable?

The reason why she spent so much money on Li Menglong was just because she would give him pocket money from time to time, and in various names.

For things like this, it's not impossible to say that Xu Xian is upholding justice for Yoona, but in fact, isn't he giving money to Li Menglong?

And Xu Xian is also used to this. She found that the action of "throwing money" is particularly effective for Li Menglong.

Regardless of what he went through or who he got into trouble with, as long as Xu Xian was willing to give him money, Li Menglong was really easy to talk to.

This kind of "money-seeing" character cannot be said to be good, after all, he is a philistine, and he might betray them because of money.

But Li Menglong is special after all, and Xu Xian also knows his character, so giving money is more like a small tacit understanding between them.

Even Xu Xian sometimes wonders, why don't girls have this kind of weakness?

If the quarrels within the team could be resolved by giving money, Xu Xian would rather work crazy every year in exchange for relative peace within the team.

It's a pity that Li Menglong is the only one who is short of money after all. Each of those women counts, who would take such a small amount of money seriously?

Yoona had given so much money in vain before, so she just said she didn't want it, so she just didn't want it. These are the sisters she knows.

It can only be said that Li Menglong's character is still good for her. Otherwise, with Li Menglong's wealth, when he fights with the girls again, is there any way to control him?

Naturally, Li Menglong didn't know that Xu Xian's thoughts were so complex. Now he only hoped that Xu Xian could give more, but it seemed that the little girl was very defensive.

Fortunately, he is not that greedy. He is very happy if he can double his money. He cannot feel that he is at a disadvantage just because he did not pick up the money.

"Don't worry, now that I have collected the money, I will never trouble them again. My reputation in this regard has always been trustworthy!"

Li Menglong has not forgotten to brag a few words for himself. What if there is another opportunity to cooperate in the future?

Xu Xian just rolled his eyes at this. It's not that he didn't believe his promise, but could he not be so jumpy? He looked like he wanted to be beaten.

Under Xu Xian's disgusted eyes, Li Menglong spent the last period of work today.

Because he was in a good mood, he didn't ask everyone to work overtime at all, but everyone credited Xu Xian with the credit.

It stands to reason that Li Menglong should stand up and explain, but who would let this be Xu Xian? This is the big benefactor who gave the money. It is too late to please him, so how can he take the initiative to offend the other party.

Li Menglong even took the initiative to endorse Xu Xian: "Just go ahead and have fun. Why didn't I meet a leader like Xu Xian when I was working?"

Everyone admired Li Menglong's willingness to make fun of himself, but this did not affect their continued praise of Xu Xian.

Maybe everyone was in a good mood today, but the intensity of the compliment made Xu Xian feel a little shy.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be. Given Seohyun's popularity, fans who are willing to praise her "stinky feet" can circle half the world. What flattering words haven't appeared.

But it should be noted that those compliments often remain in words. It is very rare for people who dare to record selfies, let alone say it to Xu Xian face to face.

Therefore, Xu Xian was not used to this kind of compliment that was so frank that it was almost flattering. She wanted to find a place to hide.

While she was looking around, she happened to see the girls appearing in the distance. Most of them were here to pick her up from get off work.

What else is there to say? Xu Xian jumped into the arms of the girls like a swallow in the forest, and even slightly rubbed against their chests.

The little girl's cute and innocent movements were so cute that the onlookers couldn't bear to look away. Many people bumped into her and fell down due to this.

Naturally, the girls will not laugh at everyone's fooling around. They themselves can't resist Xu Xian's charm at the moment. What qualifications do they have to laugh at others?

However, compared with others who can only look at it, they have greater freedom. For example, they can grab Xu Xian's cheeks and experience the tender and smooth feel.

In fact, if they have such a need, it is perfectly fine to pull their own cheeks. Each of them spares no effort in taking care of their face.

"Just watch it for a while. If you delay any longer, just stay here and work overtime. I'll let you watch it all at once!"

As Li Menglong spoke, he opened his hands actively and chased away the onlookers as if chasing ducks.

When they were the only ones in the office, Xu Xian finally raised his head from Kim Taeyeon's chest and subconsciously held his sore waist.

Originally, Kim Taeyeon wanted to tease Seohyun, but this action hurt her a little. Why does her back hurt? Because you bent over for too long?

If we extend it a bit further, wouldn't it mean that Seohyun was mocking her about Kim Taeyeon's height?

This behavior is not worth advocating, and Xu Xian is even suspected of repaying kindness with hatred. This is not how they usually teach her.

Seeing Kim Taeyeon's narrowed eyes, Xu Xian was almost stunned. Why did the atmosphere suddenly become more subtle?

Didn't she just hide in Kim Taeyeon's arms for a while? It wouldn't be said that she was taking advantage, right?

Really unable to understand Kim Taeyeon's thoughts, Xu Xian could only choose to stay away from the humanoid bomb, and it would be best to find a shield.

And the lucky one chosen by Xu Xian is Yoona. It's not that Yoona is easy to bully, but she has good news to tell him: "Unnie, I got your money back for you."

Yoona was originally pushing Xu Xian outward, but she didn't use much force. It was more like a joke between sisters.

The moment she heard Xu Xian's words, Yoona's muscles tensed subconsciously, but at this time she didn't understand what Xu Xian said.

Perhaps sensing Yoona's suspicion, Xu Xian simply pointed at Li Menglong and planned to explain further.

But Yoona didn't give her this chance. Although she didn't know the details of what happened, the result was too terrifying.

If it was just the two of them, Yoona would probably hug Seohyun and kiss her hard as a reward to the little girl.

It's just that there are so many women watching around. The key is that this is a little secret between her and Li Menglong, which has been hidden from them.

Now that Xu Xian has spoken out in public, wouldn't it cost her her life?

So Yoona didn't bother to save any more strength. Seeing that her hands were not strong enough, she simply bent one leg and aimed a kick at Xu Xian's butt.

Don't blame Lin Yoona for being cruel. If she doesn't act more decisively, Xu Xian will tell what happened.

The interaction between the two maknae also successfully attracted everyone's attention. It was because their actions were too big.

Especially Xu Xian, who was kicked, staggered and was supported by Li Menglong. He didn't fall to the ground, but the grievances in his eyes overflowed.

Yoona had better give her a reasonable explanation today, otherwise Xu Xian's heart will be broken.

She spent her own money to seek justice for Yoona, but instead of being grateful, Yoona actually beat her up. Does this make sense?

Although the other girls were watching the fun, they were all vaguely on Xu Xian's side.

It seems that Yoona, the elder sister, is teaching her younger sisters that in theory, they should maintain this kind of "seniority".

But in fact, Yoona has never been promoted to the "sister" group. In the eyes of this group of people, the status of the two little girls is exactly the same.

So in this case, what they need to do is to uphold justice for Xu Xian and maintain their fair image.

This truth is very clear, and Yoona herself understands it, but how is she going to explain it to these women now?

She said that Lin Yuner had given money to Li Menglong before, and wanted him to complain secretly, so as to make these women unhappy?

As long as such words come out, she, Lin Yuner, does not have to think about walking out of this door today. As long as she is not covered with a piece of white cloth when being carried out, she, Lin Yuner, will be content.

When thinking of that horrific scene, Yoona's mind was filled with all kinds of alarms. She must not let this scene happen.

So she had to let the whole thing be completely buried, and to achieve this goal, two people had to do it.

Li Menglong is considered a minor character. Although he knows more, he still accepted the money, so he is not that innocent.

If the girls learn the truth, will he get a good ending?

After giving Li Menglong a fierce glare, it was considered a threat, and then Yoona looked at Xu Xian with complicated eyes. This little girl was the most troublesome.

Although she didn’t know what Xu Xian knew specifically, Yoona just wanted to shut her up now, and to achieve this goal, it was definitely too late to explain and communicate.

Yoona can only cut the knot quickly. Didn't she give Seohyun a kick before? How about kicking her back now?

Although this idea is naive, it is indeed the only way Yoona can think of at the moment.

So Yoona slid down to the ground and knelt down in front of Xu Xian handsomely. Then she hugged Xu Xian's thigh: "Maknae, I was wrong, hurry up and trample on me..."

Everyone who saw this scene opened their mouths. Who should they help now?

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