The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3260 Negotiations to no avail

Li Enxi didn't think much about it at first. After all, her private relationship with Yoona was quite good, or her relationship with the girls was okay. At least it was much warmer than the cold superior-subordinate relationship in ordinary companies.

Whether it's Li Menglong's relationship or their personalities, they can all get along as friends.

Of course, if you have to talk about the fundamental reason, you still have to focus on the word profit!

In the adult world, these two words cannot be ignored. Is there really no exchange of interests between parents and children?

Besides, this is not a suspicion. When there is no conflict of interest between the two parties, or even the interests are bound together, the relationship will naturally be much closer.

Traditional entertainment companies cannot do this, because both the artists themselves and the company want to take more of the profits created by the artists, and each has their own reasons.

Needless to say, artists, after all, they are the ones doing the work, why should they share so much of their labor income?

And the company's reasons seem reasonable. Not to mention the various early investments, the artist's success cannot be attributed to the artist alone, right?

Both parties believe that they deserve more. This conflict is irreconcilable, which means that there will not be too much harmony between the artist and the company.

But it's different when it comes to Li Enxi. She really doesn't count on the girls' money to support the company.

It’s not that the girls earn too little, but that the company earns more in other areas!

Therefore, Li Enxi is more interested in the image of girls. When they become the company's top names, they are very defensive about the company's image.

Ordinary people normally do not have any physical concept of the company's image, but when it is bound to the girls, they can bring their image and characteristics into it.

This is also the reason why brands look for artists to endorse them, which is to materialize the virtual concept and enhance the company's image.

All of this created a fairly peaceful atmosphere in the company, and Yoona could call and harass her boss anytime and anywhere.

"What did you say? You want to file a complaint? Did Li Menglong bully you again?"

Li Enxi moved the phone to one side, and already planned to get some snacks with his free hand. After all, it was fun to watch.

It's just that Yoona is quite dissatisfied with her dismissive attitude. Does he think she is making trouble unreasonably?

Li Menglong and Xu Xian didn't take her seriously, and the same was true for Li Eunxi. What kind of impression did she, Lin Yuner, leave on them in daily life?

"Be serious. Someone in the company is embezzling privately. Are you sure you want to talk to me with this attitude?"

Yoona's warning still had some effect, at least Li Eunxi didn't put the opened potato chips into her mouth.

In fact, even at this moment, Li Enxi was still not too nervous.

It's not that she deliberately underestimated Yoona, but that due to Yoona's career and vision, she really didn't think Yoona could give any amazing response.

It's like a primary school student coming to complain to his teacher. No matter how shocking it is, at least the teachers will not care at first.

And what should I say, Yoona may think that corruption in the company is a heinous thing, but as a mature entrepreneur, Lee Eun-hee clearly knows that this is inevitable.

You can even calculate this part as normal loss. As long as it doesn't exceed a certain limit, you basically don't need to pay attention to it.

This is not to say that Li Enxi does not want to prevent this, but that it is simply impossible, or that the energy invested and the expected gains are obviously not enough compared to the effort.

But this is not the reason for her to deal with Yoona. The little girl at least has good intentions. Employees like this need to be encouraged. If it weren't for the fact that this kind of thing is not easy to publicize, she would want to report it to the whole company.

"Just tell me, I've already started recording it. Don't worry, you won't be implicated in the whole thing. I will take care of it!"

Lee Eun-hee's response was more iron-clad, and it also solved Yoona's worries.

Speaking of which, Yoona was impulsive before, and she really never thought about what would happen afterwards.

If a familiar colleague is fired because of her report, even if she is just, are you sure the other person will understand?

And once faced with the other party's accusations, what attitude should Yoona take to face it?

Fortunately, Lee Eun-hee took over the problem, and Yoona just had to keep telling the story. Of course, she didn't forget to present the evidence she had.

Judging from the logic proposed by Yoona, there shouldn't be much of a problem.

If I had to find fault, it would just be that the contacts she gave were all too familiar with her, but she could have found an unfamiliar third party to confirm again.

"There are indeed some problems. Thank you so much, otherwise I don't know how much loss it would have caused to the company!"

Li Enxi first affirmed Yoona's contribution, and then continued to make arrangements: "You don't need to be on the road to do this. You are responsible for observing in secret, and report the subsequent situation to me!"

When she first heard about this arrangement, Yoona wanted to refuse. Did she think she didn't have the courage to face difficulties head-on?

She, Lin Yuner, is not a vegetarian. Even if she is an acquaintance across from her, since she has done something wrong, she has to admit it. She, Lin Yuner, is the righteous one!

However, after Li Enxi's persuasion, Yoona was gradually convinced, mainly because the latter reason touched her heart.

According to Li Eunxi, this kind of thing is definitely not an isolated case, so Yoona needs to lurk and try to catch more bugs!

For a moment, Yoona's sense of responsibility filled her heart again. Sure enough, this company can't survive without her. She, Lin Yoona, is really too important!

She came back full of joy, but relying on her superb acting skills, Yoona immediately adjusted her expression.

But you can't act too happy, there are bad people in the company!

If the other party notices any clues about this, how will she, Lin Yoona, carry out her work in the future?

Yoona stopped working and left all the work to Pani alone. She turned into a human camera and began to monitor any suspicious people in the office.

Just looking at it like this, naturally there will be no clues. After all, bad guys will not jump out and shout that they are moths.

So she urgently needed Li Enxi's cooperation, and this cooperation did come.

The first person to make a move was Li Menglong. He looked at the vibrating cell phone with a rather resistant expression.

Li Menglong probably wouldn't be in trouble if he got a call from normal work, so this call must be something he didn't want to answer. Who else could it be besides Li Enxi?

Knowing that the opportunity she had been waiting for had come, Yoona immediately grabbed the paper cup in her hand and moved it over. She wanted to hear the specific content.

It's just that the communication between the two seemed to be quite smooth, and the conversation ended just a few steps away.

Yoona was quite embarrassed now. Facing Li Menglong's probing eyes, she quickly handed over the paper cup in her hand: "You drink water!"

Li Menglong's eyes repeatedly looked between Yoona's face and the water glass. What exactly was added here? Are you sure you won't die if you drink it?

It’s really not that Li Menglong is too paranoid, even if it’s coffee. This is just a glass of water. Is it necessary to bring it to him specially?

If there's anything special about it, maybe Yoona has had a few sips of it, so she's not so narcissistic that she thinks things she's used have extra value, right?

Although this set of theories is very effective for fans, just for this glass of water, it might even be sold at a high price.

But Li Menglong is not a fan of them. This has been clearly stated since he first met them.

Even if it was later on camera or in front of their fans, Li Menglong never changed his tune.

If I have to say it, he is Seohyun's personal fan. As a group, the girls should just thank him.

The girls were very unhappy with his stubborn attitude, but there was nothing they could do against him.

Fortunately, they came up with a clever trick later on. They used various obscure words to hint fans, making them mistakenly think that Li Menglong was just a tsundere.

Not to mention, this method is particularly easy to use. After all, in the eyes of fans, no one dislikes them. Why should Li Menglong be an exception?

So when faced with doubts, Li Menglong didn't bother to respond. Anyway, they just knew what was going on.

The girls have indeed accepted their fate, but occasionally they still feel dissatisfied. For example, right now, why does Li Menglong dislike Lin Yoona?

To be fair, Yoona was really looking for trouble this time, but she couldn't help it because there was really no better reason.

In the end, Xu Xian came forward to separate the two. It happened that Li Menglong also had work to hand over to Xu Xian.

Yoona's steps became slower and slower. She had to hear the specific content this time.

I saw her knocking over the paper cup in her hand rather pretentiously, squatting on the ground and absorbing water with a paper towel, while eavesdropping on the conversation between the two people.

After hearing a few words intermittently, it was probably Li Enxi who was looking for trouble. Li Menglong pushed Xu Xian out and asked her to go to the top to talk to the other party.

That is to say, Yoona shouldn't get angry at this moment, otherwise she really has to grab the other person's collar and ask them carefully. They entrusted their cherished maknae to him just to let him push out the bag?

The key is that Xu Xian seems to be used to it without any dissatisfaction, which makes Yoona feel even worse.

She saw this today. She didn't know how many times similar things happened in daily life. Li Menglong was so inappropriate.

But the trouble with Li Menglong can be put aside. Firstly, there are serious things to do now, and secondly, she will find trouble alone? Of course I will take my sisters with me when I get home!

Yoona tried to keep up with Xu Xian, but it was too obvious, so she was forced to stay. She also guessed that the conversation upstairs must be very serious, right?

It was just different from Yoona's imagination. Seohyun's tone was quite relaxed, and Li Eunxi didn't show any intention of questioning.

The two just chatted for a while about the project. To be more precise, it should be Xu Xian's daily routine briefing, including the project's capital expenditure, progress, etc.

This is also the reason why Xu Xian didn't have any superfluous reaction after hearing Li Menglong's arrangement, because it was part of her daily work.

Although in theory the entire crew is in charge of Li Menglong, and there are no constraints including funds, there is still no way around Li Eunxi.

As the boss of the company, she should have the right to know.

And why Li Menglong didn't come up by himself? This can be regarded as the result of a compromise between him and Li Enxi.

Mainly, if there are any problems, Xu Xian can explain them to you, which avoids the possibility of disputes between the two. Besides, it can also give Xu Xian some training, killing two birds with one stone.

However, at the end of the chat, Li Eun-hee pretended to casually mention Yoona's previous report. Of course, it was not that direct, and even very subtle.

Naturally, Xu Xian didn't think much about it. Even though he had seen Yoona's email before, he still didn't make any association with it.

After Xu Xian's explanation, Li Enxi finally understood what was going on. No wonder neither Xu Xian nor Li Menglong had any reaction.

To put it simply, this fee includes not only the makeup expenses specifically mentioned by Yoona, but also some miscellaneous expenses.

Not to mention the small amount of money, if we listed them one by one, I don’t know how much paper would be wasted.

In theory, it should be possible to list a miscellaneous item separately, but Li Menglong has never received such professional guidance from the beginning.

In addition, no one on his side would come to check the accounts. They were all for his own people to see, so he and Xu Xian felt that it was enough for him and Xu Xian to understand and have no problems.

What should I say that caused Yoona's misunderstanding because of their unprofessionalism? Is it considered an accidental injury?

Li Enxi herself felt it was a bit ridiculous. She didn't even know how to explain it to Yoona, or else just let it go? Seohyun should go and communicate with Yoona, right?

In Li Enxi's case, the matter ended here, and Xu Xian didn't think of Yoona in the whole process, so there was no need to communicate with Yoona.

So Yoona was miserable. She was still concentrating on catching moths, but why was everything calm?

She originally thought that Xu Xian must have received a hint from Li Enxi, and the two of them cooperated openly and covertly to bring peace to the company.

But she has hinted Xu Xian several times, but apart from making Xiaoya lose her temper, it has had no positive impact at all, so what should she do now?

Yoona decided to wait a little longer. She must not be impulsive anymore. She had no room for trial and error.

Just waiting until the end of get off work, to be precise, is the time when colleagues on other floors and offices get off work.

Because of the help from Yoona and others, Li Menglong has unified everyone's opinions, and they voluntarily worked overtime all night!

Of course, Li Menglong would not be so cruel. Two or three hours would be enough, and it would not be past midnight at the latest. There must be time for them to rest, otherwise who would come to work tomorrow?

If you want to fish from the lake in a sustainable way, you need wisdom, and Li Menglong undoubtedly has this, at least he thinks so!

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