Li Menglong had a ferocious smile on his face at the moment, as if everyone in front of him was his prey.

To prove this, he gently shook the cell phone in his hand at everyone. The group immediately subconsciously covered their chests. They thought their hearts had stopped beating for a moment.

This reaction undoubtedly made Li Menglong quite satisfied, and it was not in vain for him to do such a despicable thing as stealing other people's mobile phones.

It is said that Li Menglong noticed something was wrong from the beginning, and his innocence was different from Xu Xian's. He had no moral bottom line.

So when Xu Xian went to Yoona and Panina to try to find out the truth of the matter, Li Menglong was also acting simultaneously.

However, he had no intention of asking, because as long as it was relayed, some information would be lost.

He prefers to get first-hand information, so his next action will be decided.

His action did not go particularly smoothly. Although Xu Xian attracted everyone's attention, his cell phones were all password-protected.

Although Li Menglong seems to be a bit abnormal on weekdays, he doesn't deliberately remember the mobile phone passwords of every colleague. Is he sick?

After trying several times, there was really no other way. Li Menglong could only choose to take risks, such as pressing the stolen mobile phone directly against its owner's finger.

As far as this step alone is concerned, there is almost no possibility of success, and the other party will definitely find out.

The main reason why Li Menglong was not discovered was because he had not had time to act!

That's right, even now, he has no idea what happened, and he has never successfully opened any mobile phone.

But whether his action is successful or not depends not on his own cognition, but on the judgment of the people opposite him!

Judging from their immediate reactions, no one seemed to suspect that Li Menglong was cheating!

To be precise, Li Menglong was not completely cheating. He still had a basic understanding, that is, these people must have done something to feel sorry for Xu Xian.

He just doesn't know the specific details, but details can be ignored here.

Li Menglong was in a stalemate with this group of people. Xu Xian was probably the only one at the scene who felt confused. What was going on?

She did see that the mobile phone in Li Menglong's hand was not his own, so it was because he picked up someone else's mobile phone and did not intend to return it?

Although she didn't think this idea was particularly smooth, Xu Xian couldn't think of a better reason, so she stepped forward and took the phone back.

This action made everyone take a breath of cold air. After Li Menglong learned the truth, he still had room for mediation. If it was great, he would pay for it. If he paid more, Li Menglong would not refuse.

But the same cannot be said for Xu Xian. As the first victim and a rich woman with no shortage of money, what can they do to appease Xu Xian's emotions?

Fortunately, Xu Xian had no intention of peeking at the phone and was just trying to return it to its original owner!

This action undoubtedly spared everyone's life, but why didn't anyone come to claim it? Don’t you know how critical the situation is now?

Xu Xian asked around but no one came forward. She naturally wanted to open her phone to see if there was any personal information in it.

But this action made everyone feel relieved again. Is it really not going to give them a way to survive?

In fact, more rational people should be able to realize that how could Xu Xian know the password of this phone?

But now everyone was too panicked and even made mistakes while busy. Four or five cell phone owners suddenly appeared in an instant.

They just subconsciously wanted to save everyone, but they didn't expect that someone would think of it together with them.

What to do now? Xu Xian narrowed his eyes as he looked at the group of people in front of him who also claimed to be the owners of their mobile phones.

Xu Xian is not stupid, to be precise, he is quite smart. He didn't think too much before, just because he didn't think about it in this aspect.

But now everyone can see that something is wrong. Why don't the people across from her dare to look at her? Is there any hidden secret in this phone?

With Xu Xian's gaze, everyone turned their heads subconsciously, even though they knew that doing so would only speed up their own death.

Seeing that it was impossible to learn the truth from this group of people, Xu Xian simply turned around and found Li Menglong.

The phone was snatched from his hand. He should know the specific content, right? Is it possible that he also wants to hide it from himself?

"You can rest assured that even if the whole world betrays you, I will definitely stand behind you!"

Li Menglong spoke to Xu Xian affectionately. An ordinary little girl might have fallen for these words.

It's just that the person standing opposite is Xu Xian, not to mention the sincerity in Li Menglong's words. She doesn't know how many similar disgusting confessions she has heard, and she has long been numb.

"Let's forget it. I want you to stand behind me and stab me again?" Xu Xian gave reasonable doubts: "Just open this phone for me, let's do it."

Xu Xian put the phone into Li Menglong's hand and urged him from the side.

Now everyone's attention was forced to focus on Li Menglong again. It could be said that he held their lives in his hands.

At this moment, many people wanted to go over and plead and make promises, hoping that Li Menglong would consider their past friendship and treat them with dignity.

But why does the smile on Li Menglong's face look so terrifying, it even lights up the screen of his mobile phone? Does he really not care about everyone's life and death?

Fortunately, at the last moment, Li Menglong stopped, and the reason he used was quite clever: "Sorry, I don't know the password of this phone, so I can't help."

Li Menglong undoubtedly told the truth, but except for himself, everyone would not think so.

Xu Xian felt that he was perfunctory, while the colleagues around him felt that Li Menglong was showing favor.

But they didn't consider the authenticity of this sentence. Why did they think Li Menglong could open this phone?

It can only be said that Li Menglong successfully took advantage of everyone's mental blind spots and reaped countless benefits for himself.

Although everyone has not reached any material agreement with him, he does not think that these people will treat him badly.

Because this is not a one-shot deal, if he doesn't admit his debt this time, Li Menglong doesn't have to wait for the next time, and he can cause trouble for these people.

So he has nothing to worry about, he can definitely look forward to this windfall.

As for Xu Xianna's emotions, he can explain it later, because he really doesn't know anything.

And at that time, he would not be empty-handed. Xu Xian would always have a share of the benefits. After all, it was all earned by Xu Xian.

Xu Xian still believed that these people had secrets they were hiding from her, but she had no means to force them to speak in a short period of time.

Relying on this unclaimed mobile phone?

For now, this is all she has. Xu Xian doesn't believe that no one wants this phone, and as long as she comes to claim it, she will definitely force the other person to say something.

After sorting out his emotions, Xu Xian didn't plan to worry too much. To be precise, he didn't want to delay his work because of himself.

"What should I say? Do you want to rest for a while? I don't care."

Xu Xian tilted his head and looked at Li Menglong. Both of them had their own roles. Now it's his part. Are you sure you don't want to join in?

After receiving Xu Xian's reminder, Li Menglong immediately became more serious: "What are you doing here? Look at the time and see how long you have been delayed. Come off work late at night for one...two hours to make up for this part of the work. Do you have any opinions? ?”

This is the daily division between the two. Li Menglong is responsible for playing the more severe part, mainly by constantly urging and forcing everyone to work.

Correspondingly, Xu Xian is responsible for soothing everyone's emotions, becoming a buffer between everyone and Li Menglong, and preventing the conflict from intensifying.

As a result, now Li Menglong is forced to work overtime for two hours. This makes Xu Xian's scalp numb. How can she persuade him?

Just when Xu Xian was secretly feeling sad, the scene once made Xu Xian feel unreal. Was she dreaming?

"Working overtime? It's good to work overtime, but is it just two hours enough? Otherwise, forget it all night."

"Don't mention overtime pay. We all contribute to the company voluntarily. Asking for money will hurt our feelings."

"It's not all for the company, it's mainly because you are a good leader..."

These flattering words made Xu Xian sick. Besides, this kind of scene shouldn't happen here, right?

They are not so easy to talk to on weekdays. Although they will agree in the end, their cynicism towards Li Menglong will definitely be inevitable.

So what happened? Is it because Li Menglong figured out everyone's pain points? And what are the specific details? Is there any kind-hearted person who can answer her doubts?

Xu Xian's request was destined to go unanswered. It wasn't that everyone wanted to alienate her deliberately, but it was just that they couldn't elaborate on the matter.

They reluctantly returned to work. Although the atmosphere was a bit strange, everyone could only endure it without Xu Xian taking the initiative to investigate further.

Yoona and Pani are no exception, and they are even more afraid because Xu Xian may come to question them later.

And the two of them have not forgotten Seohyun's previous reminder. It seems that Kim Taeyeon is still guarding them outside, so there is no room for them in such a big company?

This kind of question that is destined to have no answer is too occupying the mind. Even Xu Xian can concentrate on his work. It seems that the two of them should not be exceptions?

It's just that the work at hand for the two of them is not that simple. Although they are considered insiders, Yoona has also filmed many dramas.

But that's all as an actor. When have you heard that actors also need to consider the specific expenses of the crew? That's something only the director should care about!

As an actor, Yoona is only responsible for getting money, and of course she has to show her acting skills that are worthy of her performance. Otherwise, it would be a waste of her heart to get the money.

But now Yoona couldn't help but shirk it. If she didn't understand, then Pani would be even more confused.

The two of them had to achieve some success, so Yoona could only find the parts she was familiar with among the vast amount of project expenses.

Not to mention, Yoona really saw something fishy, ​​even though it was just a small item.

Specifically, it is one of the makeup expenses. Because Yoona has been an artist all year round, one of the professions she often comes into contact with is makeup artist, so she has a certain basic understanding of this type of expense.

The expenses listed on paper are undoubtedly too much. To be honest, even if it is 10% or 20% more, Yoona may not be able to tell it unless she turns a blind eye.

But the number is scary. They just hire makeup artists to help the actors on the set. There is no essential difference from when they return.

So there shouldn’t be much difference in the cost. It can’t be said that the make-up artist on the set is more expensive, right?

Even if this is indeed the case with other crews, it doesn't make sense with them, because they are the actual actors!

If anyone is not convinced, Yoona can even help contact the makeup artist they often work with. The price must be much cheaper than what is written above.

Thinking that she had found a big loophole, Yoona was quite proud.

But it's not her first day debuting, so she still needs to be cautious.

According to her understanding, it is very likely that someone wants to embezzle the money, so she must not make it public and avoid alerting others!

So Yoona didn't have many choices left and could only try to communicate with Li Menglong and Xu Xian privately.

It's just that these two people ignored her at all. Even though Yoona was trying her best to give hints, they seemed to be blind.

Yoona knew what was going on, but she just didn't pay attention to it. She felt that she, Lin Yoona, was messing around again!

But this time they are destined to be disappointed, she is trying to save the company's losses!

When these two people learn the truth, will they regret their current attitudes?

All I can say is that she, Lin Yoona, is not a stingy person. She will not be the same as the two of them. She can forgive them generously.

Seeing that direct communication was hopeless, Yoona chose another way of communication. After all, offices were promoting paperless office, and she had to keep up with the trend.

After finding out the email addresses of Li Menglong and Xu Xian from her colleagues, Yoona typed out an article and sent it.

It listed the doubts that Yoona found, and in order to prove her conclusion, she also posted a lot of additional evidence.

The most direct thing is a string of phone numbers. This is the makeup artist she often works with. The two of them can confirm it with a third party.

It's just that this email seems to have disappeared into the sea. Did she not see it, or did she dismiss her discovery?

Could it be that this money is no longer valued by them? The company's funds are completely ruined by people like them!

Yoona felt that her shoulders were a lot heavier at the moment, because she carried the entire company on her shoulders!

This conclusion undoubtedly made Yoona feel her own greatness, and she was almost moved to tears by herself.

Since these two people wanted to cover up the facts, Yoona's choice was quite rude and she directly reported it to the superior!

It's not like she can't contact Li Enxi, but she wants to see how these two people explain it in the end!

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