The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3171 Unstable mentality

Fortunately, the water basin on the side gave a clue to the two people's positions. It should be that Yoona was punished for lifting the water basin. It may have been too long, so she didn't stand firm.

What to do now, the main reason is that the girls are not sure whether this non-contact method of corporal punishment is considered physical.

This will directly determine their subsequent attitude. Who can explain it to them?

"How did you get in? Don't you know how to knock first? Get out!"

This was Li Menglong's response. He frowned and said this, and it was obvious that he was very angry at the moment.

The girls naturally didn't want to touch their brows. If possible, they also wanted to leave. To be precise, they didn't want to come in.

But Yoona's condition at the moment was really too bad. She collapsed on the ground and was at a loss. Her body and head were covered with water stains, which made people feel distressed just looking at her.

In this case, don't say it's them. If a stranger came over, they wouldn't turn around and leave. They would always go up and ask what's going on.

Besides, they are also afraid that Li Menglong will be impulsive, so they are not taking action now, but who can guarantee that they won't take action soon?

They can't just watch Li Menglong make mistakes. This is their responsibility to him and their responsibility as Yoona's sister.

So even though Li Menglong ordered them to be kicked out, they still shamelessly stayed.

"What's going on? We just came here, can you explain it to us?"

As the captain of the girls, anyone can step back at this time, but not Kim Taeyeon.

Fortunately, she didn't have such thoughts. She took the initiative to speak and tried to attract Li Menglong's attention.

Even if he is still angry, he can definitely attack her, Kim Taeyeon. In this way, Yoona can relieve some of the pressure in disguise.

I have to say that captain Kim Taeyeon can be relied upon every time when life is critical.

No wonder the girls have never really thought about changing their captains. With such a captain, can they still watch other people's performances?

However, Kim Taeyeon's strategy failed. Li Menglong just glared at her without any intention of speaking.

At this time, we can see the tacit understanding between the girls for many years. Although there is no communication in advance, everyone still divides the work in an orderly manner.

Several people, led by Kim Taeyeon, surrounded Li Menglong, distracting him by talking and blocking his realization with their bodies.

The remaining people gathered around Yoon'er, comforting the little girl's mood and asking in a low voice what happened.

In this case, if you want to know the truth of the matter, it's better to start with Yoona. The little girl shouldn't have any thoughts of adding fuel to the fire, right?

But while the girls were doing their part, one person was "lazy".

Xu Xian neither joined the team that attracted Li Menglong nor chose to appease Yoona's emotions.

She was just like a spectator, pacing leisurely with her hands behind her back, while her eyes kept looking at the details around her.

This is not because she is cold-blooded. When it comes to her feelings for Yoona, she is confident that she will compete for the top spot in the team. After all, their friendship was bullied!

But there were too many of them, and she couldn't squeeze in. Besides, there was no shortage of her.

And what should I say, she always felt that this scene was a bit inconsistent.

Although she couldn't give any specific details, she believed in her intuition and was trying to find some evidence.

She could understand where her so-called intuition came from, but she didn't believe how Li Menglong would treat Yoona!

This was the impression she and Li Menglong had left after spending so many years together, the kind that was engraved in her heart.

So Li Menglong now feels to her that he has done something he shouldn't have done. Even if it makes sense logically, Xu Xian just doesn't believe it!

This idea may be a bit extreme, but Xu Xian believes in herself, and besides, she has found some clues.

Xu Xian stood on tiptoe and secretly glanced at the ashtray on the table. It was indeed filled with cigarette butts. It was obvious that Li Menglong was very depressed.

It's just that he smoked so many cigarettes, why is there no smell of cigarettes in the room?

As a non-smoker, Xu Xian is very sensitive to the smell of cigarettes. It stands to reason that she should have felt a cough long ago.

But no one, including her, was affected. Could it be that everyone suppressed certain senses because they were too nervous?

In order to confirm this, Xu Xian planned to take further actions.

She forced her way into Li Menglong's circle, and then used concern as an excuse to step forward and give Li Menglong a comforting hug.

Xu Xian's sudden behavior surprised the girls. What was going on? Did Xu Xian plan to change Li Menglong's mood by giving him welfare?

I can’t say that the method is not good enough, but I can’t discuss it further. I always feel that this approach is a bit impulsive.

It wasn't just the girls who were confused. Li Menglong also subconsciously crossed his arms. This little girl's actions were very abrupt.

He had been staring at Xu Xian from the corner of his eye, but the little girl's behavior was quite abnormal after she came in.

Now he doesn't understand what this girl is going to do: "What are you going to do? Is it a prank?"

Facing Li Menglong's inquiry, Xu Xian's eyes were very clear: "No, I just want to comfort Oppa. Don't you like it?"

What Xu Xian said was so sincere that the girls behind him couldn't help but wonder if they were overthinking?

Li Menglong was also very confused at the moment, and subconsciously wanted to reject Xu Xian's proposal, but Xu Xian didn't give him time to react.

He stepped forward and forcibly hugged Li Menglong, who was still struggling. This seemed like Xu Xian was taking advantage.

Moreover, Xu Xian also did a rather crazy move. She leaned against Li Menglong's collar and took a deep breath.

The girls couldn't stand this scene anymore. Although they didn't know what was going on with this little girl, they couldn't watch their maknae "fall".

Xu Xian, who was pulled up by several people, did not struggle. Instead, she gave Li Menglong a meaningful smile. She had found evidence!

It’s fine that there is no smell of cigarettes in the room. There can be many seemingly reasonable excuses, but why doesn’t Li Menglong smell of cigarettes?

This makes no sense at all. The only explanation is that he doesn't smoke, so why is there an ashtray full of cigarette butts so deliberately placed on the table?

Connecting the cause and effect, it is easy to draw a conclusion, these two people are acting!

As for the purpose, isn't it already quite obvious?

It was obvious that the girls came here looking for trouble in anger, but now it turned out that they were taking the initiative to appease the two people's emotions.

It can only be said that these two people are really smart, but their methods are indeed despicable.

The two of them took advantage of the few kindnesses in the hearts of girls. This was really excessive. Xu Xian really wanted to expose their conspiracy.

But then the situation would probably become uncontrollable, so would she have to watch her sister being deceived by bad guys?

Xu Xian's hesitation was noticed by Li Menglong. After all, the little girl's reaction was too abnormal.

Although he didn't know what Xu Xian saw, he was afraid that the little girl would speak.

Now if the lie was exposed, he and Yoona wouldn't even have a route to run, and they would be in a situation of trying to catch a turtle in a urn.

In order not to let the little girl think too much, Li Menglong launched his backup plan in advance. He and Yoona were more than just prepared.

He lightly tapped the screen of his mobile phone in his pocket. This was the signal he had set in advance.

The mobile phone has always been connected to China Unicom, which makes it convenient for people outside to know the status inside. Now it is time to test their acting skills.

Several people in the distant office successfully received the signal, and then cheered each other on. It was finally their turn to play.

There was only one person who came out first, because there were only a few people in total, so they had to take turns to ensure the maximum error tolerance.

When they noticed that an outsider had walked in, the girls in the room immediately stopped their original work and turned their heads to stare at him.

Although it was in the company, this scene was still relatively private. They didn't want outsiders to see such an embarrassing scene.

Especially Yoona's current state, they knew what was going on, but what would outsiders think? Who knows how many little stories I can make up.

Fortunately, the person who came looked familiar, and he took the initiative to close the door: "I have only been out for a while, why is it like this?"

Because the girls were no longer here before, there were many situations that needed to be figured out.

For example, this person's question means that he was here before, which means he saw Yoona talking back to Li Menglong.

In this case, you need to explain, but you must not let the other party misunderstand.

"It was the brother and sister who were fooling around before. Don't take it seriously."

"This is just a joke after we came here and made it a little messy. We'll clean it up now."

"By the way, are you working overtime when you come here so early? Have you had breakfast?"

While the girls were trying to change each other's impression, they kept asking for information. It was said that they didn't even know what these people were gathering here for.

Fortunately, this point is not that complicated. It is nothing more than dealing with Yoona's previous matters.

After hearing this explanation, the girls became even more enthusiastic, mainly because they were partially apologetic.

Because of Yoona's mistake, I increased the workload on others out of thin air, which is very bad.

If the younger sisters are ignorant, should they, the older sisters, also pretend to be ignorant?

So the girls had planned to allocate some people to invite each other to have breakfast, but then the other party burped.

The scene became very embarrassing for a while, especially Li Menglong and Yoona, whose faces were almost turning blue. They were really scared!

This guy had performed well before, so why did he fall behind at the critical moment?

It's just that I can't blame the other party. It was because he was too full before, and now that he mentioned eating again, he had a subconscious physiological reaction.

But the girls didn't know clearly, so they were still staring at each other. Was it because they were so angry that they hiccupped?

Maybe Seohyun was the most relaxed person at the scene. She was completely convinced of her point of view at this time.

With just a dose of skepticism, it's easy to spot the poor performance given her background as a director.

By the way, this hiccupping behavior should be regarded as a performance accident. If it were on the shooting set, it would definitely be stopped.

It's a pity that there is no way to do it again in real life, so everyone can only bite the bullet and continue acting.

This is a great test of the actor's adaptability. It is said that many classic shots often come from similar on-the-spot performances.

But this is something that many professional actors can only meet but cannot ask for. How do you expect this ordinary colleague who was temporarily trained by Li Menglong for less than ten minutes?

The other party clearly felt the pressure, and sweat gathered on his forehead almost visibly.

Is it time for my legs to get weak next, sit down on the ground, and confess to the girls?

Li Menglong and Yoona have been racking their brains to think of a way, but they really don't dare to interfere casually, as it will be easy for their secrets to be exposed.

Now there is an urgent need for a third party to come forward, and Li Menglong chose Xu Xian.

In fact, the little girl's previous behavior made him quite suspicious, and he originally planned to find a free time to chat with the little girl alone.

But it seems that there is no such chance now. The bet now is on the tacit understanding between the two, and whether Xu Xian is soft-hearted.

Even if it wasn't for Li Menglong's sake, she still had to consider Yoona!

With these beautiful expectations, Li Menglong gave Xu Xian a hard push from behind.

This action was quite unexpected. At least Xu Xian had no preparation. He came to the front in a very embarrassed state.

She subconsciously looked behind her, and it turned out that everyone was innocent. Just based on the look in her eyes, she really couldn't tell who was the "murderer".

But considering the previous position and strength, she could still tell who was doing it.

As for Li Menglong's purpose, isn't it quite obvious? He wants her to come forward and help him out.

She wanted to say that the last sentence was whimsical. She, Xu Xian, was one of the people who was deceived. Have you ever heard of a deceived person taking the initiative to help the scammer?

Just when Xu Xian wanted to reveal the truth, Yoona in the corner shuddered subconsciously.

This action made Xu Xian's heart soften. Although he knew that Yoona was not pitiful at all, he just couldn't do it.

"Did you get up too early so your stomach feels uncomfortable? Then let's have lunch together. We are still treating you, so don't refuse!"

This was the answer Xu Xian gave, giving the other party a step up, and the girls felt that there was no big problem.

Don't worry about the other person's reasons. It's always more sincere to have lunch than to have breakfast. If it doesn't work, you can also add dinner.

Faced with the invitation from the girls, this one was a little hesitant. It wasn't that he didn't want to eat together, but he felt that he deserved it.

This scene made Li Menglong want to hit someone. He had already said that he had a bad mentality, so he would not have been arranged to take the lead.

If he hadn't seen that he was really nervous, Li Menglong would have suspected that this person did it on purpose, and wanted to die with him, Li Menglong, right?

Fortunately, someone else came in. Sure enough, his arrangement still worked. When a new person came in, the previous process almost had to be repeated.

In this case, it should be considered a pass, right?

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