The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3170 Winning over

There is nothing wrong with Yoona's words in theory. If his life is gone, why do he need those external things? Do you want to keep spending it below?

But logic is logic, and how to implement it depends on each person's personality.

And what should Li Menglong say here? Asking him to spend money to bribe the following people would simply cost him his life.

Before the girls arrived, he was already trying to "commit suicide". This is not his style!

So what else is there to say? Li Menglong directly rejected Yoona's kindness, and he didn't think these people could be of much help.

That is to say, Yoona is still on his side, otherwise if he had to face the accusations of the girls alone, the gang might be able to rebel.

It's just that this idea is too negative. Everyone still respects him very much. He should not underestimate his influence in everyone's mind.

Li Menglong was barely touched by Yoona's encouragement, how about giving it a try? Or let the little girl recognize the reality?

Anyway, he was almost full. There was not much time left to do anything, so he might as well test this group of people.

"I'm telling you something. I may need your help later. What do you say here?"

Li Menglong didn't mean to make small talk and went straight to the topic, but his words were still a little vague, making everyone full of doubts.

There were not many colleagues at the scene. After all, they all gathered temporarily because of Yoona.

Everyone belongs to different departments on weekdays, and some of them can't even exchange a few words with Li Menglong in a year. In short, they don't know each other that well.

But if we have to talk about something in common, it may be that everyone's positions are generally relatively high, and those who can come are considered heads of departments.

So even though I’m not very familiar with it, I don’t have stage fright: “What specifically are you referring to? Can you elaborate on it?”

This answer is not tough, but it reflects everyone's confidence.

Although they are Li Menglong's subordinates, and their future can theoretically be considered in his hands, they are really not afraid of them.

Anyone who can reach this level is considered an elite in the industry.

Not to mention that Li Eunxi begged his grandfather to sue his grandmother to come back, but at least he didn't have to worry about not having a job to continue working after he resigned.

In theory, everyone is considered a partner, trying to make the company better together, but Li Menglong's benefits are greater.

Faced with the problems of this group of people, Li Menglong couldn't just fool him. What if they thought this joke was a bad taste? Do you feel your character has been insulted?

Once this group of people proposes to resign, Li Enxi will not be as easy to talk to as he is today.

Can she be sent away by just giving her some random money? If I don't chop Li Menglong a few times, this matter won't be over!

Li Menglong regretted opening his mouth. Now he had no choice but to explain it again, but the scene of rejection and indifference he imagined did not happen.

The eyes of these people were full of eagerness to try. Did they find it interesting?

This is the reason why Li Menglong is unaware of his blessings. He may find this kind of interaction terrible, but if it can be avoided, he would rather spend money to eliminate disasters.

But in the eyes of these company backbones, it is simply a good thing that falls from the sky!

Even though they are in an entertainment company, they are more or less leaders. In theory, they can contact artists at will.

But the reality is not so casual. We are all professionals, and we must clearly distinguish between work and private life.

Otherwise, before talking about work with the girls, you need to ask for autographs, photos, etc. Then how will you talk about the next work?

Perhaps the one with the highest resistance to such interactions in the entire company is on the second floor. Li Menglong would take the girls there from time to time, Xu Xian also worked there every day, and occasionally they could have a meal together.

It's just that this kind of interaction has long made other departments jealous, but they can't find any reason to participate. Could it be that they want to snatch Li Menglong into his own department?

This idea was almost rejected by everyone as soon as it appeared, because Li Menglong brought more than just benefits. Didn't anyone notice the pain of working overtime?

After a simple weighing, the specific choice seems to be quite simple.

It's just that these mental journeys are obviously not known to Li Menglong. He is now very puzzled by the enthusiasm in everyone's eyes.

But in any case, this is a good thing. If these people are really willing to do their best, then the next thing may not be without improvement.

So Li Menglong began to seriously discuss with this group of people, and the banner was to give these people a better sense of participation.

According to Li Menglong's wishes, he could not wait to let these people fight directly with the girls.

This kind of opportunity to interact with girls up close is extremely rare, and even ordinary fans can't even think of it.

But Li Menglong didn't dare to say it, otherwise it would be exposed, and normal people would think there was something wrong with it.

So he could only settle for the next best thing. If fighting didn't work, it wouldn't be a problem for them to bear witness and cooperate, right?

And this requires a complete script, but Li Menglong has really mastered this craft, how about giving it a try?

Seeing the possibility of self-rescue, Yoona was also extremely positive.

Not only did he order fried chicken for these people, but he also took the initiative to guide their acting skills. He even imitated the expressions of various girls and actively acted opposite them.

As far as the configuration of Li Menglong and YoonA is concerned, teaching these people is really a bit unfair.

But now there are no extra teachers, so the two of them can only work hard.

Besides, this is all for self-saving, so they shouldn't complain.

The only pity is that the time is too short. From the time the plan was made to the arrival of the girls, there was only a gap of more than ten minutes.

They even had to set aside a few minutes to set up the scene, but they were so busy that they couldn't even breathe.

Fortunately, the efforts have yielded some results, at least the layout can be completed. As for the specific results, we have to see the subsequent reactions of the girls.

"Unnie, where are Li Menglong and Yoona? Have you seen them?"

Kim Taeyeon led the team directly into the company and asked acquaintances when they came up.

Although they have issued threats, there is no guarantee that these two people will not jump over the wall.

So it's better to inquire first. If these two people run away while they are up, they will really be depressed to death.

"It must be upstairs, right? I came down here to eat some fried chicken before, but I never saw him come down again."

The boss's wife answered in the affirmative. This was what Li Menglong had repeatedly explained.

And the reason why the landlady was so cooperative was naturally because Yoona bought another piece of fried chicken at a high price.

For this reason, Li Menglong's previous behavior of quoting high prices was also exposed, which almost triggered an internal strife.

In other words, they are still facing the common enemy of the girls, otherwise the two of them might have started fighting.

The girls didn't have too much suspicion and walked up with murderous intent.

Since the two of them didn't escape, are they planning to confront them head-on? You are indeed very courageous!

And in the corner that they didn't see, more than one person secretly pressed the text message that had been edited on the phone.

This was not Li Menglong's handiwork. He thought it was enough to bribe the proprietress alone. After all, she was the boss of this group of people.

But Yoona has been in the industry for so many years and has learned a lot from her own experience. One of them is that people who do bad things are often minor characters.

Maybe this group of small characters may not necessarily make things succeed, but wanting bad things is often just a matter of words.

Therefore, there may not be many similar arrangements, but we must ensure that everyone has a share. This is a matter of attitude.

As for the specific effects, since no one did anything bad, it’s hard to tell for the time being, but at least the two of them received a lot of text messages.

It was estimated that the girls were already climbing the stairs. Li Menglong lowered his voice involuntarily: "Are you nervous? Don't let your chain fall for a while!"

At this moment, Li Menglong was sitting in the conference room. The tabletop at hand was covered with various documents. He also placed an ashtray full of cigarette butts next to him with great detail.

Yoona stood far away on the opposite side, leaning straight against the wall, lifting the basin on the ground with both hands: "Why did you pour so much water? I won't be able to hold it for a while!"

"Nonsense, I just want to make you unable to hold on. Otherwise, if you look relaxed, wouldn't that reveal your secret?"

As a director, Li Menglong must strive for perfection in these details. In other words, this can be regarded as an occupational disease of the director.

From the placement of documents on the desktop, to the cigarette butts in the ashtray, to the amount of water in Yoona's basin, these were all considered in advance, how could they be placed casually.

However, time is really too hasty, and omissions in details are inevitable. The girls may be able to see where the disharmony lies.

But this was also in his plan, and the way to deal with it had already been explained.

As for the final result, Li Menglong is not sure. He can only say that he tried his best, and then it depends on the reactions of the girls.

As the footsteps of girls came from the corridor, Li Menglong and Yoona subconsciously tensed up their muscles.

This is equivalent to the director calling to start, and as actors they have already entered the state.

Mistakes made during the actual filming can be repeated, but if this is a mistake, both of them may have to start their lives over again if they are punished for several crimes. They cannot help being careless!

Because it wasn't time to go to work yet, there were not many people in the company, so it was very easy to find this conference room.

But before they could open the door, they heard a loud bang, and their whole bodies shook subconsciously.

"There is no one here now, come on, come on, keep talking, I want to hear what you have to say, am I sorry for you Lin Yuner today?"

Li Menglong asked while still slapping the tabletop, but his voice was much lower. Is it because the first slapping was too painful?

The girls stood at the door and didn't know whether to go in or not. This scene was somewhat different from what they had imagined.

In their imagination, Li Menglong shouldn't be trembling with Yoona hugging each other at this moment. Why is it his turn to deal unilaterally?

Although Yoona didn't react at all, they were all frightened through the door. Yoona is probably crying now, right?

From the brief conversation before, they could vaguely get some information.

Regardless of what the two of them did before, it seems that after coming to the company, Yoona talked back to Li Menglong in front of many people.

This is somewhat unreasonable. Regardless of whether it is right or wrong, Yoona's approach itself is absolutely undesirable.

They were even very wary of this, and reminded each other of this from time to time.

No matter how big or small it is at home, it is fine, but it is not possible in the company.

Even though Li Menglong doesn't care much about these things, the girls should give him every cent of the face that should be left for him.

This is not even for Li Menglong, but also for themselves.

After all, after similar things happen, Li Menglong will be laughed at, and they will also be given many bad titles.

Even if everyone won't say it out loud, it's not a good sign after all.

And Li Menglong seemed to have been beaten today. While clearing everyone, he directly taught Yoona a lesson. Wouldn't he be going to hit someone next?

To be honest, in this situation, it was hard for the girls to say anything when Yoona was scolded.

Even if they go in, they might have to stand with Li Menglong and scold them together.

This is not because they don't feel sorry for Yoona, but to show their attitude. They also think that Yoona's previous actions are undesirable.

In order to avoid this embarrassing situation, they had begun to retreat slowly, planning to come back after a while.

But the scene they least expected to see happened. As Yoona let out an ouch, there was a messy sound in the room, and she seemed to have fallen to the ground.

How exactly did he fall? It couldn't have been because he tripped on the ground, so Li Menglong took action anyway?

This really touched the bottom line of the girls. It was just a few scoldings. Li Menglong really dared to hit someone?

There happened to be no outsiders in the room at this moment. After leaving two people to guard the door, they went straight in to help.

Don't try to be reasonable in this situation. They are Lin Yuner's sisters and they are here to support her.

As for Li Menglong's grievance, let's slowly adjust it later. Who asked him to take action first?

But when they came in, they found that something was wrong. Yoona had indeed fallen, and there were water stains on her head and body. She looked very embarrassed.

But Li Menglong was sitting steadily opposite, his eyes full of coldness, without any intention of coming to help.

This can also mean that he did not mean to hit anyone in disguise, so Yoona really performed a flat wrestling?

Fortunately, the water basin on the side gave a clue to the two people's positions. It should be that Yoona was punished for lifting the water basin. It may have been too long, so she didn't stand firm.

What to do now, the main reason is that the girls are not sure whether this non-contact method of corporal punishment is considered physical.

This will directly determine their subsequent attitude. Who can explain it to them?

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