No matter how the girls explained, Li Menglong turned a deaf ear.

After all, he didn't really go to the concert. He didn't even know the other group, so it would be too much to say he was going to the concert.

If he just wanted to experience the feeling of a concert, he also had a cheaper alternative.

There are a bunch of top singers living at home. If we don't use resources, then what's the point of living with them?

It’s not that Li Menglong is complaining about these women, they are really useless!

They eat and sleep at home all day long. It's a struggle for them to do some work. The key is that they really can't do it well.

To put it more exaggeratedly, they just look at beautiful vases and have no practical help in their daily lives.

The most speechless thing is that their most valued ability is "good looks", which is rarely seen in Li Menglong's place.

So if they don't add some self-worth, Li Menglong really has to consider whether to move away.

However, the girls are not worried at all about Li Menglong's complaints. Does he have the money to move out?

It’s not that the girls are boasting, but ordinary artists cannot afford Li Menglong’s current treatment.

Look at the room he lives in, look at what he eats every day, and finally open his closet and look at the piles of clothes inside.

In terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation, the girls have given him the best treatment. This is not the only one in the industry, but there is no other one.

If Li Menglong could find a new rich woman, they would be willing to let her go, but does Li Menglong have the strength?

This kind of ridicule can be completely ignored in Li Menglong's ears. He is now obsessed with buying concert tickets, and the prices are ridiculously high.

To be honest, the girls were shocked when they saw the price. Is it so profitable to hold a concert?

As absolute insiders, the girls still have a basic understanding of the benefits of concerts. Even based on their popularity, they are basically among the most profitable.

But they still didn't expect that the ticket prices for the concert would be so high!

So they had similar scenes in their past concerts? They are really unimaginable!

The key is that the money will not flow into their pockets. This is the key point. Their money has been stolen by scalpers!

Faced with the sudden rampage of the girls, Li Menglong was caught off guard, and even his mobile phone was snatched away by them.

The girls are eager to face off against the person on the opposite side. They want to get back the money that was taken away from them!

This schizophrenic conversation really made it impossible for the scalper on the other side to deal with it.

He has been in this business for so long and he has never seen anyone come to him asking for money. Did these people get each other's identities wrong?

However, through the few words exchanged, he could barely understand it. The person opposite seemed to have bought Girls' Generation concert tickets from him in the past.

In this way, the context becomes clearer. Do you feel that compared with this time, the price last time was too high?

Thinking that this was an old customer, and based on the idea that business cannot be done without justice, the man began to talk at length to educate the girls about the basic situation.

The core meaning is that the popularity of girls is too high, and too many people rush to watch their concerts. This is a basic fact.

He even took the initiative to list the ticket prices of other artists, and responsibly confirmed that the girls' tickets were the most expensive he had ever handled.

This round of flattery has really put the girls off their feet. Should they continue to get angry?

It stands to reason that people with smiling faces can't reach out, and they praise themselves so highly. If they don't give in, will they be too unreasonable?

But when they think of the other party making so much extra money from them, their hearts bleed.

Not only am I complaining for myself, but I am also thinking about the wallets of my fans. After all, it is the fans who directly suffer.

The girls' continuous accusations not only failed to silence the opponent, but also made the other party start to pour out their bitterness.

Why is this industry being discriminated against? They are just ticket porters. Of course, the cost of tickets is also an issue.

According to him, he didn't get the tickets at the original price. A lot of money had already been added to the ticket price. He couldn't possibly sell it at a loss, right?

This makes things interesting. Scalpers seem to be just the last step in reselling tickets. There seem to be many behind the scenes. Who are they?

The girls really want to catch these people out. Even if it doesn't work, they can just be more careful on their own, lest they get scolded and not know what happened.

Naturally, it would be difficult for them to inquire and ask questions on their own, but someone in the company would definitely know, because they have actually held a concert, and the company should have gone through the complete process, otherwise Li Menglong should ask?

The girls were thinking about how to ask Li Menglong, but they saw him looking like he wanted to run away. What did this mean?

Based on their understanding of Li Menglong, it can almost be concluded that Li Menglong knows the inside story, so he is just hiding it from them?

The girls didn't dare to think deeply. Could it be that the company was teaming up with Li Menglong to cheat them out of their money?

It’s not accurate to say that. It should be said that they are using their popularity to defraud their fans’ money!

But this statement can be further beautified, because seriously, the core income of an artist is the money "cheated" from fans!

Even the artists themselves cannot deny this. Although they have put in a lot of sweat and effort, compared with their income, it seems that the money still comes too easily.

It's just that people still have to have a bottom line, and "cheating money" also requires different methods. What's the difference between this and robbing directly?

The girls stopped Li Menglong with a stern face. They must give an explanation today. He must tell everything he knows quickly!

"I don't know much. Otherwise, I'll call Li Enxi over for you. If you have any questions, talk to her?"

Li Menglong tried to throw the burden away, but the girls didn't buy it at all. They insisted that Li Menglong speak!

That being the case, let’s just say it. This is not a secret that cannot be told. Many fans even have similar speculations, but there is no evidence.

Many people have suspected that scalpers and performance companies are connected with interests. Otherwise, where would scalpers get so many stable tickets?

As for how the tickets sold at high prices are divided between the two, it's not that important, since they won't fall into everyone's hands anyway.

Li Menglong can say with certainty that this kind of thing must exist, especially in some small and medium-sized companies, where they can do anything to make more money.

It's just that if we say that big companies are also facing the end personally, then we are a bit underestimating these companies.

Because the sky-high price in the eyes of ordinary people is a pitiful small proportion to the total ticket revenue for a game that often attracts tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people.

After spending so much effort just to get so much more money, it is better to think more about how to open another one and make back all the money.

So there are some middlemen involved, and the composition of this group of people and even the source of the tickets are too complicated.

There are some people at the lower level of the company who want to make extra money by leveraging their power; there are also people who are specifically responsible for this in the ticketing company.

Of course, there are also people who search for tickets distributed internally by the company, and there are not a few people who are willing to sell them.

In short, these situations do exist, and most large companies are aware of them, but it is impossible to completely eliminate them.

To put it harshly, the money for these increased prices does not come from the company. Since it can make everyone in the company make money, why make everyone unhappy?

Therefore, it is not unheard of to give out concert tickets directly as bonuses. Anyway, there is no need to worry about sales, and the price is even quite good.

"Then what? Is this the reason for the company's inaction?"

"Then what's wrong with the fans? Why do they have to buy those high-priced tickets?"

“The money can be taken over by the company, and we can earn less but as long as it’s fair, isn’t that okay?”

Facing the girls' doubts, Li Menglong didn't know how to explain.

How can they put it so simply? Behaviors like hoarding and reselling exist in almost all walks of life. They are considered to be chronic diseases at the social level and are rooted in human genes.

To put it even more exaggeratedly, those fans who bought tickets at high prices might also agree with this method, otherwise, let them follow them to grab tickets?

Or even if ordinary fans grab front-row tickets, they will resist the temptation of cash in the face of these people's high prices?

It is nothing more than a redistribution of the benefits of "scalper votes". In essence, there will be no change, especially if the time is extended.

Li Menglong also does not recognize this phenomenon. The only thing he can do is to make sure that the company level does not do this openly, and the rest is beyond his control.

If I have to say it, perhaps the very thing of chasing stars is already a bit deformed, especially when it comes to money.

But this topic is enough to make several doctoral students graduate. Li Menglong thinks that he has not yet reached this level. Besides, he is just eating this bowl of rice. If he is asked to pick up the bowl to eat and put down the bowl to curse, he really can't do it.

Following Li Menglong's statement, the atmosphere at the scene was still a bit heavy.

Even Li Menglong couldn't give an answer to the question. If the girls wanted to come up with a reliable solution, it would be too difficult for them.

However, although they cannot solve the fundamental problem, it is not difficult to make small changes. At least they cannot let the money be made by scalpers.

"If we hold concerts in the future, we will buy the tickets in the front row ourselves and then give them to the fans. What do you think?"

This question was asked by Kim Taeyeon, but it was also unanimously agreed by the girls.

They are really not short of money now, and they have indeed reached a position where they can repay their fans. This is completely sincere.

I thought that this kind of best-of-both-worlds approach would be praised by Li Menglong, but he looked constipated. He obviously wanted to object but did not dare to speak.

This made the girls very unhappy. Is there any fatal flaw in their method?

"Are you sure you won't take action? Then I'll tell you. Have you considered the anger of the fans?"

Li Menglong just made a simple extension. Without a huge drop in the number of girls' fans, there will always be fans who cannot get tickets, no matter what method they use.

But in the past, they would vent their anger on scalpers, and even scold fans who bought tickets from scalpers at high prices.

But after the girls' actions, will everyone's anger be transferred to them?

Fans can definitely ask, why was it only sent to those people and not to themselves? Aren't they fans of girls?

This is just a simple example given by Li Menglong, but this scene is already quite terrifying.

Girls know the power of fans. When this power has a positive effect, they can use it to reach the top.

But once this power is used in the wrong direction, they will be in the same state as they were in the Black Sea.

Many groups are actually organized by fans, and there may not necessarily be so much malice in them, but judging from the results, it is undoubtedly a lose-lose situation.

"So there's nothing we can do?"

"Uh... Otherwise, if you give me all the extra tickets, I will definitely sell them much cheaper than scalpers. After all, we don't have a middleman here to collect the price difference!"

Li Menglong seemed to be joking, but if you think about it seriously, it may be the most reliable way.

Of course, the premise is that his identity is not dug out, otherwise it will definitely affect the girls. Do you want to give it a try?

Li Menglong even took the initiative to encourage the girls. In his opinion, this was also a way to get rich, but one that had no capital and no risks.

His little thoughts were clearly seen by the girls. He usually just resold their autographed photos, but now he wants to get his hands on the concert tickets?

He directly gave him a few middle fingers. I have to say that these women's fingers are quite beautiful. Anyway, Li Menglong was more appreciative and didn't feel offended at all.

Since everyone can't agree on this issue, let's change the topic to another topic, such as continuing to buy concert tickets.

This is an entertainment activity that Li Menglong finally came up with. The key is that the cost is still so high. Wouldn't they disagree?

Only then did the girls realize that this seemed to be the original topic of their discussion. They originally wanted to educate Li Menglong on why he could go to the concert without buying a ticket.

Because their appearance itself is equivalent to "buying tickets", their popularity is destined to drive the flow of concert information, thereby increasing the overall popularity of the concert.

This is more similar to the guest appearance of big-name actors in filming. It is definitely not based on salary, but on so-called favors.

The appearance of the girls has almost the same meaning. It is a favor for them to come to support, and can favor be calculated based on money?

So if Li Menglong is really interested, they can arrange for a girl to accompany him to see it, but the prerequisite is to return their wallets first!

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