It is absolutely impossible for Li Menglong to recognize this number. It is not the first day he has met these women. How can he not understand their thoughts?

Putting aside everything else, in terms of amount alone, there is definitely no comparison between the two.

He is now equivalent to holding all the properties of the girls, to be precise, they are liquid assets. After all, they also have a lot of fixed investments.

But this number is still not a small amount, especially when several people are added together, it is estimated to be a number that would make ordinary people take risks.

Theoretically, Li Menglong should not take risks with his life. His worth is much higher than that of girls.

But Li Menglong doesn't think so. Besides, it's all free money. If he doesn't hold on tightly, he will be struck by lightning!

The girls were a little patient at first, but as Li Menglong refused again and again, they finally became irritable.

At first, it was just Kim Taeyeon who tried to take action, but now everyone no longer wants to stop her, or else let's all join in!

Although Seohyun and Yoona are not here, there are still seven of them!

No matter how strong Li Menglong is, how can he cope with fourteen arms with two arms?

Unless Li Menglong is really cruel, that is, punching a child, he should give up decisively.

Li Menglong does have this impulse, they really go too far!

Just because they are "kind" enough, they can't keep pushing them further!

In a real fight, with Li Menglong's strength, he could beat the girls until they vomited blood with one punch, but they would still be able to faint for a while.

They clearly knew this, but they were always betting that he wouldn't dare to take action. Otherwise, would they make an exception today?

A dangerous atmosphere slowly flowed among everyone, and the girls were keenly aware of this.

Although they didn't know what Li Menglong was going to do, they couldn't give Li Menglong such a chance. Not only did they want to win, they also wanted to win beautifully!

Besides, our relationship is so close, it's not appropriate to always use hands and feet. They are still more willing to communicate through words, even if Li Menglong has not been very cooperative!

The attitudes of the girls changed extremely quickly, and their flexible bottom line was vividly demonstrated at this moment.

The key is that they don't think this is a shameful scene. They have reasonably preserved their vitality. Isn't this the point?

As for some money, it is all external possessions. You can earn it when it is no longer used. It is not difficult for them to make money nowadays.

They were even persuading each other about this, which was nothing more than highlighting Li Menglong's past achievements, and this time it was appropriate to compensate him.

They still don't believe how much Li Menglong can spend. If he really has himself, he will clear all the cards!

The girls dared to talk here. If such a thing happened, if they frowned, they would have the same surname as Li Menglong!

Faced with the cruel words of these women, Li Menglong wanted to say that he didn't want to recognize so many goddaughters!

After all, being someone's "father" means you have to be responsible. Among other things, you have to prepare some betrothal gifts.

Everyone needs one when they get married, and considering the possibility of their second marriage, Li Menglong felt that he couldn't afford it even if he sold blood.

As for why he was so sure that the girls would break the gong, it was naturally because he knew these people, and they were not as generous as they seemed!

Although they usually spend a lot of money and don't care about various expenses, that's because the amount is not enough to stimulate them.

For specific examples, please refer to the way they treated the backpacks they purchased. They stored each one of them as a treasure and no one was willing to lend it out.

So at this moment, they can exchange their assets into backpacks, and then imagine that Li Menglong scratched these backpacks in front of them. He was scared of that scene!

But this is just a personal thought after all. Under the premise that he can't really spend the money, whatever they say makes sense.

Fortunately, Li Menglong didn't care about the details of these words. If he heard correctly, the girls used these cards to spend money at the same time in the afternoon, right?

This is like throwing a mouse into a rice vat. Li Menglong should not be too happy!

Although there were only flimsy bank cards in front of him, if the numbers inside were replaced by banknotes, he would probably be buried alive.

But this way of death would be less painful. If he could really choose, he would probably hesitate between the former and being strangled to death.

But why should I choose one or the other? He could just throw money away and eat at the same time. It would be best if he could also see the angry eyes of the girls. That would be perfect.

The girls have no sense of recognition for this crazy idea. They are more curious about what Li Menglong is going to do with so much money.

To be honest, the girls didn't have any specific ideas. Even though they made so much money, their expenses were extremely monotonous.

To put it more exaggeratedly, they are the kind of people who make money but don’t know how to spend it.

If ordinary people knew this, they would probably think that the girls were showing off their wealth, but to them it was indeed a fact.

Once they become famous, their income figures are far more terrifying than ordinary people imagine.

Secondly, because of their artist status, they are unable to participate in many consumer categories, which is the most fatal aspect.

It is really too naive to think that they can return to poverty by eating and drinking every day. They have never thought about it that way.

If Li Menglong can bring them some new ideas today, then why not let him make a small profit. They will never lose money anyway!

Faced with the questioning from this group of women, Li Menglong also began to scratch his head.

He enjoys the process of "making money", but when it comes to spending money, he is not as good as girls. At least he will not buy those backpacks that look overpriced at first sight.

Considering the number of cards in the girls' cards, Li Menglong would feel wronged if he just went to eat barbecue or watch a movie. The key is that the opportunity is rare.

So he had to find some particularly expensive activities, and the first answer he gave after thinking for a while was quite bizarre: "How about we buy a house?"

This simple and unpretentious suggestion made the girls collapse on the spot. They thought that Li Menglong could give some innovative and open-minded ideas, but who knew that this was actually the case.

This is not their biggest daily consumption. At present, the cost-effectiveness of investment is not low, but this kind of large consumption is quite stressful even for them.

At least they didn't buy a house just because they had nothing to do. It is estimated that only the truly rich can afford this "unsophisticated" little hobby.

Seriously speaking, Li Menglong seems to really have this potential, of course, only if he uses the funds he has deposited in the company.

Faced with the girls' rhetorical questions, Li Menglong naturally tried his best to evade it. Why was it somehow involved with him?

What everyone is discussing now should not be about using their money to buy a house. Does anyone object to this?

Li Menglong should have asked if anyone agreed, but no one at the scene agreed with him.

Because Li Menglong's proposal is too realistic, even quite possible, and this is why the girls cannot agree. Can they really have the same surname as Li Menglong?

Fortunately, Li Menglong also listened to the advice. Since everyone disagreed, let's continue to think about it. He still didn't believe it. After completing such a difficult task of making money, he still didn't know how to spend money?

As a result, Li Menglong successively put forward some novel or weird suggestions, but overall they were all following the "realistic" route.

"Yeah, we don't want to go and open a restaurant together, so just give up!"

"I know that opening a restaurant can make money, but with that kind of time and experience, wouldn't it be better if we went to a concert? We can make more money!"

"Don't always trick us into investing. Do you want to defraud us?"

The last sentence was the finishing touch. It was the person opposite who said these words, Li Menglong. If someone else came over, they would really be so suspicious.

After all, artists are taken advantage of in the eyes of ordinary people. Their money is destined to be defrauded anyway, so why can't it be them?

Therefore, colleagues, friends and even relatives around me will use various names to attract artists to invest.

The girls themselves have experienced it, and there are not many seniors who have gone bankrupt as a result, so they simply make a clean cut and refuse to invest in business.

However, Li Menglong did not have any intention of defrauding. Whenever he wanted to make quick money, he would just steal it, which is much less labor-intensive than deceiving people.

But now that girls have clearly rejected heavy asset investment, Li Menglong can only move closer to public daily consumption. How much can this cost?

Li Menglong was racking his brains at the moment, always wanting to do something cruel so that these women would know the pain!

Not to mention, a large expense suddenly appeared in Li Menglong's mind, and it was something he knew exactly.

So without explaining it to the girls around him, he immediately took out his phone and started scrolling.

This concentrated action also aroused the curiosity of the girls again. Li Menglong finally didn't want to trick them into buying a house or opening a store?

Although they no longer have any hope for Li Menglong, what if there is something new this time?

Li Menglong did not disappoint their expectations. While searching for information, he revealed a series of group names.

The girls were really confused this time. What did Li Menglong mean by this, to test their familiarity with the circle?

This is a bit too slighting. Don't think that they really have nothing to do every day. They surf the Internet with high intensity every day.

After all, these people are theoretically their competitors. Don't underestimate each other just because they are new or not that popular. What if they suddenly become popular?

Facing these potential opponents, they naturally need to master the opponent's information.

So when faced with the name Li Menglong reported, the girls gave extremely comprehensive explanations.

But these interrupted statements were not what Li Menglong wanted to hear: "Just tell me who is the most popular among these groups!"

The girls already had some ominous premonitions, but their strong curiosity still led them to give the answer.

"Oh, this group seems to be a newcomer launched by your old club. Are you sure they are the most popular?"

Li Menglong's attitude of not believing others after asking them is a bit annoying. Is this questioning their sensitivity to information?

Fortunately, before they could get angry, Li Menglong already exclaimed: "Oh, you really didn't lie to me, this person is so popular!"

Li Menglong's words together make people confused. It's obvious that he doesn't know this group at all. How can he dare to claim that the other party is very popular now?

The girls really couldn't bear it anymore, so they all came closer to see what Li Menglong was looking at.

What they saw was a page that was both unfamiliar and familiar at the same time. It was unfamiliar because they couldn't remember the last time they used this page.

The familiarity is that every time before they hold a concert, they will log in to this page to check the ticket sales. What if no one buys it?

So Li Menglong is now buying tickets for his group’s concert?

"Yes, the price is really scary, especially on the second-hand platform. How many should I buy at once? All the ones in the front row?"

While Li Menglong was talking, he actually started asking for prices on the second-hand platform. This was a good project he had come up with.

The key is that he is relatively familiar with concert ticket prices. After all, he is also someone who has participated in setting ticket prices. He knows that the water here is very deep.

To put it simply, the ones that can be publicly snatched up are usually the ones at the back. The better ones are either sold internally or distributed to various fan groups, and the remaining ones are sold on the second-hand market.

Although this is not all done by the authorities, there is certainly some element of official connivance.

This makes the singers themselves quite helpless. If it were all about fairness, all the money would have been made by scalpers.

The company can only be as fair as possible in this way, but it is still inevitable that some fish will slip through the net.

At this moment, Li Menglong planned to join the battle for second-hand tickets, and he seemed to have no shortage of money from the beginning.

It is said that this enthusiastic appearance did not arouse the other party's vigilance at all, because there were too many fans begging to buy tickets, and the prices were higher than the last.

However, among everyone, Li Menglong was also the one who made the most generous bid. After all, it was not his money!

Seeing that Li Menglong was about to discuss the payment method with the other party, the girls finally reacted.

Then they hurriedly grabbed Li Menglong's cell phone. It wasn't that they regretted it, but they couldn't watch Li Menglong waste money like this!

What kind of status do they have that they have to buy tickets and pay money to go to a junior concert?

Just relying on the four words "Girls' Generation", they can enter any concert casually. Anyway, they have never bought a ticket to go to a concert since their debut.

Not to mention buying tickets at a high price from scalpers. This is a waste of money!

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