Li Menglong could blatantly exploit Xu Xian, and the girls thought they were qualified to do so.

In order to prove their weight in Xu Xian's heart and to allow Li Menglong to figure out his identity, the girls also made the same request.

Just Xu Xian's reaction before and after is worth pondering. When Li Menglong made the request, Xu Xian agreed although he was a little helpless.

But when it was the girls' turn, Xu Xian didn't look too hesitant, not as straightforward as before.

This made the girls feel quite uncomfortable. They originally wanted to make Li Menglong recognize the reality, but in the end, they were the ones who were taught a lesson?

This was too embarrassing. Besides, they couldn't accept it. How could they be reduced to being ranked behind Li Menglong.

This is really unfair. They can cite countless facts as evidence.

Putting aside everything else, how many years have they known Xu Xian? How long have Li Menglong and Xu Xian known each other?

Xu Xian can't forget about the old person after meeting the new person. Besides, they have experienced so many ups and downs together.

It is no exaggeration to say that they help each other far more than their parents support them.

After all, during the years when they were trainees and debuted, they really had to face a lot of hardships, and there was a hurdle almost every few days!

Once you can't get through, you will almost immediately fall behind. This sense of crisis is extremely tiring.

It can be said that without the support of each other, they would never have been able to persist until now!

They were companions who had gone through so many trials and hardships together, but in the end they were no match for Li Menglong, a man who joined later?

They also admitted that Li Menglong did give Xu Xian a lot of help and care. Xu Xian's growth in director alone can be said to be supported by Li Menglong.

But with such little credit, you want to compete with girls for favor? This is too unfair, right?

Anyway, the girls can't accept it. Xu Xian had better make a choice today, whether to choose them or to be with that stinky man Li Menglong!

Speaking of which, the girls are quite confident. After all, even Lee Soon Kyu, the official girlfriend, is firmly on the side of the girls. What does Seohyun have to be embarrassed about?

Facing the threats from this group of women, Xu Xian really couldn't laugh or cry. Did they think too much?

Forcing her to make a choice is really an exaggeration. Are they sure that Lee Soon Kyu has already made a choice?

In Seohyun's opinion, that's not necessarily the case. It can only be said that Lee Soon Kyu relied on his own cleverness to avoid falling into the most difficult choice, that is, the choice between the girls and Lee Meng Yong.

In a similar scenario, Lee Soon Kyu really wouldn't necessarily make any choice.

I guess she will choose to commit suicide, right? No matter how you look at it, it is easier than making a choice.

For Xu Xian, this kind of question is like whether she likes her father or her mother more, which is childish and boring.

If she had to give a choice, her answer would be that she likes everyone, there is no specific distinction.

If there is really a difference in treatment, it is not personal, but purely based on the perspective of specific incidents.

Just like the current scene, the reason why she refused to buy the girls drinks was because she was worried about their weight.

If you exercise all the restraints on food, you can’t always fall short on drinks, right? This looks terrible.

But Li Menglong has no such worries. Drinking one more drink for his weight will not have any impact.

This is the core of the problem, but the girls obviously don't think so. They stubbornly believe that this is because Xu Xian prefers Li Menglong.

"Hey, can you be more precise with your wording? Don't make it so ambiguous, I'll be shy."

Li Menglong also intervened temporarily, causing Xu Xian a headache. Did he think the scene was not chaotic enough?

But this just misunderstood him. Li Menglong didn't want to provoke these women for nothing, but wasn't this just to save Xu Xian.

His strategy is quite effective, that is, setting himself as a target and letting the girls focus their conflicts on him.

Thanks to the hostility of the girls towards him, the effect of this move was almost immediate, and the girls immediately stopped caring about the drinks.

"You still have the nerve to speak? Don't talk nonsense here, our maknae is innocent."

"You're the only one who still wants to have sex with your maknae? You don't even look at yourself in the mirror. Are you worthy?"

"By the way, are you planning to break up with Lee Soon Kyu? You're a heartless man!"

Once the girls get involved, they really dare to say anything. Li Menglong shook his head as he listened.

Li Menglong didn't make any resistance during the whole process. After all, he had achieved his goal.

As for how it will end in the end, I guess the girls will be tired, right?

But Xu Xian obviously didn't intend to wait until that moment, being too passive. She still preferred to control things in her own hands.

So Xu Xian made a new suggestion: "Isn't it just for drinking? Can I drink some juice? Everyone has it. Can you forgive me?"

These words are very level. Even without the conditions given above, the last sentence alone is still enough to make the girls restrain themselves.

Not to mention that the root of the problem has been solved very well by Xu Xian, so it is much fairer now.

Signing to the girls to wait in the car, Xu Xian took Li Menglong there to check out and pack some juice.

But what surprised Xu Xian was that the store didn't sell juice at all. Although the manager said that he could give away some extra regular drinks, this went against Xu Xian's original intention.

"Really? There isn't even a juicer in the store?"

Xu Xian smelled it again with anticipation. Fortunately, the answer this time was yes, the juicer did exist, but how did she want to operate it?

There is no need for the store to worry. Xu Xian is very knowledgeable about juicing, especially the ratio of ingredients!

It doesn't matter that there aren't many fruits in the store, Xu Xian is better at making juice from vegetables.

First use carrots as the base, then add parsley and cucumber to replenish moisture, and finally add some fruits to neutralize the taste. The color looks quite healthy.

"You can make it according to a similar recipe in the future. I believe many customers will like to drink it."

Xu Xian actually tried to pass on this "experience". The attitude of the store owner was still very good, so why did she want to harm him?

If this store really wanted to focus on similar drinks, the business would probably plummet, as the girls can attest.

Even Li Menglong, who has always had a good appetite, shuddered. Can he take back what he said before? In fact, he wasn't very thirsty.

It's just that it's too late to say anything now. Li Menglong can only make some small moves in the packaging.

Average ideas will not work and are not exciting at all. Li Menglong is more willing to compete with these people for luck.

So there are several cups that are almost overflowing at any time, and the luckiest cup only has the bottom left. The contrast should not be too obvious.

Li Menglong originally wanted to rely on his foresight to choose the one with the least amount, but considering the fighting power of those women, he gave up this tempting idea.

Let's go to the car and try our luck together. He still doesn't believe that he will be so unlucky?

After arriving in the car, Li Menglong immediately explained what happened without hiding anything.

Just hearing the ingredients inside made the girls feel a little nauseous, and they couldn't imagine the exact taste in their mouths.

It was definitely too late to shirk, but Li Menglong's so-called gambling on luck really interested them.

You must know that they are relatively confident in their own luck. After all, the probabilities are there, and they cannot lie.

As a result, the atmosphere in the car gradually became tense, and even a simple ranking issue almost caused the girls to fight.

Although from a probability perspective, the person who picks first does not seem to have much advantage, but they prefer to take their fate into their own hands rather than passively wait.

In the end, there was nothing to say. Age was brought out again. Under the joint efforts of Kim Taeyeon and other elder sisters to suppress it, Yoona and the others did not make any splash.

Logically speaking, the oldest Li Menglong should be the first to choose, but he took the initiative to be ranked last.

This is not because of his high moral integrity, but because the girls simply don’t trust him. What if he finds out?

This was a matter of life and death, and there was no room for them to be careless.

Kim Taeyeon, who was the first to appear, had already completed her "inviting gods" ceremony. She prayed to almost all the gods, begging her grandfather and grandma, and then stretched out her white and tender paws tremblingly.

After Kim Taeyeon made her choice, she weighed it slightly. The weight immediately made her a little scared. Wasn't this a trick?

There was no room for regret at all. The other girls didn't dare to blink and were staring at her the whole time.

So when Kim Taeyeon took out the full glass of "juice", the car suddenly turned into a sea of ​​joy.

Kim Taeyeon is worthy of being their captain. She helped them eliminate a wrong option right from the start. This kind of mind is worth learning from.

And then, it’s hard to say whether it was affected by Kim Taeyeon’s remaining aura, Jessica and others overturned one after another, almost draining the full bottle of vegetable juice.

Yoona and the others behind her were already laughing like crazy. They let these women use their age to put pressure on them. Are they getting retribution now?

As for regretting something, Kim Taeyeon and the others would like to think so, but can Yoona and the others agree?

Even if the ones who spoke were some elder sisters, so what?

That's it for other things. As far as this matter is concerned, there was no interference from any off-site factors in the whole process. It was just their bad luck.

If you want to regret this, can you still have fun together in the future?

Considering that they would have to deal with these little girls for a long time in the future, Kim Taeyeon and others could only endure it.

But they looked at Li Menglong with quite unkind eyes. This must be Li Menglong's conspiracy, right?

"Ah, you are the ones who did it. Can you blame me for this?"

Li Menglong immediately raised his hands to show his innocence, but don't smear others for nothing, he also has a temper.

Ignoring their arguments, Yoona and the others rushed forward impatiently and made their choice.

Although some people got a full half cup, but they are afraid of comparison in everything. Looking at the portions of Kim Taeyeon and the others, Yoona and the others were still satisfied.

But Li Menglong took a look and saw that the one with only the bottom of the cup was not selected. So that was the cup that was left?

Sure enough, luck still favors kind people. Li Menglong did not take the initiative to make a choice, but got the best results. Doesn't this explain the problem?

"Then everyone, don't be stunned and get ready to toast!"

Li Menglong took the initiative to pick up the last glass as he spoke, and then immediately raised his head to toast without waiting for the women to react.

This heroic scene stunned the girls. When did Li Menglong lose his sense of taste?

But when they saw that he only swallowed one mouthful and ended it, the girls immediately exploded. How dare Li Menglong say that he didn't cheat?

No matter what they say, Li Menglong will not listen anyway, let alone accept their excessive suggestions.

Anyway, with him, the little interaction was over, and it was time to embark on the journey home.

It is said that Li Menglong, who was driving, had given himself an extra layer of insurance. Unless the girls had lived enough, who would dare to come up and do anything?

As for complaints and insults, Li Menglong didn't respond at all, which made them gradually lose interest.

Kim Taeyeon and others had to turn to more practical operations, such as asking Yoona and others to share some of the burden for them.

But what the heck if it works? If you can't defeat Li Menglong, why are you here to bully them?

Bullying the weak and fearing the strong is not so direct, at least it is behind the back of others.

In short, Kim Taeyeon and others were embarrassed this time. Not only did they not give away the vegetable juice in their hands, they were even looked down upon in various ways.

In fact, they still have a last resort they can use. The responsibility for this all falls on Xu Xian. Why does she have to make something so unpleasant to drink?

But they would never use this trick unless absolutely necessary. It would easily make Xu Xian cry on the spot.

By then it won't be a matter of drinking a few glasses of juice. Even if they kneel down to Xu Xian, they may not be able to get the little girl's forgiveness.

They can still tell which one is more serious between the two, so if there is anything else to say, just drink it in big gulps.

It's just that the idea was good, but their bodies didn't cooperate at all. They choked and retched a lot during the process.

The scene was so miserable, as if someone was executing these women.

Even though the car was full of smell, Li Menglong still didn't dare to open the car window, otherwise what would he do if the traffic police were provoked?

How could Li Menglong explain that he was not abducting women, it was just a subconscious reaction of these people drinking juice.

To be honest, the person who is most embarrassed right now is Xu Xian. On the one hand, she feels sorry for the girls, but on the other hand, she is secretly curious, is it so bad to drink?

She also drank a large glass, and she thought it was okay. Although the sweetness was a bit lacking, didn't they taste the unique sweetness of vegetables?

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