Li Menglong does not intend to apologize. Although he does not care much about such things, he still needs to distinguish between specific situations.

You can't give in to this kind of gratuitous apology, otherwise what if they develop a habit?

As for whether he needs to bear part of the responsibility for the whole thing, Li Menglong himself is opposed to it.

Although Kim Taeyeon and Pani were left in the company, does this have anything to do with him, Li Menglong?

It would have been fine if he went home directly from get off work, but at that time he was barely going to work. Why did he bring them two burdens with him?

I don't have this habit on weekdays. If I had to say it, Xu Xian was the only one qualified to make accusations in this regard.

So Li Menglong owes nothing to these two people. When he is working, can't these two people take care of themselves?

We are all adults. He is just the manager of these women, not their parents. How much care must be taken to be considered satisfactory?

This point also makes sense when it comes to Lee Soon Kyu and Yoona. One of his responsibilities as an agent is to arrange work for them.

Although this time it was indeed a bit rushed, it is not too much. After all, the work of an artist is so uncertain.

When did extra work become grounds for criticism? How about letting other artists comment?

Putting aside the resentment of these women, the only ones left are Jessica and the others, but this has nothing to do with him, Li Menglong.

It was Kim Taeyeon who tormented them. Did Li Menglong say anything during the whole process?

So none of the people at the scene had the right to accuse him. Why should he apologize?

Of course, he didn't want to say these words, because these women would not take the initiative to apologize, but would arouse their desire for confrontation.

He just needs to sort it out in his mind and then express it through actions, such as resolutely not apologizing!

The girls still had some objections to Li Menglong's stubborn attitude.

He didn't even plan to fight with him, but he couldn't even apologize. Was he planning to fight to the end?

If he has always had this attitude, then the girls really need to re-examine their tacit understanding of how they get along with each other. Should they have higher requirements for him in the future?

But that is something that needs to be considered later. At the moment, they really have no good way to deal with Li Menglong.

Once this guy gets tough, what can girls do? Pounce on him and bite him twice?

In the end, Xu Xian came forward again. Instead of helping the girls fight, she diverted the attention of the women with food.

However, based on Xu Xian's understanding of them, it is very likely that they are just giving up, otherwise it will not be beneficial to anyone if they continue to remain in a stalemate here.

It's just that this time the discussion was not as enthusiastic as before. On the premise that Li Menglong didn't want to pay, their fun was reduced by half.

After all, their "professional ethics" are still very high. If they can avoid eating late-night snacks, they should try their best not to eat them.

In situations like today where they "have to eat", they must eat as restrained as possible, otherwise they will be the ones who suffer in the end.

Every bite of food they eat will eventually turn into fat on their bodies as a burden for them, and they need to work twice as hard to get back to the beginning.

Logically speaking, they should abandon this kind of business that seems to be a loss.

But what should I say? When the food is chewed in the mouth, it is so happy that they really can’t quit it!

Besides, they worked so hard to make money, but in the end they couldn't even satisfy their most basic desires. Why are they still making money so stupidly? Should I keep it and burn it for myself to spend in the ground after death?

So no matter what the considerations are, you still have to eat late-night snacks, but you can't eat too indulgently.

This is often the happiest moment for Li Menglong, because there will be a lot of food left for him, and the price is quite high.

Although the girls wouldn't say they were distressed, at least today, they didn't want him to get such a big advantage.

So the girls hesitated again and again, and finally gave an almost unanimous answer: "Maknae, where did you order your lunch? I didn't eat enough. Let's try it again."

These words came from Kim Taeyeon's mouth. As the captain of the girls, she can indeed play the final word in many cases.

Of course, this does not rely on arbitrary actions, but on the conclusion and conclusion made after fully considering everyone's demands.

Just like at this moment, everyone clearly wants to take revenge on Li Menglong, which even overwhelms their enjoyment of the food.

What else is there to say? As the captain, Kim Taeyeon naturally has to fulfill everyone's wishes.

So after she said something like hurting the enemy by one thousand and hurting yourself by eight hundred, instead of objecting, everyone looked at Li Menglong in unison.

They were really looking forward to seeing Li Menglong's reaction. It would be better if it was painful. It would be even more perfect if they could shed tears of regret.

It's just that their expectations are destined to be disappointed. Is Li Menglong such a fragile person?

Since these women no longer intend to become human beings, why should Li Menglong be so polite: "Okay, if you are determined, you can continue until the end of the filming of the movie. As a director, I will be very happy!"

Not only did Li Menglong not object, but he also raised Shi Chang to a rather terrifying figure.

Thinking of having to "eat grass" to survive in the next dozens of days or even months, they really started to feel nauseated subconsciously.

Because Li Menglong had never experienced it personally, he relied on his own ruthlessness to say such seemingly decisive words.

But the girls have experienced it personally, and it is precisely because of this that they know how terrible it feels.

This is already a scene they only dream about in nightmares, so I won’t bother Li Menglong to take them through it again.

But the fear in their hearts was one thing, and they couldn't show it at the moment.

Regardless of how it will develop in the future, the first thing to do is to prop up the current momentum: "No problem, I hope you can hold on, don't faint after trying it for a few days!"

Seeing that the two sides were about to fall into a phase of taking turns to say harsh words, Xu Xian was really a little scared.

Although she has always advocated eating these healthy foods, she is definitely not so perverted that she wants to eat them every day. Occasionally she still needs some "junk" food as a spice.

After eating like this, Xu Xian didn't think she could survive it. Where did they get the confidence?

In order to prevent the topic from continuing, Xu Xian could only give his own answer: "Sorry, the store must have closed, so I'd better change the food."

Xu Xian's words have given everyone a step forward. This is not because their "combat ability" is not good, but because they are not given this opportunity.

So everyone "reluctantly" changed the target. Is steak a good choice?

The girls really study food, especially in terms of calories, and have reached the level of masters.

It stands to reason that there is a lot of food to eat at this time of night, but any food that contains staple food or carbohydrates is immediately excluded by them.

Because for the same amount of calories, the taste of carbohydrates is not as good as that of protein. Why eat rice when you can eat meat?

When it comes to the choice of meat, there are many choices to make. For example, eating grilled pork belly is an extremely dangerous option.

So all in all, the lean steak is really a good choice.

And the most important thing is that when everyone orders one portion of steak, Li Menglong can hardly get any leftovers.

Unless the girls ordered twenty portions in one go, but why would they do that?

If they can let Li Menglong have a portion for free, they have fulfilled their obligation. If he is not full, he can pay for the order himself!

They were looking forward to Li Menglong's reaction at that time. They should be quite confused, right?

Facts have proved that the girls are still naive. Li Menglong is really not willing to spend money to order steak. After all, the steak they want is so expensive.

But he doesn't have the perverted pursuit of weight that girls have. No one will care if he is fatter or thinner.

So Li Menglong directly asked the store to give up a super large portion of pasta, and it didn't cost any money.

According to Li Menglong, they ordered so many portions of the most expensive steak. The store didn't say there was a discount, but didn't they give something away?

This statement is indeed a bit of a rogue statement, but the store owner probably accepted it for the sake of the girls.

So while the girls were chewing the steak, they looked at Li Menglong who was eating noodles.

It was indeed the restaurant they found. Not only was the steak delicious, but the pasta in front of them was also delicious and delicious.

"What does this taste like? It doesn't look very tasty. Let me try it!"

After all, someone couldn't sit still. Yoona took advantage of her thick skin and picked up a fork and stabbed him.

But how could Li Menglong give her this opportunity? This was all due to his ability. What qualifications did they have to share it?

"Yeah, we didn't order so many steaks, would the store give you pasta?"

"Why do we need your permission when we eat a little of our own food?"

"Why don't you eat meat? We are willing!"

The girls took action one after another. Li Menglong only had one pair of hands, could he still block so many people at the same time?

As for why I insist on eating this pasta, first of all I don’t want to see the villain Li Menglong succeed, and secondly, I really need to replenish carbohydrates. It’s not enough without this thing.

Li Menglong did not resist the attacks of the girls. To be precise, he had another idea.

When the girls took a big bite of pasta and planned to attack the steak on the plate, they unexpectedly found that their steak had disappeared.

This is too amazing, isn’t there a thief who steals other people’s leftover steaks? Still without their people leaving.

The girls locked onto the suspect almost immediately, and Li Menglong had no awareness of being a thief. He filled his mouth almost as soon as the girls looked over.

Even though the girls had already eaten a lot, the leftovers from them together were still not something Li Menglong could swallow in one gulp.

Seeing him struggling to swallow, the girls were really afraid that he would choke to death. In this case, would they need to bear joint liability?

Fortunately, Li Menglong still had some skills and managed to swallow the steak in his mouth, but was he sure he tasted anything?

The situation now was a little embarrassing. There were only two bites of pasta left, and the girls' steaks were almost gone.

If I have to say, only half of it is left on Xu Xian's side. It can be regarded as Li Menglong's special treatment for the little girl.

By the way, Xu Xian still feels very miraculous. How on earth did Li Menglong manage to steal the steak under the eyes of the girls?

It wasn't until she saw Li Menglong's dirty hands that she finally had a picture. It turned out that Li Menglong had taken action directly.

This can explain it. After all, if you grab it directly with your hands, it does have to be too fast.

But why are these people staring at me? Is there any sauce on the corner of her mouth?

The girls proved with their actions that they are not star-struck. They were staring at the steak on Xu Xian's plate.

The next scene was a bit "touching". These big stars gathered around half a steak and kept cutting it, trying to give everyone the same size.

As for Li Menglong's pasta, they had already divided it up by head.

Speaking of which, it is really rare among top artists to look so poor.

They could have ordered a few more portions, but they didn't!

They didn't want to put any more burden on their bodies, nor did they want to take advantage of Li Menglong. If they ordered a few more portions, he would probably be the happiest person.

The girls would rather share the leftovers here than take advantage of Li Menglong, they are so stubborn.

Fortunately, half a steak and a few mouthfuls of pasta could barely satisfy a few people. The only one who must be said to be hungry was Xu Xian.

But the little girl is very sensible. She just goes hungry. This is almost the daily life of an artist.

Although he still hasn't evolved antibodies to resist hunger, Xu Xian can still ignore this feeling: "Then are you ready to go home? Who will pay for this meal?"

Xu Xian took the initiative to ask. Generally speaking, in similar scenes, someone would take the initiative to stand up, but today it was surprisingly quiet.

Although Xu Xian was surprised by this, she didn't feel embarrassed. She usually didn't have the chance to treat guests, so today was just the time for her to express her gratitude.

Seeing that Xu Xian was about to take out his wallet, the girls all looked at Li Menglong with contempt. How could he sit so calmly?

The one who is paying now is Xu Xian, the sister he loves the most. Can he calmly let Xu Xian pay?

"Why not? You can all watch it. I am a person who earns a dead salary. Why can't I sit still?"

Li Menglong curled his lips and replied, and even asked Xu Xian to order him another drink, making the women opposite him jealous!

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