The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3008 Pretending to be too much

Xu Xian sighed silently, really not knowing what to do with the youngest sister.

It was clear that what he said was true, but Yoona just didn't believe it.

You have to impose your own understanding and choose the option that is obviously more disadvantageous.

Seohyun definitely has no intention of cheating YoonA this time, her intentions can be learned from the world!

If you encourage Yoona like this on weekdays, you might also expect Yoona to be taught a lesson later.

But today, Lee Mong-ryong is "beautiful in front of me", and Kim Taeyeon didn't bother him, so what's wrong with Yoona's expensive food?

In total, Lee Mong-ryong is more favored than Yoona in the team? This is no joke.

So as long as Yoona eats honestly and doesn't waste money, no matter how expensive the food is, the girls will never complain.

In the end, it was such a good opportunity, but Yoona gave it up on her own initiative.

What can Xu Xian say? It can only be said that some people are destined to be unable to be helped up, so it is better to just let them rot in the mud.

Xu Xian's angry look was clearly seen by Yoona, and she was also muttering in her heart, could it be that she was really wrong?

Naturally, she wanted to give the girls a hard blow, and even if it didn't work out, she would be able to earn some good food.

But she was really afraid of trouble. She was already very tired and didn't want to quarrel with those women over a meal.

Seohyun has nothing to do about Yoona's worry about gains and losses. This can be called a terminal illness, so he should just eat whatever he wants and live a comfortable life.

But as soon as she turned around, her hand was firmly held. What did this woman want to do?

"Don't leave in a hurry. What's the point of working? Am I not as interesting as working?"

Yoona joked quite confidently, but Xu Xian didn't even dare to turn her head because her expression was very disgusting.

To a certain extent, Yoona's words are true. At least at this moment, Xu Xian would rather go to work than stay here and waste time.

Because she has already said everything she can say, and Yoona herself doesn’t have the courage, so what else can Seohyun do?

Is it possible that she wants to lend her courage to Yoona?

"Okay, how about the two of us go together? I'll treat you, Ernie!"

That's what Yoona really thinks. If she can have Xu Xian by her side, she doesn't have to worry about traps, and she can eat with confidence.

But has she considered Xu Xian’s opinion? Not everyone likes to take advantage like Li Menglong.

Isn't it just a meal? Xu Xian really didn't take it seriously, even if it was accompanied by Yoona.

After all, she wants money, people, and the company of girls who are quite enviable in the eyes of outsiders. That's just Xu Xian's daily life.

There is no need to talk about her. If he had not taken the initiative to treat guests, Li Menglong would not have been fooled simply by using the escort of girls as bait.

The charm of girls is so worthless in front of their own family members. Yoona must also know this, right?

Facts have proved that Seohyun really has a high regard for Yoona, or is this woman pretending to be confused?

Faced with Xu Xian's various rejections, Yoona simply didn't know how to write the word "give up".

She only knows that hard work may not necessarily lead to success, but if you don’t work hard, there is no possibility of success!

This is all the wisdom she has accumulated from so many years of work, and it is just right at this moment.

Faced with Xu Xian's rejection, she, Lin Yoona, fought for a chance for herself.

It’s not that Seohyun wants to agree, it’s just that Yoona is too annoying.

He even directly threatened that even if Xu Xian didn't accompany her to dinner, the time would not be returned to Xu Xian.

She, Lin Yoona, is going to take up an hour of Xu Xian's time. Does the little girl have any objections? Or is she, Lin Yoona, not her sister?

Xu Xian pressed her temples speechlessly. She really had a headache.

The biggest mistake in her life was not being born earlier!

I don’t expect to be born a year earlier and be older than Kim Taeyeon, but even if it’s only a few months, it’s good to be able to hold Yoona down.

In this team, the two sisters at the head and tail put too much pressure on her, and the rest of them together could not compare to the two of them.

Kim Taeyeon still has some reasons. She is the captain and is responsible for making trouble.

But Yoona is just looking for a sense of presence here. Who makes her always bullied by those women, and who makes her only have a younger sister, Xu Xian.

"It's only one hour. Starting from now on, I won't be with you for another minute."

"Don't worry, I, Lin Yun'er, am known for being reliable with my words. If there's anything you want to eat, it's up to you!"

Yoona wore a flattering smile and talked softly while hugging Xu Xian, in order to ease the resentment in Xu Xian's heart.

Yoona is not too familiar with the little girl's attitude. She has countless ways to make the little girl happy again. This is all based on experience!

But these experiences are all based on Xu Xian's pain, and these experiences are stained with blood!

But Yoona doesn’t think so. She thinks these are the love that a sister has for her sister!

Just like going to dinner now, can that be regarded as Yoona's bullying of Seohyun?

It is clear that she, Lin Yoona, loves Xu Xian to the extreme. She wants to share any good things with Xu Xian as soon as possible. Isn't this a reflection of friendship?

"Then thank you. Your love is too deep. If it could be reduced a little, I think it would be easier to accept it."

"Don't say this, hurry up and find a restaurant. Time is precious and cannot be wasted."

The two of them came out, noisy and noisy, looking like children.

In the end, the two of them didn't go too far. Firstly, Xu Xian was really anxious to get back to work, and secondly, the two of them were afraid of trouble without anyone else to accompany them.

So it’s better to be nearby. The boss here has connections with the company, so it’s obviously more reassuring to have someone taking care of you.

But Yoona obviously misjudged the direction of the problem. Does she need to worry about being disturbed? She should obviously be worried about ordering too much and not being able to finish it!

Seohyun had already foreseen Yoona's confusion from the moment she entered the restaurant.

Although it was because she knew the owner of the restaurant, and even though there were not many people in the restaurant at noon, was this the reason why Yoona asked for the largest private room?

There were only two of them. The length of the table alone in this private room was nearly four meters. The two of them sat at both ends and had to shout to talk.

This is clearly a room for people to have dinner together, or for company dinners, otherwise the space will not be filled for private dinners.

For such a large private room, wouldn’t it be very shameful if I didn’t order a whole table full of dishes?

It's okay for Yoona to be embarrassed occasionally in front of girls, but outside, she pays great attention to her image.

Besides, she originally wanted to kill the girls severely, but now she got what she wanted.

Xu Xian was too lazy to speak again, otherwise Lin Yoona would think that she was not giving face.

Anyway, as long as Yoona knows what she is doing, don’t regret it later, let alone come over crying and hug her thighs to ask for help!

Xu Xian was prepared to be hard-hearted anyway. Whenever she gave an idea, she would have the same last name as Yoona.

Yoona still doesn't realize the seriousness of the matter until now. Maybe she got carried away?

In fact, Yoona is not that stupid, this is completely a misunderstanding.

Yoona's original words were to make her boss look up to her. Isn't this arrogant enough? It also fits her position as a big star, Lin Yoona.

According to her original estimate, there were only two of them. Even if the boss wanted to make money, four dishes would be enough.

After all, there will be cooperation with the company in the future. Do you really want to treat this as a one-time deal?

Yoona soon discovered that this was really possible. Did the boss not want to be around here anymore?

It's true that if you don't kill a celebrity when you meet him, you'd be a bit ashamed of your duty as a businessman, but he's not that kind of mobile vendor.

Not to mention Yoona and Seohyun's reaction afterwards, once this kind of behavior is known to the landlady, the store can be closed down directly. This is the status of the landlady.

Yoona didn't believe that the other party didn't know this, so what on earth was he doing?

Since it was difficult to ask directly, Yoona could only take a roundabout route: "Are the dishes all served? Is there a main course missing?"

"Don't worry, I can make you lose face. I will directly ask the clerk to go to the seafood market to buy the freshest ones, and I will make you another stewed seafood later!"

Faced with the boss's rhetoric, which was like asking for credit, Yoona was completely clueless. How should she answer?

Logically speaking, it would be better to talk now, but Yoona is too proud: "Haha, you must choose the freshest one, someone is treating you today!"

Seeing the nonsensical conversation between the two, a sneer appeared on Xu Xian's lips. She wanted to see how Yoona would end it.

As for the misunderstanding itself, it was soon revealed. The boss came over and asked when the next people would come, so that he could keep an eye on the time and serve the dishes one after another.

Yoona opened her mouth and wanted to say that it was just the two of them. How many people did the boss think were coming?

The boss also had his own explanation. Why would we book such a large private room for only two people? It's obviously the rhythm of company department dinner gatherings.

I can't bear to let my boss continue to struggle. The biggest problem is Yoona. She has to bear the corresponding responsibility.

So Xu Xian came to the rescue of the boss and motioned for the two of them to eat first. As for the next dishes, there was no need to prepare them. It was not yet known how many people were coming.

Although the boss is very kind, the dishes that are served now are enough for the two of them to die here, not to mention that there is also seafood stewing.

Yoona's face was completely wrinkled. She was worried, how could she eat so many dishes?

"You're welcome, Xiaoxian, Ernie ordered this for you, be sure to eat more!"

Yoona's enthusiasm came so suddenly, but Xu Xian was really helpless. She was already eating as much as she could, but how many bites could she take?

After all, she had come here to eat before, so the main person eating was destined to be Yoona herself.

After hesitating for a while, Yoona simply gave up. Anyway, she had to eat before talking. She was really hungry.

But even if Yoona finally ate until she had to untie her belt, the food on the table was still not much less. Anyway, neither of them even emptied a single plate.

At this moment, Xu Xian was like a maid in an ancient palace, holding a small plate with food, and then respectfully brought it to Yuner: "Your Highness, please have a meal!"

"No, I'll give it to you. Your Highness is full."

Yoona slumped against the wall and responded without any image, but Xu Xian was reluctant to feed the food into Yoona's mouth.

This kind of spoon-feeding method made Yoona eat two more plates.

She now feels that food has accumulated in her throat. She really can't eat a grain of rice. Xu Xian should let her go.

The other party didn't want to go to the police station tomorrow to explain how she accidentally killed Ernie.

Xu Xian glared at Yoona fiercely, then sat down silently, pointed at the dishes on the table and asked: "What to do with the rest? Do you want to keep it for dinner at night?"

It's still evening, Yoona doesn't plan to eat today, and probably won't need it tomorrow morning.

But the problem still needs to be solved. Under the influence of Li Menglong, they are very disgusted with wasting food.

Besides, this waste is too much. Unless Yoona really feels that she is an emperor, she should honestly think of a solution.

But Yoona, who had eaten and drank enough, just wanted to sleep. She was really tired today and yawned one after another.

Even if Xu Xian slapped her hard, Yoona would just turn over lazily, allowing Xu Xian to have a better angle to exert force.

Anyway, Yoona had already thought about it. As long as Xu Xian couldn't beat her to death, she would let the little girl do it.

As for the food on the side, she did make a mistake, but wasn't she beaten and punished, so this trouble became Xu Xian's trouble!

Xu Xian was really convinced. She shouldn't have followed him from the beginning. Why was she so soft-hearted?

Knowing that she would encounter problems, she wanted to teach Yoona a lesson, but didn't she think that Yoona was the kind of person who would correct her mistakes immediately?

It was useless to say anything now. Yoona started to snore slightly, which made Xu Xian really laugh. She laughed at herself for being too young.

He kicked her hard and made her fall asleep against the wall. Xu Xian looked at the dishes on the table and began to think.

It's unrealistic to pack them all up. How do you explain it to the other girls? Let them eat the leftovers that he and Yoona had eaten?

Although Xu Xian had foreseen this scene and used serving chopsticks to eat from small plates throughout the whole process, the women probably wouldn't believe it.

As for not hating it, Li Menglong will definitely not dislike it, but does he have such a big appetite?

There is already one person here that is almost exhausted, and Xu Xian doesn’t want another one.

Fortunately, the boss appeared in time and came up with a new plan to make everything into a lunch box.

In this way, it will be much easier to deal with no matter who you give it to. As for the leftovers, Xu Xian has a clear conscience anyway, and these dishes are very clean.

But this means we have to purchase extra rice, lunch boxes and even side dishes, which is another expense. Can Yoona handle it?

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