Yoona is also trying her best. In order to keep the piece of gold in her hand, she gets into trouble with these women.

A group of people were tearing apart on the ground, and those who didn't know it thought they were practicing fighting.

However, Yoona was still unable to defeat four hands with two fists. There were too many girls.

After controlling Yoona's hands one after another, Lee Soon Kyu almost opened Yoona's fingers one by one, and finally succeeded in grabbing the gold.

This can be regarded as a reminder to Xu Xian how dangerous it was when she was wandering the streets with gold.

Even people with the income level of girls cannot resist the temptation. Do passers-by earn more than girls?

Fortunately, the trouble now is not hers. She controlled her greedy desire and left the trouble to Li Menglong long ago.

At this moment, Li Menglong woke up in time and was trying his best to save him: "Don't be angry, I can make it up...explain it!"

Li Menglong kept using words to soothe Kim Taeyeon's emotions, but it seemed that all that worked was the piece of gold.

As long as Li Menglong bought the money for something else today, he would not be able to survive this situation safely.

But gold is really too special, and Li Menglong has enough reasons to prove it for himself.

"I just want to remind you that there are other ways to manage money. If you are not satisfied, you can sell it and you can get money immediately!"

This is definitely not a lie. Xu Xian can prove it for Li Menglong. In fact, the jewelry store specially reminded them that they are also responsible for recycling.

However, he also concealed some facts. If he really chooses to sell, there will still be some money in handling fees.

But compared to the recycling prices of other jewelry, this is undoubtedly a value preservation.

Besides, the price of gold is still rising. If you can hold it for a while, you will really make some money.

But Xu Xian is not very optimistic about this kind of investment method. They are not like other artists. They can only buy a house after making money.

Since Li Menglong's arrival, their investment methods have been greatly expanded.

Company projects, bank financing, personal entrepreneurship, etc., their current capital allocation is extremely healthy.

According to the gossip from Jessica, it seems that someone has secretly contacted her and wants to invest in the brand of their operation.

Although they have no intention of accepting it, this proves that their current path is correct.

Besides, this does not take into account each of their jobs and side jobs. What is most enviable about them is their ability to steadily attract money every year.

So just look at where to buy gold or something. If you really convert all your money into gold, it would be a bit outweighed by the gain.

These words can be explained slowly to the girls later, after all, they are all dazzled by gold now.

"So I still want to thank you? Since it's so easy to sell, why don't you buy it with your own money?"

Kim Taeyeon is still more discerning, but Li Mongryong is more bachelor and insists that she doesn't have any money, so she can doubt it no matter how much she wants.

As a result, the dialogue between the two parties reached a deadlock, and Kim Taeyeon could not prove Lee Mongryong's malicious intentions.

She had to say that he wasted money, but the gold in front of her couldn't be faked. What should she do with this man?

At this time, it was Xu Xian's turn to come forward. She could always find similar opportunities to appear and get gratitude from both parties.

"Either these two pieces of gold can be considered a gift from Mr. Ernie to us, and we can make some bracelets later, and let Oppa pay for the processing fees!"

Xu Xian gave a fairly reliable idea.

Even though Kim Taeyeon seems to have suffered a huge loss, when have girls ever gotten anything for nothing?

Basically, after giving this gift, Kim Taeyeon no longer has to worry about similar things for a whole year. It seems that she can give it a try?

Besides, Kim Taeyeon is not stupid. Although she doesn't have much research on gold, she also knows that compared with gold itself, the cost of processing is not low.

Especially depending on the difficulty of the style, the cost can increase almost without limit.

Li Menglong obviously doesn't have this concept yet, or he simply thinks that turning gold into gold wire is enough. How much money can this cost?

"Then it's settled. This is the testimony of the friendship between the nine of us. We..."

"Why are there only nine people? Aren't you going to give it to Yoona? I don't agree!"

Kim Taeyeon originally wanted to take this opportunity to talk loudly. As the leader, she would not miss every opportunity to unite the members.

But he was interrupted by Li Menglong, and the key was such a bad reason.

What do you mean not giving it to Yoona? Doesn't he have any idea in his mind? Isn't he himself the one who was not included?

Besides, there are obviously nine people in their group. Why is Li Menglong getting involved in this little gift between sisters?

Besides, with the thickness of his wrist, one person can take up the material of three people. What a waste!

But Li Menglong obviously didn't think so. No matter how much he was ridiculed by the girls, he had to make a bloody alliance with them today!

"We are all good sisters, don't be so outspoken!"

Li Menglong habitually wanted to pat Kim Taeyeon's shoulder as he spoke, but the girls seemed to prefer holding each other's arms. He wanted to give it a try too?

So soon everyone saw an eye-catching scene. Li Menglong half-crouched next to Kim Taeyeon, pretending to be a little bird clinging to her.

Just for a gold bracelet, does he have to go to this extent?

Kim Taeyeon is also disgusted. You can't be too shameless. Proper consideration is still necessary, even among family members.

"Okay, I'll give it to you. Can you let me go?"

Kim Taeyeon had already started kicking people, just to distance herself from Li Menglong.

Fortunately, Li Menglong was not here to take advantage. After receiving the guarantee, he ran away immediately: "Leave that gold to me for safekeeping."

It seemed like a normal request, but after all, Li Menglong needed to spend money to process it, but the girls didn't trust him at all.

If he was really allowed to do it, the result might make them dumbfounded.

People like Li Menglong can do anything. For example, he made a big gold chain for himself, and then used scraps to make tiny rings for them.

In order to avoid this scene from happening, they decided that Li Menglong would just pay and they would be responsible for making the bracelet.

This move really caught Li Menglong off guard. They wouldn't offer a sky-high processing fee, right?

As expected, this group of people had no trust in each other, and in the end it was Xu Xian who stepped in to end the quarrel.

She used her character as a guarantee to take over this job. The only person both parties could trust was her.

Xu Xian doesn't think her character is particularly noble. She can be jealous and greedy. Don't these women know that?

She felt that she had fallen into the lies spun by this group of people. They always set up these concepts for her just to push everything onto her.

If you think about it this way, she has been working hard for these women for so many years!

But after all, it was all out of her personal wishes. Who made these people her sisters? She could only sigh heavily.

In the end, the gold was not recovered, so the girls had to play for a while.

Li Menglong and Xu Xian were ready to start work again: "Sure enough, I can work with peace of mind only if you are sitting across from me."

"Oh, I take it as your compliment."

Xu Xianpi replied with a smile, saying this too late, it was difficult for her to be moved.

But Li Menglong continued to share his joy. To a certain extent, he was an easily satisfied person.

As long as he can get a little advantage in money, he will be very satisfied.

This idea is so simple that it's a bit cute. Xu Xian is very envious of it anyway.

If she had the same low requirements, she would be so happy every day.

So this is also the reason why she always indulges Li Menglong. Since she can't be too happy, why not help Li Menglong within her ability?

A good mood is also contagious, maybe Li Menglong can give some back to her.

Although there were not many successes, once in a while, it was enough to make her happy for a while.

For example, at this moment, Li Menglong successfully aroused Xu Xian's secret joy. The two of them really escaped.

Kim Taeyeon paid attention to Jin Jin's affairs the whole time and turned a blind eye to the expensive lunch the two of them had.

Originally, this meal was not so easy to pass, and Xu Xian was worried about it for a long time.

In the end, Li Menglong was still smart, and he successfully covered up the two people's mistakes with even greater troubles. Is this the dark wisdom that belongs to Li Menglong?

Xu Xian felt that she needed to refer to it. Although she also had her own skills, she had so many skills that she might be able to save her life at some point.

Xu Xian is willing to learn, and Li Menglong will naturally not be stingy about sharing. It is all about communication anyway.

The two of them still have to rely on each other in the team, and having more private cliques will be very beneficial to their growth!

As for the group of women they were going to fight against, they were not completely immersed in the temptation of gold at the moment.

This thing is certainly good-looking, but after looking at it for a long time, it will become just that.

Mainly considering the price of gold, these two pieces are not enough to make their hearts beat for a long time.

If Li Menglong could get one weighing several dozen kilograms now, the girls would probably look at him differently.

"Okay, everyone seems to have never seen money. We are a girl's generation. Even if there are no outsiders, we can't lower our requirements for ourselves."

If these words came from Kim Taeyeon's mouth, it would not seem so abrupt.

But why did Yoona take the initiative to say this? Are you sure it's not because she can't steal these women?

However, after Yoona's righteous speech, the girls did become quite normal. They all yawned and wanted to take a nap.

This made Yoona immediately start jumping around again. How could they still sleep?

Everyone has worked out in the same morning. Yoona has been working until now, and they rest and eat. Are they that tired? Or are you tired?

Yoona doesn't plan to let them rest. They all have to get up and work for her, otherwise she will feel unbalanced!

Although you can usually use your identity as the eldest sister to force Yoona, but what the little girl said makes sense, so it's not good to be too strong.

Appropriate push and pull is conducive to the progress of their relationship, and now it is completely possible to give Yoona some face.

"Well, what Yoona said makes sense, you should really start working."

"Yooner has really worked hard. You are our role model. We all need to learn from you!"

"You haven't had lunch yet? How pitiful. Ernie has a card. You can go out and eat something good yourself. Don't save money for me!"

Listening to these gentle words in her ears, Yoona was still a little moved. Did they collectively take the wrong medicine? Otherwise, why are you so kind to yourself?

Since they gave the card, it's free if you don't take it. Besides, Yoona is really hungry.

Because a series of things were rushed together before, there was no extra thought at all.

When everything was over, she finally felt hungry.

The girls sent Yoona all the way out of the room, not forgetting various instructions during the process, indicating that Yoona must eat well and be happy.

If there isn’t anything delicious nearby, then go find a big restaurant and be sure to be satisfied!

Yoona was really about to cry. She thought it would be boring to eat alone, so she wanted to turn around and invite someone else to join her.

What I saw was a locked door. What does this mean? Are they schizophrenic?

It's hard for people to understand that one moment he was so kind to himself, and the next moment he wished he could disappear immediately.

In fact, she was too focused. If she calmed down a little, she could see what the girls meant, which was nothing more than breaking up money and eliminating disaster.

Yoona can use their cards to spend as much as she wants, of course only on meals.

And they can take advantage of this time to take a nap, which is a kind of consumption in disguise.

There was a touch of warmth in this coldness, which made Yoona not know what to do. How about asking someone?

Li Menglong seems to have experienced the same choice. As a senior, he should be able to give some valuable experience, right?

However, Li Menglong was afraid that Yoona would come back to "work" again, so he just waved his hand and sent Seohyun to come forward to solve the problem. Seriously, this is also part of Seohyun's job.

Helplessly following Yoona out, Xu Xian didn't dare to complain. She could only passively wait for Yoona's inquiry.

Fortunately, the problem was not that difficult. After hearing Yoona's complaint, she immediately told Yoona the address of the restaurant where the two had dinner.

Although the prices there are not cheap, the quality is still good. Yoona can definitely go there and give it a try.

But Yoona has also been deceived for a long time. Even when facing Seohyun, she was prepared to ask the price in advance.

Sure enough, there are all traps here. Has Xu Xian, a boy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, begun to dig holes for others?

"This is what we had for lunch, why did I lie to you?"

"You eat so expensively, why would Kim Taeyeon not react at all? You just want to see me being made difficult by them!"

"Then what do you think? Eat whatever you want on the first floor to save money for them?"

"Finally tell the truth. Let's not hurt each other. This idea sounds more reliable..."

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