The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2993 The person who wakes up

You must drink coffee. It is not easy to get some free things from Li Menglong.

Besides, this coffee looks quite expensive, why not drink it?

"Leave me another drink. I haven't stayed up late for a long time and I can't hold it any longer."

The landlady complained in a low voice while showing off her glorious resume to Li Menglong.

It's just words like this to deceive outsiders. He and the boss's wife have suffered together. When did she fight for three days and three nights in a row?

Putting aside whether the body can bear it, the fried chicken in the store may not be enough to sell, and there are so many customers, especially in the middle of the night.

Looking at the current environment in the store, you can see that there are not many people in total, and several of them seem to be just here to rest.

Judging from the empty tables in front of those people, the proprietress was still kind. How could she let them spend the night here without ordering a fried chicken set meal?

"It's not easy for anyone to come here to spend the night. Just help me if you can. Have you eaten? Or maybe I can give you some fried chicken?"

"So good? Is it free?"

"Of course that's impossible, but I can give you a 50% discount, which is already the cost price."

Faced with the kindness of the landlady, Li Menglong finally took out a crumpled banknote from his pocket: "Look..."

Before Li Menglong could say anything, she snatched it away and then started placing the order without any intention of giving change.

Li Menglong could only admit that he was unlucky. This was not a discount, but clearly a robbery.

But he was more curious about why this woman was staying here. Don't say she was worried.

"The people on the night shift have asked for leave, and I'm here to take care of them for a day."

After hearing this explanation, Li Menglong understood that this was definitely not out of good intentions or care, but simply to save money.

After all, the wages of night shift employees are already higher, and those who work temporary shifts need to be paid even more.

Why don't you make this kind of money yourself? This is probably what the landlady thinks, and it coincides with Li Menglong's.

If there is such a good thing, Li Menglong will probably do the same. It's just a matter of making money.

The two idle and sleepy people just happened to get together, drinking the coffee brought by Li Menglong and eating the fried chicken he paid for. Anyway, the landlady was quite happy.

"It's just coffee. Shouldn't you order one of the fried chicken?"

"Can you eat all this? I'm afraid you'll waste it."

The conversation between the two was so boring, and it would take a long time before they would say anything like this.

In the eyes of outsiders, the interaction between the two would probably be considered quite awkward, but who knows that they are both very comfortable.

Besides, we see each other almost every day. There is so much to talk about. Is it possible to talk about the boss’s wife’s boyfriend?

But the boyfriend can't talk, but the girlfriend can still talk: "What happened to you? Were you kicked out by Lee Soon Kyu?"

"Can you hope for me? After all, I am an upright man. Will I accept such an unwarranted insult?"

The landlady didn't believe Li Menglong's sophistry at all, or she never thought about it from the beginning.

It's not that Lee Mong-ryong and Lee Mong-ryong can't quarrel, but Lee Soon-kyu's way of handling problems cannot be so arbitrary. That's not her style.

So the landlady now just wants to know why he showed up at this time, which is really curious.

After Li Menglong hesitated for a while, it seemed that he could no longer hide it, so he could only tell the reasons he had prepared in advance.

He had been driving alone for so long before, and he was not complaining in his mind. He had already anticipated the possible situations he would encounter in advance.

"What else could it be because of insomnia?"

Li Menglong gave a plausible reason. In fact, he could continue to ask for this reason, but he was not prepared to answer.

If he can answer once, it means he gives face to the other party.

And once the opponent is asked twice in a row, it means that he is not giving Li Menglong face. Is there any need to be polite to such a person?

The landlady could make him make an exception because of her status, but for the sake of the food in front of her, if she bypassed him once, she would still be considered a guest who had spent money, and he still had to have basic treatment.

Originally, Li Menglong planned to watch the sunrise with the proprietress here. Although it was not romantic, it was still full of warmth.

But this doesn't look like a good idea. God knows how this person will make the connection and how many people he will tell it to.

In order to prevent this person from getting more "inspiration", Li Menglong decided to find a place to hide for a while.

At this moment, he has many choices. After all, the company has so many rooms.

In the end, he chose the girls' practice room, mainly because he knew there were blankets there that the girls used when they occasionally rested.

He quickly found the location, but he had to face the same dilemma again. There was still a door in front of him that couldn't be opened.

There is a lock on it, and it is a rather childish combination lock. It seems that many children like to use this to lock their diaries?

It stands to reason that this kind of lock that can be pulled open with any force should have expired long ago, but it happens to perform its duties well.

The girls are playing with everyone's psychology to death. This is to guard against gentlemen and not against villains. And what is Li Menglong's specific identity?

He could barely keep a foot on both sides, so he chose to rely on his wisdom to solve the problem, so that he wouldn't be such a villain.

The four-digit password was set by the girls. Li Menglong thought he had many ideas and clues.

But many sets of numbers, including their birthdays, mobile phone passwords, and bank card passwords, have no effect.

Li Menglong was once so depressed that he wanted to violently dismantle it, but the cost of silence in the early stage was too high. Even if it was to compete with himself, he would not give in easily.

In the end, he found the password, but it was more like being fooled. Anyway, he couldn't see the meaning of the number.

Even after lying down, Li Menglong was still thinking about this number. He must ask them clearly later.

Otherwise, once the girls change their bank card passwords, how can he guess them? I can't even understand their train of thought.

With deep doubts, Li Menglong was finally able to get some sleep. This place was much more comfortable than the dormitory. At least he didn't have to worry about someone breaking in.

However, he and the girls seemed to have a jet lag. Just when he fell into a deep sleep, the girls slowly woke up.

There was no doubt that the first person to wake up was Xu Xian who had already won this honor countless times before Li Menglong arrived.

But she didn't think it was because she woke up too early, it was just that the sisters were too lazy.

What a precious time in the morning, especially for them, it is difficult to have such free control.

Whether she is studying something, doing a work summary, or even reading a book or watching a movie, she thinks it is a good arrangement.

It's just that since Li Menglong's arrival, she can see Li Menglong's figure as soon as she wakes up every day. This is not appropriate.

Xu Xian once secretly launched a challenge, but Li Menglong rarely responded, making her feel like she was performing a one-man show.

A slap is destined to be difficult to slap. Xu Xian could only gradually accept this reality. Fortunately, it was not something unacceptable.

I sat on the floor and looked around. It was obviously not the bedroom I was familiar with, and I could feel it from the physical fatigue.

Fortunately, this place is not unfamiliar. While thinking about everything that happened last night, I lay on the ground and stretched.

After simply moving his body, Xu Xian also regained his ability to think. The first thing he did was to go find Li Menglong.

Kim Taeyeon first occupied Li Menglong's room, and then she occupied his floor. This meant that Li Menglong was not given a way to survive.

She now wants to know where Li Menglong sleeps. She is afraid that Li Menglong will go back to his room to rest. She has not forgotten why he ran out last night.

Kim Taeyeon didn't know what was wrong with her, so she started to take off her clothes in her sleep.

She only took off her clothes, and then extended her hand to Xu Xian. How could she bear it?

If they didn't slap Kim Taeyeon on the spot, that would be considered a good relationship between their sisters.

Since he was reluctant to be cruel, Xu Xian could only run out passively.

So if Li Menglong really returned to the room, the scene would probably be quite exciting.

Xu Xian didn't dare to think about it at all. If this problem was solved alone, it would be easy for their team to completely explode.

She carefully opened the door, and when she saw Kim Taeyeon wrapped tightly in the quilt and sleeping soundly, she almost fell off the ground.

At least the most serious situation could be ruled out. After repeatedly confirming that Li Menglong was not hiding in the room, Xu Xian withdrew with satisfaction.

But the danger has not been completely eliminated. If she can't find Li Menglong for a moment, she will have to bear the worry for another moment.

This situation made Xu Xian complain a little. Why couldn't Li Menglong sleep with her in the living room? Do you dislike her Xu Xian?

Could it be that the people who always say she is a goddess are just flattering words?

With a little doubt, Xu Xian slowly touched it. After all, if there was no one on the first floor, it would have to be on the second floor.

Xu Xian almost replicated Li Menglong's original thoughts. She expected that Li Menglong would be either in her bed or in Kim Taeyeon's bed, but the latter was more likely.

But after two missed attempts, Xu Xian panicked. Could it be that some girl dragged him into his room?

After searching the remaining rooms again, she was really stunned. Why was such a big living person missing?

Yoona, who happened to be woken up by Xu Xian, walked out. Most of her pajamas slipped off, and her snow-white shoulders were exposed to the air without any hesitation.

Coupled with Yoona's cute look at the moment, Xu Xian wanted to pounce on it and take a bite.

"Hey, can't you get dressed? Don't you know you're charming?"

Xu Xian warned while looking around, fearing that Li Menglong would see this scene.

As for Seohyun's concern, Yoona just regards it as her sister's concern for her, or is it flattering?

She doesn’t care that much anyway, what’s wrong with being glanced at by Xu Xian? It's amazing that she touched Xu Xian's body a few times, just to get her reward back.

"Tell me, what exactly do you want from me? Don't worry, Ernie, I'm not like those women. I'm very loyal!"

Yoona patted her chest hard, trying to use her actions to support her little remaining reputation.

But this gesture of determination was too big, and Yoona slapped herself so hard that she coughed repeatedly.

That is to say, the scene is wrong, otherwise Xu Xian will really wonder if this is a conspiracy of the other party, is he trying to get into trouble?

But Yoona's words still make sense. Under the current situation, she also needs the help of an unnie.

So after briefly recounting the matter to Yoona, the two came to the door of Li Menglong's room again.

The two of them agreed that Li Menglong was hiding here, and even if he wasn't, it didn't matter.

Because this is the biggest mistake Li Menglong could make. As long as he doesn't come here, it doesn't matter whose room he sleeps in.

The two of them almost lay on the ground and rummaged through the room inch by inch, and even patted the quilt a few times. What if Li Menglong was hiding in it?

The final result is undoubtedly satisfactory, if Kim Taeyeon's attitude can be better.

"Do you two want to go solo? Are you sure you don't need to respect me anymore, right? Then let's have a real fight. I, Kim Taeyeon, have nothing to fear!"

But facing Kim Taeyeon's invitation to fight, Yoona just calmly pulled the quilt on her chest up a little, otherwise she would be gone.

To put it bluntly, Yoona herself is not very interested in the scenes of these women exposing themselves.

I don’t know how many times we have taken a shower together. What kind of extra emotion can we get from watching a naked scene?

And this action really reminded Kim Taeyeon that after all, female artists are still extremely sensitive to behaviors such as exposure.

Although I dare not say that it is all, but at least 70% of the exposure scenes that can have a certain degree of popularity are opportunities created by the artists themselves.

In this circle, values ​​have been severely distorted. In order to become popular, these artists will do anything.

But Kim Taeyeon has already passed that stage, and she no longer wants to take the next step forward.

As long as she can maintain her current popularity, even if it only lasts for a few more months, it will be a huge gain for her.

So now it's all an accident. She definitely didn't do this intentionally.

By the way, why isn't she wearing any clothes? Could it be that……

"You took it off yourself, and it wasn't seen by anyone other than us. You can rest assured."

In order to prevent Kim Taeyeon from over-associating, Xu Xian hurriedly explained, but this did not satisfy Kim Taeyeon.

A pervert like Li Menglong is capable of anything. Besides, where is he now? Have you gone into hiding?

Regarding Kim Taeyeon's latest question, Seohyun and Yoona are helpless. They are also looking for answers. Otherwise, Kim Taeyeon will "solve the case" by herself?

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