Li Menglong thought that there would be no surprises next. After all, the room was given away. It was impossible for the two of them to ask him to go in again, right?

Don't dare to think too much about such a good thing, otherwise you will easily be unable to sleep.

Accordingly, Li Menglong slept soundly, which was enough to prove that he had no evil intentions, but he couldn't resist someone coming to harass him.

Li Menglong rubbed his eyes and sat up. He first looked at the sky outside the window. It seemed that it was still far away from dawn, so this was not to wake him up?

Then why did Xu Xian come over? His mind is very confused now, and it is difficult for him to think effectively.

But the little girl looked quite pitiful. She was curled up in a ball and lying on the ground nearby. It was obvious that she didn't want to come up to her.

But maybe it was too cold, and her instinct drove her to move closer to a warm place, and Li Menglong was like a large stove in the entire living room.

Although I still don’t know why the little girl came here, I can’t watch this child catch a cold.

Originally, he only wanted to give Xu Xian a quilt, but Li Menglong finally gave up all the bedding. A good person will do it to the end.

Xu Xian was still somewhat conscious, but after squinting to see Li Menglong's appearance clearly, he fell asleep again.

This trust made Li Menglong very proud, but if he didn't do something, wouldn't he be too sorry for himself?

So Li Menglong groped in the space next to the sofa and immediately took out several headbands.

There are so many of these things at home. He has seen how hard girls buy these things, buying hundreds or even thousands of them.

Firstly, there are many people in the family and everyone except Li Menglong can use it. Secondly, this thing is too easy to lose.

If you don't lose a few pieces a day, the girls will probably feel very uncomfortable.

Most girls would choose to be careful when faced with this kind of situation, but young girls choose another path.

As long as you throw away enough headbands and the range is wide enough, you will find that no matter where you go, you can find something useful at a casual touch.

Is this kind of thinking considered wisdom? Anyway, Li Menglong felt that a large part of the reason was that they were lazy!

But now it is convenient for him, but how to style Xu Xian? Li Menglong is not very good at this.

After hesitating for a while, he decided to simply give Xu Xian a sky-high braid. It just made sense and was easy to operate.

It was such a simple hairstyle. It took Li Menglong ten minutes to do it. During this period, he had to wipe the sweat from his forehead. He was afraid that Xu Xian would wake up.

Fortunately, Xu Xian really trusted him. Of course, it might be because he didn't have too much feeling in his hair. In short, Li Menglong barely succeeded.

In fact, he is not so satisfied with his work. As the name suggests, the braid must point straight to the sky.

But how to stand up your limp hair? Li Menglong's brain almost short-circuited, and in the end he could only reluctantly fold his hair, making it look like a bulge.

This is not so much about the styling as it is about Seohyun being beaten.

But for a prank, this is enough. If it goes too far, it will make Xu Xian angry.

After the interaction with Xu Xian, the person who felt the coolness became Li Menglong. He now urgently needs to find a place for himself to sleep for a while.

After all, it’s just before three o’clock, so we can’t leave for the company now, right?

If someone asked him about this, how would he explain it? Kicked out by the girls?

But there is really no extra room in the house. Even though Kim Taeyeon and Seohyun are sleeping on the first floor, they still have their roommates in the rooms upstairs.

Fortunately, there is always a way, and Hyoyeon's room is easy to offend, but there is no problem in Lee Soonkyu's room. Is it possible that she still needs to keep a distance?

After making up his mind, Li Menglong walked up quietly. Although he was forced the whole time, he always felt like someone going to have an affair.

If a girl caught him doing this, he really wouldn't be able to explain it.

He just took such a big risk, but he failed at the last door and couldn't get in.

He really wanted to curse. They were all sisters on the second floor. Why did Lee Soon Kyu lock the door while sleeping? Who is she guarding against here?

Li Menglong thought for a while, and his name suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Could it be that he was guarding against him?

The conscience of heaven and earth, if Xu Xian didn't come to snatch the quilt, would he have the intention to come up?

Besides, he came up just because he wanted a place to rest, and he had absolutely no extra thoughts, he could swear that.

It's a pity that no one can witness his vow at this moment. Everyone is still asleep. Who will get up to play such a childish game with him.

So Li Menglong could only knock on the door tentatively, not daring to use force, otherwise it would be bad if Li Soonkyu didn't wake up and alerted the girls next door.

But as expected, whatever she was afraid of came, Li Shunkyu was really hopeless, even the sound of getting up was heard next door, but her place was still quiet as if there was no one.

He wasn't sure which room the person was about to come out from. Anyway, he didn't dare to meet him, so he could only take advantage of the time and quickly ran downstairs.

"Huh? Did I hear it wrong? Why does it seem like someone is knocking on the door?"

Li Soonkyu poked his head out of Hyoyeon's room and scratched his chin. Sure enough, sleeping in someone else's bed was not that comfortable.

But who makes her afraid of Kim Taeyeon's revenge? But if no one comes back yet, it shouldn't mean that no one will come up, right?

Li Soonkyu held his bedding and opened the door with the key. If Li Menglong saw this scene, he would probably be upset to the point of vomiting blood.

But now his mood is relatively stable. It turns out that ignorant people are the happiest!

There was no need to think about it on the second floor. Li Menglong could only tentatively go to his room to have a look. What was going on between Seohyun and Kim Taeyeon?

If it wasn't serious, he would have chosen to wake up Kim Taeyeon to apologize to Xu Xian, and he could take the opportunity to take back his room.

There seems to be no problem with the plan, if he has the guts to call Kim Taeyeon.

Because there was no light, Li Menglong could only use the weak light in the living room to get in. Fortunately, it was his own room and the route was very familiar.

Just as he stepped on his clothes when he came in, he almost slipped. If it weren't for his stronger core strength, Kim Taeyeon would have started calling people by now, right?

Rubbing his sore waist, he realized that his waist was probably twisted. He was really unlucky.

Slowly squatting down, Li Menglong always wanted to see what the culprit was. It felt unusually silky to the touch, which was also the reason why he was tricked.

It seems that his clothes don't have this kind of feel. I put it under my nose and smelled it, and the smell was not his, so...

He endured the pain and carefully stepped out. It was not until he closed the door that he dared to moan in pain.

The main reason why he interrupted the plan was because he confirmed that the clothes were Kim Taeyeon's pajamas. Did this woman even take off her pajamas?

Anyway, he didn't dare to think about it anymore. Once Kim Taeyeon woke up, it would be completely unclear.

Even now, he can vaguely guess the reason why Xu Xian ran away. It was probably because he couldn't stand Kim Taeyeon's bold style.

No matter how close the relationship is, Li Menglong can't tell others about their sleeping habits. He can only pretend that he doesn't know anything.

After sitting in the living room and relaxing for a while, he began to doze off.

This can't go on like this. The girls have occupied the first and second floors, even the living room. Is it possible that he has to sleep in the kitchen and bathroom?

Although it is not impossible, if the girls see it the next day, they will probably blame themselves... right?

In order to prevent them from getting upset and not letting them see the joke, Li Menglong went back to his original plan. It seemed that it was not unacceptable to go to work in the company now.

In this way, he can brag to those people. The boss of his company can't sleep at night when he thinks about work. How can the minions under him sleep?

He reluctantly found a reason for himself that seemed interesting, but this already showed his embarrassment.

Who is doing something at this time? And it also takes up your precious sleep time, which will make people feel sad if you tell them.

But Li Menglong had no choice. He wanted to squeeze around Xu Xian at the moment, but she was afraid that those women would tear her apart the next day.

He was even regretting it now. He shouldn't have woken up if he had known this. He could have just let Xu Xian crawl over slowly.

Although the result of that is still the two of them sleeping together, the process is very different, and the girls can't find anything wrong with him, after all, he is passive.

But if this operation happens again now, then Li Menglong has ulterior motives, and the girls will not tolerate it.

Otherwise, Xu Xian's today will be their tomorrow. They don't want to wake up every morning and see Li Menglong's big face, right?

After putting on his clothes silently and looking at the deep night sky outside, Li Menglong took it upon himself to add another layer to himself. He was afraid of the cold!

I finally looked at the room. Although I couldn't see anything clearly, I could hear Xu Xian's breathing. Little girl, sleep peacefully. He, Li Menglong, was going to save the world.

Traveling alone in the middle of the night was a novel experience for Li Menglong.

After all, his time must be consistent with the girls in most cases. This is the basic quality that an agent should have.

But now he has to adapt to a new environment, such as an empty car. Not to mention the noise in the past, he doesn't even have anyone to talk to.

But the girls still reminded him of their existence.

The smell of perfume they left behind in the car; the loud radio sound to resist their noise; the change falling out of their pockets...

Li Menglong was not sure whether the girls were dropping money on purpose, but they did always find some cash in the corners of the car. Could it be that they were too lazy to bend down and pick it up?

If this is really the case, then there is something wrong with the thinking of the girls, and they are too lazy to pick up the money? Is this the proper attitude?

However, the girls can also explain that laziness is on the one hand, and the main reason is that they know that the money will not be wasted, and it will be used by Li Menglong today.

Using the change he found in the car, Li Menglong bought a cup of hot coffee on the street.

He was not sure whether this kind of stall could make money. After all, it was relatively rare to set up stalls selling various hot drinks.

Even if it is sold together with some snacks, it would be good. How about letting the other party know about the company's fried chicken?

It is said that Li Menglong has long thought that the coffee in the fried chicken shop should be upgraded. He always sells the cheapest instant coffee, which seriously lowers the quality of the shop.

But it seems that it is not his turn to intervene in the fried chicken restaurant business. The proprietress has her own considerations in not wanting to introduce expensive coffee. Can he understand this?

He bought a few more cups of coffee to pack. After all, he still had to get through the long night, so he really needed the help of coffee.

Then another benefit of traveling at night appeared. The road was really smooth. This feeling of freedom even made him want to drive a few more laps.

However, considering that there was not much gasoline left in the car, between dreams and reality, he still chose the latter.

Although the girls paid for the gas, what would he use to swipe the card now? Is it possible that he should pay it in advance?

It seems to be a normal behavior, but he is not so naive. Once the money is given out, it will be difficult to get it back.

It's a shame that the girls agreed to him, especially since the timing didn't make sense and the reasons were all ready-made.

I arrived in front of the company silently and immediately felt a sense of intimacy.

It is said that he once questioned the round-the-clock business strategy of the fried chicken restaurant. He felt that it was simply a waste of money in the middle of the night.

Let’s not talk about the rent. The staff and electricity bills alone are a huge expense. Are we sure we can get our money back?

But now it seems that it is not all bad. At least when I came over in the middle of the night, the company was still "operating" normally and would not appear indifferent.

Moreover, the fried chicken restaurant also helped the company save security costs. It seems that the company should use part of the money as compensation.

It's a pity that he can't make the decision on this kind of thing. He only has the right to make suggestions, but Li Eunxi won't say anything, right?

After all, she doesn't have to pay her own money. Using the company's money to make friends with the boss lady is a good deal no matter how you look at it.

Li Menglong planned to take the credit for himself first, or at least ask the landlady to give him hundreds of coupons.

I originally thought that this would all happen tomorrow morning, but I didn't expect that as soon as I came in, I saw the proprietress sitting and dozing next to the cashier.

Is this too much effort?

Li Menglong felt that he was already busy when he came to work at this time, but it turned out that the boss's wife didn't go back at all.

It’s not easy to be a leader these days. Li Menglong casually took a photo and posted it to the company’s large group. Don’t you know that this kind of positive example will be praised by everyone?

The sound of taking pictures on her mobile phone woke up the boss lady. She was half an entertainment company person at least, so she was quite sensitive to such sounds.

She thought some unscrupulous reporters were coming in to take pictures, but she didn't look at the time and the reporters weren't that dedicated.

But after seeing Li Menglong, she felt that she must have seen it wrong. Could it be that she was dreaming?

So he muttered and lay down again.

This is like treating Li Menglong as if he doesn't exist. He was kind enough to bring coffee. How about we drink some together?

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