The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2985 Main topic

Faced with Kim Taeyeon's confusion, it was difficult for the other girls to give a reasonable explanation. They all had similar life experiences.

However, compared to Kim Taeyeon's confusion, Lee Soon Kyu was the one who was more surprised. She didn't believe that no one would scold her.

She was not cursing Kim Taeyeon, it was just that this matter simply exceeded her original understanding.

It’s hard to hear this. What are those anti-fans waiting for? Is it possible that they prefer this one?

Xu Xian, who finally caught up again, gave an explanation, saying that it was okay for her to be tired.

After sending Li Menglong down and saying some words of comfort, he came upstairs again to answer questions for these women. Is this really what the maknae should do?

She wasn't sure what kind of life the maknae of the other groups were leading, but she always felt that she had done too much. Should Kim Taeyeon and the others take the initiative to step up and share the burden?

"Oh, you are thinking too much. There is no distinction between maknae and eldest sister in our team. They are all done by old-fashioned people. We are all friends, so we are friends. What on earth is going on?"

Kim Taeyeon came over shamelessly and put her arm around Xu Xian's shoulders. Is she sure she believed what she said?

Xu Xian didn't believe it anyway. Compared to their words, Xu Xian wanted to see their actions more.

So Seohyun also hugged Kim Taeyeon with his backhand, but because of his height, Seohyun naturally put his hand on Kim Taeyeon's head.

Because he was condescending, it was difficult for Seohyun himself to see Kim Taeyeon's face clearly, but judging from the frequency of trembling under his palms, Kim Taeyeon must have endured it very hard.

"Friend, please hold back, otherwise I won't remember what I'm going to say."

Xu Xian is still teasing Kim Taeyeon here, which means that the whole thing is closely related to her, Kim Taeyeon. If it were any other trouble, she wouldn't be able to bear it.

However, Seohyun also accepted it as soon as it was good and explained to them the reason why the fans had a good impression.

There are many reasons for this, such as the company's timely intervention, for example, Li Menglong only played audio throughout the whole process, etc.

But one of the most important factors is themselves. These songs are really terrible to sing.

This is not unpleasant compared to singers, it is also at the bottom among ordinary people.

So this huge contrast makes everyone automatically come to the conclusion that the girls are just playing for fun, and maybe they are not even singing.

It’s not like the anti-fans who have high hopes for Lee Soon-gyu are trying to set the pace, but they really can’t do it, and they don’t even have an entry point.

Do they want black girls to sing badly? Or is it that they are lip-syncing every day, and this is their true level?

In short, as long as the girls sing better, this matter will not necessarily arouse any kind of public opinion. I can only say that Kim Taeyeon and the others are stupid people who are lucky!

After listening to Xu Xian's explanation, Kim Taeyeon and others felt a sense of happiness for the rest of their lives. At the same time, they were also glad that their performance was bad enough. If they did it again, they might not be able to perform at this level.

All we can say is that this is fate, and they have once again won the favor of fate.

Li Menglong also successfully extended his life. He may not know it yet, but in just a few minutes, he has been repeatedly tested on the edge of jumping off the building several times.

Although some fans are spontaneously defending them, and the reasons given are reasonable, they still have to come forward and give an explanation.

Otherwise, the company can't explain it. Is it possible to tell the truth? Was it all Li Menglong’s prank?

The girls thought about it carefully and felt that it was not wrong to say so. It was just a little cruel to Li Menglong, but wasn't this all what he should bear?

It happened to take this opportunity to teach him a lesson about what not to do!

Li Menglong was called up again. He seemed to be a lot bolder now that he was wearing clothes. He dared to talk back in the face of the threats from the girls: "Once you explain like this, will you lose any good reputation?"

Li Menglong's words made the girls hesitate again. They didn't like to use their brains very much in the first place, and the little wisdom they had should be reserved for more important moments.

So after thinking for a while and finding no good solution, several people led by Li Soonkyu became a little fed up.

Anyway, they didn't participate in this. They came here just to help, and didn't want to watch the remaining people being bullied stupidly.

Now that the goal has been achieved, the follow-up can be left to Kim Taeyeon and the others.

This kind of opportunity to kill their enemies should be seized by themselves. This is called revenge.

So Li Soonkyu yawned and walked out first without leaving a word, just to show his attitude.

Since someone took the lead, there were also similar ones among the remaining people, who happened to be following behind her.

The originally crowded recording studio suddenly became much emptier. To be precise, there were only three girls left, namely Kim Taeyeon, Seohyun and Yoona.

Among them, Yoona was relatively passive. She was just thinking about how to deal with it, but when she looked up again, she could only see the backs of Lee Soon Kyu and others.

Although she didn't know what was going on, Yoona wanted to follow those women.

As for revenge against Li Menglong, let’s not mention that everyone is at fault. Even if it is all Li Menglong’s fault, we can still find opportunities later.

But she was a step too slow. When she was about to take a big step to catch up, what she saw was Kim Taeyeon's vicious eyes.

Based on Yoona's understanding of her captain, this probably means that she dares to step out of the room. She, Kim Taeyeon, will make Yoona never come back today!

She didn't need to think about this situation any more. Her years of experience in the team were enough for her to subconsciously make the optimal solution.

The step taken can no longer be taken back, but Yoona can still make amends.

She was seen taking her right leg forward and tightening her left leg back, doing a lunge while doing chest expansion exercises.

This action really relaxed the serious atmosphere of the scene perfectly. Even Li Menglong had the intention to joke: "This action is not suitable for you."

Although it sounded like a joke at first glance, Yoona always felt that there was a deeper meaning in it. Was this a complaint about her poor figure?

Lowering his head and glancing at it, he could clearly see the pattern on the shoe. For a moment, Yoona puffed out her chest and belly, trying to hide her sight.

This child-like angry action really made everyone at the scene laugh. The one who laughed the loudest was undoubtedly Li Menglong: "I think it is more realistic for you to eat more!"

"How do you know I didn't eat more? I almost vomited the papaya milk."

"I'm talking about high-calorie food like fried chicken. You can eat it for half a year and eat it out."

The conversation between the two was obviously not on the same channel. After Yoona understood what the other party meant, she really didn't want to talk anymore.

Does Li Menglong mean that she has no hope in this life? And he gave her such a bad idea.

Once Lin Yoona eats such a big belly, how can she still be an idol in the future? Do you just rely on Li Menglong’s works to support you?

"It's not impossible. Have you ever seen those black comedies? The heroines in them are all fat. You can definitely give it a try."

Lee Mong-ryong was sincerely giving Yoona advice from a director's perspective, but why did it sound more like he was adding fuel to the fire.

Although there is no problem in theory, Yoona is taking too big a risk. If she doesn't succeed, can she still return to being an idol?

Who didn’t know that Li Menglong had already planned Yoona’s future? Why would he be an idol if he is so fat? Just switch careers and become a comedian.

It just so happens that Yoo Jae-seok also has connections, and if he is asked to take her with him for two years, maybe Yoona will be able to break into another world.

"Thank you for your thoughtful consideration. Don't run away. I must give you a hug, otherwise it won't be enough to express my sincerity!"

YoonA chased Lee Mongryong and ran around the room. As for the ones standing in the center and acting as stakes, naturally they were Kim Taeyeon and Seohyun.

The two of them really laughed so hard that they couldn't stand up straight. Judging from the effect of this scene alone, Yoona does have the talent to become a top comedian. How about giving it a try?

With Yoona's good looks, even if she gains a hundred pounds, she is still a goddess among comedians.

Yoona just wanted to bite Li Menglong to death before, but now it seems that she has to take Kim Taeyeon with her as well, since she only has one life anyway.

What are these two women talking about? She, Lin Yoona, refuses to be a goddess in the singer circle and insists on competing with comedians. Is this fair to the other female comedians?

Don't think she doesn't know, these two women just want to trick her away and then accept her "legacy" in the team.

For example, her solo endorsements are obviously not something that comedians can accept, and these are probably going to be advantageous to those women.

As for the two people present, Seohyun can further take over her film and television resources. As for Kim Taeyeon, can she take over her singing resources in the team?

The first half of Yoona's complaint is still true, and Kim Taeyeon can barely agree with it, but what does the last sentence mean?

"What singing resources do you, Lin Yuner, have in the team? Why don't I, the captain, not know so well that you took on private work behind our backs?"

Faced with Kim Taeyeon's pressing question, Yoona couldn't answer for a while, because seriously speaking, her status as a singer in the team is not that high.

As for connections, resources, etc., they are just like a mirror, and Yoona has never asked for them anyway.

But this point is well hidden on weekdays, or it is not a topic worth discussing, but today it was directly pointed out by Kim Taeyeon.

If the circumstances were different, Yoona might have quarreled with her directly, but now it seems that the main conflict should be grasped.

Kim Taeyeon is certainly quite hateful, but compared to someone like Lee Mongryong who is so bad that he oozes pus, they look kind-hearted.

Or to put it another way, both Kim and Taeyeon are so cute, so it’s not too difficult to accept being laughed at once or twice.

Sure enough, appearance has a great influence on a person. It may be the difference between life and death. Li Menglong also wants to make himself more handsome now!

It would be best if he had the kind of looks that could make Yoona instantly electrify with an evil smile, but his thoughts were no different from dreaming.

Yoona has seen more handsome guys than Li Menglong has eaten, and her resistance to handsomeness is frighteningly high.

So Li Menglong had better stop these useless struggles, stop quickly and let her take a bite. She swore that she would only use gentle force and would never make him feel any pain.

As for this method of deceiving a three-year-old child, if Li Menglong believed it, it would be an insult to his own intelligence.

While Yoona continued to circle around here, he wondered if he should do something more meaningful, such as explaining to his fans what had happened before.

After Li Menglong mentioned it, Kim Taeyeon and others realized that the original problem had not been solved yet.

It can only be said that there are endless big things and small things here, which keep distracting them.

They really want to give fans an explanation, even if it seems a bit outrageous, at least they can express their attitude.

To be honest, this option has been rejected by Li Menglong. Now that he has taken the initiative to bring it up again, does it mean that he already has a solution? Just waiting for the right moment?

It's not that the girls are too dark, but that Li Menglong doesn't have too many similar criminal records.

If this idea is followed, wouldn't Yoona have made a great contribution? After all, without Yoona's pressure, Li Menglong would have continued to delay until the girls paid a sufficient price!

Inexplicably, he changed from a sinner to a hero who "saves the world". This change of identity caught Yoona off guard. Was it too fast? At least give her some time to adapt.

However, Kim Taeyeon and Seohyun no longer care about her. As the most responsible people in the team, they really need to focus at the moment.

But before speaking, Li Menglong first corrected the two of them: "Xuxian is responsible. That's right. You, Kim Taeyeon, please don't come over and try hard!"

Blinking in confusion, Kim Taeyeon wasn't sure if she heard correctly. As the captain of the girls, this was the first time she heard someone say that she had no sense of responsibility.

Li Menglong had to give her an explanation today, otherwise would he have seen his casserole-sized fist?

Kim Taeyeon rolled up her sleeves and kept showing off her fists and biceps. To be honest, it was nothing to see and she was too small, but this sense of confidence is worth learning from.

She can definitely take a class. The theme is how to make great confidence burst out of a small body. She herself is the best proof!

It was Seohyun who hugged Kim Taeyeon's waist. Don't go off on a tangent. Let's fight again later, okay? Let’s get down to business first.

"Have you seen, what is the big picture? If it weren't for Xu Xian, I really don't know what you would be like. Maybe you would have been lost to everyone, right?"

Faced with Li Menglong's flattery, Xu Xian himself was relatively rational. This was obviously flattery. Li Menglong didn't have good intentions, right?

Could it be that he still remembers what happened when he was kicked out by him before? It's been several hours. Can you be more generous?

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